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Imagine waking up and your feeling warm one day like really hot and you go to see outside


see and feel how hot it is you go outside and you feel the heat, the pressure and the heat is

killing all your plants and your ice is melting what would you do?,

Global Warming has impacted the world by causing temperatures to rise drastically. Earth's

atmosphere and its oceans, a change that is believed to be permanently changing the earth's

climate. Climate scientists have also agreed by a show of data and facts. Also the earth's average

temperature has increased between 0.4 and 0.8 degrees Celsius over the past 100 years. The

increase in carbon dioxide and other gases that are released by fossil fuels, land clearing,

agriculture and other non friendly human activities are primary sources of global warming.

Scientists from the Intergovernmental Panel have predicted that average global temperatures

could increase between 1.4 and 5.8 celsius. ​The U.S.A. should start having more

environmentally friendly habits in order to stop global warming so that we can stop the

sea level from rising, prevent glaciers from melting, and stop rising temperatures.

reason 1 was to stop glaciers from melting. The earth has been getting warmer

scientists has said and global warming has been getting worse because of burning

fossil fuels and the buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Scientists have

said that the glaciers have started melting and everywhere on earth ice is melting and

kilimanjaro's snow has melted more than 80 percent since 1912. Arctic sea ice has also

thinned significantly over the past half century and has declined by about 10 percent in

the past 30 years. Glaciers are important to keep un melted because if glaciers have

started to melt a lot then that would mean there would be rising sea levels and rising

s​ea levels can have devastating effects on coastal habitats like erosion, wetland
flooding, aquifer​. ​Stopping Rising temperatures is a must because rising temperatures can

be harmful for humans and the environment because of human activities thermometer

reading all over the world have risen steadily since the beginning of the Industrial

Revolution. According to an ongoing temperature analysis conducted by scientists at

NASA said the average global temperature on earth has increased by 0.8 celsius since 1880.

Rising temperatures have had a great impact on the environment by having glaciers melt

and have been warming the ocean global warming is increasing the rate of sea level rise

and is increasing flood risks and floods can be harmful to people and cause damage to

people as well and destroy people’s houses in which they live in. another reason is sea

levels. Sea levels are a problem to the economy because rising sea levels have been rising

and has increased in recent decades. Also in 2017 sea level was 3 inches above the average.

Why rising temperatures can be a problem is mostly everyone in the United States live in a

high population areas like New York or other big cities. Rising sea levels can harm those

areas like floodings, shoreline erosion and hazardous storms. There have been many

occasions where flooding have ruined peoples homes and have ruined their lives because of

flooding and rising sea levels.The causes for sea rise is because of glaciers melting which is

caused by global warming. NOAA Scientists have conducted a review of a research and

have concluded that there is a very high chance that sea level will rise at least 8 inches but

no more than 6.6 feet by the year 2100.

As you can see in this graph
there are alot of glaciers that
are retreat because of global
warming for example in 1967
there were less retreat
glaciers then in 1995. In 1995
only 1 glacier was gone but if
you take a look in 2007 and
2013 it shows that now more
are gone. There are less
stationary as well as shown in
the graph.

Glick, Daniel. “The Big Thaw.” ​National Geographic,​ National Geographic, 18 Jan. 2017,​.(Glick 2017).

Rebbeca, Lindsey. “Climate Change: Global Sea Level.” ​Climate Change: Global Sea Level |
NOAA​, 1 Aug. 2018,​.(Lindse
y 2018).

Union Of Concerned Scientists. “Here's How We Know That the Earth's Temperature Is Rising.”
Union of Concerned Scientists​, 17 Nov. 2016,​.(Union Of
Concerned Scientists 2016).

Nunez, Christina. “Sea Level Rise, Explained.” ​National Geographic​, National Geographic, 27
Feb. 2019, ​​.(Nunez

Global Climate Change. “Graphic: Dramatic Glacier Melt – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the
Planet.” ​NASA​, NASA, 15 Oct. 2015,

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