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Ligao City

Topic to be discussed: The Parabola

Names of Discussant: Bonafus, Mark Anthony

Cogasa, Mcmichelle

Nicol, Kathleen Shane

Pojol, Hannah Coleen

Course & Block: Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Mathematics 2

Date of discussion: _________________________


*Define and give the properties of a parabola

*Derive the equation of a parabola.

*Solve a real life problem involving parabolas.


The Parabola

A parabola is a continuous curve that looks like an open bowl where the sides keep going up
infinitely. One mathematical definition of a parabola is the set of points that are all the same
distance from a fixed point called the focus and a line called the directrix. Another definition is
that the parabola is a particular conic section. This means it is a curve you see if you slice
through a cone. If you slice parallel to one side of the cone, then you see a parabola. A parabola
is also the curve defined by the equation y = ax^2 + bx + c when the curve is symmetrical about
the y-axis. A more general equation also exists for other situations.\

The Mathematician Menaechmus

The Greek mathematician Menaechmus (middle fourth century B.C.) is credited with
discovering that the parabola is a conic section. He is also credited with using parabolas to
solve the problem of finding a geometrical construction for the cubed root of two. Menaechmus
was not able to solve this problem with a construction, but he did show that you can find the
solution by intersecting two parabolic curves.
The Name "Parabola"

The Greek mathematician Apollonius of Perga (third to second centuries B.C.) is credited with
naming the parabola. "Parabola" is from the Greek word meaning “exact application,” which,
according to the Online Dictionary of Etymology, is “because it is produced by ‘application’ of
a given area to a given straight line.”

A parabola is a section of a right circular cone formed by cutting the cone by a plane parallel to
the slant or the generator of the cone. It is the locus of a point which moves in a plane such that
its distance from a fixed point is the same as its distance from a fixed line not containing the fixed

A parabola is a curve where any point is at an equal distance from:

 a fixed point (the focus ), and

 a fixed straight line (the directrix )
 The simplest equation for a parabola is y = x2

Characteristics of a Parabola
 The graph of a quadratic function is a U-shaped curve called a parabola.
 The sign on the coefficient [latex]a[/latex] of the quadratic function affects whether the
graph opens up or down. If [latex]a<0[/latex], the graph makes a frown (opens down) and
if [latex]a>0[/latex] then the graph makes a smile (opens up).
 The extreme point ( maximum or minimum ) of a parabola is called the vertex, and the axis
of symmetry is a vertical line that passes through the vertex.
 The x-intercepts are the points at which the parabola crosses the x-axis. If they exist, the x-
intercepts represent the zeros, or roots, of the quadratic function.
 An important form of a quadratic function is vertex form: [latex]f(x) = a(x-h)^2 +
 When written in vertex form, it is easy to see the vertex of the parabola at [latex](h,
 It is easy to convert from vertex form to standard form.
 It is more difficult, but still possible, to convert from standard form to vertex form. The
process involves a technique called completing the square.
 Identify the vertex, axis of symmetry, yy-intercept, and minimum or maximum value of a
parabola from it’s graph.
 Identify a quadratic function written in general and vertex form.
 Given a quadratic function in general form, find the vertex.
 Define the domain and range of a quadratic function by identifying the vertex as a
maximum or minimum.

 The graph of a quadratic function is a U-shaped curve called a parabola. One important
feature of the graph is that it has an extreme point, called the vertex. If the parabola
opens up, the vertex represents the lowest point on the graph, or the minimum value of
the quadratic function. If the parabola opens down, the vertex represents the highest point
on the graph, or the maximum value. In either case, the vertex is a turning point on the
graph. The graph is also symmetric with a vertical line drawn through the vertex, called
the axis of symmetry.

 The yy-intercept is the point at which the parabola crosses the yy-axis. The xx-intercepts
are the points at which the parabola crosses the xx-axis. If they exist, the xx-intercepts
represent the zeros, or roots, of the quadratic function, the values of xx at
which y=0y=0.2
Properties of Parabola

This section describes the properties of a parabola.

 The eccentricity of any parabola is 1.

 The parabola is symmetric about its axis.
 The axis is perpendicular to the directrix.
 The axis passes through the vertex and the focus.
 The tangent at vertex is parallel to the directrix.
 The vertex is the midpoint of the focus and the point of intersection of directrix and axis.
 Tangents drawn to any point on the directrix are perpendicular.
Usually, we will deal with a parabola whose axis is either parallel to the xx-axis, or to the yy-axis,
on the coordinate plane. In these cases, we can deduce a formula for the equations of the
parabolas. Here we will consider two special cases of parabola and deal with their properties.4

1. A parabola whose vertex is the origin and whose axis is the xx-axis, which is y=0y=0.

Since the directrix is perpendicular to the axis, its equation will be x = - ax=−a, for some real
number aa.
The intersection of the directrix and the axis will be at (-a, 0)(−a,0).
We know that the vertex (0,0)(0,0) is the midpoint of (-a, 0)(−a,0) and the focus. So, the
coordinates of the focus are (a,0)(a,0).

Now that we know the equation of the directrix as well as the coordinates of the focus, we can
derive the equation of th e parabola:\begin{aligned}(𝑥 − 𝑎)2 + 𝑦 2 =(𝑥 + 𝑎)2 \\ \Rightarrow y^2
&= (x+a)^2 - (x-a)^2\\ &= x^2 + a^2 + 2ax - x^2 - a^2 + 2ax.\\ &=4ax.
\end{aligned}(x−a)2+y2⇒y2=(x+a)2=(x+a)2−(x−a)2=x2+a2+2ax−x2−a2+2ax.=4ax.Thus, the
equation of the parabola is y^2 = 4ax,y2=4ax, where aa is the distance between the vertex and the
The graph of this will look like the figure below.

y^2 = 4axy2=4ax
Here are some properties of the standard parabola y^2=4ax:y2=4ax:

 If a > 0a>0, then the parabola is opening rightwards.

 If a < 0a<0, then the parabola is opening leftwards.
 Any point (x, y)(x,y) on the parabola can be written in its parametric form, which is (at^2,
 If the parabola is translated, so that its vertex goes to (h, k)(h,k), then the equation is (y-
k)^2 = 4a(x-h)(y−k)2=4a(x−h).

2. A parabola whose vertex is the origin and whose axis is parallel to the yy-axis.

In this case, the equation for the directrix will be y = - ay=−a for some real number aa. Using the
same method as above, we can obtain the formula for this parabola: x^2 = 4ayx2=4ay,
where aa is the distance between the vertex and the focus. Its focus will be (0, a)(0,a), and its
graph will look like the figure below.

x2= 4ayx2=4ay

Here are some properties that it satisfies:

 If a > 0a>0, then the parabola is opening upwards.

 If a < 0a<0, then the parabola is opening downwards.
 Its parametric form is (2at, at^2)(2at,at2).
 If the parabola is translated, so that its vertex goes to (h, k)(h,k), then the equation is (x-
h)^2 = 4a(y-k)(x−h)2=4a(y−k).
Therefore, now we can easily obtain the equation for any parabola whose axis is parallel to
the xx- or yy-axis, by applying the formulas y^2=4axy2=4axand x^2=4ayx2=4ay.
The next section is devoted to enhance problem-solving skills in the region of the properties and
the concepts related to a parabola.

Features of Parabolas

Parabolas have several recognizable features that characterize their shape and placement on the
Cartesian plane.


One important feature of the parabola is that it has an extreme point, called the vertex. If the
parabola opens up, the vertex represents the lowest point on the graph, or the minimum value of
the quadratic function. If the parabola opens down, the vertex represents the highest point on the
graph, or the maximum value. In either case, the vertex is a turning point on the graph.

Axis of Symmetry

Parabolas also have an axis of symmetry, which is parallel to the y-axis. The axis of symmetry is
a vertical line drawn through the vertex.


The y-intercept is the point at which the parabola crosses the y-axis. There cannot be more than
one such point, for the graph of a quadratic function. If there were, the curve would not be a
function, as there would be two [latex]y[/latex] values for one [latex]x[/latex] value, at zero.


The x-intercepts are the points at which the parabola crosses the x-axis. If they exist, the x-
intercepts represent the zeros, or roots, of the quadratic function, the values of [latex]x[/latex] at
which [latex]y=0[/latex]. There may be zero, one, or two [latex]x[/latex]-intercepts. The number
of [latex]x[/latex]-intercepts varies depending upon the location of the graph (see the diagram

Possible [latex]x[/latex]-intercepts: A parabola can have no x-intercepts, one x-intercept, or two

Recall that if the quadratic function is set equal to zero, then the result is a quadratic equation.
The solutions to the equation are called the roots of the function. These are the same roots that are
observable as the [latex]x[/latex]-intercepts of the parabola.

Notice that, for parabolas with two [latex]x[/latex]-intercepts, the vertex always falls between the
roots. Due to the fact that parabolas are symmetric, the [latex]x[/latex]-coordinate of the vertex is
exactly in the middle of the [latex]x[/latex]-coordinates of the two roots.

Graphing Quadratic Equations In Standard Form

Key Points

 The graph of a quadratic function is a parabola whose axis of symmetry is parallel to the
 The coefficients [latex]a, b,[/latex] and [latex]c[/latex] in the equation
[latex]y=ax^2+bx+c[/latex] control various facets of what the parabola looks like when

Key Terms

 vertex: The maximum or minimum of a quadratic function.

 parabola: The shape formed by the graph of a quadratic function.
 quadratic: A polynomial of degree two.

A quadratic function in the form

[latex]f(x)=a{ x }^{ 2 }+bx+x[/latex]

is in standard form.

Regardless of the format, the graph of a quadratic function is a parabola.

The graph of [latex]y=x^2-4x+3[/latex] : The graph of any quadratic equation is always a

Coefficients and Graphs of Quadratic Function

Each coefficient in a quadratic function in standard form has an impact on the shape and
placement of the function’s graph.

Coefficient of [latex]x^2[/latex], [latex]a[/latex]

The coefficient [latex]a[/latex] controls the speed of increase (or decrease) of the quadratic
function from the vertex. A larger, positive [latex]a[/latex] makes the function increase faster and
the graph appear thinner.

The coefficient [latex]a[/latex] controls the speed of increase of the parabola.: The black
curve is [latex]y=4x^2[/latex] while the blue curve is [latex]y=3x^2.[/latex] The black curve
appears thinner because its coefficient [latex]a[/latex] is bigger than that of the blue curve.

Whether the parabola opens upward or downward is also controlled by [latex]a[/latex]. If the
coefficient [latex]a>0[/latex], the parabola opens upward, and if the coefficient [latex]a<0[/latex],
the parabola opens downward.

Quadratics either open upward or downward: The blue parabola is the graph of
[latex]y=3x^2.[/latex] It opens upward since [latex]a=3>0.[/latex] The black parabola is the graph
of [latex]y=-3x^2.[/latex] It opens downward since [latex]a=-3<0.[/latex].
The Axis of Symmetry

The coefficients [latex]b[/latex] and [latex]a[/latex] together control the axis of symmetry of the
parabola and the [latex]x[/latex]-coordinate of the vertex. The axis of symmetry for a parabola is
given by:


For example, consider the parabola [latex]y=2x^2-4x+4 [/latex] shown below. Because
[latex]a=2[/latex] and [latex]b=-4,[/latex] the axis of symmetry is:

[latex]x=-\frac{-4}{2\cdot 2} = 1[/latex]

The vertex also has [latex]x[/latex] coordinate [latex]1[/latex].

The graph of [latex]y=2x^2-4x+4.[/latex]: The axis of symmetry is a vertical line parallel to the
y-axis at [latex]x=1[/latex].

The [latex]y[/latex]-intercept of the Parabola

The coefficient [latex]c[/latex] controls the height of the parabola. More specifically, it is the
point where the parabola intercepts the y-axis. The point [latex](0,c)[/latex] is the
[latex]y[/latex] intercept of the parabola. Note that the parabola above has [latex]c=4[/latex] and
it intercepts the [latex]y[/latex]-axis at the point [latex](0,4).[/latex]

Equation of a parabola - derivation

Given a parabola with focal length f, we can derive the equation of the parabola. (see figure on
right). We assume the origin (0,0) of the coordinate system is at the parabola's vertex.

For any point (x,y) on the parabola, the two blue lines labelled d have the same length, because
this is the definition of a parabola. So we can find an equation for each of them, set them equal to
each other and simplify to find the parabola's equation.

The top line d is the hypotenuse of the small right triangle. The horizontal side of the triangle has
a length of x. The vertical side has a length of (y–f).3

Key Terms

 ballistic: Relating to projectiles moving under their own momentum, air drag, gravity, and
sometimes rocket power
 directrix: A line used to define a curve or surface, especially a line from which any point
on a parabola curve has a distance equal to the distance from the focus.
 focus: A point inside the parabolic section defined by forming a right triangle with the axis
of symmetry and the cone’s horizontal radius.
 axis of symmetry: A line that divides the parabola into two equal halves and also passes
through the vertex of the parabola.
 vertex: The point where the plane intersects the exterior surface of the right circular cone,
forming one end of the parabola.

In mathematics, a parabola is a conic section, created from the intersection of a right circular
conical surface and a plane parallel to a generating straight line of that surface. In other words,
the plane is at the same angle as the outside surface of the cone.
Parabolic conic section: This diagram shows how a parabola is generated by the intersection of a
plane with a right circular cone. It also shows the yy and xx axes that would be used to view the
parabola on a coordinate graph. The vertex of the parabola here is point PP, and the diagram
shows the radius rr between that point and the cone’s central axis, as well as the angle θθ between
the parabola’s axis of symmetry and the cone’s central axis.

All parabolas have the same set of basic features.

The axis of symmetry is a line that is at the same angle as the cone and divides the parabola in


The vertex is the point where the plane intersects the exterior surface of the cone. It forms the
rounded end of the parabola. The vertex is therefore also a point on the cone, and the distance
between that point and the cone’s central axis is the radius of a circle.


In the diagram showing the parabolic conic section, a red line is drawn from the center of that
circle to the axis of symmetry, so that a right angle is formed. The point on the axis of symmetry
where the right angle is located is called the focus. By doing this, a right triangle is created.

Right triangle: A right triangle is formed from the focal point of the parabola.

The focal length is the leg of the right triangle that exists along the axis of symmetry, and the
focal point is the vertex of the right triangle. Using the definition of sine as opposite over
hypotenuse, we can find a formula for the focal length “ff” in terms of the radius and the angle:

All parabolas have a directrix. The directrix is a straight line on the opposite side of the parabolic
curve from the focus.

Parabola : The graph of a quadratic function is a parabola.

In graphs of quadratic functions, the sign on the coefficient [latex]a[/latex] affects whether the
graph opens up or down. If [latex]a<0[/latex], the graph makes a frown (opens down) and if
[latex]a>0[/latex] then the graph makes a smile (opens up). This is shown below.

Direction of Parabolas: The sign on the coefficient [latex]a[/latex] determines the direction of
the parabola.

Features of Parabolas

On a coordinate plane, parabolas are frequently encountered as graphs of quadratic functions,

such as:


Parabolas can open up, down, left, right, or in some other arbitrary direction. Any parabola can be
repositioned and rescaled to fit exactly on any other parabola—that is, all parabolas are similar.

To locate the xx-coordinate of the vertex, cast the equation for yy in terms
of ax2+bx+cax2+bx+c. The vertex will be at the point:


For example, in the parabola y=x2y=x2, a=1a=1, b=0b=0, c=0c=0, and the vertex is at x=0x=0.

Parabolas have the property that, if they are made of material that reflects light, then light which
enters a parabola traveling parallel to its axis of symmetry is reflected to its focus. This happens
regardless of where on the parabola the reflection occurs. Conversely, light that originates from a
point source at the focus is reflected, or collimated, into a parallel beam. The light leaves the
parabola parallel to the axis of symmetry. The same effect occurs with sound and other forms of
energy. This reflective property is the basis of many practical uses of parabolas.

The parabola has many important applications, from the design of automobile headlight reflectors
to calculating the paths of ballistic missiles. They are frequently used in physics, engineering, and
other sciences.
Applications of the Parabola

Parabolas have important applications in physics, engineering, and nature.

 Projectiles and missiles follow approximately parabolic paths. They are approximate
because real-world imperfections affect the movements of objects.
 Parabolic reflectors are common in microwave and satellite dish receiving and transmitting
 Paraboloids are also observed in the surface of a liquid confined to a container and rotated
around the central axis.
Key Terms
 projectile: Any object propelled through space by the application of a force.
 ballistics: The science of objects that predominately fly under the effects of gravity, such
as bullets, missiles, or rockets.
 conical: Shaped like a cone; of or relating to a cone or cones.

A parabola is a conic section created from the intersection of a right circular conical surface and a
plane parallel to a generating straight line of that surface. The parabola has many important
applications, from the design of automobile headlight reflectors to calculating the paths of
ballistic missiles. They are frequently used in areas such as engineering and physics, and often
appear in nature.

The parabolic trajectory of projectiles was discovered experimentally in the 17 th century by

Galileo, who performed experiments with balls rolling on inclined planes. What Galileo
discovered and tested was that when gravity is the only force acting on an object, the distance it
falls is directly proportional to the time squared. This is the exact mathematical relationship we
know as a parabola.

For objects extended in space, such as a diver jumping from a diving board, the object follows a
complex motion as it rotates, while its center of mass forms a parabola.

Equations of Quadratic Functions

The general form of a quadratic function presents the function in the form


where aa, bb, and cc are real numbers and a≠0a≠0. If a>0a>0, the parabola opens upward.
If a<0a<0, the parabola opens downward. We can use the general form of a parabola to find the
equation for the axis of symmetry.

The axis of symmetry is defined by x=−b2ax=−b2a. If we use the quadratic

formula, x=−b±√b2−4ac2ax=−b±b2−4ac2a, to solve ax2+bx+c=0ax2+bx+c=0 for the xx-
intercepts, or zeros, we find the value of xx halfway between them is always x=−b2ax=−b2a, the
equation for the axis of symmetry.

The figure below shows the graph of the quadratic function written in general form
as y=x2+4x+3y=x2+4x+3. In this form, a=1, b=4a=1, b=4, and c=3c=3. Because a>0a>0, the
parabola opens upward. The axis of symmetry is x=−42(1)=−2x=−42(1)=−2. This also makes
sense because we can see from the graph that the vertical line x=−2x=−2 divides the graph in
half. The vertex always occurs along the axis of symmetry. For a parabola that opens upward, the
vertex occurs at the lowest point on the graph, in this instance, (−2,−1)(−2,−1). The xx-intercepts,
those points where the parabola crosses the xx-axis, occur at (−3,0)(−3,0) and (−1,0)(−1,0).

The standard form of a quadratic function presents the function in the form


where (h, k)(h, k) is the vertex. Because the vertex appears in the standard form of the quadratic
function, this form is also known as the vertex form of a quadratic function.

Given a quadratic function in general form, find the vertex of the parabola.

One reason we may want to identify the vertex of the parabola is that this point will inform us
where the maximum or minimum value of the output occurs, kk, and where it occurs, hh. If we
are given the general form of a quadratic function:


We can define the vertex, (h,k)(h,k), by doing the following:

 Identify aa, bb, and cc.

 Find hh, the xx-coordinate of the vertex, by substituting aa and bb into h=−b2ah=−b2a.
 Find kk, the yy-coordinate of the vertex, by evaluating k=f(h)=f(−b2a)k=f(h)=f(−b2a)


Find the vertex of the quadratic function f(x)=2x2−6x+7f(x)=2x2−6x+7. Rewrite the quadratic in
standard form (vertex form).

Re Finding the Domain and Range of a Quadratic Function

Any number can be the input value of a quadratic function. Therefore the domain of any
quadratic function is all real numbers. Because parabolas have a maximum or a minimum at the
vertex, the range is restricted. Since the vertex of a parabola will be either a maximum or a
minimum, the range will consist of all yy-values greater than or equal to the yy-coordinate of the

vertex or less than or equal to the yy-coordinate at the turning point, depending on whether the
parabola opens up or down.


The domain of any quadratic function is all real numbers.

The range of a quadratic function written in general form f(x)=ax2+bx+cf(x)=ax2+bx+c with a

positive aa value is f(x)≥f(−b2a)f(x)≥f(−b2a), or [f(−b2a),∞)[f(−b2a),∞); the range of a quadratic
function written in general form with a negative aa value is f(x)≤f(−b2a)f(x)≤f(−b2a),
or (−∞,f(−b2a)](−∞,f(−b2a)].
The range of a quadratic function written in standard form f(x)=a(x−h)2+kf(x)=a(x−h)2+k with a
positive aa value is f(x)≥kf(x)≥k; the range of a quadratic function written in standard form with a
negative aa value is f(x)≤kf(x)≤k.


1. The domain of any quadratic function as all real numbers.

2. Determine whether aa is positive or negative. If aa is positive, the parabola has a
minimum. If aa is negative, the parabola has a maximum.
3. Determine the maximum or minimum value of the parabola, kk.
4. If the parabola has a minimum, the range is given by f(x)≥kf(x)≥k, or [k,∞)[k,∞). If the
parabola has a maximum, the range is given by f(x)≤kf(x)≤k, or (−∞,k](−∞,k].


Find the domain and range of f(x)=−5x2+9x−1f(x)=−5x2+9x−1.

General Equation

Let's consider the case where the axis of the parabola is parallel to the yy-axis. Then we know that
its equation will be of the type (x - h)^2 = 4a(y-k)(x−h)2=4a(y−k), where h, ah,a and kk are real
numbers, (h, k)(h,k) is its vertex, and 4a4a is the latus rectum. The parabola would look similar to
If we rearrange the formula, we get

\begin{aligned} x^2 - 2hx + h^2 &= 4ay - 4ak\\ 4ay &= x^2 - 2hx + h^2 + 4ak\\ \Rightarrow y
&= \frac{1}{4a} \big(x^2 - 2hx + h^2 + 4ak\big)\\ &= \frac{1}{4a} x^2 + \frac{-2h}{4a} x +
\frac{h^2 + 4ak}{4a}. \end{aligned}x2−2hx+h24ay⇒y=4ay−4ak=x2−2hx+h2+4ak=4a1
If we replace \frac{1}{4a}4a1 with p,p, \frac{-2h}{4a}4a−2h with q,q, and \frac{h^2 +
4ak}{4a}4ah2+4ak with r,r, we get

y = px^2 + qx + r.y=px2+qx+r.
We have obtained a quadratic equation!

Note: In this equation, pp must not be 00, or else the equation will represent a straight line instead
of a parabola.
Here goes an example:

Consider a parabola whose directrix is x=-5x=−5 and whose focus is (9,2)(9,2). What is the
equation of the parabola?

Observe that this parabola has an axis which is parallel to the xx-axis. The vertex is the midpoint
between the directrix and focus, which is (2,2)(2,2). Thus we can consider the
parabola y^2=4axy2=4ax having been translated 2 units to the right and 2 units upward. Since the
distance between the focus and the vertex is 7, and the parabola opens rightwards, we
have a=7a=7. Therefore the equation of the parabola is

(y-2)^2=4\cdot7\cdot(x-2)\implies (y-2)^2=28(x-2).\
_\square(y−2)2=4⋅7⋅(x−2)⟹(y−2)2=28(x−2). □

A parabola whose vertex is the point V=(2,3)V=(2,3) and whose focus is (5,6)(5,6) has
equation ax^2+bxy+cy^2+dx+ey+f=0ax2+bxy+cy2+dx+ey+f=0,
where \gcd(a,b,c,d,e,f)=1gcd(a,b,c,d,e,f)=1.

Find \big|a+b+c+d+e+f\big|.∣∣a+b+c+d+e+f∣∣.
Geometric Interpretation

Now, we are given a quadratic equation

Let's start with a simple parabola y = ax^2y=ax2. We see that it passes through the origin. Also, it
is symmetric about the yy-axis. "What does the aasignify?", you might ask. The sign of aa shows
whether the parabola is opening upwards, or downwards. It also shows how wide open the
parabola is. The greater the magnitude of aa, the narrower the parabola. This can be seen in the
image below.

Now let's look at bb. If we keep aa constant, and change bb, the parabola translates.

An interesting note: as bb changes, the parabola translates such that the path of each point on the
parabola is also a parabola. It is an exercise left to the reader to find the equation of the parabola.

Note: The parabola does not stretch as bb changes. The parabola only translates. Here is an image
demonstrating the same.
Finally, we come to cc. As we change cc, the parabola is translated parallel to the yy-axis, as
shown in the figure below.4


Real World Parabolic Trajectories

As in all cases in the physical world, using the equation of a parabola to model a projectile’s
trajectory is an approximation. The presence of air resistance, for instance, distorts the parabolic
shape. At higher speeds, such as in ballistics, the shape can be highly distorted. This is because
air resistance is a force acting on the object, and is proportional to the object’s area, density, and
speed squared. For dense objects, and/or at low speeds, the air resistance force is small. So, at low
speeds the parabola shape can be a very good approximation.

Parabolic water trajectory: In this image, the water shot from a fountain follows a parabolic
trajectory as gravity pulls it back down.

Paraboloids arise in many physical situations. All of the physical examples are situations where
an object’s trajectory or the shape of an object fits a generalized parabola function:


The parameters aa, bb, and cc determine the direction as well as the exact shape and position of
the parabola.

Parabolic Reflectors

One well-known example is the parabolic reflector—a mirror or similar reflective device that
concentrates light or other forms of electromagnetic radiation to a common focal point.
Conversely, a parabolic reflector can collimate light from a point source at the focus into a
parallel beam. This principle was applied to telescopes in the 17th century. Today, paraboloid
reflectors are common throughout much of the world in microwave and satellite dish receiving
and transmitting antennas.

Liquid Paraboloids

Paraboloids are also observed in the surface of a liquid confined to a container that is rotated
around a central axis. In this case, liquid moves away from the center, and it “climbs” the walls of
the container, forming a parabolic surface. This is the principle behind the liquid mirror telescope.

The “Vomit Comet”

Aircraft used to create a weightless state for purposes of experimentation, such as NASA’s
“Vomit Comet,” follow a vertically parabolic trajectory for brief periods. This allows them
to trace the course of an object in free fall. This can produce the same effect as zero gravity, and
lets the passengers on the aircraft experience the feeling of being in space.5


Parabola. Retrieved 18:37, August 24, 2019, from

application.php#ixzz5xVwRmSvm 5

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