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5th International Conference

„NEW TECHNOLOGIES NT-2019“ Development and Application

June 27.-29. 2019 – Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina



Emir Nezirić1, Edin Džiho1, Edin Šunje1

”Džemal Bijedić” University of Mostar, Faculty of mechanical engineering,,
Concrete structures are exposed to ground-borne vibrations caused by transient or
continuous excitation. Increased vibration levels and long-time exposure to vibrations
could cause different levels of structural damages. As the continuous source of vibration,
excitation is common to have rotational machinery. Rotational machinery faults usually
increase the machinery vibrations, which are one of the excitation sources. In this paper,
it would be presented an application of rotational machinery vibration analysis in
determining the cause of increased concrete structure vibrations.

Keywords: vibration analysis, excitation, concreete structure vibrations, rotational

machinery vibrations

Vibration sources such as machinery vibrations, traffic or blasting are inducing
vibrations of nearby structures. Vibrations could be conducted through soil or through
direct contact between the source of vibration and the reciever. Increased level of
structure vibrations could damage structures, especially if structures are exposed to
excitation for longer periods of time. Measuring and analyzing vibrations of the
structures is an important part of structure reliability tracking [1,2].
Determining the natural frequency of the structure is the first step in the analysis of the
structure vibrations. The most usual method for determining natural frequencies of the
structure is finite element modelling [3-8]. This method has developed procedures for
natural frequency calculations and is very well documented. Machinery faults cause
vibrations in machines and machine vibration excites the supporting structure. If
excitation force frequency and natural frequency of structure have the same or
approximate values, resonance or beating could be a possible problem in the structure.
In most of the available literature, vibration excitation caused by rotational machinery
vibrations is mostly considered as machine unbalance. In practical applications, it could
be handy that vibration analyst could decide which machinery fault is producing an
excitation force since all faults do not have the same frequency range and layout.
This paper shows the procedure of the vibration analysis of the reinforced concrete
structure excited by rotational machinery with unknown fault. It also shows a short
review of the current literature, basic assumptions on natural frequencies and resonance
and beating phenomena, and an analysis of vibration of the real structure excited by
rotational machinery.

Editors: Isak Karabegović, Zijad Haznadar, Sead Pašić

5th International Conference
„NEW TECHNOLOGIES NT-2019” Development and Application
June 27-29. 2018 – Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina


It is important to find out how rotational machinery would affect its supporting structure.
Displacements of some of the parts of the structure could reveal the structure members
weakness. As a possible step in the solution on the machinery caused vibrations in
structures could be discovering the fault which is causing the rotational machinery
vibrations at first place.
Gaznavi et al. [9] have presented a literature review on a dynamic analysis of machine
structure with short descriptions of methods of the research and most important
conclusions. Documented researches are developing different approaches in the machine
vibration impact on pedestal vibration response. Elvin et al. in [3] have developed 1DOF
frame structure model where the unbalanced machine is used as excitation force. The
focus of the research was how the startup and shut down of the machine impacts on the
resonance of the structure with different damping values. Silva et al. in [4] have
presented an analysis of the steel oil platform based on real construction. After
determining the natural frequency of the structure, levels of the maximum displacements
generated by rotating machinery vibrations are analyzed. Authors have concluded that
levels of vibration (displacement, velocity) are very high and that design of structure
should be reevaluated. Displacement levels of steel frame structures are also investigated
by Ferro in [5]. Levels of frame structure displacements caused by machinery vibrations
were the key factor in determining the type of connections between frame members. As
the main conclusion mentioned by authors is that a fully rigid frame is the best solution
for rotational machinery carrying structure. A similar methodology was used by Patel et
al. in [6], where authors have developed two different types of concrete foundations for
blower machines. Analysis has shown that hollow block foundation with piles is a better
choice as a foundation than a table mounted block foundation according to displacement
levels. N. Leso et al. in [7] have presented an analysis of the foundation effect on the
vibration response of the fan. Two different mounting situations are presented and
analyzed, where are presented frequency responses of both cases. In [8], Tamariz et al.
have presented an analysis of the damage caused by long exposure of the concrete
pedestal to rotational machinery vibrations. As the main conclusion of the research is
that this rotational vibration excitation could create fatigue damages for 50 years.
All mentioned papers have a similar idea on rotational machinery vibration impact on
structures: they should be considered and monitored during the exploitation of structure.


In this section would be presented a short introduction to resonance and beating
phenomena. General equation of motion could be written as

mx + cx + kx = F (t ) (1)

where m is mass, c is damping, k is stiffness, F(t) is excitation force as function of time,

and x as displacement [10]. Equation (1) could be rearranged as follows

c k F (t )
x+ x+ x = (2)
m m m

Editors: Isak Karabegović, Zijad Haznadar, Sead Pašić

5th International Conference
„NEW TECHNOLOGIES NT-2019“ Development and Application
June 27.-29. 2019 – Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

In equation (2), k/m represents squared circular frequency of the motion. Harmonic
excitation force as function of time most common representation is

F (t ) = A sin(t +  ) (3)

where A is force amplitude, Ω i circular frequency of the excitation force and β is phase
angle. Circular frequencies ω and Ω could be used to calculate frequencies of the
 1 k
fn = =
2 2 m (4)

fe =
where fn is natural frequency of the system and fe is excitation force frequency.
Resonance occurs when these two frequencies are equal. Beating phenomenon occurs
when these two frequencies do not have exactly the same value, but the difference is
very small. Characteristic change of amplitude caused by these phenomena is shown in
Figure 1.

Figure 1: Resonance (left) and beating (right) amplitude change

Since the real structures have multiple degrees of freedom, they would also have
multiple eigenmodes with multiple frequencies. If one of those frequencies are matching
with excitation force frequency, it could initiate the presence of resonance or beating



The analyzed system in this investigation is used for city water supply and it consists of
9 pumps located in the reinforced concrete structure. The piping system of this pumping
plant is located in the basement part of the structure. Problems with the increased
vibrations of the structure are reported after the reconstruction of the concrete pedestal
for three pumps with the horizontal axis.
Editors: Isak Karabegović, Zijad Haznadar, Sead Pašić
5th International Conference
„NEW TECHNOLOGIES NT-2019” Development and Application
June 27-29. 2018 – Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Figure 2: Investigated pumping plant

Characteristics of the pumps are given in Table 1.

Table 1: Characteristics of the pumps

Axis Flow Power

Pump name RPM
orientation [m3/h] [kW]
Kobilja glava 1 Horizontal 360 250 1489
Kobilja glava 2 Horizontal 324 200 1490
Kobilja glava 3 Horizontal 324 200 1490
Kobilja glava 4 Vertical 360 200 2975
Buća potok 1 Vertical 360-486 132 2975
Buća potok 2 Vertical 360-486 132 2975
Centar 1 Vertical 540 160 1485
Centar 2 Vertical 540 160 1485
Centar 3 Vertical 648 160 1490

3.1. Description of the measurement procedure

As a preparation for a detailed analysis of the pumping plant vibrations, the measuring
spots are choosen to give enough data to observe all possible vibration causes. The
following locations are chosen for thes measurements:
A. Opening frame for pipe from Kobilja glava 2 pump to basement pipe system
(location with subjectively highest vibrations noticed)
B. Support pole for pipe from Kobilja glava 2 pump
C. Abutment bottom (in the level of the pump carying concrete slab) – acording to
BS 7385-2 standard [2].
D. Bearing on motor of the Kobilja glava 2 pump
E. Bearing on motor of the Kobilja glava 3 pump

For location C are chosen both of the abtuments on the each side of the concrete slab
where pedesals of the pumps are reconstructed. For location D and E are chosen bearings
of the neigboring pumps of the most excited structure part. Locations of the measuring
points are shown on Figure 3.

Editors: Isak Karabegović, Zijad Haznadar, Sead Pašić

5th International Conference
„NEW TECHNOLOGIES NT-2019“ Development and Application
June 27.-29. 2019 – Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina



Figure 3. Locations of the measuring points

Conditions with the water supply levels could not allow that all pumps are active in the
same time. It could be possible to combine only some of the pumps active, where the
neigboring pumps of the increased vibration level location are active in all
measurements. Combinations of the active pumps in the different measurements are
shown in Table 2.

Table 2: Combinations of the active pumps in the two measurements.

Active pumps
Kobilja glava 1

Kobilja glava 2

Kobilja glava 3

Kobilja glava 4

Buća potok 1

Buća potok 2

Centar 1

Centar 2

Centar 3


M1 X X X X X X

M2 X X X X X X X

Editors: Isak Karabegović, Zijad Haznadar, Sead Pašić

5th International Conference
„NEW TECHNOLOGIES NT-2019” Development and Application
June 27-29. 2018 – Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

3.2. Analysis of the results

As a first step in this analysis, with handheld device are measured RMS of vibrations on
all pumps. Any extremly increased vibrations of pumps could imply on structure
vibrations. Results of the measurements are shown in Table 3.

Table 3. Velocity RMS of the pumps

Pump* Bearing 1 Bearing 2 Bearing 3 Bearing 4**

KG1 0,4 0,5 0,2 0,5 0,6 0,3 0,3 0,4 0,4 1,0 1,0 0,6
KG2 1,3 0,8 0,8 1,6 1,4 0,8 0,8 0,4 0,4 1,2 0,8 0,6
KG3 1,6 1,7 1,1 1,9 2,3 1,0 0,5 0,3 0,6 1,0 1,0 0,6
KG4 3,7 3,2 2,1 1,2 1,1 1,8 2,5 2,0 2,2 - - -
BP1 1,3 2,1 0,9 1,0 2,1 2,1 1,1 2,7 1,4 - - -
BP2 2,0 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,4 1,3 1,1 1,3 1,1 - - -
C1 - - - - - - - - - - - -
C2 1,5 1,7 1,2 0,9 0,9 0,6 1,3 0,8 0,8 - - -
C3 1,5 1,0 0,7 0,5 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,5 0,6 - - -

* Abbreviations of pump name: KG-Kobilja glava, BP-Buća potok i C-Centar

** Vertical pumps have only 3 bearings

Vibrations are measured in horizontal, vertical and axial direction on bearings for
horizontal pumps. For vertical pumps H stands for water outlet direction, V stands for
perpendicular direction of water outlet direction and A stands for axial direction of the
Velocity RMS measured on all pumps have low values. All pumps have satisfying
vibrations for a new equipment category, according to standard ISO 10816-3 proposed
limits. Those small vibrations should only excite natural frequency oscilations of
structure, and not be problem by itself.
Since it is hard to calculate natural frequencies of the structure because of the
reconstruction of the large concrete pedestals, analyzing the excitation force frequency
and structure oscilating frequency could be done by analyzing the measurements. First
step was to confirm rotational frequency of the pumps KG2 and KG3. Frequency
spectrums are shown on Figure 4.
On the frequency spectrum it could be seen the peaks of the frequency 24.84 Hz and it
4X and 7X orders. Other orders are also noticeable, but with much lower amplitude.
24.84 Hz frequency corresponds to rotational frequency of the pump. 4X and 7X could
be frequency which depends on pump number of the impellers, which is unknown. Since
those frequencies are high, it is hard to expect them to be close enough to natural
frequency of the structure.

Editors: Isak Karabegović, Zijad Haznadar, Sead Pašić

5th International Conference
„NEW TECHNOLOGIES NT-2019“ Development and Application
June 27.-29. 2019 – Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Figure 4. Frequency spectrums for KG2 and KG3 motor bearing

For the possible cause of the increased structure vibrations it could be looked in
frequency spectrum measured on the location of the noticed increased vibrations.
Frequency spectrums measured on the frame between KG2 and KG3 (location A) are
shown on Figure 5.

Figure 5 . Frequency spectrums of vibrations measured on location A

Editors: Isak Karabegović, Zijad Haznadar, Sead Pašić
5th International Conference
„NEW TECHNOLOGIES NT-2019” Development and Application
June 27-29. 2018 – Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Most dominant frequency on frequency spectrum measured on the location A is 20.69

Hz. Difference between the excitation force frequency and this natural frequency of the
structure is small enough to cause beating phenomenon. Confirmation of this is shown
on timewave of displacemen in z direction measured on location A (concrete slab).
Absolute displacement [m]

Time [s]
Figure 6. Timewave of displacement measured in z direction (location A)

Clear proof of presence of the beating phenomena is visible on the timewave measured
on the location A in the z direction. Machinery rotation frequency is close enough to
excite natural frequency of the concrete slab, which excited mode has dominant vertical
movement in the midle of the concrete slab.
Since the increased vibrations are not noticed before the pedestal reconstruction, the
additional mass of concrete pedestal and stiffnes had changed one of the natural
frequencies. That change of frequency impacted on appearance of the beating
phenomenon by making the excitation and naturaln frequency difference small enough
for introducing this phenomenon.


After the presented theoretical appearance of the resonance and the beating phenomena,
a short rewiev of the current researches on this topic and case study in this paper, the
folowing conclusions could be made:
- The most common cause of the structure vibrations are resonance and beating
- It is possible to determine resonance or beating even if the natural frequencies
of the structure are unknown. Unknown natural frequencies are common with
structures which have been reconstructed.
- Standard tools of the rotational machinery vibration analysis (waveform
analysis, frequency spectrum analysis) are key tools in discovering the real
cause of the increased vibrations of the carying structure.

Editors: Isak Karabegović, Zijad Haznadar, Sead Pašić

5th International Conference
„NEW TECHNOLOGIES NT-2019“ Development and Application
June 27.-29. 2019 – Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina


[1] ISO 4866:2010, Mechanical vibration and shock – Vibration of fixed structures
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[2] BS 7385-2, Evaluation and measurement for vibration i buildings – Guide to
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[4] J.G. da Silva, A.C. Sieira, L.S. da Silva, B. Rimola, Dynamic Analysis of Steel
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[5] R.M. Ferro, W.G. Ferreira, A.F.G. Calenzani, Dynamic Analysis fo Support
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[7] N. Leso, J. Puttonen, E. Porkka, The effect of foundation on fan vibration
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2011., 1-20.
[8] E. Tamariz, A. Lopez, D. Gonzalez, Damage assesment in a reinforced
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International Conference on Mechanical Models in Structural Engineering,
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[9] M. Gaznavi, A. Kumar, J. Satheesh, T. Madhusudhan, A Review on Dynamic
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[10] S. Isic., V. Doleček, A. Voloder, An Analysis of Postbuckling Frequency
Change of Beam Structures Using Finite Elements Method, Scientiffic Journal
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2008, 13-18.

Editors: Isak Karabegović, Zijad Haznadar, Sead Pašić

5th International Conference
„NEW TECHNOLOGIES NT-2019” Development and Application
June 27-29. 2018 – Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Emir Nezirić, Assist.Prof. D.Sc. Eng.
“Džemal Bijedić” University of Mostar
Faculty of mechanical engineering
Sjeverni logor b.b.
88 000 Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Edin Džiho, Assist.Prof. D.Sc. Eng.

“Džemal Bijedić” University of Mostar
Faculty of mechanical engineering
Sjeverni logor b.b.
88 000 Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Edin Šunje, Assist.Prof. D.Sc. Eng.

“Džemal Bijedić” University of Mostar
Faculty of mechanical engineering
Sjeverni logor b.b.
88 000 Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Editors: Isak Karabegović, Zijad Haznadar, Sead Pašić

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