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Inkscape Boardgames Extensions CSV data file reference

Copyright 2009-2016 Eric Hanuise (ehanuise -at- fantasybel _dot_ net)
and Pelle Nilsson (perni -at- lysator _dot_ liu _dot_ se)

Distribution of this document in original or modified form

is allowed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License

Note that this document is under construction. Please also consult

the included examples. For most users using one of the included examples
and modifying it until it produces the output wanted is probably more
effective than to fully understand the data format.

General structure
[empty record]
[end of file]

Each line in the file is a 'record' that contains a series of values,

or 'fields' separated by a comma or semicolon.
It is possible to define several recordsets in a single csv file. in
that case, new header records must be preceded by an empty record,
or the header must have a non-empty first value that is not a number,
to distinguish it from a record.



The header record defines the relation between the inkscape document
templates and the values in the csv file. The first field if present
is the identifier of the template to use for the background, if any.
This is used only when all counters defined in recordset shall have
the same background, otherwise leave this header field empty. Each
other field in a header records contain a name. That name should match
the 'id' property of an object to affect in the inkscape document.

To add more groups of objects (templates) to the counters use header

values starting with a @. The name following the @ symbol is used in
the same way as for the background template, except the referenced
rectangle object is not included now. The rectangle is used only to
get a known id to reference, and to get the relative coordinates of
the objects in the group when they are duplicated into the resulting

Alternatively a headerfield with only a @, not followed by an id,

means that the id will be different for each record, using the
values in that column.
A field with an id matching a text object from one of the templates
used in this record group replace the text content with the values
found in that column of the records in the group.

Newlines can be added in texts by typing \n (a backslash followed by

the letter n) in the text. This only works for multiline text elements
("text boxes", called flowRoot in SVG, created by selecting the
text tool and dragging a rectangle in the drawing)
Newlines are not inserted if the text is a regular text element (created
by selecting the text tool and just clicking somewhere).

Very simple wiki-like markup for text is supported. Text can

be marked as *bold* or /italics/, like that. Badly formatted
text results in that entire text being left un-formatted.

Note : When looking for parts of counters (ie the ids), standard globs
are used for matching. * matches one or more of any character,
? matches any single character. For instance for something to
apply to elements with id elem-a, elem-b, and elem-c, you can use
the glob elem-* (or in this case, equally, elem-?). You can also
use the * or ? in the beginning of middle. This is a change from
1.x versions of the countersheet effect where automatic matching
was attempted for ids containg dashes, but no such autoautomatic
matching is attempted now (you need to add "-*" at the end of
ids to get much the same effect, but now you have more control
and can avoid some problems that was caused by the old solution).

[+] : The + prefix indicates that the rectangle object id'ed in the
field must be copied with the group it is contained in. This is the
same behavior as for the background field.

[?] : The ? suffix indicates that the column is use to select if the
svg element with the given id should be included or not. If, and only
if, the cell in this column equals y or Y then that element is included.
It can be combined with the > suffix (put immediately after the ?) to
(not) include the same elements for the back of each counter.

[>] : The > suffix indicates that the drawing object should be copied
to the counter back side as well (for double-sided counters).

[[attribute]] : Appending [attribute] (where attribute is the name of

a SVG attribute valid for the type of object with id given as the first
part of the header (ie box[style] means the 'style' attribute of the object
with id 'box')) means that that column is used to give values for that

[[style:part]] : Special case of the above for [attribute], but replacing

only one of the parts of a style attribute (ie [style:fill] to only
modify the fill color of an element).

BACK : A headerfield containing the word BACK means that all parts
to the right of this column will be used to create the back side of the
counters in this group. Only counters for rows that also have BACK in
the field in this row will have a back side created, to make it possible
to mix single-sided and double-sided counters in the same group.
ID: The special header ID means that the value (if any) in this column
for each row specifies the id attribute to set for the group created
in the SVG output for that counter. It is also used as the filename
(after appending .png) when using the bitmap export feature.

[record] record


A record can either contain value or a keyword.

When containing values, the first value must be either nothing or an

integer. If empty, only one copy of the record will be created in the
inkscape document. If an integer, that many copies of the record will
be created in the inkscape document.

Note : When there is something other than a number or an empty cell in

the leftmost column it is corrently (0.93) treated as a new header,
expecting counter values to follow on rows below. This form is
deprecated, should not be used, and may not be supported in future
releases. Instead use an empty row to separate record groups.

The following values should match the fields defined in the header
record. Alphanumerical values should start and end with a " double
quote. (the parser tries to be smart about this, but whenever possible
use quotes).

Keywords : the following keywords can be used instead of a regular

record. keywords must be in UPPERCASE and be the only content in that

ENDBOX : When you have a layer in the inkscape document named

countersheet_layout' dictating the layout of the counters on the sheet
you can put ENDBOX on a row in the CSV file to say that it should skip
the rest of the current layout area and start filling the next one (ie
if there is room for 20 counters in a rectangle in the
countersheet_layout, but you only want 18 for some reason). Of course
an alternative would be to fill out with some empty dummy counters.

ENDROW: Similar to ENDBOX, but only ends the current row. If there is
no room in the current box for another row the effect will be identical

BACK: As described above, BACK is used in a field of a row that has

a the header BACK to specify that the counter produced for this row
should have a back-side.

For [attribute] columns: Cells beginning with '<' mean that the value
is copied from the same attribute in the rectangle that has the id
following the '<' in the cell (ie '<foo' will copy the value from the
rectangle with id 'foo'). If the cell doest not start with '<' then the
contents of the cell will be used as is.

For text columns: Cells beginning with '<<' mean that the value is
read from the file named after the '<<' (ie '<<bar.txt' will use
the contents of the file bar.txt). The file contents will be
used exactly as if they had been typed into the cell itself,
except that new-lines in the file will be treated as new-lines.

[empty record]

This record should have only empty fields and is used to indicate the
parser that the next record will be a header record.

This is not in the CSV data. If you set the id of a text object in a
template in the SVG to autonumber every generated counter will have a
uniqe number starting from 1 inserted instead of the text in the

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