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Bogum-ssi is famous as a man who lives an upright life, and for being kind.

But isn’t it tiring to live so

kindly? There has to be a lot of times when you get angry, sick or when you feel stressed – what do you
do at those times? = Honestly, I’m not the type that gets stressed easily. Maybe it’s because I think
positively that I don’t get stressed easily, but sometimes when I get annoyed or when I do feel stressed, I
relieve it through talking about it. I talk with either my family or with the people at my company.

I’m very thankful that people see me as (someone with) a kind image. If I were forcibly acting in order to
‘(I have to) make a kind image (for myself)’, I think that would have been burdensome. But I just act as I
always am. It’s embarrassing too (in some ways). I’m both embarrassed and thankful when people tell
me that I’m kind, in regards to my actions. There hasn’t been a moment up until now, where it’s been
tough to live uunkindly.


Your face still has a lot of ‘boyish charm’ left, but your hands are totally ‘manly’. Your feet are big as well.
If you happen to have your own hand and foot care know-hows, please let us know.

Please let me know (some know-hows). Lately I’ve been trying to apply a lot of hand cream. A makeup
artist I know told me, but apparently your hands become more moisturized if you mix in a bit of oil when
applying hand cream.

Is there a word (or phrase) that you hold close to your heart as you live?

I’m happy because I’m receiving good influences. There’s also the phrase ‘If you’re honest and clear, then
you’re/you can be honorable and confident’. In English, there’s also the phrase ‘With God, all things are


As an actor, do you have a role model?

The sunbaenims I meet in each production are all my rolemodels. I’ve found that it’s not easy to act in a
way that a lot of people can relate to. That’s why I’ve felt that the sunbaenims are really amazing. I have
an even bigger desire to turn all those people’s good points into my own.
But I sometimes have these thoughts as well. The thought that I want to hear someone say that “Park
Bogum is my role model”. In order to become someone like that, won’t I need to become the guiding
star for a lot of people? That’s why living a little more honestly and cleanly in order to become a person
who has a positive influence is also my dream as well.

- What kind of actor do you hope to be remembered as.

I want to become an actor that receives the compliment “No matter what kind of role Park Bogum is
given, he turns it into his own style really well

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