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Reaching 5D is only possible WITHOUT ANY LIMITING BELIEFS (this is a state of

- Belifs are closed and don't allow other perceptions and possibilities.
- Beliefs are conditions we impose on things, situations and people.

Only when we become a BLANK SLATE and have dropped our past, our convictions (beliefs),
our hard won truth and start TRUSTING and HAVING FAITH – then the door to the 5D opens
for us.
- We are to become CHILDLIKE again, being in the now and explore this world again.
Being curious and learn for ourselves: without anything to hold on to.
- There is no success and there is no goal – there is only EXPERIENCING: only FUN IN
- We need to trust our intuition and learn to follow the universal energies. We are to live
our life with our HIGHEST EXCITEMENT, without any expectation of a specific
outcome. That is what is meant by „GOING WITH THE FLOW“. It is jumping into the
unkown, without a saftey-net to rely on. It is the ULTIMATE SURRENDER.

In the 5D we only perceive energies, without any need to interpret them. Nobody does something
to you. It all happens for you.
Meditation does not necessarily mean to sit like a Buddha for hours and make ohhmming sounds. All it
means is to find a way how to be in the NOW and experience oneness and inner peace in a worry free

To come into the NOW: Focus on your senses. Feel, smell, touch, taste, hear, see what is going on in
the moment.

Once your ego surrendered, you become the free spirit you are supposed to be, and your mind becomes
a powerful creator. Your thoughts are the basis for manifestation.

When pain comes up, the most important rule is: Don’t fight it, don’t blame anyone or yourself but just
accept this as a necessary part of your healing and be grateful for the release. This will transmute the
low fear frequencies into high love frequencies quickly. Don’t identify with it. WE ARE NOT OUR
EMOTIONS, these are just energies we are experiencing.

You release the emotion by feeling the emotion through and/or acting out the emotion.

The inner child is the wounded, abandoned and hurt part within ourselves that recalls those bad
memories and delivers the “energetic software” to our ego with the protection strategy we once came
up with to avoid pain or punishment. This part of us is fearful and sabotaging us as an adult. Working
with the inner child is often not successful because our adult self is supposed to take over responsibility
and give our inner child what it would have needed in the past.

In addition to that, when people work with their inner child, they often forget that there is not only one
version but five versions that have different topics according to the state of evolution in growing up: The
infant, the toddler, the pre-schooler, the schooler and the young adolescent. To successfully heal the
inner child, we need to work through all of them and reclaim all of them to come to a complete healing
of the past and rewriting the story.

When you are a little more used to the emotional breakouts and not as overwhelmed anymore, you
can start to redirect these energies and transform them. This can be arts, journaling, supporting others,
dancing, sports, … whatever you like to spend your time with. This is the first step into the
direction of finding joy again. Step by step add more things that you enjoy. What makes your
heart sing? When do you forget space and time?

Discover what is right for you. Ask your inner child what you truly enjoy and let it come out to play.
Discover playfulness. It is very important for us to find joy again and come into the NOW. This will help
to even out the emotional break downs. Step by step, you will lift your frequency by adding more joy.
It is very likely that you will experience an emotional breakout while moving your body. Again: Be
thankful for the release and act it out.

Don’t try, allow

No matter what you do – practice to let go of control and let things unfold. Instead of making
concrete plans, just know what you want. The universe will take care of the “how”. Go with the
flow and trust that you will get what you wish for or something better.

Find Correlations and get to know your System

In general, on all healing levels, always look for correlations. What makes you think, feel, or
experience body symptoms or emotions in a certain way. Observe your environment and what
is going on with other people around you or on the planet or in the Universe. You might find
out, that the fatigue you are experiencing comes from too many people around you or an EMF
field close by. Or your nervousness always starts after having eaten a certain food. Your sudden
emotional break out might be caused by earthquakes or solar flares. Finding these correlations
takes the drama out of the equation and you can appreciate your body as a radar system that
gives you clues about the energies around you.

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