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Our Lady of Fatima Parish

Lectors and Commentators Ministry



 Acts of prayer and penitence prepare us to meet Christ as he comes in Word and Sacrament.
 We gather as a worshipping community to celebrate our unity with him and with one
another in faith.
1. Entrance Hymn/Antiphon
 Joining together as Christ’s people, we open the celebration by
raising our voices in praise of God who is present among us.
 This song should deepen our unity as it introduces the Mass we
2. Penitential Act
 Before we hear God’s word, we acknowledge our sins humbly, ask
for mercy, and accept God’s pardon.
3. Gloria
 As the Church assembled in the Spirit, we praise and pray to the
Father and the Lamb.
 NOT SUNG during Lent and Advent; also on weekdays except if
there are feasts or solemnities.
4. Collect
 The priest invites us to pray silently for a moment and then, in our
name, expresses the theme of the day’s celebration and petitions
God the Father through the mediation of Christ in the Holy Spirit.


 The proclamation of God’s word is always centered on Christ present through his word.
Old Testament writings prepare for him; New Testament books speak of him directly.
 All of Scripture calls us to believe once more and to follow. After the reading, we reflect
upon God’s words and respond to them.
1. First Reading
2. Responsorial Psalm
3. Second Reading
4. Gospel Acclamation
 Jesus will speak to us in the Gospel. We rise now out of respect and
prepare for his message with the acclamation.
5. Gospel
6. Homily
 God’s word is spoken again in the homily. The Holy Spirit speaking
through the lips of the preacher explains and applies the biblical
readings to the needs of the congregation. He calls us to respond to
Christ through the life we lead.
7. Profession of Faith
 We express our acceptance of God’s message in the scriptures and
homily in a creed handed down from the early Church.
 Instead of the Nicene Creed, especially during Lent and Easter time,
the baptismal Symbol of the Roman church, known as the Apostles’
Creed, may be used.
8. General Intercessions
 As the priestly people, we unite with one another by praying for
today’s needs in the Church and the world.
 After each intention, the people pray an invocation that is said


 Made ready by reflection on God’s word, we enter now into the Eucharistic offering itself.
 We celebrate the memorial which the Lord instituted at his Last Supper.
 We are God’s new people, brothers and sisters of Christ, gathered by him around his table,
to bless God and to receive the gift of the body and blood of Christ. This transforms our
faith and life.
 We prepare our hearts by song or in silence as the Lord’s table is being set.
 It is desirable that the faithful express their participation by making an offering, bring
forward bread and wine for the celebration of the Eucharist and perhaps other gifts to
relieve the needs of the Church and of the poor.
1. Offertory
2. Prayer over the Gifts
3. Preface
4. Eucharistic Prayer
 We begin the Eucharistic service of praise and thanksgiving, the
center of the entire celebration, the central prayer of worship.
 At the priest’s invitation we lift our hearts to God and unite with him
in the words he addressed to the Father through Jesus Christ.
 Together, we join Christ in his sacrifice, celebrating his memorial in
the holy meal and acknowledging with him the wonderful works of
God in our lives.
5. Consecration


 To prepare for the paschal meal, to welcome the Lord, we share the communion prayers
and exchange a sign of peace.
1. Lord’s Prayer
2. Sign of Peace
 The Church needs to express, deepen, and restore its peaceful unity
before eating the one Body of the Lord and drinking from the one
cup of salvation. We do this by a sign of peace.
3. Breaking of the Bread
 Christians are gathered for the “breaking of the bread”. In
communion, though many, we are made one body in the one bread,
which is Christ.
4. Communion
 We pray in silence and then voice words of humility and hope as
our final preparation before meeting Christ in the Eucharist.
5. Prayer after Communion
 The priest prays in our name that we may live the life of faith since
we have been strengthened by Christ himself.
 Our AMEN makes his prayer our own.


 We have heard God’s Word and eaten the Body of Christ. Now it is time for us to leave, to
do good works, to praise and bless the Lord in our daily lives.
1. Final greeting
2. Final blessing
3. Dismissal

Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Brisbane. Liturgical Commission (2011). The new order of Mass.
Liturgical Commission, Brisbane

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