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Changes in Sexual Desire

10. Changes in expectant family
FIRST TRIMESTER Presumptive Signs (Subjective)
The woman: Accepting the Pregnancy 1. Breast Changes
 Accepting the reality -feeling of tenderness, fullness, tingling;
 Ambivalence enlargement and darkening of areola
 woman often experience feelings 2. Nausea and Vomiting
less than pleasure and closer to -when fatigued.
anxiety or a feeling of 3. Amenorrhea
ambivalence -absence of menstruation
 Major steps in promoting acceptance: 4. Frequent Urination
 Routine sonogram -sense of having to void more often than
 1st prenatal visit usual
The partner: Accepting the Pregnancy 5. Fatigue
 Accepting the woman in their changed -general feeling of tiredness
state 6. Uterine Enlargement
 Ambivalence -uterus can be palpated over symphysis
 a partner may feel proud and pubis
happy at the beginning of 7. Quickening
pregnancy -fetal movement felt by woman
 Encouraged to play continuing emotional 8. Linea Nigra
and supportive role -lines of dark pigment forms on the
 Nurses as outlet for concerns
The Mother/Woman: Accepting the Baby -dark pigment forms on face
10. Striae Gravidarum
 Anticipatory role-play and daydreaming
-stretch mark forms on abdomen
 Narcissism
 Measure level of acceptance: how well a
Probable Signs (Objective)
mother follows prenatal instructions
1) Serum Laboratory Test
The Partner: Accepting the Baby
-a venipuncture of blood serum reveals
 Introversion the presence of human chorionic
 Some may have been misinformed about gonadotropin hormone
sexuality, pregnancy, and women’s 2) Chadwick’s Sign
health -color change of the vagina from pink to
Preparing for Parenthood 3) Goodell’s Sign
 Nest-building activities -softening of cervix
 Impatience 4) Hegar’s Sign
-softening of the lower uterine segment
EMOTIONAL RESPONSES 5) Sonographic evidence of Gestational sac
1. Grief -characteristic ring is evident
2. Narcissism 6) Ballottement
3. Introversion VS Extroversion -when lower uterine segment is tapped on
4. Body image and boundary a bimanual examination, the fetus can be
5. Stress felt to rise against the abdominal wall.
6. Depression 7) Braxton Hick’s Contraction
7. Couvade Syndrome -periodic uterine tightening occurs
8. Emotional Lability
Nayra, Micah
8) Fetal outline felt by examiner Accuracy: 97%
-fetal outline can be palpated through Positive Sign
abdomen 1. Sonographic evidence of fetal outline
-fetal outline can be seen and measure by
I. RIA (Radioimmunoassay) 2. Fetal heart audible
- a technique for determining antibody levels by -doppler ultrasound reveals heartbeat
introducing an antigen labeled with a
radioisotope and measuring the subsequent  FH beat since the 24th weeks
radioactivity of the antibody component. after conception, audible by
- A RIA is a very sensitive in vitro assay auscultation 18-20 weeks
technique used to measure concentrations of  UMS (dopplet teachnique)
substances, usually measuring antigen van detect FHS 10-12th week
concentrations by use of antibodies.  Echocardiography
II. ELISA (Enzyme-linked immunosorbent demonstrates heartbeat at 5
Assay) weeks
- This test can be used to determine if you have 3. Fetal movement felt by examiner
antibodies related to certain infectious conditions. -fetal movement can be palpated through
- is a test that detects and measures antibodies in abdomen
your blood. This test can be used to determine if
you have antibodies related to certain infectious
- technique designed for detecting and
quantifying substances such as peptides, proteins,
antibodies and hormones. Other names, such
as enzyme immunoassay (EIA), are also used to
describe the same technology.
III. RRA (Radioreceptor Assay Techniques)
- the radioreceptor assay is now the most practical
and should be used for the early diagnosis of
pregnancy (35 days or less after the last normal
menstrual period). Serial measurement of this
hormone by the beta subunit radioimmunoassay
provides a valuable guide to the management of
trophoblastic disease.
- refers to a class of sensitive and versatile
analytic techniques that employ radionuclides in
vitro for the measurement of hormones and other
trace sub- stances in biologic fluids.
Pregnant: 50 mlU/ml 7-9 days after conception
Non-pregnant: 0

Accuracy: 95-98%
IV. Home Pregnancy Test
-dips a reagent in her stream of urine
-pregnant: II (+) PREG YES Color changes
-non-pregnant: I (-) NEG color changes **repeat
after 1 week)
-False negative: psychotropic drugs, oral

Nayra, Micah

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