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Wireless Security Profile, Management Protection Key is for:

a) Frame Protection on any Device [x]
b) Frame Protection on MikroTik Devices and any other devices with Frame Protection Support
c) Frame Protection only on MikroTik Devices

2. You have a single AP for all clients to connect to. Which of the following will cause the clients to NOT be able to
communicate with each other directly? (Choose all that apply)
a) Uncheck both "Default Forwarding" and "Default Authenticate", add entries in the access-list and enable only
b) Uncheck "Default Forwarding" box in the wireless configuration [x]
c) Uncheck "Default Authenticate" in the wireless configuration
d) Uncheck both "Default Forwarding" and "Default Authenticate", add entries in the access-list that enables both
"Authentication" and "Forwarding"
3. What is a fresnel zone?
a) a blind spot near an antenna with no signal
b) a zone below the angle of the wireless diffraction point
c) an area with no signal below an omni antenna
d) a zone around an omni antenna where clients can connect
e) a zone around the line of sight between two antennas [x]
4. Nstreme Dual can be used for
1) different band usage on receive and transmit [x]
2) wireless link redundancy
3) one wireless card with two antennas [x]
4) full-duplex wireless link [x]
5. What is a "hidden-node"?
a) A client does not receive RF signal from other clients connected to the same AP [x]
b) A client is ’hidden’ from the access point behind a mountain
c) A client does not receive data packets from other clients connected to the same AP
d) A client is connected to an AP, but it is hidden behind a wall
6. To limit the number of clients connected to AP you need to utilize
a) max-station-count option [x]
b) Simple Queue feature
c) Connect List feature
d) Access List feature
7. Is Spectral Scan tool available in RouterOS 3.x?
a) Yes, but you need wireless-test package
b) Yes
c) No [x] hanya berjalan pada RouterOS 4.3+
d) Yes, as long as it's used on a 802.11n card
8. Where is it possible to set up prioritization for the WMM protocol on the access point device?
a) Wireless interface
b) Tool torch
c) IP firewall [x] pada IP firewall mangle rule
d) Bridge firewall [x] pada IP bridge filter rule
e) IP services
9. Is it possible to use different security-profiles on an AP for WDS links and for the clients connecting to that AP?
a) Yes, by specifying security profile in the access-list
b) Yes, by specifying security profile in the connect-list
c) No
d) Yes, by creating a virtual AP for the WDS links and specifying a different security profile for it [x]
10. The 'access-list' of an AP is for:
a) A. Managing connectivity based on specific MAC, signal strength, Time, Private PSK [x]
b) B. Limiting transfer speed from non-RouterOS clients
c) C. Limiting transfer speed from RouterOS clients [x]
d) D. Managing connectivity based on specific MAC, signal strength, Time, Frequency
e) E. Limiting transfer speed to RouterOS clients [x]
11. A series of routers have their interfaces as ports of a bridge. The bridges have the RSTP protocol configured with
the same cost. What parameter would you configure in order to generate the path over a specific interface?
a) Priority [x]
b) Edge port
c) Horizon
d) Forward Delay
12. Default-authentication is switched off on Access Point,
/interface wireless set wlan1 default-authentication=no
Access-list configuration is,
/interface wireless access-list add mac-address=00:0C:42:01:02:03
Select the mac address of client, which is allowed to connect to the Access Point.
a) 00:0C:42:01:02:02
b) Any client except 00:0C:42:01:02:03 [x]
c) 00:0C:42:01:02:03
13. These are ways to protect your WLAN connections from unauthorized access.
a) Management Protection [x]
b) WPA Encryption [x]
c) Tunneling
d) RADIUS Authentication using mac-address as username [x]
e) Creating a different SSID
14. “WDS slave” wireless mode enables
a) Enables WDS [x]
b) Connect to an SSID as a client in slave mode
c) Act as a WDS link in frequency adapting mode [x]
15. What is the purpose of the "Frame Lifetime" setting on the Advanced Tab in Wireless Interface settings?
a) To drop frame after specified number of retries specified [x]
b) To drop frames that have been queued for sending longer than "frame-lifetime" milliseconds
c) To specify maximum latency of frame
16. There are 3 network segments connected to the router via 3 VLANs (vlan1,vlan2,vlan3) on the ether1 interface,
2 network segments on wlan1 and wlan2 and one more segment connected via EOIP tunnel (eoip1). To combine all
segments in one Ethernet network you have to bridge:
a) ether1,wlan1,wlan2,vlan1,vlan2,vlan3,eoip1
b) ether1,wlan1,wlan2,vlan1,vlan2,vlan3
c) vlan1,vlan2,vlan3,wlan1,wlan2,eoip1 [x]
d) ether1,wlan1,wlan2,eoip1
17. Which option in the configuration of a wireless card must be disabled to cause the router to permit ONLY known
clients listed in the access list to connect?
a) Enable Access List
b) Default Forward
c) Default Authenticate [x]
d) Security Profile
18. While aligning a wireless link, the Signal To Noise value should be:
a) 0
b) the smallest number possible
c) ignored, Signal To Noise has no effect on a wireless link [x]
19. To restrict creating dynamic WDS interfaces between two APs, one can use (mark all correct answers)
a) Access-list rules
b) DFS
c) Connect-list rules
d) It is not possible to control creation of dynamic WDS interfaces. Static WDS interfaces should be used instead. [x]
20. What encryption algorithm for WPA/WPA2 is more secure?
a) A. AES - Advanced Encryption Standard [x]
b) B. TKIP - Temporal Key Integrity Protocol
21. Which command will analyze spectrum on channel 5180 ?
a) A. /interface wireless spectral-scan wlan1 range=5100,5280
b) B. /interface wireless spectral-history wlan1 range=5100,5280
c) C. /interface wireless spectral-history wlan1 range=5100-5280 [x]
d) D. /interface wireless spectral-scan wlan1 range=5100-5280 [x]
22. Is it required to use RADIUS when you are using EAP-TLS method in the Security profile? YES
23. If the router's wireless interface is in 'station' mode and it is not able to connect to the access point in the same
band with the same SSID and using the same security profile, the possible reason for that could be (mark all answers
that are correct):
a) A. the station has setting "scan-list=default" and the APs frequency is not within the default range [x]
b) B. the station has "wmm-support=disabled", but the AP has " wmm-support=enabled"
c) C. one of the wireless tools, e.g., scanner or snooper, is still running
d) D. The station has different frequency setting from that of the AP
24. dsafa

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