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Headquarters: sede central

Place where most of the important functions of an organization are concentrated

Head Office: oficina central
Place where the most important decisions are made so that the company works correctly
Sales Department: Departamento de Ventas
This department is responsible for monitoring and continuous control of sales activities within the
Human Resources (HR) Department: Departamento de Recursos Humanos
Recruitment, for the search and attraction of candidates when they need it
Purchasing Department: Departamento de Compras
Accounts Department: Departamento de Contabilidad
The Accounting Department is responsible for implementing and operating the policies, standards,
systems and procedures necessary to ensure the accuracy of financial operations
Finance Department: Departamento de Finanzas
He is in charge of recording accounting operations and financial data, in order to obtain current
and historical business information in an orderly manner.
Customer Service Department: Departamento de Atención al cliente
It is responsible for responding to queries or complaints that users of a company may present
Public Relations (PR): Relaciones públicas
He is in charge of managing the institutional image and strengthening ties with the various
Research & Development (R&D) Department: Departamento de Investigación y desarrollo
He is in charge of information development, patent management and laboratory research
After-Sales Service: Servicio post venta
Production Department: Departamento de producción
He is in charge of the transformation of raw materials into final products.
Marketing Department: Departamento de Marketing
He is in charge of managing and coordinating sales strategies
Communications Department: Departamento de Comunicación
He is in charge of designing the communication strategy of both internal and external public
IT Department: Departamento de Tecnología e Información
Warehousing Department: Departamento de Almacenaje
Logistics Department: Departamento de Logística
It is in charge of satisfying the demand in the best conditions of service, cost and quality.
Legal Department: Departamento Legal
He is in charge of developing and executing functions of the legal-administrative field
Reception: Recepción
Board of Directors: Junta Directiva
Accounting Department: Departamento de Contabilidad.
Purchasing Department: Departamento de Compras.
Sales Department: Departamento de Ventas.
Organization and methods Department
Administration Department
He is in charge of consulting at the managerial level of companies

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