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Cover Page

Name of Proponent Jeather Siva Maningo Number of

Requir Actu
ed al
Title KAPA's Influence In Shaping the People's Perception Of the Law &
The Government

Chapter 1 - Introduction 2,000 2,293

Statement of the Instruction: Enumerate them all.
Problems A.What are the factors that led people to be highly influenced by

B.What are the factors that led people to be highly influenced by


C.How can people's behavior regarding KAPA affect the laws and the

Theory (Instruction: Define your theory.)

The Political Theory used in the study is The Lockean View on
Liberalism. The study focuses on the notion that man has a natural right
to his life, liberty and his properties and should rightfully be respected
by the government by not violating these rights.Locke gives the
individual property rights increasingly strong.

Sources of Materials (Instruction: Enumerate them all. Observe proper citation format.)

Alzate, E. (20140). From Individual to Citizen: Enhancing the Bonds

of Citizenship Through Religion in Locke's Political Theory. Polity,
46(2), 211-232. Retrieved from

Stanton, T. (2011). Authority and Freedom in the Interpretation of

Locke's Political Theory, 39(1), 6-30. Retrieved from

Forde, S. (2009). The Charitable John Locke. The Review of Politics,

71(3), 428-458. Retrieved from

Kraynak, R. (1980). John Locke: From Absolutism to Toleration. The

American Political Science Review, 74(1), 53-69. Retrieved from

Reiman, J. (2014) As Free And As just As Possible; The theory of

Marxian Liberalism p.70. Retrieved from

Analysis Please check:

[ ] Visual [ ] Documentary [ X] Phenomenology
[ X ] Content Analysis [ X ] Discourse Analysis [ X ] Narrative
[ ] Ethnography
Others, please specify _________________
Chapter II – Review of Related Literature 1,500 1,619
Shi, Y. et, Al. (2019). A Pyramid Scheme Model
Based on “Consumer Rebate” Frauds. School of
Economics and Management, University of Chinese
Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100190, China.
Retrieved from
Sharma, P. et, Al. (2015). Investors’ Perception And
Attitude Towards Mutual Fund As An Investment
Option. (Volume 4, No.2,) Journal of Business
Management & Social Sciences Research. Pacific

University, India.Retrievedfrom
5f2d2ef00c43c4a6e56d74.pd f Dr. Sindhu K. P1 and
Dr. S. Rajitha Kumar (2014). Influence of Risk
Perception of Investors on Investment
Decisions: An Empirical Analysis.(Vol. 2, No. 2, pp.
15-25)Journal of Finance and Bank Management.
Retrieved from

Collard, S. (2019). Individual investment behaviour:

A brief review of research. Personal Finance Research

Reddy , P. Et, Al. (2016). The Perception of Individual

Investors towards the Performance of Mutual Funds.

Cox, J. (2018). Fast Money Schemes: Hope and
Deception in Papua New Guinea. Bloomington,
Indiana: Indiana University Press. Retrieved from

Reddy , P. Et, Al. (2016). The Perception of Individual

Investors towards the Performance of Mutual Funds.
(Volume 18, Issue 9 .Ver. I pp.09-14) IOSR Journal of
Business and Management. Retrieved from

Sindhu, K. (2014). Influence of Risk Perception of

Investors on Investment Decisions: An Empirical

Tarak Paul, (2014). Customer Communication

Dimension of Marketing Mix- A Review of Gap

Mutual Fund Investors Expectation and Experience.

Scholars Journal of Economics, Business and

Manikandan, A.(2017). Perception of Investors

towards the Investment Pattern on Different
Investment Avenues - A Review. (vol. 22, no. S7
)Department of Commerce, VIT University, Vellore,
Retrieved from
investmentpattern-o n-different-investment-avenues--

Chapter III – Findings of the Study 2,000 1,668

Capture them in one sentence and place each of them in the items below.
A. Investors have been affected by the perpetrator's impression
management techniques such as charitable giving, wealth presentation,
and investment experience has been demonstrated or defined.

B.The researcher found that one of the main reasons why people are
lured into investing in investment avenues like KAPA-Ministry
International INC., is the lack of knowledge about monetary data and the
increased capacity of data investigation could be avoided through
managing investment efficiently, decreasing the risky investments for
earning high returns by investors.

C.Kapa’s strategy worked because of the use of social media and the
curiosity of netizens and the visual appearance of wealth posted and
shared around by earlier investors.

D. Philippines, as a religious country is the best place to establish an

investment scheme that uses religion as a front.

Chapter IV Conclusion 1,000 1,004

Total Number of Words 6,500 6,584

Format Checklist Mark X the vacant space between brackets.

[ X ] Times New Roman [ X ] Font 12 [ X ] 1.5 line spacing
[ X ] 1” Margin all sides

Document Entries Declared as True and


Jeather Siva Maningo

Name and Signature
KAPA's Influence In Shaping the People's Perception Of the Law & The Government

Chapter 1

1) Background of study

The Philippines, as a developing country, is no stranger to widespread poverty. Due to the

resulting poverty, masses resorted to making investments. Choice apparatuses regularly
bolster investment decisions. The expected data structure and market components have a
deliberate impact on people's investment choices, just as they have on market outcomes or
return on investment with lower risks.Recently, established investment firms promise vast
sums of monetary gain which entices investors to comply. One of which is KAPA-

Collective investment schemes (CIS) are gaining popularity among Filipinos

nowadays as Exhibited by the rapid buildup of their assets and the increasing number
of investors. A CIS implies any course of action whereby assets requested from
contributing open and pooled together to invest, re-invest, as well as to exchange
protections, trading in securities and other assets or Different resources or various
classes thereof as permitted under existing laws. There are three regular sorts or types
of CIS, in particular: Mutual Fund (MF); unit venture trust fund (UITF); and 1
variable-unit linked (VUL) protection. A CIS is a course of action that empowers
various speculators ("participants") to pool their advantages and be treated as a
solitary record holder, which grants them to put resources into different budgetary
instruments and offer in the benefits or salary from the buy, holding, the board or
transfer of the advantages or entireties paid out of Such benefits or pay. Members in a
CIS can exploit the open doors ordinarily accessible just too massive speculators as
this permit people with low total assets or potentially have no time or learning in
contributing and instead given experts and specialists a chance to deal with their cash
through bonds, values, and different instruments.

The investment gives higher returns than saving funds, as there is a guaranteed and
ostensible rate of enthusiasm on reserve funds. In any case, investments like this can
gain cash more than the contributed sum or "donations" whenever provided carefully.

There is an enormous number of investment instruments accessible today. The signs of

improvement returns on one's well-deserved investment funds from the sorted out framework.
In this way, in the present investigation, an endeavor has been made by the researcher to
realize how far investors and investee know about the different venture roads and their
mentality and attitude towards investment to understand how now investors are aware of the
various investment avenues and their attitude towards finances.

The study aims to answer the Research Questions stated below:

What are the factors that led people to be highly influenced by KAPA?

How can people's behavior regarding KAPA affect the laws and the
Government? Is KAPA a religious front for a business?

As a political and ethical way of thinking, liberalism is concentrated on two fundamental


individualism and liberty. First, freedom places the individual at the heart of culture and
affirms that the biggest value of social order is one built around the individual.Second, the
organization's goal is to enable individuals to realize their full potential if they also want the
ideal approach to do so is to give a individual as much opportunity as it might be fairly
normal to do. These two basic norms are the institutions, after which spring forth the different
aspects of progressiveness.


In a difficult and competitive setting, financial services marketing has become even more
difficult given the rampant poverty in the Philippines. Persons engaged in the marketing of
financial services or other avenues of investment, such as KAPA-Community Ministry
International INC and the responsibility should be done to understand the attitudes of
investors and the vital conditions for any operation.. Given the wide variety of available
investment options, the majority of the public chose to invest in newly established investment
avenues like KAPA-Community Ministry International Inc,. To invest their money in and
expect a higher return of with lesser risks. There is an enduring decrease in loan fees offered
by banks, notwithstanding the enormous cry raised by resigned individuals and contributors.
Consequently, it would be increasingly valuable to think about the different choices
accessible for showing signs of improvement returns on one's well-deserved investment funds
from the sorted out framework.

In this way, in the present investigation, an endeavor has been made by the researcher to
realize how far investors and investee know about the different venture roads and their
mentality and attitude towards

investment to understand how now investors are aware of the various investment avenues and
their attitude towards finances.

The study aims to answer the Research Questions stated below:

What are the factors that led people to be highly influenced by KAPA?
How can people's behavior regarding KAPA affect the laws and the

Is KAPA a religious front for a business?

Liberalism as a political and correct manner of thinking based on two main standards-
independency and liberty. Initially, liberalism puts the individual at the heart of society and
contends that the most astounding estimate of social demand is one that has operated around
the individual. In addition, the motive behind an organization is to allow individuals to attain
their maximum capacity if they need to, and that the perfect strategy to do so is to offer a
person as much chance as could reasonably be expected to be normal. These two fundamental
models are the basis for the distinct parts of liberalism.

Liberalism is a multi-faced philosophy with far-reaching uses and implications for society. It
has individualism and liberty as two core values defining various forms of liberalism.
Although some aspects of liberalism are the subject of debate among those who consider
themselves 'liberals', Four aspects that most liberals agree on are egalitarianism,
individualism, meliorism, and egalitarianism. The interpreted ideologies and aspects in a
classical liberal view and as such promoted a picture of society that favoured negative liberty.
Such a system would have government take a laissez-faire approach to individuals and would
only intervene to maintain the harm principle, prevent free-riders and to help make decisions
for those incapable of making decisions for themselves. Liberty as how Melleuksh’s
introduction implies, The society we live in can become freer if the administrative centralism
that occured way back 1901 transfers more power to local and state governments would be
helpful in understanding what liberalism is and what impact it has had and should have on
our society. Ideational liberal theory connects the behavior of a community to varied
ideologies of expected and desirable socio economic, cultural, and political order.
C. Theoretical Framework

Locke's political way of thinking, similar to any one that focuses on the rights of an
individual and their property rights raises to the penniless the question of whether people
have any obligation to philanthropy or economic support. Locke's work includes some strong
proclamations for such a commitment, but he remains silent on philanthropy in his
authoritative estate therapy, section 5 of the Second Government Treatise.Given perusing of
that part and different writings, I presume that the premise of Lockean profound quality isn't
individual rights in

essence, however, worry for the benefit of all. The scientist contrasted Locke's property
speculation with those of Aquinas, Grotius, and Pufendorf to uncover information about
riches and philanthropy from Locke's point of perspective. Finally, the examination struggles
that Locke has a decent layered theory confining charity equity.

Aquinas, Grotius, and Pufendorf theories display ho acter and the establishment of the right
to ownership affects one's view on philanthropy and its partner, the privilege of need.

Contrasted and predecessors, Locke gives the individual property rights increasingly strong.
Sole property isn't of human foundation; it requires permission. It is an animal of uncovered,
unmodified characteristic law. By their first protests, their unique characteristic of supporting
themselves in the state Natural law directs others to look at property picked up by speciation.

Locke follows his antecedents in one significant regard the last circumstance is one of
the typical possessions. What's more, as we discovered establishing is equivalent to the
founding of the first com moral basic to serve the general good of humanity. We
should get a sufficient load to the 3 1.Contrasts among Locke and his ancestor to their
concurrence on this shared component. The point of confinement of articulation of this
in Locke's idea. Is his tricky showing another outflow of this component

I begin from a plain perusing of two of Locke's statements. Asking "what

bequest men are normally in," that is, the thing that condition people are in
preceding, or without, political foundations that give a few people exceptional
specialist over others.

Locke answers and I quote, "A state…of equality, wherein all power and jurisdiction are
equal, nobody having more than another, there being nothing more clear than that creature of
similar species and rank… ought to likewise be equivalent one among others." (ST, ii:4)

And then, a few paragraphs later, Nature's situation has the law of nature to administer it,
which forces all, and reason, which is that law, demonstrates all mankind who, however, will
suggest that, being all equal and safe, no one should harm others in their lives, in their well-
being, in their liberty, or in their lives. (ST, ii:6)

Locke's Letter Concerning Toleration recommends a prospective approach to transform

dissimilar individuals into strengthened network inhabitants. Religion, he contends, can
tackle the issue of over the top independence since it can integrate people's circumstances. Be
that as it may, belief likewise can additionally distance gatherings and people from each

Except if painstakingly organized, religion could enhance conventional conflict and

undermine the political framework. In the Letter, Locke proffers an institutional connection
between religion and the express that without a moment's delay, relieve personal
responsibility through faith and lightens the establishment for the religious clash in the public
arena. It requires changing individuals' impression of religion while holding their passionate
connection to it.

Locke has a particular significance since he is taken to have put into currency-specific
influential originations and persuasive conception, which changed ensuing reasoning and
subsequent thinking. Not least he constructed up that a political specialist's authenticity was
an important state of accordance with it and that its authenticity was the consequence of the
consensual course it emerged from. At the same time, he constructed up the path by which it
appeared to decide the closures for which it existed and the magnitude of its situation with
them. Consequently, Locke procures the qualification of having demonstrated
unequivocally why assent and restricted government, similar to two sisters, consistently go
hand in hand.

The qualitative study utilizes a narrative form of analytical approach. Wherein, a collection of
methods that, along these lines, depend on the word or visual representation of people
produced or verbally conveyed. These methodologies frequently focus on people's life as they
are recounted through their own accounts. In such techniques, the accentuation is on the tale,
usually both what and how it has been portrayed. Story research can be viewed as both an
exploration strategy in itself yet additionally the marvel under examination.

Narrative study is established by the spectator group's permission. However, it is a useful

piece of sociology examination, may not usually stay lonely for evidence and support for a
report's choices. Regardless of whether it is a piece of an incredible introduction or whether it
is an autonomous piece of studies, it must recognize as individual experience and its
elucidation without anyone else's justification.The investigation arises with regard to the
accuracy of the tale, although it must be seen in its socio-social environment, took a gander
fairly. The account provides one's perspective of its advantages. Such consent is conceivable
from another tale by verification.

While a few kinds of subjective examination have a standard arrangement of methodology,

account research is faulty in such a manner. One of the shortcomings of considering accounts
is that the content is by its very own inclination etymologically emotional. For instance, hard
to quantitatively access in a focused in transit since it is energetic, for example, before long

Methods and Materials :

The qualitative study used a Narrative approach in obtaining data from credible journals and
documents. As part of the crucial information gathering, data is obtained through the
speeches used by John Locke as he is the political theorist the researcher focused on. The
information obtained and is used crucially in this study are from the links provided below:

Alzate, E. (2014). From Individual to Citizen: Enhancing the Bonds of Citizenship Through
Religion in Locke's Political Theory. Polity, 46(2), 211-232. Retrieved from

Stanton, T. (2011). Authority and Freedom in the Interpretation of Locke's Political Theory.
Political Theory, 39(1), 6-30. Retrieved from

Forde, S. (2009). The Charitable John Locke. The Review of Politics, 71(3), 428-458.
Retrieved from

Kraynak, R. (1980). John Locke: From Absolutism to Toleration. The American Political
Science Review, 74(1), 53-69. doi:10.2307/1955646

Reiman, J. (2014) As Free And As just As Possible; The theory of Marxian Liberalism p.70

Various data accumulation strategies, such as analysts and exploration topics, can be used to
collaborate in this community dialog connection. Information may be as field notes ; diary
documents ; conversation with transcripts ; one's own and the other's views ; narrative ; letter
writing ; private structure ; archives, for instance, school and class plans, newsletters, and
various texts, e.g. rules and norms ; and images.To this rundown, one should include sound
and video accounts, as these are additionally valuable information in historical research. Most
of the speeches used were from John Locke as he is the political theorist the researcher focused
on and given emphasize. The narrative approach is relevant to this study since the study uses
credible journals and documents that are essential in making a qualitative research study using
a narrative approach and is crucial in information gathering.
A. Introduction

This study is a massive and complex topic that will likely stand as an example and a model
for future Investment and the decision making process that leads to the different perception
investors study of the same scope. It is imperative, therefore, that the last records present
completely and obviously the techniques utilized, the parameters in question, the nature and
statistical qualities of the exposed populace, and the uncertainties inherent in each of these. It
is important to remember that the primary purpose of this project is to answer questions about
The perception of investors towards investments definitively and credibly. Hence, the study
should give a clearer view on Investors perception towards Investment that leaves few gaps
and is as defensible as such historical reconstructions can be.

Comaroffs (1999, 2000) see fraudulent business models as a worldwide marvel that is
duplicating because of neoliberal private enterprise's greatness. It exhibit that the fundamental
interest of a noteworthy financial specialist is security of the chief sum, liquidity,
acknowledgment, and straightforward transferability, and the steadiness of the revenues.This
research depends on chi-square and extent examination. There are a scope of speculation
avenues.Jayasatha et al. demonstrates that the essential interest of a noteworthy financial
specialist avoids a speculation is essential sum wellbeing, liquidity, and simple
transferability.This investigation is based on assessment of chi-square and percentage. There
are a variety of avenues for investment.Amudhan et al. studied investment behavior regarding
securities procurement choices, deposits, shared reserve, protection, Chit Funds. The
investigator said there is a favorable level of connection between the factors that
differentiated the ordinary investor from behavioral fun theory and previous accurate
proof.The result portrayed investment offer to the cash of an individual to boost future
revenue as interest, profit, lease, premium, profit or approval of their normal capital
estimate.Artzouni M. To depict the Ponzi schemes, send a first request direct differential
condition. Moore T et al. Made an observational examination of these High Yield Investment
Program yet didn't advance a numerical model.
Shanmugham conducted a survey of 201 individual economic experts to study investor
information sourcing, their perspective of the various investment decisions, and report that
among sociological and psychological and sociological components.

PritiMane spoke about the customer discernment about the common subsidies that the
schemes they enjoyed, the plans they choose, the purposes of such decisions.Ravichandran
examined this survey with the intention of discovering the type of danger that investors
consider and the paths through which investors limit the risk there. Assume that derivative
acts as a significant instrument to reduce the danger of investing in the stock market in
exchange for the highest results. Investors should be conscious of the various methods of
hedging and speculation that can be used to reduce their danger.Umamaheswari et al. stated
that there are many influential factors. This research, based on random sampling, attempts to
schedule the connection between the top group and salaried middle class demographic
variables that affect investment requirements such as investment consciousness, investment
behaviour, and returns on investment. Bhowal et al. tried to find out about the difference in
the analysis and the core 4C concept of the advertising mix. 4C's reflect customer solution,
customer value, customer comfort, and customer interaction. Conclude that the research
shows that the aspirations and understanding of equity investors has a void that needs to be
reduced. A market is growing by meeting customer expectations.

Much of the behavioral investment selection literature comes from the behavioral economics
industry. According to modern portfolio theory, sensible investors should have a variety of
portfolios, including the most efficient asset combinations to optimize risk and return,
reflecting preferences and time horizons for investor use.It describes six main variables that
are widely recognized and frequently cited in investment choice literature: overload of
selection and information, volatile or undetermined preferences, heuristic decision-making
(use of shortcuts and thumb regulations), impact-framing and investment menu design,
procrastination and inertia, and overconfidence.
While global finance was understood as a money-making venture connecting Papua New
Guineans to the wealth enjoyed by others, it was also joined to another global scale-making
project: that of transnational Christianity, specifically in its neo-Pentecostal forms that
emphasize the “prosperity gospel.” Christianity was fundamental to integrating these three
scales and to girding them with a moral legitimacy that naked desire for money lacked. U-
Vistract’s audacious claim to be a Christian reform of global financial systems was then true
in a limited sense. The persons and their imagined communities that it fostered were not
based on a morally and relationally hollow neoliberal homo economic. Rather, they reflected
a moral order that began with a disciplined Christian self. This self promotes a more intimate
relationship with God and being a man/woman for others moved by empathy.

Port Moresby, the sprawling, dusty capital of Papua New Guinea (PNG), was the scene of a
rush of Ponzi scams in 1999. People's queues created outside the "quick money schemes"
offices: some come to make deposits, some to check their balance sheets, others to roll over
their income or even to cancel their quickly increasing balance sheets and they expect large
monetary returns 100 or even 200 percent per month.

Cargo cults are a phenomenon distinct from Ponzi schemes, yet there are many overlaps and
similarities. Both make promises of transformative abundance that often draw on widespread
anxieties about inequality or being left behind as others prosper. Both assume secret knowledge
that is to be revealed by an expert and accessed through the appropriate mimetic rituals and
even moral surveillance of cultists/investors.

The mentality of cargo cult generally involves allegations of laziness and bad people's
unwillingness to work to improve themselves (P. West 2006, 171–173). In fact, the poor are
criticized without submitting to their subordinate position in manufacturing for desiring
consumption.West's tale engaged a direct confrontation between an NGO employee and a
village community and concentrated on laziness, cargo discourse as applied to quick cash
systems is more probable to translate alleged cargo characteristics such as laziness, greed,
and ignorance from the middle class into rural poor.People are investing in these schemes
because it appeared that original investors had actually made enormous financial investment
returns. That's exactly how these systems work. The first investors will always earn big
dividends, but as the system progresses and more investors are involved, returns will decrease
until no returns are paid. THat is why these schemes are referred to globally and in PNG as '
pyramid schemes ; ' the shape of the pyramid reflects a decreasing return on those who
entrusted their cash to these frauds. These individuals think what they are told with such
enthusiasm and persuasion because of poverty.And of course, dark suggestions added to the
golden commitments that the established banks and the government have some vested interest
in preventing the individuals from the legitimate profits that these organisations could make.

B. Major Debates And Agreements

The amount of money being spent and investment in investment companies by investors
comes the rising risk of scams due to Fast money schemes and the deception. Various
investment strategies are disputed as motives and styles by the varying requirements of this
research. This studies the need for greater acceptance of paper investors ' behavioral patterns,
and the behavioral pattern will help investment consultants see how investors respond to the
business timetable and establish effective allocation strategies for their customers. Long-term
returns are achieved among the variables chosen for investment, which were a key factor in
pursuing d. In general, the investor's investment types are selected for academic skills, jobs,
age, income, and capital assets. U-Vistract was first and foremost a scam, cooked for
defrauding investors by its founder and his cronies. Then quick cash schemes had quite
distinct mimetic intentions, though in an idiosyncratic way (Dalton 2000b): they deployed
known falsehoods to profit from deception. It's even feasible to transform a scam into a cult.

We have not yet succeeded in persuading these thousands of our countrymen and women that
such rapid cash is nothing but a pipe dream, more synonymous with ancient cargo cults than
with modern programs designed to increase people's incomes. There's only one sure way to
make money, and that's through hard work. Of course, for thousands of our people living on or
below the poverty line, this is not a palatable answer. Anything that can promise any relief
from their present state is expected to be vigorously captured. It is not until they learn the hard
way that they come to realize the essence of these systems, not only by not making earnings,
but by losing what they have been willing to spend. (State, 10 November 2005)

The final factor quoted by Tapia and Yermo (2007) is that individuals can be overconfident
and overestimate their knowledge and abilities when making investment choices.Economic
liberalization and globalization have given medium- and small-scale investors a fervent
atmosphere. A large number of small investors can save and invest in the commercial sector.
People not only have a lot of investment decisions to save money, but also to see it develop
over time. Investors are faced with the challenge of choosing the best of the available
investment options on the financial market owing to the growing number of investment
options available.It is because of the absence of needed data on market fluctuations, time to
evaluate the market and investment choices knowledge. This has improved the need for tailor-
made (investment options) tools that provide investors with security.While making an
investment decision, the investor must consider multiple factors, which are as follows:
investment risks, tax advantages, liquidity and instrument marketability, corporate income,
inventory affordability, dividend announcements, Price earnings ratio, momentum impact,
contrary impact, FII investment conduct, reputation of the company, socially accountable
investment, current economic indicators, family / friends

/ colleagues opinion, broker recommendation, and other professional guidance.Very little

research was performed in this study to study individual investors ' understanding of mutual
fund performance. In the investment decision technique, Rastogi evaluated behavioral
characteristics. Behavioral finance offers a solution to many issues that have not yet been
adequately addressed by the usual theory of finance. The research found that the mixed
categories of gender and occupation do not affect cognitive biases.Before deciding on
investment, Kumar conducted a research to determine what plays a vital role in the mind of
the shareholder. The nine variables that influence the investor's knowledge, namely safety,
risk tolerance, lucrative return, duration of investment, periodic return, shared preference,
long-term investment, futuristic returns and investment dynamics, the author concludes that
investors compare their returns and calculate the inverse proportionality between time and
return. Among these factors, the future-oriented goals of equity investors are highly
considered as a important factor in estimating their level of satisfaction. Prasad et al. have
found that individuals make investments based on concise research design and convenience
sampling have found that the current investment market situation is extremely volatile and
unpredictable. Therefore, the buyer analyzed the investment market deeply. Kumar studied the
understanding and actions of the stock market by the shareholder. More investors are wasting
their money on the stock market and frying their hands.There were few who went to lengths
and committed suicide. Conclude that the money is standard. Reddy et al. found the majority
of investors pressing for spending and saving further returns. The investor's savings and risk
attitude to changing investment opportunities is making their investment better. Examined that
financial investment opportunities aimed at seeing investors ' physical vision, investors ' or
customers ' risk tolerance capacity are the key to achievement for any company and a
significant executive impact that investment firms can use to reform their current procedures
and ultimately to innovate fresh methods of delivering services.Lekshmi et al. said there is a
significant difference between the socioeconomic profile of government workers and the
actions of investors. In addition, the finding has shown that there is a substantial difference
between public employees ' socio-economic profile and investment selection. Author
proposed that public staff need to modify their investment plan if the industry is very
explosive based on their risk-based abilities and projected returns, and it is essential that
public staff maintain investment data up-to-date.In Anand Rathi, Karnataka City of Bijapur,
Dakshayani looked at the understanding of equity and other alternative investment
opportunities. This will depend on the understanding of the shareholder. However, it
considered that investors differ on the basis of factors such as age, income, investment
experience, investment goals and personal social needs. Suggested that generally those
investors who have invested in equity often follow, in my perspective, the inventory market
and the investment choices of investors, which prohibit deposits, gold and silver, real property
and insurance. Saugat das et al.Noted that this paper focused on linking the four demographic
variables age, sex, education, and jobs to four major investment goals, such as risk, return,
pension, and tax, which had an impact on investor behavior purchasing. In addition, this
highlights the fact that demographic variables play a vital role in the investment society's
policy driven by age and educational capacity. The study concludes that the high-income
group is willing to take on more investment risk, but the mid-and low-income group finds
investment risk and investment security to be the main component. The Institute of Investment
Company (1993) conducted a survey focused on the goal of analyzing expectations of the
mutual fund shareholder's risk. The ICI findings indicated that stakeholders of the mutual fund
have a greater awareness of the prospective return of fixed-income products from an
investment in evaluating the view of investors of trade-off risk-return.A shareholder's family
history could affect the behavior of his investment and financial risk tolerance. Three classes
of investors have been recognized based on their perception of danger, namely risk seekers,
risk bearers, and risk avoiders. The outcome showed that most investors were affected by the
company's working results. The perception of danger affected investors ' investment choices
and the profits they earned. They found that most investors were implicitly using more than
one risk indicator. Semi-variance returns were most popular for investors who consistently
interpret risk in the same measure of uncertainty.

In determining the AMCs ' competitive stance, Anjan Chakarabarti and Harsh Rungta
stressed the significance of brand impact. Their study reveals that, although computable
performance measures can not readily capture the brand image factor, it affects the perception
of the investor and hence the choice of his fund / scheme.Shanmugham performed a survey
of 201 individual investors to study investor data sourcing, their perceptions of different
aspects of investment strategy, and the variables that motivate share investment choices, and
reports that psychological and sociological factors dominated financial variables in share
investment choices among the multiple variables.Hirshleifer classified various kinds of
cognitive mistakes that investors create, i.e. self-deception, because people tend to believe
they are better than they really are ; heuristic simplification that happens because people have
restricted attention, memory and processing capacities ; disposal effect, people are susceptible
to sell their winners too fast and hold on to their losers for too long.

The Topics column in China Central Television Focus (CCTV) on June 18, 2017 disclosed
the so-called "consumption discount" platform called "RenRenGongYi," which was actually
a pyramid scheme.Most of the purchases are made in RenRenGongYi, and the platform
effectively attracted the participants to invest in the fund pool by promising high returns and
rewarding the participants who attracted the next generation of respondents.The vast majority
of the franchisees might be invented in light of the fact that the majority of the exchanges are
created and the fraudulent business model members are fundamentally customers. For
instance, if a member was both a franchisee and a shopper and gave Platform 24 (or 12 or 6)
yuan, he/she could step by step get an utilization refund of very nearly 100 yuan, which was
more than 16 times the head.Participants are aware that they earn cash by discovering fresh
participants while in the pyramid scheme. It's component of the scheme. From a number of
different perspectives, pyramid schemes and Ponzi schemes have been explored. Joseph
Gastwirth proposed a probability model for a pyramid scheme and concluded that in 2008 the
vast majority of participants had less than 10 percent chance of recovering their initial
investment, Marc Artzrouni proposed a first-order linear differential equation to describe the
Ponzi scheme.Marc Artzrouni's model relies on the following parameters: the promised but
unrealistic interest rate, the real nominal interest rate, fresh deposit accumulation rate, and
withdrawal rate. Marc Artzrouni supplied circumstances for solvent or collision for these
parameters for the Ponzi scheme. Tyler Moore et al. are conducting an empirical analysis of
these high-yield investment programs, but not a mathematical model. A high-yield
investment program (HYIP) is considered an Internet Ponzi scheme because it utilizes money
from new investors to pay scandalous interest rates. Anding Zhu, Peihua Fu et al. explored
some problems in complex networks when the Ponzi scheme spreads.

The rising problem of Investment schemes can be eliminated. The authorities are trying to put a
stop to Ponzi schemes and other "pyramiding" investment propositions. In a challenging and
competitive environment, the financial services marketing has become even more challenging
considering the widespread poverty in the Philippines. Financial experts that provide services
and other investment avenues like KAPA-Community Ministry International INC., should
prioritize and be knowledgeable towards the attitudes of the investors and the essential
requirements to perform any operation. It will, however, be time consuming, it will require
money, and a combined effort and cooperation on the part of many people. The drive to be lazy
and impatient, the loss of goals for self-improvement, and greed are all by-products of the fast-
rising Ponzi scheme. There is an enormous number of investment instruments accessible today.
The general population needs to pick appropriate road among those accessible, contingent on
their particular need, hazard inclination, risk preference and return that are expected. This study
is a massive and complex topic that will likely stand as an example and a model for future
Investment and the decision making process that leads to the different perception investors study
of the same scope. It is imperative, therefore, that the last records present completely and
obviously the techniques utilized, the parameters in question, the nature and statistical qualities
of the exposed populace, and the uncertainties inherent in each of these. It is important to
remember that the primary purpose of this project is to answer questions about The perception of
investors towards investments definitively and credibly. Hence, the study produced a clearer
view on Investors perception towards Investment that leaves few gaps and is as defensible as
such historical reconstructions can be.

Pyramid schemes as a global phenomenon that multiplies in response to neoliberal capitalism's

transcendence. Research results indicate that individuals model their actions to other people's
behaviors in their social network, particularly under conditions of uncertainty. The research
found out that past victims of ponzi schemes were all influenced by individuals they trusted such
as friends, significant others, relatives and such who were knowledgeable about the investment
or have invested themselves.Thus, the often-stated red flag “if it’s too good to be true, it probably
is” may not prevent or curtail future frauds. Typically, investors don't realize that the scheme is,
indeed, too good to be true until the investment unraveled that their promised return was
unreasonable; in fact, some still believe the promised return was possible even after the
discovery of the fraud. The study shows that expectation and experience among equity investors
has a gap that needs to be decreased. A market grows by fulfilling the expectations of the
customers. The researcher found out that the victims of the Ponzi scheme were typically older
and educated. Even if they originally had doubts about investing, as they watched their friends,
neighbors, and relatives receive the promised returns, they became more inclined to invest. Fast
money schemes mostly succeed because of qualities like laziness, greed, and ignorance from the
middle class to the rural poor. People are investing in these schemes because it seemed that
initial investors had actually made huge monetary investment returns. The investors were also
influenced by the perpetrator's impression management techniques, such as charitable giving, the
appearance of money, and displayed or defined investment expertise. The perpetrator did not use
high-pressure sales techniques; instead, he relied on impression management and word-of-mouth
to entice new investors.The visual appearance of wealth in the investment industry is enough to
attract people. An offender who wants to lure people doesn't need a formal academic degree
because he can just rely on the public itself.Past investors who already had the returns of the
money they spent would spread the word themselves by word-of-mouth and even the use of
social media to family, acquaintances, and even strangers; making the people's community a very
effective ad trick. The first shareholders will always receive large dividends, but as the scheme
progresses and more investors become involved, returns will decline until no returns are charged.
Based on the data findings collected in this study, investors ' choices are based on the level of
risk factors.The researcher found that one of the main reasons people were drawn into investing
in investment avenues such as KAPA-Ministry International INC. is the lack of knowledge about
monetary data and the increased capacity for data investigation could be prevented by efficiently
managing investment, minimizing risky investments for investors to earn high returns.

Kapa Community Ministry International (Kapa) claims that the movement of their ministry has
already helped a lot of Filipinos from different class and status grow their invested money by
giving out a much larger return of monetary investment. It promised Filipinos that after a one-
time donation, they will be receiving 30% of the amount for life although it is definitely not
mathematically possible for a company to offer such. Kapa’s contract states the the mission for
spreading their religious faith by establishing livelihood programs that could heavily benefit their
members financially and spiritually through donations. The investment-taking activity of Kapa or
as what they call “donation” constituted a Ponzi scheme, an investment avenue that offers a
much higher monetary return than the original capital. As how other Ponzi schemes operate, the
much higher returns of the investmed money comes from the capital contributed by new
investors. Social media marketing also plays a vital role in publicizing and endorsing such
schemes. Disinformation is rife with the use of social media and spreads faster in this age as
everybody simply uses social media. Kapa's strategy worked because of the use of social media
and netizens ' interest and the visual appearance of assets as well as word of mouth that previous
investors posted and passed around. Philippines is proud to be just a Chiristian state in Asia, with
more than 87 percent of the population being Roman Catholic and as a religious country being
the best place to set up an investment scheme using faith as a font.

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