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Generally, language teaching is a very complex discipline. Analyzing the ESP

branch of the tree, we can see three main subcategories, i.e. EST – English for

Science and Technology, EBE – English for Business and Economics and ESS –

English for the Social Sciences. Furthermore, each of these categories is yet divided

even further, i.e. EAP – English for Academic Purposes and EOP- English for

occupational Purposes. We have to bear in our mines that EOP is actually, higher than

EAP, which of course, has nothing to do with their importance, but it refers to the fact

that EOP can be diversified even more, according to the individual occupational


ESP all essentially emphasize to language centred approaches and to give a

definition of ESP we need to establish a context about how ESP at the present time

relates to the rest of ELT.In the time-honoured manner of linguistics, we shall

represent the relationship in the form of a tree.

A. Problem of study
1. What does meant by the approach not product ?
2. How does explanation a tree in approach not product ?


A. Definition of approach

Approach is a set assumptions dealing with the nature of language, learning,

and teaching. Approach is a theory of native and nature language learning. Approach

describes how people acquire their knowledge of the language and makes statement

about the conditions which will promote successful language learning.1

B. ESP : Approach not product

The survey above shows that in its relatively brief history there have been

several major shifts in the development of ESP both in theory and practice. However,

we have tried to show that, in spite of their differences, the successive stages have all

concentrated on the linguistic aspect of ESP. For now let us return to the question

posed at the beginning of this section: 'What is ESP?' To answer this question fully,

we need first of all to establish a context which will help us to see how ESP at the

present time relates to the rest of EL T. What exactly is the status of the citizens of

ESP and its satellite settlements-Iii. Relation to the general world of ELT?

ESP all essentially emphasize to language centered approaches and to give a

definition of ESP we need to establish a context about how ESP at the present time


accsess on October 23, at 13.00

relates to the rest of ELT. In the time-honored manner of linguistics, we shall

represent the relationship in the form of a tree.2

The tree represents some of the common divisions that are made in ELT. The

topmost branches of the tree show the level at which individual ESP courses occur.

The branches just below this level indicate that these may conveniently be divided

into two main types of ESP differentiated according to whether the learner requires

English for academic study (EAP: English for Academic Purposes) or for

work/training (EOP /EVP /VESL: English for Occupational Purposes/English for

Vocational Purposes/Vocational English as a Second Language).This is of course not

a clear-cut distinction: people can work and study simultaneously; it is also likely-

that in many cases the language learnt' /for immediate use in a study environment will

be used later Where the Student takes up, or returns to, a job.

At the next level down it is possible to distinguish ESP courses by the general

nature of the learners' specialism. Three large categories are usually identified here:

EST (English for Science and Technology), EBE (English for Business and

Economics) and ESS (English for the Social Sciences). This last is not common,

probably because it is not thought to different significantly from more traditional

humanities- based general English.

2Tom , H and Alan , W,english for purposes a learning centred-approach,cumbridge

university : cumbridge,1987.
As we go down the tree, we can see that ESP is just one branch of EFL/ESL,

which are themselves the main branches of English language teaching in general.

ELT, in turn is one variety of the many possible kinds of language teaching.3

But, of course there is there is more to a tree that is visible above ground: a

tree cannot survive without roots. The roots which nourish the tree of ELT

are communication and learning.The analogy of a tree can help us to get a bit closer

to a definition of ESP not so much.

a. ESP is not a matter of teaching ‘specialised varieties’ of English. The fact that

language is used for a specific purpose does not imply that it is special form of

the language, different in kind from other forms. Certainly, there are some

features which can be identified as ‘typical’ of a particular context of use and

which, therefore, the learner is more likely to meet in the target situation. But

these differences should not be allowed to obscure the far larger area of

common ground that underlies all English use, and indeed, all language use.

b. ESP is not just a matter of science words and grammar for scientists, hotel

words and grammar for hotel staff and so on. When we look at a tree, we see

the leaves and branches, but there is much more to the tree than just there-

much of it hidden from view inside and beneath the tree. The leaves do not

just hang in the air: they are supported by a complex underlying structure. In

the same way there is much more to communication that just the surface
3 Tom , H and Alan , W,english for purposes a learning centred-approach sixth

edition,cumbridge university : cumbridge,1991.

features that we read and hear. Between performance and competence, that is

between what people actually do with the language and range of knowledge

and abilities which enables them to do it (Hutchinson and waters, 1981).

c. ESP is not different in kind from any other form of language teaching, in that

it should be based in the first instance on principles of effective and efficient

learning. Though the content of learning may vary there is no reason to

suppose that the processes of learning should be any different for the ESP

learner that for the general English learner. There is, in other words, no such

thing as an ESP classrooms, but could just as well have been used in the

learning of any kind of English.4

C. What is ESP ?

ESP is a kind of English which relates to learner’s professional or personal

needs, somewhat modulating the General English curriculum extent. The General

English curriculum teaching deals mainly with teaching the language system, whereas

the English for Specific Purposes teaching focuses rather on how the language is used

in a real discourse.

Course design is the process by which information about learning needs and

learning theories is interpreted to produce materials depending on syllabus to develop

methodology for teaching to establish evaluation procedure in order lead the learner

to detain the state of knowledge. Robinson (1991) stated that course design refers to

4 accsess on

October 23, at 14.00

the planning and structuring of a course to achieve the needed goals. There are the

result of the needs analysis, the course designer’s approach to syllabus and

methodology, and existing material. An approach to language teaching which aims to

meet the needs of particular learners. It means that in practice that much of the work

done by ESP teacher is concerned with designing appropriate courses for various

group of learners, in order to provide a reasonable basis for the subsequent processes

of syllabus design, materials writing, classroom teaching and evaluation.It is

important to concern on 5W+1H question to know the whether proceesses are

reasonable or not. This all question should include the three main headings namely:

language description, theories of learning, and need analysis.5

As described above, ESP has had a relatively long time to mature and so we

would expect the ESP community to have a clear idea about what ESP means.

Strangely, however, this does not seem to be the case. In October this year, for

example, a very heated debate took place on the TESP-L e-mail discussion list about

whether or not English for Academic Purposes (EAP) could be considered part of

ESP in general. At the Japan Conference on ESP also, clear differences in how people

interpreted the meaning of ESP could be seen. Some people described ESP as simply

being the teaching of English for any purpose that could be specified. Others,

however, were more precise, describing it as the teaching of English used in academic

studies or the teaching of English for vocational or professional purposes.

5 accsess on October 23, at 15.00

At the conference, guests were honored to have as the main speaker, Tony

Dudley-Evans, co-editor of the ESP Journal mentioned above. Very aware of the

current confusion amongst the ESP community in Japan, Dudley-Evans set out in his

one hour speech to clarify the meaning of ESP, giving an extended definition of ESP

in terms of 'absolute' and 'variable' characteristics.6

The language description is the way in which the language system is broken

down and describe for the purpose of learning. The terms such as ‘structural’,

‘functional’, ‘national’ properly belong to this area, those refer to the way of

analyzing and describing a language. in the area of learning theories, the relevant

term we shall consider are ‘behaviorist’, ‘cognitive’, ‘affective’.

Need analysis is generally regarded as a criterion to the ESP. Conducting the

need analysis is a one of essential stage in the ESP since it will determine how our

ESP course is, in term of teaching material, learning situation, teaching

methodologies, and evaluation. Besides, by doing the need analysis, the teacher will

get two kinds of information which first is the students’ current level of knowledge

and motivation, and the second is the students’ need.7

There are management issues that include the timing and location of the

proposal course, the teacher and facilities available, and the time available for

planning. The first issue is the timing, in this case the timing and indeed the timeable

of the course may not be negotiated. It may dictate the nature of some teaching
6 http://www.dinda767/2018/6/approach-not-product/html access on October 24, at 12.00

7 accsess on October 24, at 12.00

activities, for example if the class sessions are infrequent (once a week), each session

may need to be treated as self-contained, with no carry -over expected from one week

to the next. The second is the location, an important consideration is the location of

the course. The nature of the classroom and their distance from the student’s other

places of work may influence the decision which related to the syllabus and even

more the methodology. In the ESP course, the location can be in a school and in the

company. Those usually done based on the contract with the sponsor. The last specific

issue is the facilities, for example a sufficient and a good typist and functioning

photocopying machines. It will support to create an effective learning condition. The

facilities should be based on the students’ need and also up to date.8

ESP must be seen as an approach not as an product. ESP is not a particular

kind of language or methodology not does it consist of a particular type of teaching

material. Understood properly, it is an approach to language learning, which is based

on learner need. The foundation of all ESP is the simple question: Why does this

learner need to learn a foreign language? From this question will flow a whole host of

further questions, some of which will relate to the learners themselves, some to the

nature of the language the learners will need to operate, some to the given learning

context. but this whole analysis derives from an initial identified need on the part of

the learner to learn a language. ESP then is an approach to language teaching in

8 accsess on October 24 at 13.00

which all decisions as to content and method are based on the learner’s reason for





9 accsess on October 24 at 15.00

The ELT tree diagram shows that ESP is the only branch of EFL /ESL where

the main branch is ELT in general. It is also a key to communication and learning.

ESP is not necessarily a language fact product but as a learning to teach a language

that is shown with specific and clear reasons for learning. Tree analogy can help us to

be a little closer to ESP definition not so much by showing what ESP is, but rather by

indicating whether it is ESP or not.


Similarly, we can describe the material that is the subject of this proposal, of

course, there are still many shortcomings and weaknesses, because they lack the

knowledge and the lack of reference or the reference has to do with the title of this

proposal. Author much hope dear readers, providing constructive criticism and

suggestions for the perfect proposal to the author in the writing of the proposal in the

next opportunities. Hopefully this paper is useful for writers in particular are also dear

readers in general. Such review this time, may be useful for you and also inspire.

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