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Science Weekly Exam Material

Week: 8 From: Oct. 20 To Oct. 24, 2019

Exam Timetable:

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday


Questions in bold are Grid Questions

Questions in italic are Poorly Answered Questions in past exam(s).
AMS Material: 1920-SIM17-WRCC
1. What is one factor that can limit the size of a population?

2. Which daily activity can help reduce air pollution in a certain city?

3. How can burning of fossil fuels lead to a warmer climate?

4. How do invasive species affect populations in an ecosystem?

5. A __________ is one of several long, thin structures in a cell’s __________ that contain the cell’s genetic
material, DNA.

6. Most of the life-cycle, of a “cell with a nucleus” is just __________ and making __________ of its
organelles and its chromosomes. A typical life cycle of a cell is one day long, but cell division (mitosis) takes
of this only about 1 ¼ hours.

7. Mitosis is the process of dividing the __________ DNA of the cell into two new __________; and this is
followed by cytokinesis in which the large cell with two nuclei __________ into two new cells.

8. The first stage of mitosis is prophase, in which the nuclear membrane __________ and long strands of DNA
organize themselves into condensed __________.

9. The second stage of mitosis is metaphase, in which __________ attach to the chromosomes and the
chromosomes get __________ in the middle.

Date 10-10-19 | Level I | 1

10. The third stage of mitosis is anaphase where the chromosomes __________ as they are __________ to
either side.

11. The fourth stage is telophase where new nuclear membranes __________ around the two sets of
chromosomes forming two nuclei within one cell. This is the __________ of mitosis.

12. Important point: Humans have __________ pairs of “homologous” chromosomes, each pair being a copy
of the chromosome of one parent. In mitosis Every chromosome makes an identical copy of itself and the
identical two copies remain attached to each other at the centre, forming an identical-pair. When chromosomes
align in the middle during metaphase, there are 46 different “identical-pairs” aligned in the middle. When they
separate, they form two identical nuclei, so the two daughter cells are __________.

13. Once mitosis is complete a process called cytokinesis takes place where the __________ of the cell occurs
to form two new identical __________.

14. Changes due to human activity: Oil __________ from tankers kills fish and sea birds.

15. Changes due to human activity: Humans burn forests to create __________, or __________, destroying
many habitats.

16. Changes due to non-human activity: __________ damming a stream by cutting trees to create __________
to raise their young.

17. Resources that cannot be replaced even within a few thousands of years include fossil __________ and
__________ ores.

18. Climate changes due to __________ given off into the atmosphere include __________ and rising

19. When all individuals of a species die out, the species becomes __________. The singular of species is

20. Resources that are quickly replaced include __________ and __________.

21. Sudden natural changes include __________, forest __________, floods, __________, and __________.

Date 10-10-19 | Level I | 2

22. Environmental damage caused by humans include __________ leaking into rivers, tankers leaking
__________ in oceans and __________ thrown everywhere.

23. Symbiosis, __________: both species __________, like when bees pollinate flowers and take nectar from

24. The sea anemone protects the __________, which in turn __________ it. This is an example of

25. Symbiosis, __________: one species __________, the other __________: some fish attach themselves to
sharks to eat leftovers from the food of the shark.

26. Symbiosis, __________: the parasitic species __________, the host is __________: ticks stick to animal’s
body and suck their blood.

Date 10-10-19 | Level I | 3

1. What is one factor that can limit the size of a population?
scarcity of water (depletion), food or nutrients, space to live in, etc.

2. Which daily activity can help reduce air pollution in a certain city?
using public transportation, riding a bike

3. How can burning of fossil fuels lead to a warmer climate?

Burning fossil fuels increases the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which in turn leads to
warmer climate.

4. How do invasive species affect populations in an ecosystem?

Invasive species compete with native species over limited resources in an ecosystem.

5. A [chromosome] is one of several long, thin structures in a cell’s [nucleus] that contain the cell’s genetic
material, DNA.

6. Most of the life-cycle, of a “cell with a nucleus” is just [growing] and making [copies] of its organelles and
its chromosomes. A typical life cycle of a cell is one day long, but cell division (mitosis) takes of this only
about 1 ¼ hours.

7. Mitosis is the process of dividing the [duplicated] DNA of the cell into two new [nuclei]; and this is
followed by cytokinesis in which the large cell with two nuclei [splits] into two new cells.

8. The first stage of mitosis is prophase, in which the nuclear membrane [breaks down] and long strands of
DNA organize themselves into condensed [chromosomes].

9. The second stage of mitosis is metaphase, in which [microtubules] attach to the chromosomes and the
chromosomes get [aligned] in the middle.

10. The third stage of mitosis is anaphase where the chromosomes [separate] as they are [pulled] to either

11. The fourth stage is telophase where new nuclear membranes [reappear] around the two sets of
chromosomes forming two nuclei within one cell. This is the [end] of mitosis.

12. Important point: Humans have [23] pairs of “homologous” chromosomes, each pair being a copy of the
chromosome of one parent. In mitosis Every chromosome makes an identical copy of itself and the identical
two copies remain attached to each other at the centre, forming an identical-pair. When chromosomes align in
the middle during metaphase, there are 46 different “identical-pairs” aligned in the middle. When they separate,
they form two identical nuclei, so the two daughter cells are [identical].

13. Once mitosis is complete a process called cytokinesis takes place where the [splitting] of the cell occurs to
form two new identical [cells].

14. Changes due to human activity: Oil [leaking] from tankers kills fish and sea birds.

15. Changes due to human activity: Humans burn forests to create [farm land], or [build dams], destroying
many habitats.

Date 10-10-19 | Level I | 4

16. Changes due to non-human activity: [beavers] damming a stream by cutting trees to create [lodges] to
raise their young.

17. Resources that cannot be replaced even within a few thousands of years include fossil [fuels] and [metal]

18. Climate changes due to [carbon dioxide] given off into the atmosphere include [global warming] and
rising [sea levels].

19. When all individuals of a species die out, the species becomes [extinct]. The singular of species is

20. Resources that are quickly replaced include [river water] and [trees].

21. Sudden natural changes include [volcanic eruptions], forest [fires], floods, [avalanches], and [landslides].

22. Environmental damage caused by humans include [sewage] leaking into rivers, tankers leaking [oil] in
oceans and [rubbish] thrown everywhere.

23. Symbiosis, [mutualism]: both species [benefit], like when bees pollinate flowers and take nectar from

24. The sea anemone protects the [clownfish], which in turn [cleans] it. This is an example of [mutualism].

25. Symbiosis, [commensalism]: one species [benefits], the other [neither benefits nor is harmed]: some fish
attach themselves to sharks to eat leftovers from the food of the shark.

26. Symbiosis, [parasitism]: the parasitic species [benefits], the host is [harmed]: ticks stick to animal’s body
and suck their blood.

Date 10-10-19 | Level I | 5

Term 1 – 2019-20
Level I
Science Questions and Grid questions of Week 7 (Starting 13-Oct-2019)
(To be tested starting 20-Oct-2019)

Sec 1.1 (LP1-4)

1. G A [chromosome] is one of several long, thin structures in a cell’s [nucleus] that contain the cell’s
genetic material, DNA.

2. G Most of the life-cycle, of a “cell with a nucleus” is just [growing] and making [copies] of its
organelles and its chromosomes. A typical life cycle of a cell is one day long, but cell division (mitosis)
takes of this only about 1 ¼ hours.

3. G Mitosis is the process of dividing the [duplicated] DNA of the cell into two new [nuclei]; and this is
followed by cytokinesis in which the large cell with two nuclei [splits] into two new cells.

4. G The first stage of mitosis is prophase, in which the nuclear membrane [breaks down] and long strands
of DNA organize themselves into condensed [chromosomes].

5. G The second stage of mitosis is metaphase, in which [microtubules] attach to the chromosomes and the
chromosomes get [aligned] in the middle.

6. G The third stage of mitosis is anaphase where the chromosomes [separate] as they are [pulled] to either

7. G The fourth stage is telophase where new nuclear membranes [reappear] around the two sets of
chromosomes forming two nuclei within one cell. This is the [end] of mitosis.

8. G Important point: Humans have [23] pairs of “homologous” chromosomes, each pair being a copy of
the chromosome of one parent. In mitosis Every chromosome makes an identical copy of itself and the
identical two copies remain attached to each other at the centre, forming an identical-pair. When
chromosomes align in the middle during metaphase, there are 46 different “identical-pairs” aligned in
the middle. When they separate, they form two identical nuclei, so the two daughter cells are [identical].

9. G Once mitosis is complete a process called cytokinesis takes place where the [splitting] of the cell
occurs to form two new identical [cells].

Date 10-10-19 | Level I | 6

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