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Exam 1 will consist of 50 questions.

Note: If you are able to expand on each of the concepts listed below, you will be fully prepared for this exam.

Cellular - Chapter 1
Understand what homeostasis is, why it is important, and how it is maintained.
Know the components of a feedback control system and be able to explain how these systems work.
Explain the differences between negative feedback and positive feedback using examples.
Understand the basic structural components of the plasma membrane.
Understand what molecules can and cannot freely pass the plasma membrane.
Understand the different mechanisms for membrane transport.
Explain the conceptual principles of tonicity and understand how this applies in a clinical setting.
Understand what epigenetics is and why it is important.

Skeletal Muscle - Chapter 3

Know the distinguishing characteristics of skeletal muscle tissue.
Know the organization of skeletal muscle.
Understand the anatomy of myofibrils. (This includes the different bands, zones, and lines.)
Explain the steps of excitation contraction coupling.
Explain the steps of the sliding filament theory.
Understand what determines the precision of movements.
Know and understand all muscle actions.
Explain the differences between the various classifications of skeletal muscle fiber types.
Understand what causes muscle hypertrophy.
Understand what causes muscle soreness.
Understand gender differences in strength.
Understand the clinical applications discussed: rigor mortis, aging, and muscular dystrophy.
Histology slides: cross-section of skeletal muscle, longitudinal section of skeletal muscle, neuromuscular junction

Sensory - Chapter 6
Understand the structure of the skin.
Know the layers of the epidermis.
Know the layers of the dermis.
Know the difference between thick and thin skin.
Understand the role of vitamin D in the skin as noted on the PowerPoint.
Know and understand the three pigments that influence skin color.
Understand the role of epidermal cells such as keratinocytes, melanocytes, langerhans cells, and merkel cells.
Understand the role of various skin receptors.
Know the functional categories of sensory receptors.
Understand the role of sebaceous glands.
Understand the role of sudoriferous glands.
Distinguish between apocrine and eccrine glands.
Understand the clinical application discussed: skin cancers.
Histology slides: thin and thick skin.

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