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Chase Henderson


Text Neck
Chase Henderson
Harrison High school
December 2019
Chase Henderson

The centered title Abstract is NOT bolded. I will type my abstract here when I have finished the
research paper. Then I will CTRL+ENTER to begin a new page for the body of the paper.
Chase Henderson

Text Neck
Text neck is not something that people should just brush past and so I am going to make a
statement and try to help people from having it.

Literature Review
Text neck syndrome is not something to just brush past. In the articles about text neck they are
all similar by one thing, they all talk about the pain and hardships that text neck brings you. Text
neck is another term for forward head posture just specified to getting it by looking down at your
phone. Two of the articles focus on their own study that they had done with participants that had
done an activity and were then measured on the pain it had caused them. The other articles focus
on research on the percentage of texts and the percentage of time of the day that people have or
are on their phone. And they focus on the neck discomfort, pain, and sourness that come when
people have forward head posture or text neck.
Differences in the articles would be that some of the article used their own tests and others had
used research done globally. Another difference is that they all talk about the different effects of
forward head posture. One talks about the sourness, the pain in the neck, and the pain all
throughout the body caused by forward head posture.
This literature review was conducted to show the different perspectives and effects of studies on
forward head posture and text neck.
The centered title Method is bolded. Copy and paste your methodology here.

Data Analysis
The centered title Data Analysis is bolded. I will type my data analysis here after I conduct

The centered title Discussion is bolded. I will type my final argument here. Then I will
CTRL+ENTER to begin a new page for the References section.
Chase Henderson

The centered title References is NOT bolded. Copy and paste references here. Don’t forget
alphabetical order and hanging indent.
To hanging indent, highlight all of the references; right click; chose Paragraph; under Special,
choose Hanging; select OK.

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