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In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the course Practical Research 2


Aguillas, Kathlyn

Burdeos, Geraldine

Cabiltes, Elyn

Caguil, Cherlyn

Guiterrez, Joy

Macud, Asniah

Magalong, Regina

Reyes, Mary Jean

Servino, Aileen

Yder, Reajane

Ybanez, Mark Adrian

March 2018


Montilla Boulevard, Butuan City

Certified: ISO 9001:2008 and Rules for Maritime Academics

Accredited Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities – Commission Accreditation
Telefax Nos. (085) 342-5694,(085) 343-5448: Telephone Nos.: (085) 225-6228, (085)
225-5039. Website :


This research entitled “ The relationship between the job satisfaction and the number of
years experience of the senior High Teachers in saint joseph institute of technology” prepared
and submitted by Aguillas, Kathlyn, Burdeos, Geraldine, Cabiltes, Elyn, Caguil, Cherlyn,
Guiterrez, Joy, Macud, Asniah, Magalong, Regina, Reyes, Mary Jean, Servino, Aileen,
Yder, Reajane, Ybanez, Mark Adrian in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the course
Practical Research 2 of ACOUNTANCY & BUSINESS MANAGEMENT STRAND has been
examined and approved for oral examination.



Approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the course Practical Research 2 of

examination committee with a grade of PASSED.


Panel Member
Panel Member

Accepted and approved in partial of the requirements for the course Practical Research 2nd of

OIC, SHS Principal


Human resource is considered to be the most valuable asset in any organization. It

is the sum-total of inherent abilities, aptitudes of the employed person who comprise

executives, supervisors and the rank and file employees. The human resources should be

utilized to the maximum possible extent, in order to achieve individual and organizational

goals. It is thus the employees performance which ultimately decides the attainment of

goods. Hence , the employees performance is to a large extent influenced by motivation

and job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is all about how one feels abou t one's job . An

employee who expresses satisfaction is said to have a positive attitude towards the job,

unlike dissatisfied employee who has a negative attitude towards the job. A person

having negative attitude show s a personality disposition which is inclined to experience

nervousness, tension, worry, upset and stress, where as those with positive attitude will feel

happy with themselves others and with their work.

Job satisfaction reflects the extent to which people find gratification or fulfillment in their

work. Job satisfaction shows that personal factors such as an individual needs and aspirations

determine the attitude of a person along with group and organizational factors such as

relationship with co-workers and supervisors and working conditions work policies and

compensation. A satisfied employee tends to be absent less often to make positive contribution

and to stay with the organization.

The job satisfaction or employee satisfaction has been defined in many different ways. Some

believe that it is simply how content an individual is with their job in other word whether or not

they like the job or individual aspects or facets of job such as nature of work or supervision.

Many people are more likely interested in job satisfaction. It is a relatively recent development

industry. Although motivation was not completely ignored it nevertheless lacked the attention

accorded it in todays literature.

Experience is the knowledge or mastery of an event or subject gained through involvement in

or exposure to it. Terms in philosophy such as "empirical knowledge " or a " posteriori

knowledge" are used to refer to knowledge based on experience. Many employers in the more

sought after professions demand that every new entrant undergo a period of unpaid " work

experience " before being able to get paid work. Work experience is any experience that a

persons gains while working in specific field or occupation but the expression is widely use to

mean a type of volunteer work that is commonly intended for young people often students to get

a feel for professional working environments.

In addition relevant experience in terms of number of years also helps in making the

institutions believe that the candidate has done this work before and has opted for this domain

and will further work in this field. Hence, the uncertainty factor or the employees front will be


An number of years experience with this particular shunt has demonstrated that the patency

rate, incidence of encephalopathy and of rebleeding and perioperative mortality have remained

quite favorable when compared with other shunting procedures. Based upon a number of years

experience, we have no reservations in recommending it as the procedures of choice for. The

years of experience is a direct observation or participation in an events as a basis of knowledge.

The number of years experience that would ideally like a candidate to have it. It's implied that

candidates with that amount of experience would be a good fit for the position. Have as it would

mean that they have solid understanding of the area.

One of the objectives of this study is to asking questions to the Senior High School Teachers

what is all about satisfaction of their career. To identifying what is importance of having a job

satisfaction and also their number of years experience.

Job Satisfaction has been considered as state of condition where people are;

1. Induced to do work efficiently and effectively;

2. Induced to remain in the enterprises;

3. Prepared to act efficiently during contingences;

4. Prepared to welcome the changes without resistance;

5. Interested in promoting the image of the organization;and

6. More happy and satisfied with their job. The level of job determines the job satisfaction.



This study examines how the teachers satisfied to their job and years of experience. The results

were collected from 29 teachers in Saint Joseph Institute of Technology. A survey questionnaire

consisting of ten (10) questions using a rating scale from 1 to 5 ,to establish measurable valves

from respondents. The data analysis intends to determine the years of experience exist in the

methods and frequency of communication between job satisfaction and number of years

experience.This article aims to describe a conceptual Framework about the Job satisfaction,years

experience,and Motivation.This article also present some theoretical concepts.


Making a research paper is very a challenging task of the researcher.

First of all, the researchers are very thankful to God, someone who is there to guide, protect, give

strength to do this research.

Second, the researchers owe a deep of gratitude to Ms. Lea Mae Tiempo, Research in Daily Life

2 teacher for her constant encouragement, patient guidance and valuable supervision at every

stage of the researchers work.

Third, the researchers are thankful to their family who support their financial needs and also

inspiring the to finish their research.

The researchers also thankful to each members, because of their cooperation, especially to the

members who are giving more time to finish this study and especially to Ms.Reajane Yder, and

her family for letting us to stay overnight to their house.


Job satisfaction is a positive approach about one’s job resulting from an evaluation of its
characteristics.They believe that satisfied employees are more productive than dissatisfied has
been a basic tenet.A person with a high level of job satisfaction holds positive feelings about the
job when people speak of the employee attitudes more often than not they mean job
satisfaction.Employees will not be just happy with pay cheque ,a good position and
prestige.They also want a constant feeling of well-being , demand better work, and family life
balance, and look to the organization for fulfilling even their community needs. This highlighted
expectations results in dissatisfaction, and finds true job happiness remains an unfulfilled dream
job hopping not withstand.

From the previous chapter data we can conclude that most of the employees were satisfied with the
under shown areas:

 Salary
 Benefits
 Workload
 Culture practices of the company
 Incentives
 Job security
 Leaves and opportunity to utilize skills & learn new skills


 Job satisfaction is also worth consideration from a humanitarian perspective. In

other words it has a great impact on employee’s health.(Hong Goo 2011).Satisfied

workers are likely to live for longer time and are healthier.An important finding

for organizations to note is that job satisfaction has a rather tenuous correlation to

productivity to the job (Faragher,Cooper,Cass,2002;Fisher & Sousa-Poza,2009).

 If job characteristics of task identity, task significance ,skills variety, autonomy

and feedback increased, feedback results will be in a more positive psychological

state. The employees’ organizations are the beneficiary of having a positive

influence on work outcome such as increasing the level of job satisfaction ,

motivation, and work effectiveness ( Hackman & Oldham 1980).

 Job satisfaction is ‘’decisive element” that has strong effects on teachers’ attitudes

and even performance. Similarly job satisfaction is very significant fact resulted

from self-efficacy (Caprara 2003).

 One of the greatest factors affecting teachers’ job satisfaction is stress, which is

the consequence of poor work condition as well as the amount of time for

planning preparing materials to teach.(Bernaus & Wilson ,Liu and Ramsey 2008).

 Satisfied employees tended to be more reliable to show up at work than

dissatisfied employees ,whereas resignation seemed to be more prevalent in

dissatisfied employees (Schermerhorn, Hunt & ,Osborn 2003).


 Despite considerable interest in the study of Job Satisfaction, the understanding

of these phenomena has not advanced at a pace commensurate with resources

efforts. It is argued that a major reason for this lack of progress is the implicit

conception of casualty accepted by most psychologists. It is called the policy of "

correlation without explanation". The present approach to the topic of job attitudes

emphasizes a more conceptual approach to the problem.

 Rands Theory of emotions as a starting point" The concepts of satisfaction,

dissatisfaction, value, emotion and appraisal and their interrelationships are

discussed. The present theory of job satisfaction is contrasted with previous

theories. Data illustrating an approach to satisfaction based on the present theory

are given. Other issues discussed are, value hierarchies, the dynamic character of

values over all job satisfaction; The Herzberg two factor theory which is the

measurement of satisfaction and values; and rational vs.irrational values.

 According to Lynn Franco,director of the Conference Board Consumer Research

Center,there was a widespread decline in job satisfaction that could be analyzed

across age and income brackets.The survey conducted on a population of 5,000

households suggested one-fourth of the surveyed population only showed up at

work to collect a pay check.Only 50% of the respondents were satisfied with their

jobs and this was a decrease in satisfaction from 1995, when the percentage of

satisfaction ranked above 60%.

 Sierpe (1999) conducts a quantitative study and uses JSS to measure job

satisfaction of 199 librarians working at Bishop, and Concordia

Universities,which are English speaking universities in Quebec,Canada.States that

many previous studies have used JDI or MSQ. JDI lacks the four facets of

benefits,contingent rewards,operating procedures, and communication.

 Porter & Steers (1979) conducted extensive reviews of the theoretical and

empirical work work done on organizational commitment (Reicher,1985).Their

findings supported a substantial linkage between satisfaction on commitment

further supporting previously research findings existing relationships between

these variables.


Hierarchy of needs

Although commonly known in the human motivation literature. Abrahan Maslow needs

hierarchy theory was one of the first theories to examine the important contributors to job

satisfaction. The theory suggests that human needs form a five-level hierarchy consisting of

physiological needs, safety, belongingness /love, self esteem and self actualization. Maslows

hierarchy of needs postulates that there are essential needs that need to be met first before more

complex needs can be met.

Motivator- Hygiene Theory

Frederick Irving Herzberg motivator hygiene theory suggests that job satisfaction and

dissatisfaction are not two opposite ends of the same Continuum but instead a two separate and

at a time even unrelated concepts. Motivating factors like pay and benefits, recognition and

achievement need to be met in order for an employee to be satisfied with work. On the other

hand" hygiene" factors are associated with job dissatisfaction.

Job characteristics Model

The job characteristics model explains that job satisfaction occurs when the work environment

encourages intrinsically motivating characteristics. Five key jobs characteristics, skill variety,

task identity, task significance, autonomy and feedback, influence three psychological states.

Subsequently, the three psychological states the lead to a number of potential outcomes including

job satisfaction. Therefore from an organization point of view it's through that by improving the

five core job dimensions this will subsequently lead to a better work environment and increase

job satisfaction.


Independent Variables
This conceptual Dependent
framework is helpful to build a research Variables
agenda that will show the

independent and dependent variables of the study. Senior High School teachers are more
 Bonuses and have an experience of teaching. They are expected to have a performance in
 Benefits
 of
terms skills and learnings.
Incentives  Commitment
Working conditions  Punctuality
 Safety/Security  Goal achievement
 Adequate tools  Good corporate citizenship
 Environment (climate)  Performance
 Noise  Company growth &
Recognition development
 Praise
 Promotion
 Benefits
Training  Cognitive state
 Orientation  Affective state
 Seminars
 Workshops
 Special Skills

This study is conceptualized in order to know how to the teachers and students share their

knowledge, skills, and experience and also they talks about their job.

This phenomenological study explains " The Relationship Between Job Satisfaction

and Number of Years Experience" in a way to collect information from Senior High Teachers in

Saint Joseph Institute of Technology.

General Questions:

* How many teachers are satisfied with their job?

* How many years of experience that the teachers encounter?

* How many percent of teachers are not satisfied in their job?


The results of the study will be a great benefit to the following:

Students: The given data would have a great benefit for the people who are

studying Education otherwise they will choose a school to have a great satisfaction. The teachers

can give awareness to the upcoming teachers who passed the examination that not easy to work

like teaching students. Perhaps, some teachers don't have a satisfaction to their job. Most of all

teachers have a lot of experience to teach so they have a gap to the other teachers. Some teachers

experience job satisfaction to their schools and some teachers can't get/ feel the job satisfaction

to their schools they teach.

VIII. Definition of Terms

1. Organizational Culture – values and behavior that can contribute to the social and

psychological environment of the company or a business.

2. Competency - competency or they can stand t the trials

3. Motivation - inspiration of an employee to do their best that they can do

4. Apparatus performance- documentation or the record of an employee.

5. Job satisfaction - contentment of an employee’s to their work,or te satisfaction.

6. Commitment - engagement of something,obligations that the manager is assigning

to the employee.

7. Incentives – the thing that the manager encourage the employee to do something.

8. Punctuality – approval or agreed on proper office hours.

9. Orientation – doing/ seminar or workshop of the job seeker.

10. Security – a safety of an employee, free from danger or harmful environment.


The general intent of this study is to know the job satisfaction and the number of years

experience of Senior High School Teachers in Senior High School Department in Saint Joseph

Institute of Technology with the focus on 29 teachers number of years experience and job


This study will mainly identify and assess different factors of opinions and also measures

the number of experience to the Senior High Teachers. Also, this study yearn to identify on how

can the researchers develop and assist the teachers.

This study will be conducted with the vacant time or free time to the teachers.


I. Research Design

The researchers use the phenomenological study as a design of the researchers

research design to understand the perceptions, perspective in a particular phenomena.

II. Research locale

This study was conducted at Saint Joseph Institute of Technology located at

Montilla Boulevard Butuan City. The researchers chose to conduct their research in the Senior

High School Teachers. Saint Joseph Institute of Technology it gives also a good quality of

education and services.

III. Instrument of the study

The researchers use survey questionnaire as an instrument of the study in order to collect

the data.

IV. Respondent of the study

The respondent of the researchers’ are the senior high faculty teachers, because the

researchers’ want to know if the teachers of Saint Joseph Institute of Technology in Senior

High Faculty are satisfied to their job and some other reasons.

V. Data gathering

The researchers gather information through giving survey questionnaire to the senior high

faculty teachers in Saint Joseph Institute of Technology.

The researchers conduct interview with the respondents in order to gather data.

VI. Statistical treatment-

Where: n- = Number of values

X= Population /Respondents

E= Total Population

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