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C.D. Smith

To cite this article: C.D. Smith (1998) THE PMF DOES HAVE A FREQUENCY , Canadian Water
Resources Journal, 23:1, 1-7, DOI: 10.4296/cwrj2301001

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Submitted July 1997; accepted January 1998
Written comments on this paper will be accepted until September 1998

C.D. Smithl

For a major dam, the probable maximum flood (PMF) is frequently specified as the
required inflow design flood (lDF). Often this specification is made to satisfy dam
safety regulations, the inference being that if the PMF is used, all the necessary
safety conditions will be satisfied. However, any rational design must be based on
the probability of dam failure and the acceptable level of risk. Any flood, including
the PMF, has some probability of occurrence, and it is necessary that probabilities
be assigned before rational analysis can proceed. lt is the thesis of this paper that
a frequency can and must be assigned to the PMF, and that this can be achieved
by decomposition of the event so that frequencies can be assigned to each of the
components which combine to produce the PMF. Application of this procedure will
allow rational selection of the lDF. In those cases where the PMF has a low prob-
ability of occurrence and the acceptable level of risk is high (relatively), the IDF
would be smaller than the PMF.

Pour les barrages majeurs, l'inondation maximale probable (lMP) est souvent
d6sign6e comme 6tant la crue de projet ou crue nominale. Cette sp6cification vise
bien souvent a r6pondre aux rdgles de s6curite etablies pour les barrages,
l'inf6rence voulant que si la m6thode IMP est utilis6e, toutes les conditions de
s6curite n6cessaires auront 6t6 observ6es. Toutefois, toute conception rationnelle
doit tenir compte de la probabilite d'une rupture de barrage et du niveau de risque
acceptable. Toute inondation, y compris l'lMP, a des chances de se produire et il
est n6cessaire de tenir compte des probabilit6s avant de se livrer d une analyse
rationnelle. C'est la la thdse de ce document qui veut qu'une fr6quence peut et doit
etre affect6e a l'lMP et qu'il est possible d'y arriver en d6composant l'evenement
de sorte que des fr6quences peuvent 6tre affect6es d chacun des 6l6ments qui,
combin6s, produisent l'lMP. L'application de cette m6thode permettra la s6lection
rationnelle de la crue nominale. Dans les cas oir l'lMP a de faibles oossibilit6s de
se produire et que le niveau de risque acceptable est 6lev6 (relativement), la crue
nominale serait plus petite que l'lMP.

Since about 1980 increasing attention has including mega-projects, some of which do
been given to risk analysis in structural, not satisfy today's requirements for public
geotechnical and hydrotechnical engineer- safety and environmental protection. Many
ing. This period was preceded by a period of these projects are under review and
(1960-1980) of massive capital construction, upgrading has been required. In the

1. Department of Civil Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK

Canadian Water Resources Journal

Vol.23, No.1.1998
hydrotechnical area, for example, increased depending on their training, experience
spillway capacities have been required. and judgment. Judgment, in particular, can
Rational decision making requires an be affected by personal characteristics
assessment of the risk, including the level of such as temperament. For example, is the
risk that society is willing to accept. Such an observer an optimist or a pessimist? As
assessment requires, a priori, that probabil- noted by Newton and Herrin (1989), the
ities be assigned to each event. PMF is not an exact number, but depends
Vick (1992) makes the point that verbal uoon the selected combination of causative
descriptors of risk are too ambiguous to per- factors, including the variations between
mit accurate transmission of intent to clients, estimators.
project owners, regulatory groups and the That the flood event that is reasonably
public. Such terms as'highly probable,''rea- possible is not necessarily a unique value
sonably expected,"inf requent,''not likely,' or is indicated by the studies for water sup-
'rare' can mean different things to different plies in Oman reported by Meldrum (1995).
people, but all can understand the signifi- Meldrum states "Predicting flood flows is
cance of 1 chance in 2, 1 chance in 100, or difficult - a comparison of different fore-
1 chance in 10,000. Vick (1992) states "lf casting methods for one dam in padicular
uncertainty is to be accurately communicat- gave a range of PMF Peak flows of
ed, then it must be quantified, and this in between 6,600 m3/s and 14,400 m3/s." The
turn requires that verbal descriptors be fact is that both of these discharges are
translated into probabilistic statements." 'reasonably possible'for this site, the differ-
The purpose of this paper is to present ence being that the larger flow obviously
arguments that supporl the use of probabil- has a lower frequency. lf frequencies are
ity theory in the determination of inflow assigned, the selection process for the IDF
design floods, including the PMF. A method becomes relatively straightforward.
is suggested for estimation of the probabil- During the period 1950-1980 a mindset
ity of the PMF, and criteria are given for the seems to have developed that the PMF is
level of societal risk that can be considered the be-all and end-all. As noted bY
as acceptable. Fahlbusch (1979) the IDF = PMF approach
has dominated design flood decisions for
decades. He criticizes this because it is
The Probable Maximum Flood based on "...the questionable assumption
As defined by the Canadian Dam Safety of the availability of unlimited funds to pro-
Association (1995) the PMF is a flood vide complete security for all members of
event which results from the most severe society" and that " purpons to provide
and reasonably possible combination of complete safety, which...cannot really be
rainstorm, snow accumulation, melt rate guaranteed." The PMF is often chosen for
and antecedent moisture conditions. the IDE but as noted by Benson (1973), in
Antecedent moisture conditions include the some cases this is done not because of the
degree of ground saturation and filled merits of the choice but because it provides
depression storage in the drainage basin. the easiest way out of a delicate decision
The term 'reasonably possible' is a purely problem. The practice has arisen of assum-
qualitative verbal descriptor. lt tells nothing ing, without any supporting analysis, that a
about the frequency of this event, and may design for the PMF is both necessary and
easily be interpreted differently by a mete- sufficient to satisfy all safety requirements.
orologist, a hydrologist, a hydraulic engi- lf loss of life is presumed to accompa-
neer, or a geotechnical engineer. The defi- ny dam failure, then it is assumed by many
nition also suggests that the PMF is a agencies that the IDF must equal the PMF
unique value. However, different values as a matter of policy, regardless of the
could be obtained by different observers, number of lives under consideration. An

Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques

Vol. 23. No. 1, 1998
example is the recently enacted Dam and Kelman (1989). In the exercise, a 46 year
Canal Safety Regulation under the Water record was used to generate 37 sets of 'l 0
Resources Act of Alberta, which requires years each to simulate 37 flood frequency
the adoption of the PMF where failure analyses, giving 37 values for the 10,000
could be expected to result in increased year flood. Ten of the 37 values were
loss of life. Since it is imoossible to state smaller than the actual maximum flood
without equivocation that not even one life observed during the 46 year period.
will be lost following an oveftopping failure, The climatologists, meteorologists,
this regulation in effect requires design for hydrologists and hydrotechnical engineers
the full PMF for all major dams. However, who undertake PMF studies must, in the
rational design requires that the level of risk first instance, deal with each of the compo-
be related to the conseouences of the fail- nents comprising the PMF. lt is the writer's
ure. lt seems reasonable that greater risk contention that the responsibility of the
can be taken where the potential for loss of evaluators should be extended to include
life is assessed at 10 lives, as opposed to the assignment of frequencies, as well as
100 or 1000. As stated by Kuiper (1959) magnitude, to each of these components.
"the fact that the value of a human life can- In arriving at what is 'reasonably possible'
not be expressed in dollars does not mean for the contribution of each event, the eval-
it has an unlimited value. There are not uators must make a judgment based on
unlimited funds available to orovide com- observation of recorded and historical oast
plete safety to every individual." events in the region of concern and, to
It is no longer satisfactory to design for broaden the information base, in many
a flood with an unspecified frequency. As other regions with similar meteorological
stated by Newton and Herrin (1989), "The and basin characteristics. Newton and
need to define the probability of rare floods Herrin (1989) state that in their experience
has increased as development along with TVA projects "by judicious use of all
streams and economic and social damages available data, particularly maximum storm
associated with flooding have increased" data, it is possible to generate a flood fre-
and "the practicing hydrologist must define quency curve extending to the PMF which
flood frequencies throughout the full range is sufficiently accurate to permit a sound
of potential floods up to the PMF." risk analysis and decision."
The individual events comprising the
PMF, with the exception of the Probable
Probability of the PMF Maximum Precipitation (PMP), should
The frequency of rare flood events cannot have recurrence intervals within 100 years,
be determined from stream flow records and therefore can be estimated with some
using normal frequency analysis methods degree of confidence. For prairie streams
because the periods of record available are with headwaters on the eastern slooes of
too short to extrapolate with any degree of the Rocky Mountains, for example, these
reliability. A one hundred year record may events include heavy snowpack, fast melt,
be used to predict a 1:1000 flood magni- high ground saturation and filled detention
tude with reasonable confidence, but might storage. Each of these events of sufficient
be 25"k in error in trying to predict a magnitude has probably already occurred
1:10,000 flood magnitude. Since PMFs are within the last 100 years to satisfy the
presumed to fall in the 10-a to 10-6 per year requirements for a PMF. For example, it
frequency range, stream flow records are might be appropriate to assign return peri-
of little value for this purpose. An extieme ods of 20 years for the deep snowpack, 15
example used to demonstrate the weak- years for the fast melt, 10 years for the sat-
ness of short periods of stream flow record urated basin and 10 years for the filled
for rare flood prediction was quoted by detention storage. lf each of these events

Canadian Water Resources Journal

Vol.23, No.1.1998
were completely independent, the return specified. For example, for prairie streams
oeriod for all of them to occur simultane- with headwaters on the eastern slopes of
ously would be the product of the individual the Rocky Mountains, the time of the storm
return periods, or 30,000 years. However, must correspond to the period of mountain
there will be considerable correlation snowmelt. This presents a four-week win-
between several of these factors. A high dow for the PMP in late June or early July.
level of basin saturation and filled detention Also, for very large basins, there could be
storage are produced by the same factors, many PMPs of such an extent and/or loca-
and in general would occur together, in tion that only a portion of the basin is cov-
which case the conditional probability for ered. The resolution of this aspect of the
these two events would be 1 in 1O and not analysis must be left to specialists, but it is
1 in 100. Similarly, observations suggest reasonable to expect that the return peri-
that a heavy winter snowpack would not be ods for the PMP would fall in the 100 to
completely independent of late fall or early 1000 year range. lf the PMP is assumed to
spring high levels of antecedent moisture. be an independent variable, this would
Thus, the 20 year snowpack and the 10 place the PMF for this example in the 1 in
year antecedent moisture condition may 25,000 to 1 in 250,000 range. This range
have a return period of only 25 years, should be narrowed considerably for appli-
rather than 200 years. lf it can be assumed cation to specific projects, where in-depth
that the melt rate is an indeoendent vari- analysis of all relevant factors is undertak-
able, it would be concluded that the return en by specialists. At worst, it should be
oeriod of the simultaneous combination of possible to narrow the range lo x 20'/"
all of these events, not including the PMP, (e.9., 100,000 t 20,000 years). Whatever
would be 250 years. range is assigned to the PMF, the range
will be smaller for all smaller floods
because the high frequency end of the fre-
Probable Maximum quency curve is anchored by known dis-
Precipitation charges from actual observations.
The probable maximum precipitation (PMP) Synthesis of the flood-producing com-
is invariably a major component of the PMF. ponents of the PMF normally allows con-
This is true even in mountainous areas struction of the complete flood hydrograph
where snowmelt runoff may be an important (including the peak). This is needed when
contributor. The PMP is defined in the the spillway capacity is to be sized in con-
Canadian Dam Safety Association manual sideration of the effects of the flood reten-
(1994) as the "Greatest depth of precipita- tion capacity of the reservoir.
tion for a given duration meteorologically
possible for a given size storm area at a
pafiicular location at a particular time of
Acceptable Societal
year, with no allowance for long-term cli- Level of Risk
matic trends. The PMP is an estimate of the B.C. Hydro has been a Canadian leader in
upper physical bound to the precipitation risk analysis for dam safety. The BC Hydro
that the atmosphere can produce." approach is reported in a paper by Salmon
Rainfall intensities corresponding to the and Hartford (1995), in which a societal risk
PMP may very well be approached at some of 0.001 lives per year per dam is proposed
time in a localized area somewhere on the as an acceptable value. Thus, a loss of one
Canadian orairies on an annual basis. life would require that the risk of failure not
However, what makes the PMP for a given exceed 0.1'/" per year, 10 lives would
study area an extremely rare event is when require 0.01% per year, and 100 lives would
the time, storm duration, geographical require 0.001% per year (1 in 100,000). This
location and aerial extent of the PMP is criterion is completely rational and provides

4 Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques

Vol.23" No.1,1998
a realistic basis for analysis. The value of older dams and smaller dams that were
0.001 lives per year per dam appears to be included in the sample. Also, the probabili-
appropriate, and represents a lower level of ty of failure for internal erosion (piping) was
risk than is accepted by society in some 0.00068 per year per dam and for overtop-
other areas of human activity. ping it was 0.00014 per year per dam (i.e.,
The socio-economic risk proposed by in the sample the risk of a piping failure
Salmon and Hartford is a loss not exceed- was five times more likely than a failure
ing $10,000 (Can.) per year per dam. On due to overtopping). This result is also
this basis a million dollar loss due to failure borne out by the observation that half of all
would require that the risk of failure not the observed failures occurred in the first
exceed 1ok per year, and a billion dollar five years, when any weakness leading to
loss would require that the risk not exceed piping in the earth dam and/or foundation is
0.001% per year. Again, this approach pro- most likely to show up. These numbers
vides a rational basis for design, and a strongly suggest there has been a mis-
value of $10,000 per dam per year is a suf- placed emphasis on overtopping and
ficiently modest cost that it should be read- design of massive spillways to accommo-
ily acceptable to society. In fact, in the date the PMF.
writer's judgment, this value is too small for It is believed that the modern failure
a major project, and a value of 915,000 or rate for large new well-engineered earth
$20,000 per dam per year would not seem dams would be much smaller than 0.0009
an excessive amount. per year per dam, and likewise the risk of
failure by overtopping and piping would be
correspondingly reduced. In the opinion of
Causes of Dam Failure the writer it would be acceptable to expect
The acceptable level of risk suggested by an overtopping failure probability not
B.C. Hydro includes dam failure due to all exceeding 0.0001 per year per dam for
causes. Thus, it is necessary to identify dif- large modern earth dams.
ferent possibilities that could result in dam
failure. Studies by the U.S. Committee on
Large Dams (USCOLD) and others are Estimation of Losses
reported in a paper by Cheng (1993). The Loss of life and socio-economic loss fol-
USCOLD study included failure analysis of lowing dam failure depends on the flood
5450 American dams, These dams includ- depths, flood extent and duration of the
ed all types (eafth, rockfill, gravity, arch, flood. Depth, extent, and duration can be
buttress), all heights (from < 15 m to > calculated from dam-break studies. Dam-
50 m), all ages (from pre-1900 to 1986), break studies are now required as a regu-
and all modes of failure (overtopping, pip- lar component of risk analysis for major
ing, sliding). These modes of failure include dams. Considerable time, expense, experi-
eafihquake-induced failure, since overtop- ence and engineering judgment may be
ping can be produced by an earthquake- required to determine reliable estimates of
induced landslide into the reservoir, piping loss from results of the dam-break study,
can be produced by earthquake-induced but the process may be justified by the
rupture of the core, and sliding can be pro- potential savings in the cost of the dam and
duced by earthquake-induced liquefaction spillway if the IDF can be reduced.
of the dam or foundation. As an aid to estimating losses, refer-
The failure probability f rom the ence may be made to actual failures. The
USCOLD study for earth dams was 0.0009 failure of Teton Dam is an excellent exam-
per year per dam. This apparenily high rate ple. Teton Dam was a 93 m high dam which
of failure is biased because the failure failed by internal erosion (i.e., piping) on
probability is significantly higher for the June 4, 1976 (U.S. Department of Interior,

Canadian Water Resources Journal

Vol.23, No. 1.1998
1976). The imminent failure of the dam was becomes 0.0005/11 = 0.0000455 (or 1 in
recognized by 10:30 a.m., the dam 22p00), and for socio-economic loss
breached at 12:00 noon, and by 8:00 p.m. 5,000/500,000,000=0.00001 (1 in 100,000).
the reservoir was drained. In spite of the fact lf the allowable socio-economic loss per
that 25,000 homes were flooded, only 11 year was doubled, the return period would
lives were lost, a testament to the efficiency be reduced to 1 in 50,000. In either case the
of modern communications, transportation socio-economic loss would govern the
and emergency measures procedures in selection of the design flood for which over-
minimizing loss of life. This trend to small topping must be prevented.
loss of life is also borne out by the Should it be argued that the risk of fail-
Saguenay River flood in Quebec during the ure due to piping may exceed the risk due
summer of 1996, which produced a damage to overtopping, then theoretically this could
estimated at $700 million (1997 Canadian be offset by reducing the risk allotted to
dollars). Although 3,500 homes were flood- overlopping (i.e., by using a smaller flood
ed and 15,800 people were evacuated, only frequency) and still satisfy the B.C. Hydro
five lives were lost (Gosselin, 1997). The proposal. However, it does not make any
post failure damage for the Teton Dam fail- sense to argue that a bigger spillway
ure was $500 million (1976 U.S. dollars), should be constructed to offset the higher
including the loss of the $86 million capital risk of a piping failure. Rather, the extra
investment (Civil Engineering, 1977). expenditure should be used to further
In assessing damage it is important to reduce the risk of PiPing.
note that it is the incremental damage that ln the rare instances where the calcu-
is relevant. For example, if the failure mode lated allowable return period for the IDF is
being considered is overtopping due to the longer than the apparent return period for
occurrence of a PMF, then the loss or dam- the PMF, it is suggested that IDF = PMF
age produced by this PMF, in the absence should prevail. However, if the IDF return
of the dam, must be subtracted from the period is shofter than the PMF return peri-
larger loss or damage that would be pro- od, for which IDF < PMF, an oppodunity
duced by overtopping to determine the arises to effect some economies by design-
incremental damage. ing for the smaller value.
Theoretically, if the frequency can be
evaluated for the PMP, it can also be evalu-
Calculation of the Inflow ated by the same methods for 0.5 PME 0.75
Design Flood (lDF) PMF, etc. However, the work can be greatly
The BC Hydro proposal for limiting the soci- reduced by plotting the observed data and
etal losses to 0.001 lives per year per dam the PMF on a frequency curve so that the
and $10,000 per year per dam is intended frequency for other flood peaks may be read
to cover all types of failure that could result off the curve. lt has been suggested that the
in loss of the dam. Thus, only a portion of observed data at one end of the frequency
this acceptable loss can be assigned to any curve may be connected to the PMF at the
one failure mode. For purposes of illustra- other end with a straight line on a lognormal
tion, it is assumed that the societal loss for plot. However, a different frequency distribu-
overlopping failure produced by exceeding tion could be selected if it appears to give a
the IDF must be limited to half of the limiting suoerior fit to the observed data.
values, or 0.0005 lives per year per dam,
and $5,000 per year per dam. lf these val-
ues are applied to losses of the magnitude Conclusion
that occurred at Teton Dam (11 lives and This paper is intended to support the the-
$500,000,000), then the required flood fre- sis that whenever possible a rational deci-
quency to satisfy the criteria for loss of life sion making process should be applied in

o Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques

Vol. 23. No. 1, 1998
arrivingat the IDF for a project. The Fahlbusch, EE. 1979. "Optimum Design
process requires that all of the relevant Flood for Spillways," Water Power and Dam
flood producing factors for a PMF be quan- Construction, November: 79-84.
tified and probabilities assigned, including
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that a frequency can be estimated for the Annual Meeting, Canadian Dam Safety
PMF. The process will not be simple or Newsletter.lll, 4. Fall 1997: 18-19.
easy, but the potential reward may be Kelman, J. 1989. "The Estimation of
great where the IDF can be substantially Extreme Flooding in Brazil," Proceedings of
reduced. In any case, as noted by Salmon the 1989 National Conference on Hydraulic
and Hartford (1995), the undeftaking of a Engineering, ASCE, New Orleans, LA:
probabilistic risk assessment provides an 631 -635.
excellent framework for making engineer-
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ority of studies by pinpointing the greatest Analysis," Proceedings of Symposium
sources of risk and uncertainty. The No. 1, Spillway Design Floods, Department
assessment may also reveal areas where of Nofthern Affairs and Natural Resources,
additional study would not further improve Ottawa, ON.
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Canadian Water Resources Journal

Vol.23, No. 1. 1998

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