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- Civen the absence oi anv real and direct benefits
Edltor: RAMOII it, LIM to the actual taxpayers, inother reason wh#ve
should scrap the Iioid Users Tax instead of allowilig
Congressman Salceda and Secretary Domingue2
CTALK to increase the iax by 300 percent is the pJain and
simple fact that the money for the Road Users Tax
CITO BELTRAN was "immorally" if not "illegally" realigned and
distributed to members of Congress in the past
years. The Road Users Tax was eipressly colleited
Qualified theft to go to the Road Board which in turn was suppose
to allocate or distribute it to various proiects ralated
by Congress and gov't? to road development or improvement. Unfortu-
nately, Congress back then pressured or threatened
officers of the Road Board, while other officials of the
f, lbay Congressman Joey Road Board reportedly rnanipulated the allocations to
A Salceda is determined benefit congressional districts for a certain percentage.
L \t" pass a bill that will Months before the last election members o{ Congress
increase Road Users Tax by 300
percent on all vehicles, from were in a panic when they heard thatthe money from
the Road board would be prolected and preserved by
tricycles, private cars, and com-
the DBM from being raided and tumed into campaign
mercial vehicles. The Depart-
ment of Finance fully supports funds! This became a very serious bone of conten-
the proposal claiming that it tion belween former DBM Secretary Ben Diokno
will giva
sive the government
eovernmenl the much-needed
m funds and Congress when Sec. Diokno inte'rvened to stop
for their "Build, Build, Build" projects. If you are a the racket and misappropriation of the Road Users
Tax. As we all know, no less than President Rodrigo
vehicle owner, you should express your oPposition
to this idea in the loudest and strongest way pos- Duterte acted decisively on the matterby abolishing
sible because it is "highway robbery" figuratively the Road Board.
So here we are, the Road Board was abolished, the
and literally speaking.
To begin with, what have vehicle owners receive "qualified theft" was exposed, and now we have a
in exchinge for the Road Users Tax that's been Congressman, the chairman of the ways and means
slapped on them? Any one who drives, whether committee, trying to find w;rys and means to pass a
in Metro Manila or in the provinces, can attest to 300 percent increase in the previously misappropri-
the fact that many roads in the country are Poorly ated tax by enlisting Sonny Dominguez to^supfort
built of shitty quality and constantly in need of the discriminatory piece of legislation that will place
repairs or are constantly being destroyed by local -a brlrden on a select communlty to fund the Duterte
officials in order to spend money that goes to fa- administration's infrastructure programs. Forgive
vored contractors. In Metro Manila alone, the EDSA my ignorance, but what "infrastructure programs"
and C5 are constantly being repaired or re-blocked are we talking about? ]ust about any infiastructure
because many parts collapsee sink or break apart project I read or hear about is being proposed, funded
in six months time, end up with pot holes due to and constructed by private developers and investors
below par construction and quality. The DPWH and al1 of it comes with a price in terms of tolls, farcs
engineers and contractors cannot even maintain or fees charged to the public for the next 20 to 30
level surfaces so many of our cars and trucks a1l years! If the intendeil "Build Build Build" projects
need to have their shock absorbers, suspensions are meant to benefit "All" and not just vehicle own-
and tires replaced every two years or less. ers, then shouldnlt the tax burden 6e spread out and
The authorities always mention the fact that nol uniustly strapped on the backs and pockets of
there are several hundred thousand cars if not vehide owners?
a million cars that are added to the streets but It would help if Secretary Sonny Dominguez and
little or no new streets are built. Whatever is new Congressmar Joey Salceda made a litde effort to send
comes by way of San Miguel Corp. or the MVP out their PR people to lst down and publish the spe-
group that develop toll roads. So we are paying cific infrastructure projects they plan to fund relaied
Road Users Tax as well as toll fees. Many streets in. to road use and road development. This will at least
Metro Manila and the Philippines have very poor give Filipinos a heads up on whether an inJrastruchre
or no street lighting. The government does not project makes sense or no[. Otherwise, they should
even spend money to refresh or repairit the lines simply come out in t-he open with a fair and equitable
on the road that we call lane dividers. Ai road us- ,
basket of taxburdens for allFilipinos who willaircctly
ers we are left at the merciless charges of accred- benefit from the "Build Build Build". While the gov-
-ited emment can certainly use all the funds they can get
tow truck operators, one of whom rammed
my Mitsubishi Montero leaving a P40,000 repair for proiects, taxpayers must have firm reassurance
bill that I can't charge because the driver fled the that the.funds will not be raided by politicians for
scene! Considering the billions they've collected, their own political benefit which is "qualified theft"
we can't even get professional service from real- or placed in the govemmen(s "piggy bark" to qeate
pro{essional operators such as the AAP or Auto- or simulate the impression that the administration is
. mobile Association of the Philippines. loaded and have the best economic managers in the

\ PAtls * p' world. That would be so egotistical and so fake!

Em ail: utalk2 cta lk@ gma il. co m


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