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Jurnal SIMETRIS, Vol. 10 No.

2 November 2019
ISSN: 2252-4983


Dimas Panji Setiawan
Faculty of Industrial Technology, Department of Informatics Engineering
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Nur Rochmah Dyah Pujiastuti

Faculty of Industrial Technology, Department of Informatics Engineering
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Email :


The security aspects, speed and prime numbers as key builders are important considerations
for determining a cryptographic algorithm. The cryptography can be used as data security by
certain parties. ElGamal and Luc algorithms are two asymmetric cryptographic algorithms that are
still often used today and have a high level of security. It is necessary to do a comparison analysis
of the speed and prime numbers as keys to the encryption and decryption process of the two
algorithms. The objective of the research is to create an application that supports asymmetric
cryptographic algorithms between the ElGamal and Luc algorithms. The method used to develop
the application is the Waterfall model. Applications developed using the PHP programming
language. Application testing is done with two types of testing, namely the Black Box Test and the
System Usability Scale (SUS). The results of this research, are applications that study the
asymmetric cryptographic algorithms of ElGamal and Luc. This application can perform
encryption, decryption and checking of prime numbers and can display ciphertext, plaintext and
speed of the encryption and decryption process of the ElGamal and Luc algorithms. Black box test
testing conducted using the Black box test on the application proves that all applications on the
application are in accordance with user needs. While the testing of the Usability Scale System
(SUS) obtained an average score of SUS interpretation of 83.75, which means the Adjective
Rating = Very Good, Class Scale = B, Acceptance Range = Acceptable. After testing the algorithm,
ElGamal and Luc from the same file and key generator, getting results, Luc is superior in terms of
speed, encryption process and vice versa, the ElGamal algorithm, faster in the decryption process
using Luc's algorithm.

Keywords: Cryptography, ElGamal, Luc, Speed, Prime Numbers.


Cryptography or Cryptography comes from Greek, consists of 2 syllables namely Crypto and
Graphia. Crypto means hiding, whereas Graphia means writing. Then Kriptogarafi can be
interpreted as the science that learns about the concealment of letters or writing so that the
arrangement of letters or writings becomes random and cannot be understood by unauthorized
people [1] . Based on the key used in the encryption and decryption process, cryptography can be
divided into key cryptography asymmetry and asymmetric cryptography.
Symmetric key cryptography is often called conventional cryptographic algorithms that have
the same key for the encryption and decryption process. While asymmetric cryptography is the
opposite of symmetric algorithms that use different keys for the encryption and decryption
process. The encryption key can be known by the general public are called public key (public key)
while the key to decrypt a secret message or solely owned by the party entitled to know the

Jurnal SIMETRIS, Vol. 10 No. 2 November 2019
ISSN: 2252-4983

contents of the message is called the private key (private key). Examples of asymmetric algorithms
are the ElGamal algorithm and Luc's algorithm.
The ElGamal algorithm is an asymmetrical algorithm that was first published by Taher
ElGamal in 1985. The strength of the ElGamal algorithm lies in the difficulty of calculating
discrete logarithms in large prime modulo numbers so that it is very difficult to solve [2] . The
ElGamal algorithm consists of three key formation processes, the encryption process, and the
decryption process. ElGamal is a block cipher algorithm which means doing the encryption
process on ciphertext blocks which are then carried out by the decryption process and the results
are combined into a complete and understandable message.
Luc's algorithm is a cryptographic method using two different keys in the cryptosystem. In
Luc cryptography algorithm can be used for data encryption, signature, and key generation. The
stages in Luc's algorithm include three parts, namely key generation, encryption process, and
decryption process. The mathematical operation of Luc's cryptography is the Lucas series [3] . Of
large numbers in the series Lucas specifically examine keprimaan and the results are used as an
efficient algorithm for implementation Luc [7] In algorithm Luc initial process is to determine the
two prime numbers are then calculated N = pq next is to determine the public key e by choosing
one of the numbers relatively prime to (p-1), (p + 1), (q-1), (q + 1) [3].
ElGamal and Luc algorithms are cryptographic algorithms that have a high level of security
[4],[7]. This level of security can be utilized by those who want to keep the contents of the
message confidential. But to determine the cryptographic algorithm that will be used in the data
security system in addition to the consideration of the strength of the Cryptanalysis and Bruteforce
attacks that are no less important is the speed consideration [5] . Algorithms with high security but
slow supply process will not be the main choice for users. Apart from prime speed as a key
generator, it is also a concern for users because to make safe encryption, it must use optimal prime
numbers for an algorithm. To find out the advantages and disadvantages of the ElGamal and Luc
algorithms, a comparison analysis of the two algorithms will be carried out from the Process speed
and Prime numbers as the key generator.


2.1 Research Object

Objec in research Analysis Comparison Process Speed and As Prime Numbers Generator Key
Algorithm ElGamal and Luc is the speed of the encryption process and decryption and generator
prime number key. Data attributes used are prime numbers and content to be hidden or displayed.
The key generation, encryption and decryption process will produce a private key, public key,
ciphertext, plaintext and the speed of the encryption and decryption process of the ElGamal and
Luc algorithms according to the input by the user.

2.2 Stages of system Development

This study uses the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method with the Waterfall
model [6] which is shown in Image 1. Steps being taken in manufacture application comparison
algorithm cryptography asymmetric between algorithm ElGamal and Luc is as the following:
a) Requirements analysis and definition
At this stage, the authors determine the service system, constraints, and aim set by acyl
consultation with the user then defined in a manner detailed and function as a specification
b) System and software design
Having obtained the specification, the system requirements do not stage a design system who
allocates needs system well device hard or device soft with forming an architecture system in
a manner the whole. Design device soft involving identification and depiction abstraction

Jurnal SIMETRIS, Vol. 10 No. 2 November 2019
ISSN: 2252-4983

system basic device soft and relationship.

c) Implementation and unit testing.
On stage implementation do a manufacturing system based on design and design that has
been made with apply language programming corresponding with the existing rules with use
language PHP programming.
d) Integration and system testing
Testing does after manufacture application finished for do evaluation results from a system
that is and do repair if there is an error on the system. The method is applied in testing is the
method black box test and system usability s cale (SUS).
e) Operation and maintenance
Stage maintenance needed for complete features needed on basic demand or input from the

Image 1. A methodology By Waterfall [6]


Application of comparison of ElGamal and Luc's asymmetric cryptographic algorithms has

been successfully developed. This application has three interfaces, namely encryption, decryption
and checking of prime numbers where the results of each process will appear on the same
interface. As for one of the interfaces of the application of comparison of asymmetric cryptography
ElGamal and Luc is the encryption interface.

3.1 Interface Enkripsi

Interface encryption is display early from this application. Interface encryption provides input
form prime number and input form planters for doing encryption process from the ma algorithm
ElGamal and Luc. The input form will send prime numbers and plainteks for executed by button
encryption for starts the encryption process and will generate a private key, public key, ciphertext,
and speed of the encryption process. Interface encryption could see on Image 2.

Jurnal SIMETRIS, Vol. 10 No. 2 November 2019
ISSN: 2252-4983

Image 2 . Encryption Interface

After the user is done input number generator key and plainteks then will slash public key, private
key, ciphertext and speed of the encryption process as on Image 3.

Image 3. Encryption Results

3.2 Comparison Results

After the system finished made then the system could be used for me m compare the speed of
the algorithm's encryption and decryption process ElGamal and Luc's algorithm. For compare
algorithm ElGamal and Luc algorithm used 10 0 files d ith size from 10 kb to 1 0 00 kb. With
generator the same key that is 3 digits prime numbers and the same file at each the process, the
following Table 1 average yield comparison of the encryption process and decryption from
algorithms ElGamal and Luc's algorithms

Tabel 1. Comparison Results

Jurnal SIMETRIS, Vol. 10 No. 2 November 2019
ISSN: 2252-4983

File size Encryption time(s) Decription time (s)

(kb) Elgamal Luc Elgamal Luc
10-100 13,05 0,17 7,71 751,43
110-200 48,02 0,92 14,48 1076,55
210-300 45,17 2,11 25,32 1266,86
310-400 59,52 2,21 28,54 861,37
410-500 96,13 2,89 33,63 849,63
510-600 104,95 4,57 41,66 1012,88
610-700 98,18 3,79 90,41 1453,53
710-800 139,45 5,59 115,64 1844,29
810-900 231,44 6,33 146,30 1120,58
910-1000 391,08 11,71 207,54 1842,60
Average 122,70 4,03 71,12 1207,97

Based on the experiment results in Table 1 can make chart like in Image 4 is comparison speed
encryption and Image 5 is comparison speed decryption

Image 4. Comparison Speed Encryption Process

Jurnal SIMETRIS, Vol. 10 No. 2 November 2019
ISSN: 2252-4983

Image 5. Comparison Speed Decryption Process

The result of comparison in image 4 can see tha chart comparison speed encryption algorithms Luc
more consistent from ElGamal encryption with trial comparison process enctyption Luc 4,03 (s)
and ElGamal encryption 122,69 (s) from trial files. In image 5 chatr process comparison
decryption Elgamal algorithm show consistent chart movement with avarege speed 71,12 (s) and
in decryptin Luc show fluctuating chart movement with evarege speed 1207,97 (s) with the same
trial file. The differences speed that happened in the process encryption and decryption two
algorithms very influenced by public key and private key.

3.3 Application Testing Using Black Box Method

Testing the black box is to know the performance of application, testing blackbox is testing
used to know the problem of application which has developed. And the technique is to match
between input and output from design with test result from system. This test given to 3 stories.
And we can see the result of this test in Table 2 test result acceptance comparison system
asymmetric cryptographic algorithm.

Table 2. Test Result Acceptance

No Stories Action Expected Results Output
1 Encryption 1. Input prime 1. Prime numbers Correct
numbers as successfully input and
Elgamal key accordance with the
generator encryption ElGamal
2. Input prime process
numbers as a 2. prime numbers
Luc key successfully input
generator accordance with the
3. Input plainteks encryption Luc process
that will 3. plainteks successfully
encrypted input and ready to
4. Click the encrypted
encryption 4. the result of
button encryption like
chiperteks and speed
encryption process each

Jurnal SIMETRIS, Vol. 10 No. 2 November 2019
ISSN: 2252-4983


2 Decryption 1. Input private 1. Private key ElGamal Correct

key ElGamal successfully input
2. Input private and accordance
key Luc with the encryption
3. Input chiperteks Elgamal
ElGamal 2. Private key ElGamal
4. Input chiperteks successfully input
Luc and accordance with
5. Click the the decryption Luc
encryption 3. chiperteks
button successfully input
and ready to
4. chiperteks
successfully input
and ready to
5. the result of
decryption look like
plainteks and speed
decryption process
each algorithm
3 Check prime 1. input number to 1.number successfully Correct
numbers be checked input and ready to be
2. click number checked prime number
check button or not
2. There are information
that the number is prime
numbers or not

3.4 Application Testing Using SUS Method

Usability testing using questionnaire as testing instrument. Questionnaire gived to 10 informatics

engineering students from Ahmad Dahlan University. Table 3 showing the result of survey
usability testing and scale conversion (0-4) from respondent questions for odd result will be
reduced 1 scale from respondent result. And for even statements is 5 will be reduced from scale
respondent result. All amounts of scale result will be multiplied 2,5 to get trial result of system
Usability Scale (SUS).

Table 3. Result Of Survey Usability Testing

Questions Sco Scor
q q1 r SUS*2.
t q1 q2 q3 q5 q6 q7 q8 q9
4 0 SUS 5
p1 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 30 75
p2 3 2 3 3 3 1 2 1 3 3 24 60
p3 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 30 75
p4 3 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 39 97,5
p5 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 1 39 97,5
p6 4 0 3 0 3 1 4 1 3 0 35 87,5

Jurnal SIMETRIS, Vol. 10 No. 2 November 2019
ISSN: 2252-4983

p7 3 2 3 1 3 1 3 1 4 1 30 75
p8 2 3 4 1 3 0 4 1 4 0 32 80
p9 4 0 4 1 4 0 4 0 4 0 39 97,5
p10 4 1 4 0 3 0 4 0 3 0 37 92,5
Average 2,5 3,8 2,7 4 2,5 4,3 2,7 4,2 2,7 4,1 33,5 83,75

The result of System Usabilty Scale (SUS), the average score from System Usabilty Scale (SUS) is
85,75. Based on the result of SUS the application has value 85, means: Adjective Ratings =
Excellent, Grade Scale= B, Acceptability Ranges= Acceptable.


From the results of research that has been done, conclusions can be taken to answer the problems
listed in the introduction, including:
a) An application for comparison of the asymmetric Cryptographic algorithm ElGamal and Luc
has been made using the PHP programming language that is able to process the encryption,
decryption and checking of prime numbers.
b) This system can do a speed comparison between the ElGamal and Luc algorithms with the
same file size, and a key generator. And it was concluded that Luc's algorithm encryption
process was faster than the ElGamal algorithm's encryption process with Luc's encryption
process average speed of 4.03 seconds and ElGamal's encryption process from 122.70
seconds from 10 experimental files. While the ElGamal algorithm decryption process shows
an average speed of 71.12 seconds and Luc's decryption process shows an average speed of
1207.97 seconds with the same test file which means that the ElGamal algorithm decryption
process is faster than the LUC algorithm. The speed difference that occurs in encryption, and
the decryption process of the two algorithms are strongly influenced by the size of the public
key, and the private key.
c) The results of testing the black box test system show all functions consisting of three stories
and 11 functions according to the requirements.
d) From the results of the System Usability Scale (SUS) test data conversion, the average score
of the System Usability Scale (SUS) was obtained at 85.75. Based on the SUS value, the
application built has a value of SUS 85.75 which means: Adjective Ratings = Excellent,
Grade Scale = B, Acceptability Ranges = Acceptable.


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