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Lesson Plan

Name: Rădulescu Simona

School: Şcoala Gimnazială ”Sfântul Andrei”

Grade: 2nd grade

Number of students: 30

Date: 3rd of May, 2018

Unit 7: The weather

Lesson type: Lesson of consolidation

Time: 50 minutes

Skills: speaking, writing

Lesson aim: By the end of the lesson the students will be able to practise pronunciation,
word stress and collocations connected with the seasons/ weather.


 practise vocabulary related to the topic in sentences of their own

 to review and improve the Ss’ vocabulary range;

 to introduce and practise new words to describe seasons/ weather;

 to activate the Ss’ knowledge of the world and of the language;

 to encourage Ss to communicate freely and spontaneously during the activities;

Anticipated problems and possible solutions:

 If Ss do not understand the oral commands or the tasks, they will be translated into

Materials: Pictures, worksheets, DVD, short videos

Methods: brainstorming, conversation, explanation, games.

Interactions: Whole Class, Individual Work, Group Work, Pair Work.

TEACHING AIDS: board, chalk, power point presentation, DVD (short videos )


1. Official: The Curriculum for Secondary Education, Fairyland 2, Pupils book -

Jenny Dooley and Virginia Evans, Express Publishing.

2. Methodical: Jeremy Harmer: “The Practical of English Language Teaching”,

Longman, UK, 1991

3. Optional course: Fairyland 2- Activity Book, Jenny Dooley and Virginia Evans,
Express Publishing.

B). HUMAN: the students of the class, the teacher

Stages of the Lesson

Warm-up: The teacher greets the students, introduces the guest and asks if anybody is
absent. (3 minutes).

Activity 1(Warm up)

Aim: - to review with Ss the new vocabulary

- to practise the pronunciation of the words (picture-pronunciation);

Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T

Time: 5 minutes

Procedure: The teacher shows Ss an image with spring, one of the words that had been
previously taught. Then she asks the Ss if they know other seasons. After that the Ss
watch the CD with some other images with the four seasons and the weather. The T
pronounces the words and the Ss repeat chorally and then individually.

Materials: videos

Activity 2 -Lead in

Aim: - to practise vocabulary related to the topic in sentences of their own

Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T

Time: 10 minutes

Procedure: The T asks students to answer the following question: “What’s your favourite
season? T. writes on the blackboard the question and the answer to help them. Then T.
asks them why do they like different seasons and gives them a possible answer: “I like
spring because I love flowers.” T. shows them different pictures with characters who like
different seasons and the reason for this. “Erlina’s favourite season is spring because she
loves flowers”.

T. explains “s/es” -In a simple present sentence where he, she, it or a name is the subject,
verbs can end in-s or-es depending on the way the verb ends.

At first the T involves the whole class, but after a while the T calls the name of the S who
is supposed to answer.

Materials: pictures

Activity 3- Presentation

Aim: - to practise the new vocabulary

Interaction: T-Ss, Ss- T, S-S

Time: 20 minutes

Procedure: The T. is going to give Ss a worksheet and they have to draw a picture of the
favourite season. Under the picture Ss are going to write the name of the season and the
reason for liking that season. Ss switch the worksheets with the deskmate and in pairs
name the mate's favourite season and the reason why he or she likes it. T plays the song
“Favourite Season”

Materials: pictures, worksheet, CD

Activity 4 -Practice

Aim: - to check speaking practice

Interaction: T-Ss, S-Ss

Time: 13 minutes
Procedure: The T tells Ss that they are going to play a game. She divides the class in four
groups and tells each group the name of a season. Ss find as many reasons as possible for
liking that season. A member of each group is going to write on the board the list of the

Materials: White board, worksheets.


1. Ss play “Mime Game” to express the favourite season and the reason why he or she
likes it.

2. Worksheet Pag. 18 Portofolio What’s the weather like? Write.

The teacher congratulates the students using encouraging words and says” Good Bye!”

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