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ALUMNA: Antuanet Grayce Elias Ayllon

Section 1. Inter-relatedness of organizational functions
a) Describe one element of the organization that is affected by recruitment and selection.
(For example, if you have a labor shortage you cannot satisfy customer demands).
En la consultora de recursos humanos que trabajaba, uno de los elementos que se veía
afectado era las relaciones públicas ya que si no presentábamos la lista larga y corta de
candidatos idóneos al cliente en el tiempo acordado en el cronograma, la imagen como
consultora no iba a ser buena por lo tanto era muy probable que no nos den a cargo otro
proceso adicional para su empresa.
In the human resources consultant that worked, one of the elements that was affected was
public relations because if we did not present the long and short list of suitable candidates to
the client in the time agreed in the schedule, the image as a consultant was not going To be
good therefore it was very likely that we will not be given another additional process for your
b) Describe how an element of the organization affects recruitment and selection. (For
example, if you have a decrease of customer demand and sales, you may have to reduce
wages. This would likely make it harder to recruit employees.)
Un elemento de la consultora que laboraba que afectaba el reclutamiento y selección, era que
por política no podíamos reclutar a personal que esté trabajando en una empresa que haya
sido cliente nuestro, por lo tanto, al momento de reclutar y huntear a personal ejecutivo o de
mandos medios, era complicado encontrar un buen candidato que sea de otra empresa, ajena
a nuestro portafolio de clientes, ya que esta última iba en ascenso cada vez más rápido.
An element of the consultant that worked that affected recruitment and selection, was that by
policy we could not recruit a staff that would be working in a company that had been our
client, therefore, at the time of recruiting and sinking an executive management staff means,
it was difficult to find a good candidate from another company, outside our client portfolio,
since the latter was rising faster and faster.
Section 2. Internal Factors
Address one of these internal factors in your organization. How does it affect
recruitment and selection? What is/are the
 Current workforce profile
 Sales numbers
 Future outlook
 Succession plans
 Turnover
 Engagement
 Budgets
ALUMNA: Antuanet Grayce Elias Ayllon

 Productivity, quality, safety

 Production capabilities
El factor interno que elijo es el de presupuesto, el cual afecta increíblemente al momento de
reclutar y seleccionar al personal, ya que se tiene destinado por parte del cliente, un rango
permitido para su sueldo, sin embargo, en algunas ocasiones este no va acorde a lo que indica
el mercado y la competencia, siendo difícil encontrar un buen candidato que cumpla con todo
lo indicado en el perfil y que se ajuste a un sueldo menor.
The internal factor that I choose is the budget, which affects incredibly when recruiting and
selecting the staff, since it has been destined by the client, a range allowed for their salary,
however, in some cases this is not consistent to what the market and the competition
indicates, being difficult to find a good candidate that meets everything indicated in the
profile and that adjusts to a lower salary.
Section 3. External Factors
Address one of these external factors in your organization. How does it affect
recruitment and selection?
 Labor Market– pay rates, unemployment
 Economy
 Competition
 Globalization
 Technology
 Industry
 Legislation
 Customer demands (seasonality, preferences)
 Location of organization
 Societal changes and demographics

El factor externo que elijo es la tecnología, este afecta e influye cada vez más en los procesos
de reclutamiento y selección, desde la parte de elegir en qué plataformas virtuales se realiza
la publicación de la convocatoria, así como el filtrado, plataforma de evaluaciones virtuales
hasta de soporte para entrevistas online. Lo cual facilita en la mayoría de casos, el ahorro de
tiempo y dinero por ambas partes.
The external factor that I choose is the technology, this affects and influences more and more
in the recruitment and selection processes, from the part of choosing in which virtual
platforms the publication of the call is made, as well as the filtering, virtual evaluation
platform even support for online interviews. Which facilitates in most cases, saving time and
money on both sides.
ALUMNA: Antuanet Grayce Elias Ayllon

Section 4. Inputs, Outputs and Throughputs

Name an input, throughput and output of the recruitment and selection process.
Explain your answer.
Input= applicants
Throughput= selection process
Output= new hire
Ejemplo propio:
Input= Requerimiento de personal
En la organización, ingresa el requerimiento de personal, ya sea proveniente del cliente
interno o externo en el caso de tercerizaciones. Es esa entrada lo que permite desencadenar
diversas acciones como la de a continuación.
Throughput= Alineamiento de perfil y proceso de selección
Una vez atendido el requerimiento, lo primero a revisar es si el perfil ya se conoce, si se
pueden realizar algunos ajustes, etc, para poder proceder con todo lo que el proceso de
selección implica.
Output= Candidato idóneo para el puesto
Finalmente como resultado del proceso llevado a cabo, tenemos al candidato idóneo para el
puesto según lo requerido al principio.
Input= Staff requirement
In the organization, enter the personnel requirement, either from the internal or external client
in the case of outsourcing. It is that entry that allows to trigger various actions such as the
one below.
Throughput= Profile alignment and selection process
Once the requirement has been met, the first thing to review is if the profile is already known,
if some adjustments can be made, etc., in order to proceed with everything that the selection
process implies.
Output= Suitable candidate for the position
Finally, as a result of the process carried out, we have the right candidate for the position as
required at the beginning.
ALUMNA: Antuanet Grayce Elias Ayllon

Section 5. Feedback
Feedback is a crucial component of systems theory. What sort of feedback do we need
to gain from the internal and external environment to ensure the success of our
recruitment and selection methods?
Furthermore, how will you measure the success of your recruitment and selection
A nivel interno, es necesario recibir una retroalimentación del cliente interno que hace la
solicitud del personal, ya que así podremos saber si estamos dirigiendo el proceso
adecuadamente y si el personal que estamos buscando se ajusta a lo que están requiriendo,
de este modo podremos asegurar el éxito del proceso. Además, podemos consultar otras
especificaciones que no se encuentran en el perfil, como aspectos de cultura, personalidad, y
otros cualitativos, para poder elevar aún más el nivel de éxito proyectado en la selección.
A nivel externo, debemos recibir retroalimentación del mercado, de dónde normalmente se
encuentran los perfiles a buscar, de la competencia, cuál es el sueldo que se está manejando
para determinados puestos, etc, de esta manera direccionaremos nuestro proceso
considerando estos factores y podremos asegurar el éxito del mismo.
Podemos medir nuestros esfuerzos de reclutamiento y selección mediante indicadores, por
ejemplo, qué fuentes laborales nos ha brindado mayor cantidad de candidatos idóneos, el
tiempo del proceso, en qué etapa el tiempo ha sido mayor y porqué, de esta manera podremos
hacer una comparativa y poder encontrar maneras de realizar ajustes y optimizar el proceso
de reclutamiento y selección.

Internally, it is necessary to receive a feedback from the internal client that makes the request
of the staff, since this way we will be able to know if we are directing the process and if the
personnel we are looking for adjusts to what they are requiring, in this way we can guarantee
The process success. In addition, we can consult other specifications that are not found in the
profile, such as aspects of culture, personality, and other qualitative aspects, to be able to
further raise the level of projected success in the selection.
Externally, we will receive feedback from the market, where the profiles to look for, from
the competition, what is the salary that is being managed to locate positions, etc., will
normally be found, in this way we will direct our specific process to these factors and We
can recognize its success.
We can measure our recruitment and selection efforts through indicators, for example, which
labor sources have given us the most suitable candidates, the time of the process, at what
stage the time has been greater and why, in this way we can make a comparison and to find
ways to make adjustments and modifications to the recruitment and selection process.

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