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Lesson Plan #5 Title: Equivalent fractions and decimals

Performance Objective: Given instruction on the equivalent of fractions and decimals using

fraction strips students will utilize them to solve 10/10 problems on a worksheet.

Resources or Materials Needed: Overhead projector and document camera. Copies of the

worksheet and copies of fraction/decimal strips manipulative.

Time: This lesson will require around 15-20 minutes of instruction with about 25 minutes for

independent student application.

Step 1: Pre-Instructional Activities: Present the students with an image of a fraction strip with

the whole, half, and quarter. Overlap it with the equivalent of the decimals to show the

equivalence in size. Remind them that they are both used interchangeably however both are used

in specific areas depending on what is being discussed. Have them turn and talk about where

they might have heard someone use fractions over decimals or vise versa.

Step 2: Content Presentation: Students will be given the learning target for the lesson and

asked to repeat chorally as a class the following I can statement, “I can compare fractions and

decimals.” Build and anchor chart with a table that has fractions on one side and then decimals

on the other. Bring out the fraction and decimal strips to show students the size of them. Tell

them that you will work together to put the right fractions and decimals in the table. Start with

the whole strip for fractions and decimals showing both to the whole class. Have the students

turn and talk to decide which one belongs under the fractions and the decimal and why. The

students should conclude that he decimal should have the decimal after the one and the fraction

whole is just the number one. Remind the students that another way to see the fraction is 1/1 as

opposed to the 1 in isolation.

Step 3: Learner Participation: Hand out the remaining number of strips to partners. Remind

the students that the class will fill out this chart together and they need to pay attention. Have

them decide with their partners where they would go on the chart and have them start to bring

them up to fill it in. They should start with the .90 or the 9/10’s and progress down to the lowest

decimal ending the chart with 1/10 and .10. Once the chart is complete give the students their

own set (cut ahead of time to make sure they are the right size) have them organize them the

same way. Remind them to only use the chart if they need to sort theirs. After they are done with

their sort have them check with a neighbor and then give them the worksheet.

Step 4: Assessment: Students will be given a worksheet with ten problems on it. They will be

required to put the equivalent of the missing number in the blank. They can be either fractions or

decimals already the students are required to locate the opposite and fill that in as the answer.

This is a formative assessment.

Step 5: Follow-Through Activities: Teacher should carry around a flash card deck for

transitions between recess and lunches to quiz the students. It should have fractions and decimals

on it. They will be required to give the equivalent of what is shown on the card. They should be

given tips or hints to solve based on the student skill level.

Lesson Plan Summary: Once again this skill comes from explicit exposure and direction

followed by the reinforcement of student’s performance. The direct instruction approach in this

lesson is indicative of the Behaviorism theory approach to instruction. The worksheet being a

prime indicator with specific one answer only words or numbers. The other reason is the direct

focus on the anchor and using those terms explicitly.

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