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The perception of the grade 12 JMPSHS students taking up

HUMSS track on their preferred courses in college

Parlan, Josa May

*Dianca, Abdullah
*Pingul, Ejay


Every year, graduating students face the problem of having to decide on their future
career path, and (1) students are opt career they think will give batter paying job in the future.
As what posits, “What college education can we afford that can make you finish quickly, get a
job, and start helping with family finances?”. In other words, their concern is not finding a guide
post in a career path, but peso signs that would lead them out of poverty.
The decision whether or not to continue with post-secondary education and the choice of an
institution to attend are two critical decisions that students make at this time of their lives.
As the world changes and time passes, you will have the realization of how life works, and
realizing that in order to be successful in life we must consider what profit we might gain from a
certain job.
(2) Student cope by following their parent’s advice. They also have to cope with and
expectation of financially supporting the family upon completing their education. Studies from
other Asian countries also show parent’s impact in decision making of students when it comes
to students course preference.
Due to the numbers of courses today a graduating student from high school may find him-self
in a difficult situation There are also a lot of factors that may affect a graduating high school
student in choosing a course. This factors may include job opportunity, preferred course of the
parents, peer’s influence and personal choice of course.
(3) Students are not property oriented as to what course to choose out of their interest, and
skills, but because this course will provide jobs in the future. (4) To be able to lesson misfit
qualification of graduates to the needed work force of companies and institution to
government particularly the department of education find collegiate level.
And this prompted the researchers to identify the perception of the student of Jose Maria
Panganiban Senior High School, Quezon City.
Students are not property oriented as to what course to choose out of their interest,
and skills, but because this course will provide jobs in the future. [Salazar-Clemena, Rose Marie;
Student cope by following their parent’s advice. They also have to cope with and
expectation of financially supporting the family upon completing their education. Studies from
other Asian countries also show parent’s impact in decision making of students when it comes
to students course preference. [Saysay, Karen-lyn; 2011]
To be able to lesson misfit qualification of graduates to the needed work force of
companies and institution to government particularly the department of education find
collegiate level. [Ronda, Rainer Allan;2013] [Philstar article]
Students are opt career they think will give batter paying job in the future. As what
posits, “What college education can we afford that can make you finish quickly, get a job, and
start helping with family finances?”. In other words, their concern is not finding a guide post in
a career path, but peso signs that would lead them out of poverty. [Dr. Nancy T. Pascual;
International Journal of Sciences: (IJSBAR) 2014]


SAMPLE Student being the primary

POPULATION information
STUDY Studies that examine the
FOCUS reasons behind the students
course preference
METHOPOLOGY Studies that is quantitative Studies that only capture
methods for data gathering, qualitative data use of
data capture, and analysis qualitative methods of
that included; surveys, analysis
content analysis.
LANGUAGE Studies that are written in Studies that are not written
STUDY TYPE English, Published article, and are not pieces, unpublished
scholarly article thesis, and literature review
This study aims to determine and identify the perception of the grade 12 JMPHS students taking
up HUMSS track on their preferred course in college.
1.Who are the respondent in terms of:
o Gender
o Course preference
2.Do their perception get affected in terms of:
o Personal
o Family
o Peer
o Economic
3.Is the perception of the students related with their course preference.
Is there any relationship between the course preference of the students and their perception.
This study will solely focus on identifying the perception of the students of grade 12 HUMSS on
their preferred course.
20 students from the class of grade 12 HUMSS will serve as a respondent of this research.
This study may last 1-3 weeks long or more depending on the observation that might be needed
for the study.
This study on “The Perception of the Grade 12 JMPSHS Students Taking Up HUMSS Track on Their
Preferred Course in College” may be beneficial to the following:
For the students, this study will benefit the students to encourage them to choose their college
course wisely.
For the parents, this will benefit them and help them guide their child in making a decision on
choosing their course in college
For the teachers, this will benefit them and help them guide their students in choosing a college
For the future researchers, this can also be beneficial to the future researchers and be helpful to
their future research study.
 Cope (Verb)- To meet one’s day-to-day needs.
o (Synonyms)- Get along, do, get by, get on, make out, manage, shift.
 Misfit (Noun)- A person who is poorly adapted to a situation or environment.
 Opt (Verb)- To choose one thing instead of another.
 Posits (Verb)- To suggest (something, such as an idea or theory) especially in order to start
 Perception (Noun)-The ability to understand inner qualities or relationships.

Researchers of this study used quantitative research to show how they were able to come
up with their necessary data and how this data were analyzed, interpreted, and presented in
the easiest way possible.
This study used descriptive survey design to assess the perception of the grade 12 HUMSS
students on their course preference. This study is descriptive in a sense that the data obtained were
analyzed and described by the researchers with the use of questionnaire and observation as an
The respondents of this research are the grade 12 HUMSS of Jose Maria Panganiban
Senior High School with a total of twenty (20) respondents.
The respondents of this research are randomly selected by the researchers to represent
the population of the class, to prevent bias and give equal chances to everyone.
The researchers of this study used a researcher-made questionnaire to gather data which
consist of (7) questions. The researcher-made questionnaire were premised and validated to avoid
personal bias and were made to be structured according to the means of gathering data.
The data for the study were collected using researcher-made questionnaire. The
researcher has to follow certain procedures in conducting the study:
 The researchers made sure to randomly distribute questionnaires to its
respondents the grade 12 HUMSS student.
 The researchers made sure that the questions on their questionnaire were
 The researchers made sure to do pilot testing first before finalizing
 The researchers made sure to have a letter of permission signed by the dean of the
school where the study will be conducted.

After the respondents answered the questions, the researchers computed the chi- square
statistical value to identify if there is a significant relationship between the perception and course
preference of the grade 12 HUMSS using the formula below.
The Chi-square test of independence:
 Ho: the two categorical variables are independent.
 He: the two categorical variables are related.

Formula for Chi-square = the sum of all the:

(𝑓𝑜 − 𝑓𝑒)2
 fo: observed frequency
 fe: expected frequency

To calculate the expected values for each cell in the table:

(𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑟𝑜𝑤)(𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑛)
𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠

This chapter presents the analyzed data gathered in a tabular and textual form.
For the statement of the problem (1) with the question of:
Course Preference:

Choices Frequency Percentage

Anthropology 1 5%
Criminology 4 20%
Education(BSED) 13 65%
Foreign Language 2 10%
Total 20 100%
Thirteen (13) students with a total of 65% choose Education(BSED) as their preferred
course in college, four (4) students with a total of 20% choose Criminology, two (2) students with a
total of 10% choose Foreign Language and the remaining one (1) student with a total of 1% choose
For the statement of the problem (2) with the question of:
Personal: Is your strand your personal choice?

Choices Frequency Percentage

Yes 17 65%
No 1 5%
Maybe 2 10%
Total 20 100%

Seventeen (17) students with a total of 65% answered Yes to the question, two (2) with
a total of 10 % answered Maybe, and the remaining one (1) respondent answered No to the
Family: Does family affect your decision on what course to choose in college?

Choices Frequency Percentage

Yes 8 40%
No 5 25%
Maybe 7 35%
Total 20 100%

Eight (8) of the students with a total of 40% answered Yes to the question, seven (7) with
a total of 35% answered Maybe, while the remaining five (5) students with a total of 25% answered No.
Peer: Does Acquaintance affect your decision making in choosing a course?

Choices Frequency Percentage

Yes 9 45%
No 4 20%
Maybe 7 35%
Total 20 100%

Nine (9) students from the class with a total of45% answered Yes to the question, seven
(7) answered Maybe with 35%, and the remaining four (4) students with a total of 20% answered No.
Economic: Do you consider your financial status a hindrance in choosing a course?

Choices Frequency Percentage

Yes 2 10%
No 15 75%
Maybe 3 15%
Total 20 100%

Fifteen (15) students with a total of 75% answered No to the question, three
(3) with a total of 15% answered Maybe, while the remaining two respondents with a total of 10%
answered Yes

For the statement of the problem (3) with the question of:
Is the perception of the students related with their course preference?

Choices Yes No Maybe Total Percent

Yes 3 5 1 9 45%
No 0 1 4 5 25%
Maybe 1 1 4 6 30%
Total 4 7 9 20 100%

Computed table of Chi-square

Observed Expected O-E (O-E)2 (𝑶 − 𝑬)𝟐

4 1.8 2.2 4.84 2.68
7 1.75 5.25 27.56 15.75
9 2.7 6.3 39.69 14.7
Total 33.13

Total Chi- square: 33.13

The level of frequency is 5 or 0.05

The degree of freedom is
= (C-1) (R-1)
= (3-1) (3-1) = 4
Using the probability alpha T-test
The null hypothesis that is equal to 33.13 is greater than 2.76 is rejected.
Thus we are going to reject the null hypothesis and therefore there is no relationship
between the course preference of the grade 12 HUMSS and their perception.

The summary of the study will be discussed in this chapter including the conclusion and
the recommendation.
The purpose of this study is to find out if there is a significant relationship between the
course preference of the students and their perception. And the results show’s that:
1. 65% of the students from the grade 12 HUMSS chooses Education (BSED).
2. 65% said that they choose their HUMSS personally
3. 45% of the students said that their parents greatly affect their decision making
4. 45% of the students said that their acquaintance also affects their decision.
5. 45% the respondents disagree with their financial status being a hindrance.
The researchers concluded using the data gathered on “The Perception of the Grade 12
JMPSHS Students Taking Up HUMSS Track on Their Preferred Course in College.
That there is no significant relationship between the perception of grade 12 HUMSS student
and their course preference as what the computed Chi-Value which is 33.13 that is greater than the
critical tabulated value which 2.76 and therefor the null hypothesis is rejected. And that the students
have different perception about the course that they prefer for college.
The researchers discussed the study bases on the findings and what should be done to solve the
problem and the benefits or the advantages to the school agency and organizations to come up with a
Based on the result, the students should be more mindful of what course to choose. While the
parents and teachers should serve as a guide post to help the students in making a decision for their
future career.

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