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1) SIMILE : A Simile states the similarity existing between two things different in
kind. The definition contains three elements
• The things compared must be different n kind.
• There must be similarity existing between two different things.
• The similarity must be expressed clearly.
Expressions: as , so, such, like , similarly etc
2) METAPHOR : A figure in which a word or a quality properly belonging to an
object is transferred to another object in such a way that a comparison is implied.
Or An implied or indirect comparison.( not clearly expressed )
Contrast between simile and metaphors
In simile the point of similarity is clearly stated while in metaphor it is just
E.g. Ravi is a donkey ( metaphor )
Ravi is a s foolish as a donkey ( simile )
3) ANTITHESIS : A figure of speech in which one ideas is set against another. Or
Contrast of words used together.
Eg: United we stand , divided we fall.
4) PARADOX: It is a statement which is apparently absurd but is or may be really
true. Or A statement which appears to be absurd but is true in reality.
Eg. Philosophers are fools.
5 ) OXYMORON : Which states in placing two words of opposite meaning side by
side for same person or thing .
Eg: The most learned fool in the country.
6) CLIMAX –Word, ideas or statements are stated in such a manner that the
meaning rises from a less important to more important stage.
( There must be at least three words or clauses for the climax )
7) METONYMY : A figure of speech in which a thing or concept is referred to by
the name of something closely associated with that thing or concept.
• Eg: From cradle to grave ( from childhood to death )
• The entire auditorium. ( audience )
8) PERSONIFICATION: A figure of speech where human qualities or power are
given to non-living objects.
Eg: The moving moon went up the sky ( Human quality ‘moving’ , non living
object “moon” )
9 ) LITOTES : In this figure of speech a negative statement with “no” “not” is used
to emphasize a strong positive feeling.
Eg: I am not a little surprised ( greatly, very much )
10 ) ALLITERATION : The figure of speech consist in the repetition of the same
letter vowel or Consonant.
Repeated sound of letter.
Eg: How, High, is Highness ( sound of ‘h’ )
11) REPETITION : The figure of speech when same words are repeted again and
Eg: Alone, alone all all alone.
12 ) INVERSION : – Normal order of words is reversed or change of grammatical
order of words in a sentence.
Eg: The tongue no men can tame.
( correct order : No men can tame & tongue )
13) TAUTOLOGY : This figure of speech consist in saying of the same thing twice
over in different words.
Use of more than one word of similar or almost similar sense.
Eg: He is quite exhausted and worn out ( mean tired )
I rejoiced at happy night ( means joy )
14 ) RHETORICAL QUESTION : Where question is asked and no answer is expected
Eg: Whom you are waiting for ?
15 ) HYPERBOLE – In this figure of speech something stated as much more or
much less than what it really is .
Eg : Ten thousand saw at a glance.

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