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shoulder capsulitis: supine, expose the arm and shoulder (offer draping), Musculo assessment by Clarkson
AROM: horizontal abd/add, flex/ext, abd/add, MR/IR
PROM: same as above, scapular movement: upward rotation, downward rotation, protraction ( side lying)

ROM stations: Assess vs. Measure

Range of Motion Stations Explained - Handout

3 Possible Scenarios
1. Assess ROM
2. Assess PROM
3. Assess AROM
checking ROM to a patient in a splint: remove splint whilst tasting. If cast is on: don't remove;
If Cx collar: follow contraindications, look for calcification, can test for the motions if it is on more than 6 weeks. if it is under 6 weeks, test above and below joints - Use quick cast screen

9 Step ROM Framework ?? zimmer splint

1. Patient Comfort
2. Expose Area
Manual muscle testing
3. Side: determine starting side; start with unaffected first, unless stated goniometer measurements
know end feels

4. AROM: no need to put hands on patients except providing cueing, watch for substitution/trick movements.
PROM on the unaffected side: once

5. PROM : move the limb to the point of resistance and apply overpressure if pain free
6. Body Mechanics
7. Perform the motions slowly twice on the affected side
8. Ensure patient comfort throughout assessment
9. Verbalise general findings out loud: know expected norms, ROM was within normal limits,pain limiting
active and passive positions for joints

What side do you perform your testing on first?


Should you the affected AND non affected side?


How many ties should you perform PROM on the unaffected side? Affected

AROM: contractile structures:

Muscles, tendons

PROM: non-contractile
Which position would you perform PROM for each movement? bones, bursa, nerves, capsules

Glenohumeral flexion Standing or supine Only ask for contraindications: if

patient has collar/cast and ask if
Glenohumeral extension Standing any fractures, recent surgeries

Scapular protraction Sitting or standing

Do you need to passively move the limb throught he patient's PROM? only in available ROM

Range of Motion Stations Explained

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