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1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................................................................... 3
1.1. Issue ...........................................................................................................................................................3
1.2. Anticipated Outcomes ..........................................................................................................................3
1.3. Recommendation ...................................................................................................................................4
1.4. Justification ..............................................................................................................................................5
2. PROBLEM DEFINITION......................................................................................................... 5
2.1. Problem Statement ...............................................................................................................................5
2.2. Organizational Impact .........................................................................................................................7
2.3. Technology Migration ...........................................................................................................................9
3. PROJECT OVERVIEW............................................................................................................ 9
3.1. Project Description .............................................................................................................................. 10
3.2. Goals and Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 11
3.3. Project Performance ........................................................................................................................... 11
3.4. Project Assumptions ........................................................................................................................... 12
3.5. Project Constraints.............................................................................................................................. 12
3.6. Major Project Milestones ................................................................................................................... 12
4. STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT .................................................................................................... 13
5. COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS ................................................................................................. 13
6. ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS ................................................................................................. 13
7. APPROVALS ........................................................................................................................ 14

This business case outlines how the HCP Mobile Project will address current
business concerns of our customer HCI, the benefits of the project, and
recommendations and justification of the project. The business case also
discusses detailed project goals, performance measures, assumptions,
constraints, and alternative options.

1.1. Issue

The sales unit LoSa of our customer HCI is working on a future business
model that addresses an improved and more efficient use of existing
resources in homecare provision.

Current homecare processes are time-demanding and there is a huge

potential for optimization of administrative tasks in regards to product
ordering, care documentation and prescription management. The
optimization of those processes would enable homecare providers to spend
more time with each patient and manage a larger number of patients
through the reduction of administrative time per patient.

Accelerated and optimized processes will improve the services provided by

healthcare professionals to a holistic care and would be the first step in
moving towards a connected care platform within homecare.

Although the requirement comes from a local sales unit, this could be a
new area of business for the entire company and other local sales units
could also benefit from the exact same solution.

1.2. Anticipated Outcomes

Moving towards an integrated and avant-garde homecare concept would

allow our customer to offer novel digital solutions to nurses and related
home healthcare professionals in order to help them in addressing the
challenges associated with homecare services and products provision.

As the IT service provider, we would not only benefit from the effort on
the initial development and implementation project but also from future IT
service management and operation; such as key user’s training, service
support, improvement and change requests. What is more, since the
business model covers a state-of-the-art and adaptable value proposition
in homecare provision which addresses one of the main challenges that
healthcare professional encounter nowadays, we expect to receive more
requests for the digital solution’s set-up in several sales units.

Additionally, as explained by our customer, this project would be the first
step moving in the direction of a connected care platform within the field
of homecare. In the near future, the demand of other related digital
solutions would rapidly increase.

1.3. Recommendation

Various options and alternatives were jointly analyzed with our customer
to determine the best way to leverage technology to improve the business
processes and reduce the additional administrative efforts of healthcare
professionals related to homecare service provision. The approach
described herein allows us to meet the customer’s requirements associated
with its objectives of continuously improving efficiency, offering innovative
digital solutions to healthcare professionals and capitalizing on technology.

With respect to ITpro’s benefits, the development of a whole new business

model will highly increase the demand of IT services. The proposed
solution will be adaptable and scalable enough to be consumed by any of
our customer’s sales units; that is, once the pilot phase with LoSa is proven
to be successful, additional sales units will demand the new service’s set-
up, training and management but requiring minimal –or no- effort from
our development team. In the near future, the same business model will
also raise new IT demands for additional services.

The recommended HCP Mobile project will provide a digital solution to

homecare professionals which supports the whole homecare process and
allow a more efficient way of documentation resulting in an optimized
management of effort related to administrative tasks. The data and
functions of the legacy system will methodically migrate to the new mobile-
based platform in order to preserve data integrity and allow adequate time
to train early users on their responsibilities and respective administrative
functions as well as receiving prompt feedback from physicians and nurses
on the new processes.

The mobile-based platform is compatible with all other current IT systems

and will improve the efficiency and comply with the standards and
healthcare industry regulations indicated by our customer. Some of the
ways that this technology will achieve its desired results are:

 The solution will support the entire care process starting from the
clarification of the patient’s initial situation allowing the direct entry
of patient personal data and medical information into the system and
manage appointments and tasks per patient.

 The solution will offer guideline oriented workflows to achieve a high
quality care provision across several sectors;
 The solution has to cover 4 therapy areas initially; three therapy
areas already provided through the legacy solution, extended by a
fourth newly offered area;
 The prescription management is a second focus area to further
strengthen the care provision. The solution should support the
processes prescription ordering, delivery and submission with a high
level of integration and automation;
 Online shop for medical supplies, over‐the‐counter medication and
dietary products needs to be integrated in the solution.

1.4. Justification

Our customer’s sales unit LoSa has deeply developed and analyzed the
new business model of home health care provision. They forecast a huge
potential on this area and they have already drawn the roadmap for the
associated services and products. The IT demand was properly raised
according to our processes and due to their expertise and advanced
analysis on the problem and user’s requirements this unit would be the
pilot location but the service could expand to several sales units worldwide.

The migration of administrative functions from the legacy system to the

mobile-based platform will result in greater efficiency of home caregivers’
administrative tasks and will also make our customer more attractive in
comparison with its competitors. The HCP Mobile Project is also aligned
with the corporate IT digital transformation strategy and objectives since
it uses digital state-of-the-art technology to improve the way we do
business. While other alternatives and the status quo were analyzed, the
HCP Project was selected for proposal in this business case because it
provides the best opportunity to realize benefits in an expedited manner
while also allowing for the greatest improvement in efficiency. Other
alternatives assumed greater risk, provided less benefits, were too difficult
to define, or were not suitably aligned with current corporate strategy
and/or objectives.


2.1. Problem Statement

Home care aims at satisfying people’s health and social needs while in their
home by providing appropriate and high-quality home-based health care and

social services, by formal and informal caregivers, with the use of technology
when appropriate, within a balanced and affordable continuum of care.

Home care offers the possibility to receive a wide range of services in one’s
familiar surroundings. Home care emerged during the last decade as an
increasingly promising option for providing health and social care for many
conditions that are especially associated with older age, disability and chronic

The proportion of elderly people in the general population is increasing steadily

in many European countries and is predicted to rise still further in the coming
decades. This will mean increasing rates of care-dependent elderly people.
The next decades will also see dramatic changes in the needs of those with
non-communicable diseases, as the leading cause of disability and death. A
variety of people with chronic conditions may stay at home given difficulty in
mobility, and dependent children with severe health problems or people with
mental disorders may also require home care.

Evidence suggests that disabled and elderly people tend not to want
institutional care, and families and other informal caregivers prefer strongly
to continue to care for their dependent family members in a friendly
environment such as their own homes and local communities.

Many factors drive the need and demand for home care: demographic trends,
changes in the epidemiological landscape of disease, the increased focus on
user-centered services, the availability of new support technologies and the
pressing need to reconfigure health systems to improve responsiveness,
continuity, efficiency and equity. 1

Home care is often best for many people with long term illnesses, including
those who are close to the end of life. All patients being cared for at home
should first be assessed and treated by a trained health worker, who will help
caregivers provide high quality home care and ensure that medicines are
prescribed and taken correctly.

Home healthcare is a cost efficient alternative to expensive hospital stays. For

instance, treatment cost for acute care hospital is around USD 3,250.0 per
day. On the contrary, home care cost is approximately USD 50.0 per day.
These settings help to save cost significantly and thus, anticipated to provide
a significant push to the market. The global home healthcare market size was
valued at USD 263.30 billion in 2016. It is expected to register a CAGR

World Health Organization 2008. The Solid Facts: Home Care in Europe.

(Compound Annual growth rate) of 7.8% over the forecast period of 2018-

Current homecare processes are time-demanding and there is a huge potential

for optimization of administrative tasks in regards to product ordering, care
documentation and prescription management. The optimization of those
processes would enable homecare providers to spend more time with each
patient and manage a larger number of patients through the reduction of
administrative time per patient.

Accelerated and optimized processes will improve the services provided by

healthcare professionals to a holistic care and would be the first step in moving
towards a connected care platform within homecare.

Although the requirement comes from a local sales unit, this could be a new
area of business for the entire company and other local sales units could also
benefit from the exact same solution.

2.2. Organizational Impact

The homecare processes that will be impacted are related to how the
healthcare professionals delivers its services to the patients and the resulting
and mandatory documentation that they have to fill out afterwards for product
ordering and treatment documentation. Additionally, the process related to
homecare professional management and prescription management would also
be optimized. As a result, caregivers will be relieved from a high burden of
administrative tasks and the quality of their work will be improved.

Benefits are numerous and for all the actors involved. For instance, patients
will get a higher quality homecare service from theirs nurses; homecare
professionals will be able to manage a larger population of patients making its
business more profitable; our customer will improve the service and products
that offers that would make it more attractive for physicians and nursing staff
in comparison to its competitors. As the IT service provider we would highly
benefit from the development of the digital solutions for a whole new business
model with a promising growth forecast worldwide. It would also give the
company the opportunity to explore innovative technologies and increase the
staff of highly qualified team members.


Benefits to application’s users (e.g. homecare nursing staff):

 Processes related to product ordering, care documentation and

prescription management will be optimized;
 More convenient, mobile, easy-to-use, process and situation oriented
 More timely and accurate treatment reporting as a result of caregivers’
ability to enter and continuously update the data. This real time access
reduces errors, improves visit time, and is readily available to any
authorized user.
 Administration time per patient will be reduced;
 Homecare professionals will be able to spend more time with each patient
and, consequently, manage a larger number of patient;
 Possible additional services will be offered and charged to freelancer
homecare professionals;
 Improved work environment;
 Additional community features will strength the network of homecare
professionals offering a strong personal benefit and making our customer
more attractive.

Benefits to patients and family caregivers:

 Safe and affordable solutions that supports the family while allowing the
patients to stay in the comfort of their own home and communities;
 Trained and qualified professionals can assess safety risks, provide day-
to-day help while preserving patient’s dignity and maintaining a good
quality of life;
 Support on diet and nutrition of elderly or patients with chronic conditions;
 Medication management and delivery
 Preservation of social interaction and a normal life as much as possible
 Comparable or better outcomes avoiding the risk of hospital-acquired
 On-on-one focus and support allowing meaningful, personal and skilled
care that promotes stronger bonds and openness;

To sum up, with the proposed digital solution the nursing staff would benefit
from the optimization of their time, being able to spend more time with each
patient and less time taking care of the administrative tasks.

The new platform will be managed by the company and we should anticipate
changes to IT staffing requirements.

With regards to software and hardware requirements, in addition to the
software and licensing for the project, it will be required to procure cloud
computing infrastructure to accommodate the platform and its anticipated
growth for the next 5 years.

2.3. Technology Migration

In order to effectively migrate existing data from the legacy platform to the
new Mobile-based platform, a phased approach has been developed which will
result in minimal/no disruption to day to day operations and administration
activities. The project will impact initially three therapy areas already
provided through the legacy solution. The following is a high-level overview of
the phased approach:

Phase I: Hardware/Software will be procured and the HCP Mobile system

will be created in the Mobile-based environment and tested by the
corresponding project team members.

Phase II: A temporary legacy platform in the technology lab will be

provided to be used for day to day operations and administration activities.
This will be used as a backup system and also to archive all data from the
company mainframe.

Phase III: The Mobile-based platform will be populated with all current
administrative data from patients, products and related services.

Phase IV: Key users will receive training on the new Mobile-based

Phase V: The Mobile-based platform will go live and the legacy mainframe
system will be archived and stood down.

The HCP Mobile Project overview provides detail for how this project will
address our customer’s business problem. The overview consists of a project
description, goals and objectives for the HCP Project, project performance
criteria, project assumptions, constraints, and major milestones. As the
project is approved and moves forward, each of these components will be
expanded to include a greater level of detail in working toward the project

3.1. Project Description

The HCP Mobile project will provide a digital solution to homecare

professionals which supports the whole homecare process and allow a more
efficient way of documentation resulting in an optimized management of
effort related to administrative tasks. The data and functions of the current
system will methodically migrate to the new mobile-based platform in order
to preserve data integrity and allow adequate time to train early users on
their responsibilities and respective administrative functions as well as
receiving prompt feedback from physicians and nurses on the new processes.

The mobile-based platform is compatible with all other current IT systems

and will improve the efficiency and comply with all the standards and
healthcare industry regulations indicated by our customer. Some of the ways
that this technology will achieve its desired results are:

 Mobile solution that supports the entire care process starting from the
clarification of the patient’s initial situation allowing the direct entry
of patient personal data and medical information into the system and
manage appointments and tasks per patient.
 The solution will offer guideline oriented workflows to achieve a high
quality care provision across several sectors;
 The solution has to cover 4 therapy areas initially; three therapy areas
already provided through the legacy solution, extended by a fourth
newly offered area;
 The prescription management is a second focus area to further
strengthen the care provision. The solution should support the
processes prescription ordering, delivery and submission with a high
level of integration and automation.
 Online shop for medical supplies, over‐the‐counter medication and
dietary products needs to be integrated in the solution;

The HCP Mobile Project will review and analyze the local and global
requirement to replace the legacy processes for homecare administration with
a Mobile-based platform. This will be done by determining and selecting a
solution which adequately satisfies LoSa’s requirements and still allows for
global expansion and growth for the next 5 years. Once released, the project
will replace the existing system in a phased implementation approach and be
completed once the new system is operational and the legacy system is
archived and no longer in use.

This project will result in greater efficiency of administrative operations and

documentation of homecare treatments, prescription and healthcare

professionals’ management. As a result, caregivers will once again be focused
on quality healthcare provision instead of utilizing a significant portion of their
time on administrative tasks. The new mobile platform and its user friendly
interface will be integrated into the processes and daily activities of nursing
staff without adding any complexity to the common workflow. With this in
mind, the project will be managed with an agile approach, in particular, taking
advantage of the SCRUM framework.

At the beginning the product owner and the development team will be focused
on the requirements’ elicitation to make sure that the deliverables are the
desired outcomes by the customer. In this stage, the team will closely work
with LoSa’s experts and future early users and the solution will evolve in
functional increments through collaboration between both parties by adding
user-visible functionality to the previous version.

The set of requirements will be prioritized according to the added value,

deliverability, uncertainties and risks and possible dependencies. The project
will be separated in two main stages: the local requirements will be
implemented on a first stage and the global requirements for the solution will
be addressed on the second stage.

3.2. Goals and Objectives

The HCP Mobile Project directly supports several of the corporate goals and
objectives established by our company. The following table lists the business
goals and objectives that the project supports and how it supports them:

Business Goal/Objective Description

Solution must be adaptable and scalable enough to be

Adaptability and scalability
consumed by any of our customer’s sales units

Standards and healthcare Gain knowledge in standards and healthcare industry related
industry to homecare provision

Leverage current third party vendors in order to reduce costs

Cost efficient
(e.g. SAP, Accenture Digital, Avanade)

Align with the corporate IT digital transformation strategy and

IT Digital Transformation
objectives using digital state-of-the-art technology.

Explore innovative technologies and increase the staff of

Increase know-how
highly qualified team members.

3.3. Project Performance

The following table lists the key resources, processes, or services and their
anticipated business outcomes in measuring the performance of the project.

These performance measures will be quantified and further defined in the
detailed project plan.

Key Project Performance

Performance Measure

Deviation of planned budge Knowing how, where and why the project budget deviated

Percentage of milestones missed Identify when milestones are missed

Deviation of planned efforts Understand why tasks took more or less time than planned.

Measure how the time of team members is used while working

Resource utilization
on the project.

3.4. Project Assumptions

The following assumptions apply to the HCP Mobile Project. As project

planning begins and more assumptions are identified, they will be added

 All team members required are available at the time of project starts;
 Funding is available for procuring hardware/software required when
 All department heads will provide necessary support for successful
project completion;
 Project has executive-level support and backing.

3.5. Project Constraints

The following constraints apply to the HCP Mobile Project. As project planning
begins and more constraints are identified, they will be added accordingly.

 There are limited IT resources available to support the HCP Project

and other, ongoing, IT initiatives.
 There are a limited number of nursing staff for testing deliverables.

3.6. Major Project Milestones

The following are the major project milestones identified at this time. As the
project planning moves forward and the schedule is developed, the milestones
and their target completion dates will be modified, adjusted, and finalized as
necessary to establish the baseline schedule.

Milestones/Deliverables Target Date

Project Charter 01/01/20xx

Project Plan Review and Completion 03/01/20xx

Project Kickoff 03/10/20xx

Phase I Complete 04/15/20xx

Phase II Complete 06/15/20xx

Phase III Complete 08/15/20xx

Phase IV Complete 10/15/20xx

Phase V Complete 12/15/20xx

Closeout/Project Completion 12/31/20xx

The HCP Mobile Project is in direct support of several of HCI’s and ITpro’s
strategic initiatives and plans. By directly supporting these strategic plans,
this project will improve our business and help move the company forward to
the next level of maturity.


In order to determine if the project is worth pursuing, it is necessary to
estimate the initial cost for project development and service set-up and the
resultant expected cash flows for, at least, the next five years. With this
information, it is possible to quantify the financial benefits, for instance, by
obtaining the project’s Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, Payback

The following alternative options have been considered to address the
business problem. These alternatives were not selected for a number of
reasons which are also explained below.

Due to the lack of information this section is incomplete but for a proper project evaluation it should be finished.

No Project (Status Quo) Reasons for not selecting alternative

Keep the legacy system in place  Unnecessary time expenditure of nursing

staff on administrative task.
 Continued occurrence of a high number
of data errors
 Poor and untimely treatment reporting
 Lack of automation

Alternative option for development Reasons for not selecting alternative

Outsource the development of a mobile  Significantly higher cost

platform  Expertise already exists in house
 Vendor’s lack of familiarity with our
internal requirements

Alternative option for development Reasons for not selecting alternative

Develop software internally  Lack of qualified resources

 Significant cost associated with software
 Timeframe required is too long

Alternative option for IT infrastructure Reasons for not selecting alternative

Cloud Computing  Dependency with cloud service providers

 Vendor’s lack of familiarity with
healthcare standards and security
 Limited control

Alternative option for IT infrastructure Reasons for not selecting alternative

Local IT Infrastructure (Network and Servers)  IT management and maintenance efforts

 Significantly higher cost

The signatures of the people below indicate an understanding in the purpose
and content of this document by those signing it. By signing this document,
you indicate that you approve of the proposed project outlined in this business
case and that the next steps may be taken to create a formal project in
accordance with the details outlined herein.

Approver Name Title Signature Date


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