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Prevalence and Profile of Poststroke Subjective

Cognitive Complaints

Mari€elle W. A. van Rijsbergen, MSc,* Ruth E. Mark, PhD,*

Paul L. M. de Kort, MD, PhD,† and Margriet M. Sitskoorn, PhD*

Background: Subjective cognitive complaints (SCCs) are common after stroke, but
detailed information about how SCCs differ between patients with stroke versus
stroke-free individuals is not available. We evaluated the prevalence and profile of
the 2 SCC components (content and worry) in patients 3 months after stroke versus
controls using both a generic and a stroke-specific instrument. Methods: Using a
cross-sectional design, 142 patients were compared to 135 controls (matched at
group level on age, sex, and estimate of premorbid intelligence quotient).
SCC-content and SCC-worry were assessed using the Cognitive Failures Question-
naire (CFQ) and the Checklist of Cognitive and Emotional Consequences after stroke
(CLCE-24). Univariate and multivariate linear (for continuous scores) and logistic
(for dichotomous scores) regression analyses were used to explore differences
between patients and controls on both instruments. Results: Based on the CLCE,
patients reported more SCC-content (standardized b 5 .21, p.001) and SCC-worry
(standardized b 5 .18, p.02) than controls in multivariate analyses. Profiles indicated
that stroke was associated in particular with SCC-content on the domains of mem-
ory, attention, executive functioning, expressive language, and with attention-
related SCC-worry. In contrast, no group differences were found on SCC-content
and SCC-worry assessed by the CFQ. Conclusions: The prevalence and profile of
SCC-content and SCC-worry differ between patients and controls 3 months after
stroke. The instrument used may, however, determine prevalence estimates. Stroke-
specific inventories that differentiate between SCC-content and SCC-worry are
preferable when attempting to determine SCC after stroke. Key Words: Stroke—
subjective cognitive complaints—Cognitive Failures Questionnaire—CFQ—
Checklist for Cognitive and Emotional Conse-quences after stroke—CLCE-24.
Ó 2015 by National Stroke Association

From the *Department of Cognitive Neuropsychology, CoRPS–

Centre of Research on Psychology in Somatic Diseases, Tilburg
Subjective cognitive complaints (SCCs) are common
University, Tilburg; and †Department of Neurology, St. Elisabeth
Hospital Tilburg, Tilburg, The Netherlands.
after stroke, with the prevalence ranging between 28.6%
Received January 6, 2015; revision received March 16, 2015; and 92.0%.1 Unfortunately, there is no consensus on the
accepted April 12, 2015. definition of SCC.1 In our systematic review,1 we defined
This study was financially supported by the Centre of Research on SCC as a psychological construct with 2 different com-
Psychology in Somatic diseases (CoRPS) from Tilburg University, The
ponents, including: content (SCC-content) and worry
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
(SCC-worry). Although SCC-content refers to what cogni-
Address correspondence to Ruth E. Mark, PhD, Department of tive problems individuals themselves report, rather than
Cognitive Neuropsychology, CoRPS–Centre of Research on Psychol- actual objective test performance, SCC-worry describes
ogy in Somatic Diseases, Tilburg University, PO Box 90153, Tilburg whether individuals in addition go on to report that their
5000 LE, The Netherlands. E-mail:
SCC-content are irritating and/or worrying. To the best of
1052-3057/$ - see front matter
Ó 2015 by National Stroke Association
our knowledge, we are the first to explicitly make this distinction. We think it is important both for researchers

Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, Vol. 24, No. 8 (August), 2015: pp 1823-1831 1823

and clinicians for at least 2 reasons. First, individuals who Methods

worry about their SCC-content may be more prone to psy-
chological distress than individuals with SCC-content,
but no SCC-worry. Distress is linked to a lower quality A subset of the original cohort who participated in
of life2 and probably a higher health care consumption. the 3-month poststroke assessment of the Complaints
SCC-worry may therefore be an important target for After Stroke (COMPAS) study17 were analyzed. Inclusion
treatment. Second, the presence of SCC-content does not criteria for COMPAS were a first-ever or recurrent
automatically imply that these are also perceived as ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke (patients only) and at
SCC-worry.3 Researchers focusing on either SCC-content least 18 years old. Exclusion criteria were: a score more
or SCC-worry may therefore report different results and than 3.6 on the short Informant Questionnaire on Cogni-
conclusions. Both components are, however, useful for tive Decline in the Elderly18 (indicating premorbid cogni-
gathering knowledge about SCC to improve care for indi- tive decline), severe somatic or psychiatric comorbidity,
viduals with SCC. serious communication difficulties, and/or (for controls
Most studies on poststroke SCC have focused on only) being the spouse of a stroke patient. Patients were
SCC-content without also evaluating SCC-worry.4-9 recruited consecutively from the stroke units of the St.
Findings are consistent: SCC-content about memory, Elisabeth and TweeSteden Hospitals, Tilburg, and the
mental speed, and concentration are the most com- Maxima Medical Center, Veldhoven, The Netherlands.
mon.4-8,10 However, SCC-content, especially those con- Stroke-free controls were recruited among relatives and
cerning memory, are also frequently reported by healthy the social networks of participants in the COMPAS study.
adults.11 Five of the 6 studies evaluating poststroke All participants received detailed information before tak-
SCC-content versus nonstroke controls showed that pa- ing part, and only those who gave written consent were
tients, assessed in the early12,13 or chronic phase6,9,13,14 tested. The study was approved by the Medical Ethics
after stroke, reported more SCC-content than controls Committees of the 3 hospitals mentioned previously.
(ie, healthy adults6,9,12,14 or orthopedic patients13) on For the present study, the 2 groups were matched at
memory,6,9,12,13 mental slowness,6,14 attention,6 and exec- group level on age, sex, and intelligence quotient (IQ)
utive function.6,9 Only Liebermann et al15 did not find estimation (determined by the Dutch National Adult
such a difference among patients assessed 3 years after Reading Test19), resulting in 142 patients and 135 controls.
stroke versus controls with a transient ischemic attack. See Figure 1 for a flow chart.
The other SCC component, SCC-worry, has been exam-
ined after stroke in 3 studies.3,14,16 Duits et al16 found that
73.7% of their sample assessed at 5 weeks after stroke, Materials
reported at least 1 SCC-worry, with worry about mental SCC-content and SCC-worry were assessed using
speed, attention, and memory being the most prevalent. the Dutch Cognitive Failures Questionnaire (CFQ)20
Aben et al3 focused on SCC-worry about memory, which (a generic instrument) and the Checklist for Cognitive
they found among 74% of their sample assessed 4 years and Emotional consequences after stroke (CLCE-247; a
after stroke. Only Winkens et al14 compared poststroke stroke-specific instrument). Prior studies have shown
SCC-worry between patients and controls and found that SCCs are linked to depression.5,16 We therefore also
that patients reported more SCC-worry (about mental took into account depressive symptoms, measured
slowness) 7 months after their stroke. using the depression subscale of the Hospital Anxiety
Limitations of prior studies include: the absence of a and Depression Scale (HADS-D21).
control group,3,16 the focus on either SCC-content4-9 or
SCC-worry3,16 instead of both, the evaluation of only Cognitive Failures Questionnaire
one cognitive domain,3,12-14 and/or the analysis of total
SCC scores without exploring individual items.3,9,14 As
a result, detailed information on if and how patients The CFQ is a 25-item self-report questionnaire on
with a recent stroke differ from controls on SCC-content which subjects rate the frequency of cognitive slips and
and SCC-worry on various cognitive domains is still errors (SCC-content) on a 5-point Likert scale ranging
missing. The aim of the present study was therefore to from 0 (never) to 4 (very often). Total scores were
explore the prevalence and profile of SCC-content and computed (range, 0-100) for participants who completed
SCC-worry in patients (3 months after stroke) versus con- at least 22 of the 25 items.20 For those with 3 or fewer
trols on multiple cognitive domains using both a generic missing items, the missings were replaced by the mean
and a stroke-specific instrument. Based on the literature, of the items they did complete. Both total and item scores
we expected to find more SCC-content and SCC-worry were used to explore the prevalence and profile of
in patients versus controls, especially on the domains SCC-content.
memory, attention, mental speed, and executive func- The instrument is frequently used, also in stroke
tioning. patients,22,23 and has good psychometric properties.24

The CLCE-24 has been validated in stroke patients by

Van Heugten et al.7 In the present investigation, the inter-
nal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha) of the instrument was
.73 for both the total group and the patient sample and .67
for the control group.

Original item scores were dichotomized into 1
‘‘SCC-content negatively affecting daily life’’ (item score,
3) and 0 ‘‘SCC-content present or doubtful, but not
affecting daily life’’ (item score 0-2). Both item and total
scores (range, 0-13) were considered.

Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale

The depression subscale of the HADS is a self-report
questionnaire consisting of 7 items. Subjects are asked to
rate the presence of depressive symptoms on a 4-point
Likert scale ranging from 0 to 3. Total scores were
computed (range, 0-21), with higher scores indicating
greater severity. The HADS has been validated in
stroke-survivor cohorts and is frequently used to screen
for depression.25

Basic demographic information (age and sex) and
Figure 1. Flow chart. Abbreviations: CFQ, Cognitive Failures Question-
naire; CLCE, Checklist for Cognitive and Emotional Consequences after stroke characteristics (type, side, and stroke severity
stroke. assessed by the National Institutes of Health Stroke
Scale26) were determined and recorded by neurologists
The internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha) of the CFQ in during the acute phase (ie, hospital stay). Three months
the present study was .91 for the total group, .92 for the after stroke, trained neuropsychologists estimated IQ
patient sample, and .89 for the control group. (using the Dutch National Adult Reading Test19) and
assessed SCC (using the CLCE and the CFQ) and depres-
SCC-Worry sive symptoms (using the HADS-D). The CLCE, an inter-
view, was always completed during the assessment itself,
To measure SCC-worry, subjects rated the degree to whereas the CFQ and HADS-D were typically filled in at
which they found their SCC-content (1) a hinder to daily home and returned by mail. Both patients and controls
life functioning, (2) a source of concern, and/or (3) followed the same assessment procedure.
annoying, each on a scale ranging from 1 (not at all) to 5
Statistical Analysis
CLCE-24 Differences between patients and controls on demo-
graphic variables were tested using chi-square tests (cate-
gorical variables) and independent t tests (continuous
The CLCE-24 is a standardized interview evaluating variables).
poststroke psychological changes. Thirteen of the 24 items The association between stroke versus controls and
assess self-reported cognitive problems and were used in SCC was analyzed using linear regression analyses (for
the present study. Each item is scored as 0 (SCC not pre- CFQ total SCC-content and SCC-content and -worry
sent), 1 (SCC-content doubtful presence), 2 (SCC-content item scores and CLCE total SCC-content and SCC-
present, but not affecting daily life), and 3 (SCC-content worry scores) and logistic regression analyses (for CLCE
negatively affecting daily life). The prevalence and profile SCC-content and SCC-worry dichotomous item scores).
of SCC-content was evaluated by dichotomizing these When significant results were obtained, multivariate
scores into 1 ‘‘SCC-content present/doubtful’’ (original regression models were used to evaluate whether the
item scores 1-3) and 0 ‘‘SCC-content not present’’ (original group effect remained after controlling for the effect of
item score 0). Total scores (range, 0-13) and individual age, sex, IQ estimation, and depressive symptoms.
items were analyzed. Regression techniques were chosen for the analyses of

Table 1. Demographic and clinical characteristics of the participants

Variables measured Patients (n 5 142) Controls (n 5 135) P value

Age, y, mean 6 SD (range) 61.7 6 10.7 (39.0-84.6) 60.6 6 10.1 (33.7-87.3) .39
Male, n (%) 86 (60.6) 66 (48.9) .05
IQ estimation (D-NART) .27
Below average (,85), n (%) 10 (7.0) 5 (3.7)
Average (85-115), n (%) 121 (85.2) 114 (84.4)
Above average (.115), n (%) 11 (7.8) 16 (11.9)
Depressive symptoms, HADS-D, mean 6 SD (range)* 4.7 6 3.7 (0-15) 3.2 6 3.1 (0-19) ,.001
Assessment interval in months after stroke, mean 6 SD (range) 3.3 6 .5 (2.0-4.8) NA
First-ever stroke, n (%) 128 (90.1) NA
Stroke type
Ischemic 135 (95.1) NA
Hemorrhagic 7 (4.9) NA
Stroke location
Right hemisphere, n (%) 70 (49.3) NA
Left hemisphere, n (%) 54 (38.0) NA
Both hemispheres, n (%) 5 (3.5) NA
Undifferentiated, n (%) 13 (9.2) NA
Stroke severity (NIHSS), median (Q1-Q3) 3 (2-5) NA
Discharge destination
Home, n (%) 122 (85.9) NA
Clinical rehabilitation, n (%) 20 (14.1) NA

Abbreviations: D-NART, Dutch National Adult Reading Test; HADS-D, Depression subscale from Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale;
NA, not applicable; NIHSS, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale; SD, standard deviation; Q1, first quartile (25th percentile); Q3, third
quartile (75th percentile).
*Because of missing values, scores for depressive symptoms were computed for 125 patients and 117 controls.

both continuous and dichotomous scores to keep the plays specific patterns with, in general, controls reporting
analyses similar across the SCC instruments. more SCC-content than patients.
Results were considered significant if P was .05 or less. As shown in Table 2, no group effect was found for the
When multiple analyses were performed, Bonferroni 3 items measuring SCC-worry.
correction (P/number of analyses) was applied to account
for possible inflated type I error. All analyses were per- Checklist for Cognitive and Emotional Consequences
formed using SPSS version 19.0 for Windows.
The total SCC-content scores were computed for 139
patients and 135 controls (see Fig 1). One hundred
Results twenty-four (89.2%) patients and 88 (65.2%) controls
Sample Characteristics reported at least one SCC-content. Group main effects
were found for total SCC both in univariate and multivar-
Table 1 depicts the demographic and stroke characteris-
iate linear regression analyses (univariate: standardized
tics of the participants.
b 5 .29, P , .001; multivariate: standardized b 5 .21,
P 5 .001). Patients reported more SCC-content (mean,
Cognitive Failures Questionnaire
3.2 6 2.4) than controls (mean, 1.9 6 1.9).
Total SCC-content frequency scores were computed for At the item level, univariate logistic regression analyses
those who had 3 or fewer missing items, (ie, 128 patients showed that patients differed significantly from controls
and 129 controls; see Fig 1). No group effect was found at P of .05 or less on 7 items (items 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 11, and
(analyzed using univariate linear regression; see Table 2). 12; see Table 3), of which 3 (items 1, 2, and 12) reached sig-
At the item level, significant group effects were found nificance at P of .004 or less (Bonferroni correction, .05 of
for 6 of the 25 items (items 2, 3, 8, 11, 15, and 21), of which 13 items). Multivariate logistic regression analyses on
one (item 3) was significant at P of .002 (Bonferroni correc- these 7 items showed that after controlling for the effect
tion: .05 of 25 items). Multivariate analyses of the 6 items of age, sex, IQ estimation, and depressive symptoms,
revealed that after controlling for the effect of age, sex, IQ group differences were found at P of .05 or less on 5 items
estimation, and depression score, group differences were (items 1, 2, 6, 11, and 12), of which 3 (items 2, 6, and 12)
found on 4 of them (items 3, 8, 15, and 21) at P of .008 or reached significance after the Bonferroni correction
less (Bonferroni correction, .05 of 6 items). Table 2 dis- (.05 of 7 items: P # .007) was applied (see Table 3).
Table 2. CFQ descriptives and the effect of group on CFQ total and item scores in univariate and multivariate linear regression analyses


Linear regression analyses

Univariate Multivariate
Patients, n 5 128, Controls, n 5 129,
Item number SCC-content items mean 6 SD mean 6 SD b (P value) b (P value)

1 Read something and have to read it again to remember it. 1.7 6 1.1 1.6 6 .8 .01 (.87) Not entered
2 Forget why you went from one part of the house to the other. 1.1 6 1.0 1.4 6 .8 2.15 (.02)* 2.15 (.02)*
3 Fail to notice signposts on the road. .8 6 .8 1.2 6 .8 2.22 (.001)** 2.22 (.001)**
4 Confuse right and left when giving directions. .7 6 1.0 .8 6 1.0 2.06 (.40) Not entered
5 Bump into people. .5 6 .7 .5 6 .6 .02 (.79) Not entered
6 Forget whether you have turned off a light or a fire or locked the door. .9 6 1.0 1.1 6 .8 2.09 (.16) Not entered
7 Fail to listen to people’s names when meeting them. 1.4 6 1.1 1.6 6 1.0 2.11 (.09) Not entered
8 Say something and realize afterward that it might be taken as insulting. 1.0 6 0.8 1.2 6 .8 -.16 (.01)* -.23 (.001)**
9 Fail to hear people speaking when doing something else. 1.4 6 1.0 1.4 6 .8 2.03 (.70) Not entered
10 Lose your temper and regret it. 1.3 6 1.0 1.4 6 .8 2.04 (.58) Not entered
11 Leave important letters unanswered for days. .9 6 1.0 .6 6 .8 .18 (.01)* .15 (.03)*
12 Forget which way to turn on a road you know but rarely use. .6 6 .9 .7 6 .7 2.01 (.84) Not entered
13 Fail to see what you want in a supermarket. 1.0 6 .9 1.1 6 .8 2.10 (.15) Not entered
14 Wondering whether you have used a word correctly. 1.2 6 1.0 1.0 6 .8 .12 (.08) Not entered
15 Trouble making up your mind. 1.1 6 .9 1.4 6 .8 2.19 (.003)* 2.21 (.001)**
16 Forgetting appointments. 1.0 6 .9 .9 6 .7 .04 (.50) Not entered
17 Forget where you put something like a newspaper or a book. 1.4 6 .9 1.3 6 .8 .02 (.73) Not entered
18 Accidentally throw away the thing you want and keep what you meant to throw away. .7 6 .7 .6 6 .7 .05 (.46) Not entered
19 Daydreaming when ought to be listening to something. 1.1 6 .9 1.3 6 .8 2.08 (.24) Not entered
20 Forgetting people’s names. 1.9 6 1.1 2.1 6 .9 2.11 (.10) Not entered
21 Start doing one thing and get distracted into doing something else. 1.1 6 .9 1.4 6 .9 2.18 (.01)* 2.22 (.001)**
22 Difficulty remembering something although it’s ‘‘on the tip of your tongue.’’ 2.0 6 .9 2.0 6 .7 .01 (.88) Not entered
23 Forget what you came to the shops to buy. .7 6 .8 .8 6 .7 2.05 (.48) Not entered
24 Drop things. .9 6 .8 .7 6 .7 .11 (.10) Not entered
25 Cannot think of anything to say. 1.1 6 .9 1.1 6 .8 .03 (.67) Not entered
Total score 27.4 6 13.8 29.2 6 10.3 2.08 (.23) Not entered
SCC-worry items
1 SCC-contents are a hinder to daily life. 2.1 6 1.0 2.0 6 .8 .07 (.31) Not entered
2 SCC-contents are a source of concern.* 2.0 6 .9 1.9 6 .8 .08 (.25) Not entered
3 SCC-contents are annoying.* 1.9 6 .9 1.7 6 .7 .12 (.08) Not entered

Abbreviations: b, standardized beta value; CFQ, Cognitive Failures Questionnaire; SCC, subjective cognitive complaints; SD, standard deviation.
Each line represents 1 regression analysis with standardized b coefficients. In the multivariate regression analyses, the effect of group on SCC were evaluated after controlling for the effect of age, sex,
IQ estimation and depression score.
*P significant at #.05; **P significant at .05/25 # .002 (univariate analyses) or at .05/6 # .008 (multivariate analyses).

*Because of missing values, the scores of 127 patients and 128 controls were analyzed.
Table 3. Prevalence and profile of SCC-content and SCC-worry on the CLCE and the effect of group on the item scores

SCC-content SCC-worry

Logistic regression analyses Logistic regression analyses

Univariate Multivariate Univariate Multivariate

Patients, Controls, Patients, Controls,
n 5 139, n 5 135, Odds ratio Odds ratio n 5 139, n 5 135, Odds ratio Odds ratio
Item number Items n (%) n (%) (95% CI) (95% CI) n (%) n (%) (95% CI) (95% CI)

1 Doing 2 things at once. 49 (35.3) 22 (16.3) 2.8 (1.6-4.9)** 2.1 (1.1-4.0)* 27 (19.4) 7 (5.2) 2.6 (.9-7.6) Not entered
2 Attending to things. 59 (42.4) 33 (24.4) 2.3 (1.4-3.8)** 2.5 (1.4-4.7)** 42 (30.2) 16 (11.9) 2.6 (1.1-6.4)* 3.1 (1.1-8.9)*
3 Have become slower. 35 (25.2) 22 (16.3) 1.7 (.9-3.1) Not entered 20 (14.4) 11 (8.1) 1.3 (.5-3.9) Not entered
4 Remembering new information. 61 (43.9) 43 (31.9) 1.7 (1.0-2.7)* 1.5 (.9-2.7) 32 (23.0) 20 (14.8) 1.3 (.6-2.8) Not entered
5 Remembering old information. 55 (39.6) 39 (28.9) 1.6 (.9-2.7) Not entered 32 (23.0) 16 (11.9) 2.0 (.9-4.6) Not entered
6 Taking initiative. 50 (36.0) 29 (21.5) 2.1 (1.2-3.5)* 2.5 (1.3-4.7)** 32 (23.0) 14 (10.4) 1.9 (.7-4.8) Not entered
7 Planning and organizing. 23 (16.5) 11 (8.1) 2.2 (1.0-4.8)* Not entered 17 (12.2) 7 (5.2) 1.6 (.3-7.6) Not entered
8 Performing daily activities. 4 (2.9) 0 (0) NA NA 3 (2.2) NA NA NA
9 Perceiving time. 18 (12.9) 9 (6.7) 2.1 (.9-4.8) Not entered 4 (2.9) 0 (0) NA NA
10 Orienting to places or persons. 6 (4.3) 10 (7.4) .6 (.2-1.6) Not entered 5 (3.6) 8 (5.9) NA NA
11 Understanding language. 15 (10.8) 5 (3.7) 3.1 (1.1-8.9)* 3.6 (1.0-12.1)* 10 (7.2) 3 (2.2) 1.3 (.2-10.7) Not entered
12 Speaking or writing. 66 (47.5) 30 (22.2) 3.1 (1.9-5.3)** 3.2 (1.7-6.1)** 38 (27.3) 12 (8.9) 2.0 (.8-4.9) Not entered
13 Attending to a part of the body or space. 6 (4.3) 0 (0) NA NA 5 (3.6) NA NA NA


Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; CLCE, Checklist of Cognitive and Emotional Consequences after stroke; NA, not applicable; SCC, subjective cognitive complaints.
In the multivariate regression analyses, the effect of group on SCC were evaluated after controlling for the effect of age, sex, and IQ estimation and depression score.
*P significant at #.05; **P significant at .05/13 # .004 (univariate analyses) or at .05/7 # .007 (multivariate analyses).

Ninety-three (66.9%) patients and 55 (40.7%) controls The SCC-worry prevalence (66.9% reported 1 or more
worried about at least one of their SCC-content (ie, SCC-worry on the CLCE) is comparable with those
SCC-worry). Group had a significant effect on total num- reported by Duits et al16 and Aben et al3 (both approxi-
ber of SCC-worry (univariate: standardized b 5 .22, mately 74%). Although we found more SCC-worry in
P , .001; multivariate: standardized b 5 .18, P 5 .02). total among patients than among controls on the CLCE,
Patients reported more SCC-worry (mean, 2.2 6 2.2) no group effects were seen on the item level (apart from
than controls (mean, 1.3 6 1.5). At the item level, patients 1 item on attention), that is, we did not replicate findings
appeared to worry about different SCC-content than con- by Winkens et al14 on mental slowness. Possible reasons
trols (see Table 3 for patterns). None were, however, sig- for not reporting worry or interference with daily life
nificant after the Bonferroni correction (.05 of 13 items: activities are individuals use effective strategies to
P # .004) was applied. compensate for their SCC-content, thereby decreasing
the burden,16 and/or patients may consider their
SCC-content to be ‘‘normal’’ and appropriate in the early
phase after stroke or for their age.12,13 The assessment of
We expected more SCC-content and SCC-worry in interference with daily life activities versus worry
patients tested at 3 months after stroke compared with related to specific cognitive domains requires further
controls, irrespective of the instrument used to measure investigation. Nevertheless, the present findings require
it. We found, however, that this was only apparent when replication, not least because the number of people
we used the stroke-specific and not the generic reporting SCC-worry was very small (ie, #10 individuals
instrument. This finding may be explained by how the on the items 8, 9, 10, and 13), possibly reducing the statis-
2 instruments measure SCC. The CFQ is a generic tical power.
instrument, filled out by individuals themselves and One of the limitations of this study is that there is no
aimed at evaluating SCC-content, which everyone expe- gold standard as yet on how to measure SCC. We used
riences in daily life.20 Items contain long sentences, and what is available in the literature, but both instruments
answers have to be rated on a 5-point scale. We tested have their shortcomings. The CFQ is frequently used
patients 3 months after stroke and at this early stage and has established psychometric properties,24 but the
of recovery, it is likely that many have not resumed their SCC-worry profile is not evaluated. The CLCE is rela-
daily life activities to the prestroke level and that they tively new and although it has proven to be very prom-
are not as yet confronted by (many) cognitive failures. ising,7 more research on the quality of the instrument is
The CLCE on the other hand, is stroke-specific, is needed. We chose to use the CLCE because it is the only
more sensitive to poststroke SCC, is completed during stroke-specific instrument available in the literature eval-
a standardized interview, and its questions are short uating SCC on multiple cognitive domains, while also
and are answered with yes or no.7 Asking for clarifica- allowing us to differentiate what we refer to as
tion on either the question or the response is easier to SCC-content and SCC-worry on the item level. Another
do during an interview than while filling out a question- limitation is that most of both our patient and control
naire. Severe communication difficulties (for example group was classified as having an average IQ, which
due to aphasia) were an exclusion criterion for our sam- reduces the generalizability. Furthermore, although we
ple, but it cannot be ruled out that for some participants both matched the groups on sex, age, and IQ at the group
the CFQ was too difficult. Future research should eval- level before conducting our analyses and also double
uate whether CFQ and CLCE results change when checked using these variables as covariates, the sex differ-
time after stroke passes and whether both are given in ences (marginally more males in the patient group)
interview form. cannot be completely eradicated. Most studies find that
In agreement with previous studies on poststroke SCC women in general report more SCC, which may partly
(see our review1), we found SCC-content to be common explain our findings on the CFQ (no group differences
(89.2% reported one or more SCC-content on the CLCE) due to more control females reporting SCC, bringing the
and more prevalent among patients than among controls scores of the 2 groups closer together). The present study
on memory, attention, and executive functioning was, however, not set up to explicitly investigate the influ-
(on CLCE only). In contrast to the literature,6,14 we ence of sex on the report of SCC. Finally, we applied the
observed no group differences on mental slowness and Bonferroni method to correct for multiple testing.
differences in SCC-content on expressive language were Although frequently used in research, this is a very strin-
prominent instead. These discrepancies in results across gent criterion and may have underestimated our findings.
studies may be attributed to differences in samples eval- Strong elements of the present study are that we are the
uated, instruments used to assess SCC-content, and/or first to clearly specify SCC by splitting it into 2 compo-
the interval of assessment poststroke. More research is nents and by measuring both on multiple cognitive
needed to evaluate the effect of these factors on the prev- domains; we used both a generic and a stroke-specific
alence and profile of poststroke SCC. instrument to evaluate SCC; we analyzed both total and

individual item scores to explore the profile of stroke patients. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2013;94:
SCC-content and SCC-worry; and we compared the 1747-1752.
results between patients and stroke-free controls. We, 6. Martin C, Dellatolas G, Viguier D, et al. Subjective expe-
rience after stroke. Appl Neuropsychol Adult 2002;
moreover, did not only include patients discharged 9:148-158.
home (as most researchers in this field do1) but also 7. van Heugten C, Rasquin S, Winkens I, et al. Checklist for
included a heterogeneous stroke sample, which helps cognitive and emotional consequences following stroke
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