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The introduction of the unit communication skills in the first year has really showed a great deal

of helping individual at student level in more so having quality career course that is composed of

skills and confidence of having done it as it make someone have a better way of expressing

himself or herself in different session in life for example ;during interview or at work in a certain

company that needs someone who is capable of running it with better decision making or the

productivity of the company .However ,personally the different articles has really changed my

life .This is discussed as follows;

According to the story of African Affluent society ,the author clearly bring out difference

between the old stage and the modern African Society way of living in order to satisfy the basic

needs such as; food or shelter of the daily life and satisfaction of the human wants in general.

Hunters and gatherers lived in the forest unlike the modern man. However, it shows that not all

people are comfortable in accordance to the basic needs they need in life.
The writer displays a greater disparity between the poor people in developing countries and the

rich people in the rich countries. The poor countries are seen to be rich while the rich countries

are poor .this is because the rich countries strive to utilize each and every opportunity they get

such that they ought to search in each and every day more so from the poor countries while the

poor countries are seen to be satisfied with the little they have in their country and that they

don’t demand any resources .However, this clearly showed that we should be contented with

the little that we have rather than striving to demand anymore useless wants in life.

Also, the writer gave the distinguishing features between the old age people and the modern

people. He gave a comparison between the hunters and gatherers such that they work four

hours a day unlike the modern people who work eight to twelve hours in a day and doing work
tirelessly the traditional people who are contented and work are reasonable time and yet they

are more satisfied with their needs in life. This has really brought out that it is not necessary to

work very much in life in order to be okay so longest basic needs are there.

Again ,we are told that the hunters and gatherers economies on their time such that they work

for few hours and go elsewhere to refresh themselves in terms of having recreational activities

like watching movies and they could see that fathers could provide food that to be used

continually for the rest of remaining time .for example ;they work for about two days and that

prove to the family for almost the next week .In present day, a modern person in third world

countries could even gather a huge amount of food and they end they end up not satisfied again

.It depicts that in our life we should also have free time in order to refresh the mind and get


How Europe underdevelop Africa
However, the essay had a lot of parallelism such that old age has been distinguished with the

modern way of life.

According to the story of how Europe underdeveloped Africa ,it was discussed in an

individual level where it implies an in increase in skill and capacity ,greater freedom ,creativity

,self discipline ,responsibility and material well being .According to this ,like an increase in skill

discloses that more invention towards something having an additional information about

something ,for the case of capacity ,briefly describes about increase in creativity towards

attaining something in an increased amount and for the case of greater freedom is that one can

acquire all what he or she requires fo the success of what he or she plans like attaining ideas

everywhere without limit and weighing which can function best by having people’s ideas

without just limiting to your own2 views .According to creativity ,one has to an additional way

he or she can improve the existing state by developing new ideas towards attaining it,on self

discipline ,one must involve in developments that appreciate your work and beneficial.One

should be concern on what he or she does and still have in mind his or her goals and remain

persistent and lastly material well being , one should accumulate the necessary resources.

Also development can be made according to economic where it is brought about when a society

develops economically as its members increase jointly their capacity when dealing with the

environment and putting in practice the use of machines and will enormously increase from the

early life from the progress from crude stone tools to use of metals .Also a changeover from

hunting and gathering of wild fruit to domestication of animals and the growing of food crops

and lastly improvement in character of work from being individualistic to a social character

through the participation of many .Also the author shows that every person have shown a

capacity for independently increasing their ability to a satisfactory life through exploitation the

resources therefore every continent participated independently.

The author also highlights on underdevelopment and how Europe underdeveloped Africa where

he says that it ties to the fact that human social development being uneven and from a strictly

economic view point where some humans groups have advanced further by producing more and

becoming more wealth.In this way the western countries have underdeveloped Africa by

exploitation where these countries obtain the raw materials here from Africa and produce in

surplus in their country and put it on sale here in Africa ,in this way its unfair to Africans where

they are treated unfairly on acquiring a readymade product at a higher price though they

produced the resource to manufacture it.Also, Africa was underdeveloped is by communalism

where the property was collectively owned and the way work was done was in common and

goods share out equally and also Africa was underdeveloped though slavery where Africans

were a source of labour to European countries hence making developments in their countries

making Africa to lie behind .Capitalism was also a way Africans were underdeveloped where

the greatest wealth was produced in agriculture but by machines and therefore It was

characterized by the concentration in a few hands of ownership of the means of producing

wealth and `by unequal distribution of products of human labour.Also the Africans were

affected by the political instability where they much concentrated on self defence which

therefore a contribution to Africa being behind in terms of development.

From the Marks and Marx article ,the author points out the direction of revolutionary social

theory in Africa ,relation to the colonial experience in general and African experience of
colonialism and lastly placing both Marxism and African revolutionary theory and praxis in the

context of the whole world’s revolutionary theory and praxis, the accurate information about

revolution and communism is worldwide genuine and intense ,but these are disrupted by

problems which of these problems are particularly germane from the point of view of African

revolution theory .The author discussed various problem of tendency of the westerners

minimizes the value of non westerners and maximizes the value of western factors and therefore

its solution is to have an accurate view of the world ,on the hand the problem of stigmatization

of non western peoples and values where the white racism splits the world along racial lines and

assigns negative ,lower value to the world’s majority of non western people and a positive

superior value to the western white minority ,it is based on ignorance strengthened by dishonest

denial where the author discussed its solution being a systematic study of history

,philosophy,culture and science and technology of all societies prior to the pronouncement of

judgements.Another problem as discussed by the author is the linear philosophy of history where

it arranges history in such a way that they move in stages and therefore the western countries

happen to be at the top .It’s solution was also discussed by the author where it may be

intellectually justifiable when restricted to the history of western people and the modern period

may for them be the best o fall.

The dogma of autotelic technology is among the problems as it was discussed by the author

where it arises from the tendency to give excessive weight to material factors in the process of

history and assumes that the materially powerful societies are superior to materially disposed

societies and its solution as discussed was that the empirical study of relationship between

teleology and technology as opposed to the uninformed legislation of prejudged relationship .The

author also discussed about the problem of absence of Africa where Africans had no human
history but had to wait to be introduced into its stream by the western conquest and furthermore

it’s solution was discussed that the study of history and find out that the African history is the

history of African people not the history of Europeans or Arabs in Africa .

From the story of Trauma, the writer shows that traumatization occurs when both internal and

external resources are inadequate are inadequateto cope with external threat.The trauma

experirience impacts people in any of the ways for example people feel traumatized when they

fear the lives of people they love and the way they make sense and are altered by traumatic

experience.The author discloses the fight or flight response where animals have the potential to

to esc3ape harm by4 flight reaction where when we arein danger the bodies make a massive

response and also applies to our minds where it forms a connection that get triggered when

when threat occurs.This applies also where when children are exposed to danger they become

sensitives to minor theats .According to this response we need to help traumatized people by

creating a suitable environment away from threats.From the people who feel helpless arealso

affected by threats where they feelhelpless but they try shouting not like normal animal which

can escape from danger and therefore as normal human we should assist them.From the loss of

volume control,people take drugs in a way to calm themselves down temporarily and one

discovers that alcohol brings comfort then it is only logical that one will turn to alcohol for

comfort .Also the human brain plays its role well when it’s protected from overwhelming stress

and therefore it is important for ones brain to function well and needs adequate protection and

safety. Also from the understanding of the effects of trauma it is easier for us to grasp how

someone could be victimizedand turn away from the victim role towards the victimizer role.A

victim is observed helpless and powerless ,alsotraumatized people are seen to behaving high

Bloom trauma theory abreviated
tendency to use highly abnormal and dangerous relationship as their normative idea of what

relationship are supposed to be and therefore when they aretraumatized they then abuse and

therefore these people need to create relationship that are not biased to terror and the abuse of


The story From of National values and Liberation,

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