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USMLE Behavioral Science

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1. + and - symptoms of dopamine 9. 4 core ethical principals 1. autonomy (informed choice)

schizophrenia are believed (also: serotonin and glutamate 2. beneficence (act in patient's
to be related to play roles too) best interest)
fluctuating levels of what 3. non-maleficence (do no
in the brain? harm - weigh benefits and
2. + responses to ___ can help CAGE questions:
4. justice (fair and equitable
identify alcoholics have you ever...
1. tried to Cut back?
2. get Angry when someone 10. 5 stages of dying 1. denial
comments on your drinking? 2. anger
3. feel Guilty about drinking? 3. bargaining
4. drink as an Eye-opener in the 4. depression
morning? 5. acceptance
3. + symptoms of things additional to expected 11. 95% confidence interval: 2
schizophrenia behavior: use a z-score of...
delusions, hallucinations,
12. 99.7% confidence interval: 3
agitation, talkativeness
use a z-score of...
4. 2 types of reactive inhibited (withdrawn,
13. 99% confidence interval: 2,5
attachment disorder of unresponsive)
use a z-score of...
infancy or early childhood disinhibited (indiscriminately
form attachments to strangers) 14. absolute, relative, and cohort studies
attributable risk are
5. 3 groups of arteries around 1. suprascapular, descending
calculated for what type
which anastamoses around scapular, circumflex scapular
of studies?
scapular occur 2. acromial, posterior humeral
circumflex 15. achievement tests how well an individual has
3. descending scapular, measure... mastered a specific subject
posterior intercostal area

6. 3 measures of central mean 16. active stage of loss of touch w/ reality

tendency median schizophrenia
mode 17. adherence is most closely how well the patient likes the
7. 3 techniques to uncover 1. free association (say whatever related to what? doctor
repressed experiences comes to mind) (not related to intelligence,
2. dream interpretation education, sex, religion, race,
(unconscious conflicts, socioeconomic status, marital
impulses) status)
3. analysis of transference 18. affect symptoms: greatly decreased display of
reactions (importance of past blunted emotional responses
19. affect symptoms: no display of emotional
8. 3 types of advance 1. oral (more valid if repeated to flat responses
directives multiple people; must have
20. affect symptoms: sudden alterations in emotional
been made in informed manner)
labile responses not related to
2. living will (written)
environmental events
3. medical power of attorney -
can be revoked at any time by 21. affect symptoms: decreased display of
patience regardless of restricted emotional responses
competence; more flexible than 22. age of disappearance of 12 mos
living will Babinski reflex
23. age of disappearance of 2 mos
palmar grasp
24. age of disappearance of 3 mos
rooting and sucking reflex
25. age of disappearance of startle 4 mos 38. Apgar scoring 0: absent
(Moro) reflex system: 1: irregular, slow
respiration 2: good, crying
26. aging, Parkinson disease, RLS
pregnancy, and kidney disease are 39. approximate 1 in 150
associated with what sleep-related change of
disorder? contracting HIV:
contact w/ blood
27. Alzheimer disease pts often die 8-10 years
via needle sharing
within how many years of
diagnosis? 40. approximate 1 in 200
change of
28. ANOVA is used for... comparing differences
contracting HIV:
among the means of
contact w/ blood
more than 2 samples
via needle stick
29. antidepressants are most useful for 1. arthritis
41. approximate 1 in 1.05 (95/100)
patients with what types of chronic 2. facial pain
change of
pain? 3. headache
contracting HIV:
(stimulate efferent
contact w/ blood
inhibitory pain
via transfusion
pathways, improve
mood symptoms) 42. AR
30. "antimotivation syndrome" is marijuanna
associated with the use of what
31. anxiety fright caused by an
imagined danger
32. APGAR Appearance
33. APGAR Scores 10-pt scale attributable risk
perform at 1min and difference in risk between exposed and
5min unexposed groups
<4 resuscitate ex - risk of lung cancer in smokers vs
4-6 assist and non-smokers
>/= 7 good 43. are men or women
women more
34. Apgar scoring system: 0: body + extremities likely to die due
color pale or blue to their first heart
1: pink body, blue attack and within
extremities the first year
2: body + extremities after a heart
pink attack?
35. Apgar scoring system: 0: absent
heartbeat 1: <100 bpm
2: >100 bpm
36. Apgar scoring system: 0: flaccid, limp
muscle tone 1: weak, inactive
2: strong, active
37. Apgar scoring system: 0: no response
reflexes (e.g. hand prick, nasal 1: grimace
tickle) 2: foot withdrawal,
cry, sneeze, cough
44. ARR 57. behavior during illness by at first ,idealizes physician
personality style: may make gestures of self-
borderline harm when ill
58. behavior during illness by becomes more overly needy
personality style: wants physician to make all
dependent decisions, assume all
absolute risk reduction 59. behavior during illness by may be dramatic, emotionally
difference in risk (not proportion) personality style: changeable, approach
attributable to intervention histrionic physician in inappropriate
45. at about what age 6 yo sexual fashion during illness
does 60. behavior during illness by illness threatens perfect self-
conscience/superego personality style: image
develop? narcissistic medical treatment may be
46. attack rate incidence rate used to describe disease refused to maintain
outbreaks appearance

47. at what age does 6 yo 61. behavior during illness by fears loss of control
empathy develop? personality style: may become more
obsessive-compulsive controlling during illness
48. at what location does Guyon's canal
the deep branch of 62. behavior during illness by blames physician for illness
the ulnar nerve personality style:
arise? paranoid

49. average/normal IQ 90-109 63. behavior during illness by asks for help but then does
range personality style: not adhere to physician
passive-aggressive advice
50. aversive conditioning unwanted behavior paired with a painful
stimulus 64. behavior during illness by bizarre behavior may mask
personality style: serious illness
51. aversive conditioning management of paraphilias (e.g. schizotypal
clinical use pedophilia) and addicitons
65. behavior during illness by becomes even more
52. barbituates have a low personality style: withdrawn during illness
high or low safety schzioid
66. benchmark for approval to able to reach 110-130bmp
53. Beck Depression 5-9 resume sexual activity post- (heart rate) safely, without
Inventory (BDI-II) MI severe shortness of breath or
score: little or no chest pain
67. benzos have a high or low high, unless taken with other
54. Beck Depression 30-63 safety margin? sedatives
Inventory (BDI-II)
score: severe 68. Berkson bias (selection bias)
depression study population selected
from hospital
55. behavior during may self-write/alter prescriptions and lie sample less healthy than
illness by personality to physician general population
antisocial 69. best age to perform an 7-11 years old
elective surgery in children
56. behavior during interprets health suggestions as (best coping ability)
illness by personality criticisms
style: fears rejection by doctor 70. bipolar disorder and major 3 (esp 3p21.1)
avoidant overly sensitive to perceived lack of depressive disorder are
attention or caring associated with markers on
what chromosome?
71. brain abnormalities associated with 1. abnormal activity in 79. case-controlled "What happened?"
increased aggression amygdala, study retrospective
perpiriform area compares group w/ disease to group
2. psychotmotor and w/o disease
temporal lobe looks for prior exposure to a risk
epilepsy factor
3. lesions of
80. cerebral 1. women have larger corpus
temporal lobe,
lateralization callosum and anterior commissure---
frontal lobe,
differences between >better interhemispheric
men and women communication
72. brain areas likely to be involved in locus ceruleus 2. men have better-developed right
anxiety disorders (norendrenergic hemipsheres, better at spatial
neurons) reasoning tasks
raphe nucleus
81. characteristics of 1. <40 yo
good candidates for 2. intelligent and not psychotic
psychoanalysis 3. not antisocial, borderline
caudate nucleus (esp
personality (good relationships with
in OCD)
temporal cortex
4. stable life situation
frontal cortex
5. have the time and money for it
73. brain changes in ASD total brain and
82. childhood __ and ___ ADHD and conduct disorder
correlate with adult
overgrowth during
first year of life
hippocampus 83. childhood diminished social, verbal, cognitive,
abnormalities disintegrative and motor development after at
fewer Purkinje cells disorder least 2 years of normal functioning
in cerebellum mental retardation
dysregulation of 84. chromosomes 21
serotonin synthesis associated with 1, 14 (genes for presenilin 1 and 2)
and less circulating Alzheimer disease 19 (at least 1 copy of apoE4 gene)
85. circumstantiality inclusion of too much detail in
74. brain changes w/ AD enlargement of brain thoughts
ventricles schizophrenia behavior
diffuse atrophy
86. classical conditioning natural/reflexive
flattening of sulci
involved __ learned
75. brain structure important to hippocampus responses elicited by
associative learning a __ stimulus
76. brief psychotic disorder psychotic symptoms 87. classical conditioning associative learning
lasting >1 day but <1 is what type of
mo. learning?
often precipitating
88. clinical uses for management of hypertension,
psychosocial factors
biofeedback Raynaud disease, migraine, tension
50-80% recover
headaches, chronic pain, fecal
incontinence, TMJ pain
77. calculation of standard error of the SD x sqrt(n)
89. cohort study "who will develop disease" OR "Who
mean (higher n = lower
developed disease (exposed or not
78. Can an HIV+ mother be required to not before birth compares group with exposure/risk
receive treatment to protect the consent not required factor to those without
fetus? what about after it is born? to test/treat newborn
90. Common Causes of 1. congenital malformations
Death in US 2. preterm birth
<1yr 3. SIDS
91. Common Causes of 1. unintentional injury 104. consciousness and attention: abnormal sleepiness
Death in US 2. cancer somnolence
1-14yrs 3. congenital malformations
105. consciousness and attention: responds only to shouting,
92. Common Causes of 1. unintentional injury stupor shaking, or uncomfortable
Death in US 2. suicide prodding
15-34yrs 3. homicide
106. conversion disorder sudden, dramatic loss of
93. Common Causes of 1. unintentional injury sensory or motor function,
Death in US 2. cancer often associated with a
35-44yrs 3. heart disease stressful life event
more common in
94. Common Causes of 1. cancer
Death in US 2. heart disease
adolescents, young adults
45-64yrs 3. unintentional injury
patients appear unworried
95. Common Causes of 1. heart disease (la belle indefference)
Death in US 2. cancer
107. copper toxicity and 1. inappropriate or
65+ yrs 3. chronic respiratory disease
management psychotic behavior
96. common defense denial 2. give d-penicillamine
mechanism of
108. cross-tolerance development of tolerance
to one substance due to
97. commonly used dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine) the use of another
clinical amphetamines methamphetamine (Desoxyn) substance
methylphenidate (Ritalin)
109. cyclothymic disorder hypomania and dysthymia
98. conditions that have a 1. AI diseases occurring over a 2-year
higher prevalence 2. MS period (1 year in children)
among women 3. alcohol- and smoking-related with no discrete episodes
illnesses of illess
4. AIDS (when HIV+ and have same
110. declarative memory explicit
viral load as a man)
knowledge of facts
5. cataracts
retrieved consciously
6. thyroid disease
111. decreased brain weight, false
99. confidence interval range of values in which probability
enlarged ventricles and sulci, normal with aging
of means of trials is expected to
and decreased cerebral blood
flow with aging indicate
CI = mean+/- Z(SEM)
100. confounding bias when a factor is related to both
112. the deep branch of the radial extensor carpi radialis
exposure and outcome, but not
nerve innervates... brevis
supinator mm,
factor distorts or confuses effect of
exposure on outcome 113. delirium acute medical illness
ex - coal miners have more lung associated physical findings abnormal EEG (fast wave
cancer but they also smoke more activity or generalized
than general population slowing)
autonomic dysfunction
101. consciousness and inability to respond normally to
attention: external events 114. delirium impaired consciousness
clouding of associated psychiatric findings illusions, delusions (often
consciousness paranoid), hallucinations
(visual, disorganized)
102. consciousness and total unreponsiveness
anxiety w/ psychomotor
103. consciousness and alert
attention: can follow commands
normal normal verbal responses
115. delirium tremens (" the DT") alcohol withdrawal 125. dissociative amnesia failure to remember important
delirium in heavy, info about oneself after a
long-term drinkers stressful event
occurs within first week may resolve in minutes, days,
(3rd day most or last for years
126. dissociative disorder not dissociative symptom (e.g.
20% mortality rate
otherwise specified trance-like state, memory loss)
116. delusional disorder fixed, persistent, non- in...
bizarre delusional 1. persons exposed to intense
system coercive persuasion (e.g.
eroromantic and brainwashing)
persectutory paranoid 2. indigenous to particular
types locations or cultures (e.g.
50% recover "Amok", in Indonesia)
127. dopamine acts on what tuberoinfundibular tract
may have relatively
tract to inhibit prolactin
normal social/work
secretion from ant. pit.?
128. dopaminergic tract nigrostriatal tract
117. demyelinating diseases are NMRI
involved in regulation of (degenerates in Parkinson
visualized with what?
muscle tone and disease)
118. descriptive statistics to summarize data movement
obtained from research
129. dorsal dorsal scapular nerve
119. dezamethasone suppression test major depressive scapular artery
(DST) disorder accompanies what nerve?
+ in up to 1/2 of pts with what
130. dorsal subclavian artery, or may be a
scapular/descending deep branch of the transverse
120. dezamethasone suppression test suppression is limited scapular artery cervical artery
(DST) or absent arises from
+ test indicates... (not specific)
131. dorsal levator scapulae
121. dezamethasone suppression test adrenal-pitutary scapular/descending rhomboids
(DST) (dex. suppresses scapular artery serratus anterior
tests the function of what axis? cortisol secretion b/c it supplies?
is a synthetic
132. drug trial: phase I is it safe?
small number of healthy
122. difference between Chi-square the latter is for a small volunteers
test and Fischer's exact sample asses safety, toxicity,
probability pharmacokinetics,
123. difference between major the latter are...
depressive disorder and 1. less severe 133. drug trial: phase II does it work?
cyclo/dysthymic disorders 2. nonepisodic small number of patients with
3. chronic disease of interest
4. not associated with determine treatment effects,
psychosis or suicide optimal dosing, adverse effects
124. difference between schizophrenia the later are not 134. drug trial: phase III is it as good or better?
and schizotypal, paranoid, and associated with frank large number of patients
borderline personality disorders psychotic symptoms randomly assigned to
treatment/placebo groups
135. drug trial: phase IV can it stay? 149. ED findings associated with alcohol and other sedatives
follow patients taking drug after substance withdrawal:
FDA approval and watch for long- psychotic symptoms
term adverse effects
150. ED findings associated with stimulants
136. during what stage do toddler years substance withdrawal:
children typically fear pupil constriction
separation from
151. ED findings associated with opiods
parent more than
substance withdrawal: alcohol, other sedatives
bodily harm, pain, or
pupil dilation
152. effect of inc estrogen, dec by dec testosterone
137. during which stage of delta wave
progesterone, antiandrogens availability via hypothalamic
sleep do night terrors REM
(by medical treatment ) on feedback mechanisms
occur? nightmares?
sexual interest/behavior in
138. dyspareunia persistent pain during intercourse med
w/o pelvic pathology or caused by
153. effect of stress on dec
testosterone levels in men
more common in women
154. effects of MI on sexual erectile dysfunction
139. dyssomnias versus problems in timing, quality, or amt
activity dec libido (men and
parasomnias of sleep versus abnormalities of
physiology or behaviors
fear that sexual activity may
associated with sleep
cause another heart attack
140. dysthymic disorder feeling somewhat worse than
155. ego begins to develop
normal (dysthymia) over a 2-year
age of development immediately after birth
period (1- ear in children) w/ no
discrete episodes of illness 156. ego controls expression of id in
characteristics response to external world
141. ecstasy MDMA
via defense mechanisms
aka (methylenedioxymethapmhetamine)
enables interpersonal
142. ECT contraindication increased intracranial pressure or relationships
MI within the past 2 weeks maintenance of sense of
reality via reality testing
143. ECT is associated with general anesthesia
the induction of what? 157. ego unconscious, preconscious,
level of operation and conscious
144. ED findings associated stimulants
with substance use: 158. episodic declarative memory long term recall
cardiovascular memory of personally
symptoms experienced events
145. ED findings associated stimulants 159. episodic declarative memory temporal lobe (medial)
with substance use: alcohol associated anatomy anterior thalamic nuclei
psychotic symptoms hallucinogens fornix
146. ED findings associated opiods
mammillary bodies
with substance use:
prefrontal cortex
pupil constriction
160. Erb-Duchenne paralysis (Erb upper trunk injury caused
147. ED findings associated stimulants
palsy) during breech delivery or
with substance use: hallucinogens (e.g. LSD)
violent displacement of
pupil dilation
head from shoulder
148. ED findings associated alcohol and other sedatives waiter's tip hand
with substance
161. etiology of homosexuality presumed to be alterations
in levels of prenatal sex
changes in some
hypothalamic nuclei
162. extinction (operant reinforcement withheld--> 175. Folstein Mini-Mental State Exam max: 30
conditioning) gradual disappearance of scores: max, competent, competent: 23 or higher
learned behavior incompetent incompetent: 18 or lower
163. factors that contribute to older age at onset 176. for how long after use can it be 7-12 hours
better prognosis for female detected in body fluids?
schizophrenia married, has social relationships alcohol
good employment history
177. for how long after use can it be 1-2 days
fewer negative symptoms and
detected in body fluids?
164. fear fright caused by real danger
178. for how long after use can it be 1-3 days in occasional
165. female sexual arousal as high as 20% detected in body fluids? users
disorder benzoylecgonine (cocaine 7-12 days in heavy users
prevalence metabolite)
166. flooding and implosion for phobias 179. for how long after use can it be 3-28 days
overwhelming dose of fearful detected in body fluids?
stimulus introduced; habituation cannabinoid metabolites
occurs over time
180. for how long after use can it be 1-2 days
167. Flumazenil (Mazicon, benzo detected in body fluids?
Romazicon) is a ___ cotinine (nicotine metabolite)
receptor antagonist
181. for how long after use can it be 7-12 hours
168. Folstein Mini-Mental 1. orientation detected in body fluids?
State Exam 2. language g-glutamyltransferase (GGT)
6 skills evaluated 3. attention and concentration (sedative component )
4. registration
182. for how long after use can it be 7-14 days in heavy users
5. recall
detected in body fluids?
6. construction
169. Folstein Mini-Mental count backward from 100 by 7
183. for how long after use can it be more than 7 days
State Exam 5
detected in body fluids?
attention and
SGOT (ASAT/AAT, CPK) (related
concentration: question
to hallucinogens)
and max score
184. for how long after use can it be 1-3 days
170. Folstein Mini-Mental copy the design
detected in body fluids?
State Exam 1
specific benzo, barbituate, or its
construction: question
and max score
185. "freebase" is a cheap, smokable cocaine/"crack"
171. Folstein Mini-Mental name the object that I am
form of...
State Exam holding
language: question and 8 186. free floating anxiety fright not associated
max score with any specific cause

172. Folstein Mini-Mental tell me where you are and what 187. Glasgow coma scale: no eye opening
State Exam day it is best-eye opening response (E)
orientation: question and 10 1
max score 188. Glasgow coma scale: opens eyes in response
173. Folstein Mini-Mental after 5 minutes, recall the names best-eye opening response (E) to painful stimulus
State Exam of these 3 objects 2
recall: question and max 3 189. Glasgow coma scale: opens eyes in response
score best-eye opening response (E) to verbal command
174. Folstein Mini-Mental repeat the names of these three 3
State Exam objects 190. Glasgow coma scale: opens eyes
registration: question 3 best-eye opening response (E) spontaneously
and max score 4
191. Glasgow coma scale: one 204. healthy worker effect (selection
best motor response bias)
(M): sample
1 healthier than
192. Glasgow coma scale: shows extension to painful
best motor response stimulus
(M): 205. highest CA used to determine IQ 15 years
206. how long should contraceptives be used until 1 year
193. Glasgow coma scale: shows flexion to painful stimulus when a woman is undergoing menopause? after last
best motor response missed period
207. hyperactivity of what tract is associated mesolimbic
with the positive symptoms of
194. Glasgow coma scale: withdraws from painful stimulus schizophrenia?
best motor response
208. hypoactivity of what tract is associated mesocortical
with the positive symptoms of tract
195. Glasgow coma scale: localizes a source of pain
209. id present at
best motor response
age of development birth
5 210. id instinctive
characteristics sexual arousal
196. Glasgow coma scale: obeys commands
best motor response
controlled by
197. Glasgow coma scale: none process
best verbal response thinking
(V): not influenced
1 by external
198. Glasgow coma scale: incomprehensible sounds
best verbal response 211. id unconscious
(V): level of operation
212. If 95% CI for RR or OR includes 1... do not reject
199. Glasgow coma scale: speaks using inappropriate words Ho (no
best verbal response significant
(V): difference
3 exists)
200. Glasgow coma scale: makes confused verbal response 213. if a woman is healthy, does her sex drive no
best verbal response decrease after menopause? with aging?
214. If child/elder abuse is suspected, does the no
physician still need consent to hospitalize no
201. Glasgow coma scale: is oriented and can converse the abused for protection? for treatment?
best verbal response
215. If child/elder abuse is suspected, is the no
physician required to tell the suspected
abuser that this is suspected?
202. Glasgow coma scale: min: 3
216. if CIs for 2 groups do NOT overlap groups are
scores 13-15: mild neurologic impairment
9-12: moderate
<12: severe
203. habituation vs H: repeated stimulus = dec (and vice
sensitizaton response versa)
S: repeated stimulus = inc
217. if mother is HIV+ and taking AZT, <1/10 225. inferential statistics to generalize results to an entire
what are the changes the fetus will 1/4 population by observing a sample
be born with HIV? not taking AZT? from it
218. If there was no intention to injure yes 226. injury to what nerve ulnar
the child/elderly person (such as in a results in claw
cultural "coining" ritual) does the hand?
injury still need to be reported?
227. innervations of the hypothenar mm.
219. illnesses that should be reported to Hepatitis A and B deep branch of the medial 2 lumbricals
the state Salmonellosis ulnar nerve all interossei
Shigellosis adductor pollicis
Syphilis deep head of flexor pollicis brevis
228. innervations of the palmaris brevis
superficial branch of skin over palmar and dorsal surfaces
the ulnar nerve of medial 1/3 of hand
hypothenar eminence skin
skin of little finger and middle side of
ring finger via 3 palmar digital
229. in non-alcoholics, 0.40-0.50%
220. in elderly, is bruising on extensor no
coma results when
surfaces of limbs most likely a sign (bruises on
of abuse? inner/flexor areas
may be sin of being 230. interrater reliability measure of whether the results of a
grabbed) test are similar when the test is
administered by a different examiner
221. Infant Milestones PSO
"parents start 231. intoxicated heroin dec
observing" users have dec or (inc w/ cocaine, amphetamines, PCP)
0-12 mos inc aggression?

222. infant motor milestones 1. Primitive reflexes 232. IQ equation 100 x (mental age/chronological age)
disappear - Moro 233. IQ of 100 indicates mental age = chronological age
(3mos); rooting (4); what?
palmar (6); Babinski
234. IQ range for mild 50-70
mental retardation
2. Posture - lifts
head to prone (1); 235. IQ range for mild 35-55
roll/sit (8); stand moderate
(10), walk (12-18) retardation
3. Picks - hand-to- 236. IQ range for <20
hand (6); Pincer profound mental
grasp (10) retardation
4. Points (12)
237. IQ range for severe 20-40
223. infant social milestones social smile (12mos) mental retardation
stranger anxiety (6)
separation anxiety 238. IQ score that > 130
(9) indicates superior
224. infant verbal/cognitive milestones 1. Orient - voice
(4mos), name (9), 239. iron toxicity and 1. confusion, seizures, sedation,
gestures (9) management coffee ground vomit
2. Object 2. deferoxamine mesylate
permanence (9) 240. IUGR intrauterine growth restriction
3. Oratory (basic) - can cause low birth weight
241. ketamine "special K" (hallucinogen)
242. Klumpke's paralysis lower trunk injury caused by 255. measures of standard deviation - variability from
difficult breech delivery, dispersion the mean
cervical rib, or abnormal standard error of the mean -
insertion or spasm of ant, estimate of variability between
middle scalene mm. sample mean and population mean
claw hand
256. Medicare Part A hospitAl insurance
243. lab tests reveal and homovanillic acid (HVA)
257. Medicare Part B Basic medical Bills
elevated level of what
dopamine metabolite in 258. Medicare Part C Parts A+B delivered by an approved
body fluids of patients w/ private Company
schizophrenia? 259. Medicare Part D prescription Drugs
244. late-look bias people who are most ill are 260. meta-analysis statistic method of combining results
not included in the sample of a number of studies to form an
245. lead-time bias early detection confused with overarching conclusion
increased survival 261. Minnesota objectives
correct by noting survival with Multiphasic 567 TF questions about oneself
severity of symptoms at Personality validity scales identify trying to look
detection Inventory (MMPI-2) ill
246. lead toxicity and 1. depression, cognitive characteristics depression, paranoia, schizophrenia,
management deficits, hyperactivity, hypochondriasis
agression 262. Minnesota most commonly used objective
2. ethylenediaminetetracetic Multiphasic personality test
acid (EDTA) Personality primary care physicians
247. learned helplessness in depression, which is often Inventory (MMPI-2) evaluates pt attitude toward taking
animals is a model for what characterized by uses the test
in humans? hopelessness and apathy 263. modeling is what observational
248. lisergic acid diethylamide LDS (hallucinogen) type of learning?
aka 264. monoamine theory lowered monoamine (biogenic
249. low birth weight <2500g of mood disorders amine) activity = depression and
increased risk of SIDS elevated levels of mania
higher overall mortality 265. mood symptoms: inability to feel pleasure
250. LSD is used how? ingested anhedonic

251. major adverse effects of memory problems 266. mood symptoms: subjectively unpleasant feeling
ECT dysphonic

252. major depressive disorder long sleep latency 267. mood symptoms: strong feelings of elation
sleep pattern repeated awakening, poor euphoric
sleep efficiency 268. mood symptoms: normal mood w/ no significant
wakening early (terminal euthymic elevation or depression
269. mood symptoms: feelings of self-importance and
short REM latency (within 45
expansive grandiosity
dec REM late in sleep cycle 270. mood symptoms: easily annoyed and quick to anger
inc total REM irritable
dec delta wave sleep 271. mood symptoms: mood swings
253. markers on what 1, 6, 7, 8, 13, 21, 22 labile alternation between euphoria and
chromosomes are dysphoria
associated with
254. measurement bias information gathered in a way
that distorts it
ex - miscalibrated scale
272. mortality rate of close year 285. Neuropsychological delirium and dementia
relatives, esp widowed tests: identify use...
men, is high during the Folstein mini-mental
first __ of bereavement state
273. most commonly abdominal pain 286. Neuropsychological level of consciousness
feigned symptoms fever tests: identify use...
blood in urine Glasgow coma scale
induction of tachycardia (via drug
287. Neuropsychological brain lesion localization and effects
tests: identify use...
skin lesions
274. most commonly anxiety disorders
288. Neuropsychological cerebral dominance
treated mental health
tests: identify use... types of brain dysfunction, such as
Luria-Nebraska dyslexia
275. most commonly used Wechsler Adult Intelligence neuropsychological
IQ test Scale, edition IV battery
289. Neuropsychological directed attetion
276. most common depression tests: identify use...
psychiatric disorder in (may mimic and be misdiagnosed Stroop color-word
the elderly as Alzheimer disease; referred to
290. Neuropsychological executive function
as pseudodementia due to
tests: identify use...
memory loss and cognitive
Wisconsin card sort
291. NNH number needed to harm (number
277. MSE mental status examination
needed to be exposed to risk factor
structured interview to determine
for 1 patient to be harmed)
current state of mental
functioning 292. NNT number needed to treat (for 1
patient to benefit)
278. narcolepsy occurs most adolescents and young adults
frequently in what age 293. NNT is used to make efficacy of treatment versus
groups? what comparison? placebo

279. negative skew mean<median<mode 294. nondeclarative implicit

left tail longer memory knowledge of how to do things
retrieved unconsciously
280. neologisms inventing new words
schizophrenia behavior 295. non-initiation of 1. delivered before week 23
resuscitation is 2. birth weight < 400g
281. neonates of mothers hyperactivity
indicated for what 3. anencephaly
who use cocaine have growth retardation
infants? 4. trisomy 13, 18
what complications?
296. non-response bias (selection bias)
282. Neuropsychological visual and motor ability via
participating subjects differ from
tests: identify use... reproduction of designs
nonrespondents in meaningful ways
Bender visual motor
gestalt 297. normal distribution Gaussian
aka... mean = median = mode
283. Neuropsychological dementia
bell curve
tests: identify use...
Boston naming
284. Neuropsychological dementia
tests: identify use... depression
digit symbol age-related cognitive decline
298. NPV 308. operant learning of a non-reflexive behavior
conditioning through reinforcement
309. OR

negative predictive value

true negatives/all negative results

inversely related to prevalence/pretest odds ratio

probability case-controlled study
odds of risk factor w/ disease versus
299. NT that dopamine
those w/o disease
decreases sleep
efficiency 310. organic causes of caffeine
anxiety substance abuse
300. NT that NE
symptoms hyperthyroidism
decreases sleep
efficiency and
pulmonary disease
REM sleep
301. NT that increases serotonin vit B12 deficiency
sleep efficiency hypo- or hyperthyroidism
and delta wave cardiac arrhythmia
311. other names for major tranquilizers
302. objective MSE Hamilton "antipsychotic neuroleptics
scales in which Baskin agents"
examiner rates
312. pain disorder onset in 30s, 40s
intense acute or chronic pain not
303. objective MSE Zung explained completely by physical
scales in which Beck disease
patient rates self closely associated with psychological
304. observer- researcher's belief of efficacy of stress
expectancy bias treatment changes treatment outcome 313. panic disorder separation anxiety disorder in childhood
aka - Pygmalion effect, self-fulfilling with agoraphobia
prophecy is associated
researcher more likely to document with...
positive outcomes if he believes
314. PCP binds what N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)
treatment will work
receptors? receptors of glutamate-gated ion
305. OCD occurs at Tourette disorder channels
an increased
315. PCP emergency hyperthermia
frequency in 1st-
dept findings nystagmus
degree relatives
of patients who 316. PCP is used how? smoked
have what 317. perseveration repeating words or phrases
condition? schizophrenia behavior
306. odds ratio is case-control study 318. phenylcyclidine PCP or "angel dust" (hallucinogen)
calculated for aka
what type of
study? 319. physical changes slower erection
due to aging that diminished intensity of ejaculation
307. onset of sleep temporal lobe epilepsy affect sexual longer refractory period
terror disorder in function in men need for more direct stimulation
may indicate
what condition?
320. physical changes vaginal thinning and shortening 332. preschool 1. Language - 1000 words (3yrs);
due to aging that vaginal dryness verbal/cognitive complete sentences and prepositions
affect sexual milestones (4yrs)
function in 2. Legends - detailed stories (4)
333. prevalence # existing cases/people at risk
321. Pickwickian related to obstructive sleep apnea (at a specific moment in time)
syndrome airway obstruction-->daytime sleepiness
334. prevalence of 25%
322. positive skew mean>median>mode erectile may be first symptom of disease
right tail longer dysfunction in
diabetic men
323. posterior continuation of the deep branch of the
interosseous radial nerve as it emerges from the 335. primary active THC (tetrahydrocannabinoid)
nerve supinator compound in
innervates forearm extensor mm. marijuanna
324. postpartum blues 2 336. primary disease prevent disease occurance
lasting less than prevention
___ weeks is
337. primary indication major depressive disorder, when..
for 1. symptoms unresponsive to
325. power 1-beta electroconvulsive antidepressant meds
probability of rejecting Ho when it is therapy 2. meds are too dangerous/have
truly false undesirable side effects (so, elderly)
increase by increasing n (power in 3. rapid resolution of symptoms is
numbers) necessary
326. PPV 338. priority of 1. spouse
surrogate decision 2. adult children
makers 3. parents
4. adult siblings
5. other relatives
339. proband in a family risk study, how frequently a
behavioral disorder or trait occurs in
positive predictive value relatives of the effected individual
true positives/all positive results 340. procedural non- long term recall
327. prebycusis sensorineural hearing loss with aging declarative things you do automatically (e.g. tie
often at higher frequencies memory shoes)
caused by hair cell destruction at 341. procedural non- cerebellum
cochlear base (lower-frequencies declarative basal ganglia
detected near apex) memory supplementary motor area
328. premature vs less than 37, 32 weeks, respectively associated
very premature anatomy
births (timing) 342. procedure bias subjects in different groups not treated
329. Preschool DFL equally
Milestones "Don't Forget they're still Learing" ex - patients in treatment group spend
3-5yr more time in specialized hospital units

330. preschool motor 1. Drive - tricycle (3yrs) 343. prodromal stage signs/symptoms prior to 1st psychotic
milestones 2. Drawings (basic copying of drawings) of schizophrenia episode
(4) avoidance of social activities, physical
3. Dexterity - hop on 1 foot (4); buttons, complaints, new interest
zippers, grooming (5) religion/occult/philosophy

331. preschool social 1. Freedom - part of day away from 344. pseudodementia depression that mimics dementia
milestones mother comfortably (3yrs) IQ stable
2. Friends - imaginary and cooperative normal life disrupted
play with real friends (4) cognitive and memory problems
345. psychiatric history mental illness 357. response decrease and eventual disappearance of
components drug and alcohol use extinction a conditioned response if the
sexual activity conditioned stimulus is never again
current living situation paired with the unconditioned stimulus
sources of stress
358. Rorschach Test projective test
346. punishment introduction of an aversive stimulus characteristics interpretation of 10 bilaterally
to reduce the rate of an unwanted symmetrical inkblot designs
359. Rorschach Test most commonly used projective
347. quaternary disease identify patients at risk of uses personality test
prevetion unnecessary treatment to protect identification of thought disorders,
from harm of unnecessary defense mechanisms
360. RR relative risk
348. r^2 coefficient of determination cohort study
r = correlation coefficient risk of disease given exposure to risk
349. recall bias awareness of disorder alters subject
recall 361. RRR
common in retrospective studies
patients with disease recall exposure
after learning of similar cases
350. receiver operating relationship of sensitivity to
characteristic (ROC) specificity
curve true positive rate vs. false positive
test that is both 100% specific and
sensitive has a curve that passes
high in the upper left corner of the
quadrant (linear = useless test)
351. relative risk is used fold increase in risk relative risk reduction
to calculate what proportion of risk reduction attributable
other value? to intervention when compared to a
352. relatives of children conduct disorder control
with conduct ADHD ex - flu shot versus no shot
disorder and ADHD antisocial personality disorder 1-RR
have a higher substance abuse 362. sampling bias volunteers for a study are not
incidence of what? representative of a population
353. REM rebound person who experiences dec REM 363. schizoaffective symptoms of both mood disorder +
sleep one night (due to sedative use, disorder schizophrenia
repeated awakenings, inadequate presence of psychotic symptoms for >2
sleep) experiences inc REM sleep weeks w/o mood symptoms
the next night lifetime social and occupational
354. REM sleep behavior REM sleep w/o typical skeletal impairment
disorder muscle paralysis a bit higher overall level of functioning
injury possible than schizophrenia
associated w/ Parkinson disease, 364. schizophrenia: enlarged lateral and 3rd ventricles
Lewy body dementia anatomy abnormal cerebral symmetry
355. residual stage of time b/w psychotic episodes changes in brain density
schizophrenia has touch w/ reality but behaves dec volume of limbic structures
normally 365. schizophrenia is 1, 6, 7, 8, 13, 21, 22
characterized by - symptoms associated with
intact memory capacity, orientation, markers on what
level of consciousness chromosomes?
356. response acquisition learning of a conditioned response
366. schizophrenia patients with more + - symptoms 378. self-limiting 3 months
or - symptoms experience more episodes of
neuroanatomic and metabolic mania last about
abnormalities? how long?
367. schizophrenia: dec glucose use by 379. semantic long term recall
PET scan shows... frontal lobes declarative general knowledge/facts about the
memory world
368. schizophrenia subtypes: stupor or agitation
catatonic lack of coherent 380. semantic inferolateral temporal lobe
speech declarative
bizarre posturing memory
(waxy flexibility) associated
rarely seen since anatomy
introduction of
381. sensitivity
antipsychotic agents
369. schizophrenia subtypes: poor grooming,
disorganized disheveled
emotional responses
facial grimacing,
true-positive rate
mirror gazing
probability of detecting disease when
onset before age 25
disease is present (out of all positive
370. schizophrenia subtypes: delusions of testers)
paranoid persecution near 100%: effective for
better functioning and ruling out
older age of onset disease and indicates low FN rate
than o/ subtypes
382. Sentence projective test
371. schizophrenia subtypes: at least 1 previous Comprehension patients complete sentences staged by
residual psychotic episode Test (SCT) examiner
subsequent residual characteristics
symptoms but no
383. Sentence identify worries and problems using
current frank psychotic
Comprehension verbal associations
Test (SCT)
372. schizophrenia subtypes: characteristics of more uses
undifferentiated than 1 subtype
384. sexual revealing genitals to shock unsuspecting
373. schizophreniform disorder psychotic and residual paraphilias: person to obtain sexual pleasure
symptoms lasting 1-6 exhibitionism
385. sexual contact w/ inanimate objects to obtain
33% recover
paraphilias: sexual pleasure
374. secondary disease prevention screen early for
386. sexual man rubs penis against clothed,
paraphilias: unaware woman to obtain sexual
375. sedative agents work by GABA frotteurism pleasure
increasing the availability of what
387. sexual receiving physical pain or humiliation to
paraphilias: obtain sexual pleasure
376. selection bias error in assigning sexual masochism
subjects to study
388. sexual giving physical pain or humiliation to
group, resulting in
paraphilias: obtain sexual pleasure
sexual sadism
377. self-limiting episodes of 6-12 months
depression last about how long?
389. sexual paraphilias: obtaining sexual pleasure 401. sleepwalking delta
telephone scatologia from engaging occurs during __
unsuspecting women in stage sleep
sexual phone calls
402. Social ranks effects of life events
390. sexual paraphilias: wearing women's clothing Readjustment inc score = inc likelihood of getting sick
transvestic fetishism (esp underwear) to obtain Scale by Holmes (80% w/ 300+ points get sick within a
sexual pleasure and Rahe year)
exclusive to homosexual
403. somatitization history over years of 2+ GI symptoms,
disorder 4+ pain symptoms, 1+ sexual symptom, 1+
391. sexual paraphilias: obtaining sexual pleasure pseudoneurological problem (e.g.
voyeurism from secretly watching paralysis)
people undress, have sex onset before 30 yo
392. sexual paraphilias: engaging in sexual activity 404. specificity
zoophilia w/ animals
393. shaping rewarding closer and
closer approximations of a
wanted behavior until
correct one is acheived
394. shared psychotic disorder delusions in a person in a
(foile a deux) close relationship with true-negative rate
someone w/ a delusional probability of detecting no disease
disorder (the inducer) when there really is no disease (out of
10-40% recover all negative testers)
completely when near 100%: can
separated from inducer rule in
disease and indicated low FP
395. the sick role includes... 1. exemption from usual
responsibilities 405. squeeze premature ejaculation
2. expectation of care by technique is used delay ejaculation by exerting pressure
others to manage... on coronal ridge on both sides of glans
3. working toward penis until sensation subsides
becoming well 406. statutory rape consensual sexual act involving a minor
4. cooperating with health or person who is physically or mentally
care providers to become impaired
407. stimulant drugs dopamine (DA)
396. since incidence information is odds ratio increase the amphetamine--->DA release
not available, what is used to availability of cocaine--->blocks reuptake
estimate relative risk in a what NT, which
case-control study? may result in
397. sleep apnea depression psychotic
complications morning headaches symptoms?
pulmonary hypertension 408. stimulus new stimulus resembling a conditioned
398. sleep efficiency and REM ACh generalization stimulus elicits a conditioned response
sleep are increased w/ inc 409. stress = inc ACTH dec lymphocyte response to mitogens
levels of ___ in the reticular = inc cortisol = and antigens, and impaired function of
formation depression of NK cells
399. sleep latency time between going to the immune
bed and actually falling system, as
asleep measured by...
usually < 10 minutes
400. sleep paralysis is related to narcolepsy
what sleep disorder?
410. study type to determine cross-sectional study 423. test to check for t-test
disease prevalence "What IS happening?" difference between
can show risk factor association means of 2 groups
but not causality
424. test to check for ANOVA (analysis of variants)
data collected from a group to
difference between
determine frequency of a
means of 3+ groups
disease and related risk factors
at a specific point in time 425. Thematic Apperception projective test
Test (TAT) patients asked to create verbal
411. substance dependence substance abuse + withdrawal
characteristics scenarios based on 30 drawings
symptoms, tolerance, or a
portraying ambiguous scenarios
compulsion to use
426. Thematic Apperception stories used to evaluate
412. superego begins to develop by 6 yo
Test (TAT) unconscious emotions and
age of development
uses conflicts
413. superego moral values, conscience
427. there is a genetic ADHD and OCD
characteristics controls expression of id
association between
414. superego unconscious, preconscious, and Tourette disorder and
level of operation conscious what?
415. superficial branch of the skin of radial side of hand 428. Toddler Milestones CRE
radial nerve innervates... radial 2.5 digits over the "child rearing working"
proximal phalanx 12-36mos
416. suprascapular artery thyrocervical trunk 429. toddler motor 1. Cruise (first steps by 12mos)
branch of? supra and infraspinatus, milestones 2. Climb stairs (18)
supplies? shoulder and acromioclavicular 3. Cultured - feeds self with
joints utensils (20)
4. Kicks ball (24)
417. surveillance bias those who know they are being
followed for the development 430. toddler social 1. Recreation - parallel play (12-
of a disease are more likely to milestones 24mos)
seek testing/be identified as 2. Rapprochement - moves from
having the disease and returns to mother (24)
3. Realization - formation of core
418. - symptoms of things missing from expected
gender identity (26)
schizophrenia behavior:
lack of motivation, social 431. toddler Words
withdrawal, flattened affect, verbal/cognitive 200 by age 2, 2 word sentences
cognitive disturbances, poor milestones
grooming, poor/impoverished
432. T of F: schizophrenia true
speech content
often stabilizes in
419. systematic increasing doses of fear- midlife
desensitization strategy provoking stimulus followed
433. toilet training typically 3 years
paired w/ relaxing one
is done at what age?
person cannot be
simultaneously fearful and 434. token economy operant conditioning
relaxed used to increase + behavior in a
severely disorganized, autistic, or
420. tertiary disease treatment to reduce disability
mentally disabled person
prevention due to disease
421. test-retest reliability concerns reporduceability to
422. test to check difference Chi-square
between 2+ percentages "CHI-tegorial"
or groups/portions of
categorical outcomes
(not means)
435. T or F: adults who were false 446. T or F: HIV test of a patient can be true
abused as children have a inc risk done without consent if the patient's
normal risk of developing status is unknown and a worker has
dissociative (dissociative been exposed to the patient's body
identity) disorders and fluids
borderline personality
447. T or F: husbands can be convicted of true
raping their wives
436. T or F: antidepressants false
448. T or F: in absence of a preexisting true
elevate mood in
condition, death due to opiod
nondepressed people too
withdrawal is rare
437. T or F: antidepressants true
449. T or F: IQ in childhood and old age is true
have no abuse potential
essentially the same in the absence
438. T or F: a person can be false of pathology
awakened from a night
450. T or F: it is common for fertility to be false
adversely affected in women with SC
439. T or F: a physician can true injuries
delay informing the
451. T or F: malingering is not considered true
patient of a diagnosis if it
a psychiatric disorder
may have an adverse
affect on the patient's 452. T or F: Medicaid does not cover long- false
health term nursing home care

440. T or F: a physician would no, because the victim is 453. T or F: Medicare does not cover long- true
be acting appropriately by usually a competent adult term nursing home care
reporting suspected BUT: document abuse, ensure 454. T or F: memory problems are normal true (ones that do
domestic abuse victim's safety, develop with aging not interfere with
escape plan, provide daily functioning)
emotional support, refer to
455. T or F: personality disorders are false
appropriate resources, and
associated with frank psychotic (but they are
encourage the victim to report
symptoms chronic, lifelong,
it to the authorities
rigid, and
441. T or F: a victim of rape false unsuitable for
must prove the he/she maintaining
resisted the rapist for the relationships)
rapist to be convicted
456. T or F: pervasive developmental false
442. T or F: both autism and false disorders of childhood can be
Asperger disorder are only autism reversible
characterized by
457. T or F: physicians can tell a person true
developmental language
whom is at imminent risk for infection
(e.g. sexual partner) that a patient is
443. T or F: decreased false HIV+
intelligence and learning intelligence remains steady
458. T or F: physicians should always notify false; only if it is
speed are normal with
the authorities if rape is suspected statutory
otherwise all that
444. T or F: ECT may be used to true can be done is to
treat depression during encourage the
pregnancy victim to report it
445. T or F: even if an HIV+ false 459. T or F: psychosocial factors are false
physician complies with involved in the etiology of only involved in
methods of infection dysthymia/depression and the etiology of
control they are still at mania/hypomania dysthymia and
high risk for transmitting depression
the infection to patients
460. T or F: psychotic false 472. vaginismus painful spasms occur in
symptoms are associated associated with both outer 1/3 of vagina
with alcohol withdrawal, make intercourse and pelvic
not intoxication examination difficult w/o
pelvic pathology
461. T or F: results of IQ tests true
can be influenced by 473. Vineland Adaptive Behavior evaluation of skills of daily
cultural background and Scales living in people with mental
emotional response to disabilities and other
testing challenges (such as
impaired vision or hearing)
462. T or F: sedative withdrawal false
symptoms are usually can be life-threatening 474. vitamin A toxicity inc intracranial pressure--
minor >headache, altered mental
status, neurological deficits
463. T or F: "use it or lose it" true
applies to sexual activity or else... faster physical 475. vitamin A toxicity limit intake
as age increases atrophy of genital organs in management
old age
476. vit B6 (pyrixidine) toxicity 1. depression, peripheral
464. T or F: women who suffer true and management neuropathy
postpartum depression are 2. limit intake
more likely to suffer from
477. vit B12 (cobalamin) toxicity 1. tingling, burning
it again with subsequent
and management sensations in extremities
2. limit intake
465. to what treatments do + most traditional and atypical
478. vit D (pyroxidine) toxicity 1. confusion, apathy, poor
symptoms of antipsychotics
and management apetitie, thirst
schizophrenia respond?
2. IV hydration;
466. to what treatments do - atypical antipsychotics corticosteroids or
symptoms of bisphosphonates to reduce
schizophrenia best serum Ca2+ levels
479. WAIS-IV verbal comprehension index
467. transcranial magnetic for OCD, major depressive components that make up (VCI)
stimulation (TMS) disorder verbal IQ working memory index
electric current applied to (WMI)
scalp-->2cm deep magnetif
480. WAIS-IV perceptual reasoning index
field generated--->stimulation
performance IQ (PRI)
of cortical interneurons lying
components processing speed index
parallel to brain surface
468. type I error alpha
481. WAIS-IV full scale IQ (FSIQ)
verbal IQ+performance IQ =
seeing difference that did not
exist (convict innocent man) 482. what 2 drugs can be used to IV sodium lactate
provoke a panic attack and inhaled CO2
469. type II error beta
identify a panic disorder?
483. what 3 antipsychotic agents haloperidol
470. undoing defense mechanism
can be given via IM injection decanoate
believing one can change a
every 2-4 weeks, and thus fluphenazine decanoate
past event caused by a bad
are used for non-adherent
behavior by adopting a
"correct" behavior
e.g. atonement, confession,
471. use for systematic phobias
484. what are the physical manifestations of similar to 491. what is the defense mechanism on which repression
anxiety? those of fear: all others are based?
492. what is the difference in sex hormone no difference
levels in homosexual vs heterosexual
experience of 493. what percentage of children with ASD 25%
tachycardia) develop seizures?
tingling in 494. What to do with Ho if 95% CI for a mean do not reject Ho
extremities difference between 2 variables incudes (no significant
mouth 0 difference
numbness exists)
dizziness and
495. what type of study begins with cohort study
identifying specific populations who are
free of the illness under investigation at
GI and urinary
the beginning of the study?
mydriasis 496. what type of study is a clinical cohort study
(pupil dilation) treatment trial?

485. what does a lie detector test measure? galvanic skin 497. when does an infant begin to exhibit end of first year
response separation anxiety? of life
(electric 498. when does an infant begin to exhibit 7 mos
resistance; stranger anxiety?
lower = +)
(due to inc 499. when is parental consent not required 1. emergency
sweat gland for treating a minor 2. STDs
activity/symp 3.
NS arousal) contraceptives
4. pregnancy
486. what effect can antidepressants have on can precipitate 5. treatment for
people with bipolar disorder manic drug/alcohol
episodes dependence
487. what form of dementia is characterized Alzheimer 500. which is associated with a higher rate of acute
by gradual memory loss/intellectual disease adherence: chronic or acute illness
abilities, depression, anxiety, inability to
control impulses, and lack of judgement? 501. which schedules of reinforcement are variable ratio
associated with high resistance to and variable
488. what group of women are more likely to parous women extinction? interval
not have vaginal injuries due to rape? (those who
have had 502. which surgical patients are at the 1. those who do
children) greatest risk for medical and not admit they
psychological problems? are worried
489. what hormones facilitate aggression? 1. androgens, 2. those who
which inhibit it? dopamine, epi believe they are
2. estrogen, going to die
antiandrogens, 503. while somatoform disorders are more hypochondriasis
serotonin, common in women, which occurs at an
GABA equal rate in men and women?

490. what is prevalence approx. = to? pretest 504. why are dialysis patients more prone to they must
probability psychological problems? depend on
AND technology and
incidence for on other people
a short-
disease (e.g.
common cold)
505. WISC Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
ages 6.5-16 yo
506. working non-declarative memory short term recall
recent information
507. working non-declarative memory prefrontal cortex
associated anatomy language and visual association areas
508. WPPSI Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence
ages 4-6.5 yo
509. WRAT Wide Range Achievement Test
used clinically
evaluates arithmetic, reading, spelling skills
510. Z for 95% CI 1.96
511. Z for 99% CI 2.58
512. zinc toxicity and management 1. nerve damage leading to feelings of burning, numbness, weakness

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