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There are more computing devices in the world than people, yet less than 40%
of the global population has access to the wealth of knowledge found on the Internet.
The price of smart phones and tablets is dropping year after year, but the price of data
in many parts of the world continues to be unaffordable for the majority of global
citizens. In some places, such as rural areas and remote regions, cell towers and
Internet cables simply don’t exist. The primary objective of the outer net is to bridge
the global information divide.

Access to knowledge and information is a human right and outer net will
guarantee this right by taking a practical approach to information delivery. By
transmitting digital content to mobile devices, simple antenna, and existing satellite
dishes, a basic level of news, information, education, and entertainment will be
available to all of humanity. Although outer net’s near-term goal is to provide the
entire world with broadcast data, the long-term vision includes the addition of two-
way Internet access for everyone. For free.

Outer net consists of a constellation of low-cost, miniature satellites known as

“Cubesats’ in Low Earth Orbit. Each satellite receives data streams from a network
of ground stations and transmits that data in a continuous loop until new content is
received. In order to serve the widest possible audience, the entire constellation
utilizes globally-accepted, standards-based protocols, such as DVB (Digital Video
Broadcasting), Digital Radio Mondi ale, and UDP-based Wi-Fi multicasting.



1.1 Outer net

The Outer net is a global networking project currently under development by the
Media Development Investment Fund(MDIF), a United States-based non-profit
organization established in 1995. The Outer net's goal is to provide free access to
internet data through wifi, made available effectively to all parts of the world.

The project would involve using data casting and User Datagram Protocol
through hundreds of cubesats measuring 10 cm (3.9 in) each, Wi-fi enabled devices
would communicate with the satellites in their region, which in-turn communicate
with other satellites and ground-based networks, thus forming the global network.

The network would initially support only one-way traffic, with two-way traffic
being implemented once adequate funding is raised. Initial proto type satellite
deployments is planned for June 2014, with the final deployment run scheduled for
mid-2015. According to MDIF, the initial content access includes international and
local news, crop prices for farmers, Teachers Without borders, emergency
communications such as disaster relief, applications and content such as ubuntu,
movies, music games, and Wikipedia in its entirety.

MDIF plans to formally request NASA to use the International Space Station to
test their technology in September 2014. Manufacturing and launching of satellites
would begin in early 2015, and Outer net is planned to begin broadcasting in June
2015. India based "Spacity Inc’’. is a private non-profit company by Silicon Valley
based technocrat and entrepreneur Siddharth Rajhans along with Space debris
mitigation expert Sourabh Kaushal, which is privately working on using this
technology to provide global free wi-fi access.

A small team of workers at a New York based non-profit organization called

Media Development Investment Fund (MDIF) has announced its intention to build an
outernet_a global network of cube satellites broadcasting Internet data to virtually any
person on the planet—for free. The idea, the MDIF website says, is to offer free

Internet access to all people, regardless of location, by passing filtering or other
means of censorship.

As the Internet has grown in size and importance, human rights organizations, or
those (such as MDIF) promoting freedom of expression, have begun to propose that
access to the information that the Internet can provide, is a basic human right.
Conversely, they suggest that restricting access to the Internet is a violation of human
rights. MDIF seeks to circumvent those that might wish to violate such human rights
by bypassing their ability to restrict access they are proposing that hundreds of cube
satellites be built and launched to create a constellation of sorts in the sky, allowing
anyone with a phone or computer to access Internet data sent to the satellites by
several hundred ground stations.

MDIF claims that 40 percent of the people in the world today are still not able
to connect to the internet and it's not just because of restrictive governments such as
North Korea- it's also due to the high cost of bringing service to remote areas. An
outer net would allow people from Siberia to parts of the western United States to
remote islands or villages in Africa to receive the same news as those in New York,
Tokyo, Moscow or Islamabad. That they say, would guarantee all people the same
Internet rights as everyone else.

The outer net, as envisioned, would be one-way data would flow from feeders
to the satellites which would broadcast to all below. MDIF plans to add the ability to
transmit from anywhere as well as soon as funds become available. At this time, it's
not clear how much MDIF has been able to collect for the project, but acknowledge
that building such a network would not be cheap. Such satellites typically run
$100,000 to $300,000 to build and launch. Still, the timeline for the project calls for
deploying the initial cubesats as early as next summer.

MDIF plans to add the ability to transmit from anywhere as well as soon as
funds become available. At this time, it's not clear how much MDIF has been able to
collect for the project, but acknowledge that building such a network would not be
cheap. Such satellites typically run $100,000 to $300,000 to build and launch. Still,
the timeline for the project calls for deploying the initial cubesats as early as next

1.2 Need of outer net:

There are more computing devices in the world than people, yet less than 40% of
the global population has access to the wealth of knowledge found on the Internet.
The price of smart phones and tablets is dropping year after year, but the price of data
in many parts of the world continues to be unaffordable for the majority of global
citizens. In some places, such as rural areas and remote regions, cell towers and
internet cables simply don't exist. The primary objective of the outer net is to bridge
the global information divide.

Figure(a):- Outer net Plan or Idea

Broadcasting data allows citizens to reduce their reliance on costly Internet data
plans in places where monthly fees are too expensive for average citizens. And
offering continuously updated web content from space bypasses censorship of the
Internet. An additional benefit of a unidirectional information network is the creation
of a global notification system during emergencies and natural disasters.

Access to knowledge and information is a human right and outernet will

guarantee this right by taking a practical approach to information delivery. By
transmitting digital content to mobile devices, simple antennae, and existing satellite
dishes, a basic level of news, information, education, and entertainment will be
available to all of humanity.

Although Outer net's near-term goal is to provide the entire world with
broadcast data, the long-term vision includes the addition of two-way Internet access
for everyone. For free.

Satellites need to be controlled from earth to fully utilize their functionality.

To do this optimally satellites need the longest and most frequent possible
communication access times with their ground stations. Large satellites currently use
services such as NASA’s Tracking and Data Relay (TDRS), and distributed ground
station networks such as SSC’s Prior Net. These services are however very expensive
and not available for commercial use. The launch of micro-, nano- and pico-satellites
are rapidly increasing among smaller companies and universities. The use of above-
mentioned TT&C services is not economically feasible for these smaller satellite
missions. The only option left for these projects is to build and maintain a small
ground station which can amount up to a third of the total mission budget.


 Wireless connection to the web available for free to every person in the world.

 Outernet will also offer a humanitarian communications system, relaying

public service transmission during emergencies in places where there is no
access to conventional communication networks due to natural disasters.

 Outernet will use a network of small satellites to transmit selected internet

data- audio, video, text and applications- to any Wi-Fi enabled devices,
including mobile phones, anywhere in the world at no cost.

 Costly data plans forms local telecom operators will no longer will be a barrier
to accessing the information’s

 Each satellite will broadcast the internet to phones, computers and tablets
giving billions of people across the global free online access.


 Emergency communication.

 Open street map, e-book.

 Wikipedia in its entirety.

 Movies, music, games.

There are more computing devices in the world then people, yet less
than 40% of the global population has access to the wealth of knowledge found
on the internet. The price of smartphones and tablets is dropping after year, but
the price of the data in many parts of the world continues to be unaffordable for
the majority of global citizens. In some places, such as rural areas and remote
regions, cell towers and internet cables simply don’t exist. The primary
objective of the outer net is to bridge the global information divide.

Broadcasting data allows citizens to reduce their reliance on costly

internet data plans in places where monthly fees are too expensive for average
citizens. And offering continuously updated web content from space bypasses
censorship of the internet. An additional benefit of a unidirectional information
network is the certain of a global notification system during emergencies and
natural disasters.

Access to knowledge and information is a human right and outernet will

guarantee this right by taking a practical approach to information delivery. By
transmitting digital content to mobile devices, simple antennae, and existing
satellite dishes, a basic level of news, information, education, and entertainment
will be available to all of humanity.

Although outer net’s near-term goal is to provide the entire world with
broadcast data, the long-term vision includes the addition of two-way internet
access for everyone. For free.

Satellites need to be controlled from earth to fully utilize their

functionality. To do these optimally satellites need the longest and most
frequent possible communication access times with their ground stations. Large
satellites currently use services such as NASA’s Tracking and Data Relay
(TDRS), and distributed ground station network such as SSC’s PrioraNet. These
services are however very expensive and not available for commercial use. The
launch micro-nano- and pico-satellites are rapidly increasing among smaller
companies and universities. The use above mentioned TT&C services are not
economically feasible for these smaller satellites.



3.1 Working

Outernet consists of a constellation of low-cost, miniature satellites in Low

Earth Orbit. Each satellite receives data streams from a network of ground stations
and transmits that data in a continuous loop until new content is received. In order to
serve the widest possible audience, the entire constellation utilizes globally-accepted,
standards-based protocols, such as DVB, Digital Radio Mondiale, and UDP-based
WiFi multicasting.

Citizens from all over the world, through SMS and feature-phone apps,
participate in building the information priority list. Users of Outer net's website also
make suggestions for content to broadcast; lack of an Internet connection should not
prevent anyone from learning about current events, trending topics, and innovative

3.2 The project consists of three segments:

1. The Space Segment.

2. The Ground Segment and

3. The User Segment.

The space segment (OuterNet) consists of 14 satellites evenly spaced in a

900km circular equatorial orbit. The constellation’s beam width coverage is such that
all LEO satellites in orbits below 600km altitude will come into range of the
constellation at least once every orbit (refer to orbit/constellation design for details).
When within range, the client satellites can be polled by the constellation to download
telemetry and/or upload tele-commands.

The ground segment consists of several ground stations spread around the
equator. Due to the constellation’s equatorial orbit, each of the satellites will pass
every ground station during every orbit. Three potential ground stations have already

been identified: Guiana Space Centre, Broglio Space Centre and Pusat Remote

Figure 3(a): Conceptual Illustration of the Outer Net

The user segment consists of clients who register to use the Outer Net service.
Pricing will be based on the amount and frequency of data relayed. Satellite operators
will be able to configure their TT&C schedules, download telemetry, upload
telecommands and configure their communications protocol and modulation
technique through a user-friendly internet interface.

Broadcasting data allows citizens to reduce their reliance on costly Internet

data plans in places where monthly fees are too expensive for average citizens. And
offering continuously updated web content from space bypasses censorship of the

Internet. An additional benefit of a unidirectional information network is the creation
of a global notification system during emergencies and natural disasters Access to
knowledge and information is a human right and outer net will guarantee this right by
taking a practical approach to information delivery. By transmitting digital content to
mobile devices, simple antennae, and existing satellite dishes, a basic level of news,
information, education, and entertainment will be available to all of humanity.

Figure 3(b): Interfacing between system segments

3.3 Key Performance Parameters:

The key performance parameters for the proposed missioner:

(a) Communication latency.

(b) Communication Power.

(c) Data Capacity.

(d) Target Orbit.

3.3.1 Communication latency:

The time it takes for the client satellite to move into range of the constellation
communication footprint. It is dependent on the footprint width on the orbit of the
client satellite, which is in turn dependent on the antenna system and number of
satellites in the constellation. A target intersection occurrence is once per client
satellite orbit.

3.3.2Communication power:

The system must work even if the client satellite has limited communication
power. Worst-case client for this parameter is defined as a standard 1-U CubeSat.

3.3.3 Data capacity:

Data transferred during a single target intersection occurrence depends on the

mean intersection duration and the data rate. The duration depends on the width/area
of the communication footprint, which in turn is dependent on the antenna system
beam width. A transfer rate of 4800bps will allow for a telemetry packet of about
35kb given a 60-second communication window.

3.3.4 Target orbits:

The constellation must supply this service to satellites in orbits ranging from
300km to 800km altitude.

Figure 2(c): Antenna coverage on different orbits

3.4 Orbit/Constellation Description:

The orbit design of the system consists of calculating the orbital parameters
(inclination, eccentricity and semi-major axis) and determining the amount of
satellites needed for the constellation. An equatorial orbit is chosen to ensure that the
satellites will pass a ground station, which will be situated as close as possible to the
equator, at least once per orbit. Any other orbit would cause the satellite to drift away
from the ground station because of the rotation of the earth. The long latency between
communication opportunities between satellites in more inclined orbits (e.g. polar and
sun-synchronous) and their ground stations is the problem that our system will
improve upon. With the proposed system, client satellites will cross our constellation
twice per orbit. There exist areas, at different altitudes, where satellites can slip
through without being able to communicate with the constellation. These areas are
illustrated in Figure 3. However, client satellites would never pass through these areas
more than once per orbit, ensuring communication at least once per orbit. A passing
client satellite will have access time to a satellite in the constellation, which depends
on the area of the antenna’s beam on the orbital plane of the client satellite. The
access time is also influenced by the inclination of the client satellite, which would
determine the relative velocities of the two satellites.

The system is simulated in MATLAB with the outer net at 900 km altitude
and the client satellites at various altitudes and inclinations. The resulting average
access times are shown in Figure 4. The altitude of 900 km was chosen in order to
service a wide range of client satellites at altitudes ranging from 300-800 km, while
also keeping the aerodynamic drag force at a minimum. Less drag force results in less
orbital station keeping required and therefore less fuel required. Inter-satellite
communication can also be considered in the future to minimize the latency between
client satellites and a ground station. A message sent from a client satellite to the
constellation could then be relayed around the constellation to a constellation satellite
that is above (or close to) a ground station, allowing a message to reach earth within

3.5 Space Segment Description:

3.5.1 Link budget:

A pointed VHF dipole antenna and a UHF patch antenna array will be used to
communicate with client satellites, while an omni-directional dipole will be used to
communicate with the ground station. Link budgets were calculated using the UHF
downlink / VHF uplink Full Duplex Transceiver as a worst case client transceiver.
The transmitted power of this module is only 150mW. Table | shows preliminary
parameters of the link budgets with the client satellite and with a ground station.

Table 1: Link Budget

3.5.2 For QPSK modulation Space Mission Analysis and Design:

The required Outer Net satellite antenna gains and required power were
calculated using the following link equation:

From this analysis it can be seen that the client downlink will require the most
power and highest satellite antenna gain, justifying the use of a patch antenna array.
The antennas will have a beam width of 600 per antenna spaced out by 220,
producing the pattern shown in Figure 5. Simulation using STK showed that a client
satellite with a 600km sun synchronous orbit, gave an average access time of 60
seconds, allowing 35kb data per orbit to be transferred at 4800bps. A pass through the
constellations orbit without coverage happened 2 times in 41 passes, and never
sequentially. The range limitation was chosen to reduce LFS so that antenna gains
would be realizable, while still providing good coverage across the equator. The VHF
losses proved to be low enough to allow the use of a low gain dipole antenna.
Communication between an outer net satellite and a client satellite will be initiated
with an ID, sent out by the nearest outer net satellite. When the client receives its
unique ID, communication between the outer net satellite and client satellite will
commence. The modulation technique and protocol of the communication system on
the outer net satellites will be software programmable, in order to accommodate as
many client satellites as possible.

3.5.3 Antenna Design:

The key performance parameters identify the need for a lot of attention to be
given to the design of the antenna system. An antenna beam width of at least 150° in
the one direction and 60° in the other direction, as well as sufficient gain, need to be
achieved. The use of patch antennas will be preferred above other antennas due to
their thin package form.

Different patch antennas for different frequencies can be stacked on top of one
another to minimize the area required . Initial design points to the use of three patch
antennas with a relative angle to produce the 150° beam width. The VHF-band
(145MHz) requires a very large patch. Calculations show a patch of minimum length
0.32m, described by: with c the speed of light, fO0 the resonance frequency, and €ref
f the effective dielectric constant [10]. Ceramic has an effective dielectric constant of
€ef f=10. The antenna design thus becomes unpractical. A dipole array will probably
be used for the VHF-band and patch antennas for the UHF and S-band. Consultation
with experts on antenna design confirmed that the antenna specifications are feasible
with an antenna array. The final antenna design will be shown in the final document.

Figure 3(d): Antenna coverage pattern

3.5.4 Attitude Determination and Control System: The satellites in the

constellation will only require pointing the S-band antennas to nadir. A control system
is still required to de-tumble the satellite after launch and to keep the satellite 3-axis
established at nadir pointing. The proposed altitude of 900km 1s a bit far for gradient
established and complete magnetic control. The initial ADCS will make use of
magnetic de-tumbling and reaction wheels to get 5° pointing accuracy. The sensors to
be used are a magnetometer, nadir- and coarse sun sensor combination for the
determination of attitude. This can be easily realized using existing off the shelf
products to reduce the required development time for these sensors.

3.5.5 Phasing:

When the launcher reaches the desired orbit, all the satellites will be released
at roughly the same point in the orbit. To achieve the desired =25 degree spacing
between each satellite, cold gas (butane) thruster’s system (Isp of = 70) will need to
be designed or bought and integrated to allow each satellite to enter and exit a phasing
orbit. The satellite would need two thruster bums: one at the start of phasing and one
at the end of phasing.

An example system using this technique is SNAP-1| from SSTL [11]. The
phasing of the satellites can confidently be achieved with a cold-gas-thrusters system
without adding too much complexity to the satellite design. The thrusters will also
allow for the capable.

3.6 Introduction to CubeSat:

A CubeSat is a type of miniaturized satellite for space research that usually

has a volume of exactly one liter (10 cm cube), has a mass of no more than 1.33
kilograms and typically uses commercial off-the-shelf components for its electronics.

Beginning in 1999, California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly) and

Stanford University developed the CubeSat specifications to help universities
worldwide to perform space science and exploration.

While the bulk of development and launches comes from academia, several
companies build CubeSats such as large-satellite-maker Boeing, and several small
companies. CubeSat projects have even been the subject of Kick starter campaigns.
The CubeSat format is also popular with amateur radio satellite builders.

Figure 3(e):- CubeSat

3.7 Design of CubeSat:

The CubeSat specification accomplishes several high-level goals.

Simplification of the satellite's infrastructure makes it possible to design and produce
a workable satellite at low cost.

Encapsulation of the launcher—payload interface takes away the prohibitive

amount of managerial work that would previously be required for mating a piggyback

satellite with its launcher. Unification among payloads and launchers enables quick
exchanges of payloads and utilization of launch opportunities on short notice.

The term "CubeSat" was coined to denote nano-satellites that adhere to the
standards described in the CubeSat design specification. Cal Poly published the
standard in an effort led by aerospace engineering professor Jordi Puig-Suari. Bob
Twiggs, of the Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics at Stanford University, and
currently a member of the space science faculty at Morehead State University in
Kentucky, has contributed to the CubeSat community. His efforts have focused on
CubeSats from educational institutions. The specification does not apply to other
cube-like nano-satellites such as the NASA "MEPSI" nano-satellite, which is slightly
larger than a CubeSat.

In 2004, with their relatively small size, CubeSats could each be made and
launched for an estimated $65,000—$80,000. This price tag, far lower than most
satellite launches, has made CubeSat a viable option for schools and universities
across the world. Because of this, a large number of universities and some companies
and government organizations around the world are developing CubeSats — between
40 and 50 universities in 2004, Cal Poly reported.

The standard 10x10x10cm basic CubeSat is often called a "one unit" or "1U"
CubeSat. CubeSats are scalable along only one axis, by 1U increments. CubeSats
such as a "2U" CubeSat (20x10x10 cm) and a "3U" CubeSat (30x10x10cm) have
been both built and launched. In recent years larger CubeSat platforms have been
proposed such as 12U (24x24x36 cm) to extend the capabilities of CubeSats beyond
academic and technology validation applications and intomore complex science and
defense goals.

Figure 3(f): - Design of a Cubesat

Since Cubesats are all 10x10 cm (regardless of length) they can all be
launched and deployed using a common deployment system. cubesats are typically
launched and deployed from a mechanism called a Poly-Pico Satellite Orbital
Deployer (P-POD), also developed and built by Cal Poly. P-PODs are mounted to a
launch vehicle and carry Cubesats into orbit and deploy them once the proper signal is
received from the launch vehicle. P-PODs have deployed over 90% of all Cubesats
launched to date (including un-successful launches), and 100% of all Cubesats
launched since 2006. The P-POD Mk III has capacity for three 1U Cubesats, or
other1U, 2U, or 3U Cubesats combination up to a maximum volume of 3U.

Cubesat forms a cost-effective independent means of getting a payload into

orbit. Most Cubesats carry one or two scientific instruments as their primary mission
payload. Several companies and research institutes offer regular launch opportunities
in clusters of several cubes. ISC Kosmotras and Eurokot are two companies that offer
such services.

3.7.1 System Design:

The Cubesat program, created at Stanford University’s Space Systems

Development Laboratory, provides logistics and launch services for |-kg cube-shaped
satellites measuring 10-cm on a side. Cube sats are deployed in groups of three from
the Poly Picosatellite Orbital Deployer (P-POD), designed at CalPoly-San Louis
Obispo. Launch is aboard a Russian Dnepr launch vehicle (converted from the SS-18
ballistic missile) from Baikonur Cosmodrome. A generic CubeSat-based platform

capable of satisfying the basic requirements of LEO-based science missions was

This platform consists of all subsystems needed to support and power a small
science instrument as well as communicate data to a ground station. Additionally, two
separate science and attitude control subsystems were developed to accommodate the
twoscience missions.

3.7.2 Internal and External Configuration:

Figure 3(c) depicts the internal configuration of the CubeSat. The large toroid
on the bottom face is the gravity gradient damper discussed in the Attitude Control
section below. The damper surrounds the tether deployer in this figure; the boom
mechanism used by the GPS mission also fits in this space. The communications,
C&DH, and science cards used by the CubeSat are arranged in a stack parallel to the
bottom face, and the batteries are enclosed in a separate box on the right side of the

Figure 3(g)- Internal Configuration

Figure 4(d) is a series of diagrams outlining the spacecraft’s external

configuration. The two missions have slightly different extremal configuration needs.
Common extremal components include solar cells and a communications antenna, and
both configurations provide access to an RJ45 Ethernet port and a kill switch as
specified by the CubeSat program. The DC/PIP mission also incorporates two patch

antennae for the science experiment, and the GPS mission includes a pair of
redundant GPS antennae. Both missions have equal solar cell coverage. All
components, with exception to the science packages, are off the shelf components
and/or designed by the students.

The primary qualification of these components will be through thermal vacuum and
vibration testing on both the component and spacecraft level.

Figure 3(h)- External Configuration

3.8 Power Supply to a Cubesat:

Satellites in orbit mostly derive their power from the sun. This power is used
to energize the satellite’s systems which include the payload and all of the
components that it needs to stay in orbit and function. Most satellites provide a very
short window of time for a controlling station on earth to manage its internal problems
and for user interaction with it. This is why the satellite needs to be an independent
entity which can perform its own housekeeping and its own fault corrections. This is
especially true in the management of power.

Systems in a satellite don’t exactly work at the same time and also an option
is needed from a user in an earth controlling station to be able to switch on or off
these systems. Satellites in orbit are exposed to radiation particles from the sun, this
radiation in turn induce and produce faults where a system drains too much power
from its supply and over current and overvoltage or other power-related conditions
take place. Also, satellites, apart from the energy received from the sun need for a
constant supply of energy when the satellite is on the shadow side of the earth where
solar energy collection is at a minimum so a battery pack works along with the solar
collectors in a way that the solar collectors can charge the battery while the batteries
supply the system with the needed power and when the satellite is in shadow the
batteries work alone to give the systems their needed power. From all of these
requirements it is then known that it is necessary to have a self-sustainable and smart
power supply.

Eclipse Micro power Design’s project is to develop a smart power supply that
can switch the systems by itself either for necessity of use or because of a fault in the
system. An On Board computer takes charge of receiving data from sensing circuits
and a microcontroller to then switch on or off each individual system. As a future
project proposal, this can also be done if a user from an earth controlling station
receives a report from the satellite that such action 1s needed. Other options are
available in the form of providing backup fuses for systems that use them, such as the
On Board computer. The system would then have to endure and be protected from
radiation in space, especially components having transistors and logic components
and ways of dissipating radiation or retain some for heating as would be in some cases
were the satellite, when in shadow is unable to keep a safe operating temperature for
certain components. The system will also be able to protect itself against temperatures
by using circuits which monitor temperatures in the various systems and are able to
switch them on or off as needed.

3.9 Design Specifications:

Eclipse Micro power’s Design solution for the Cubesat power problem was to
design a distribution system for the components of the Cubesat that monitors, detects
and corrects faults in voltage and current as well as providing temperature monitoring.
The group’s intent was to design a protection scheme for a Cubesat Power Supply
Unit that would be flexible, being able to be modified and used in any Cubesat
mission or application.

In order to make a Power Supply Unit that 1s smart, operates with or without
human intervention and its capable of troubleshooting power issues on its own, the
group has come up with a simple scheme consisting of the following parts:

1. A 8.2v DC BUS connected directly to a 8.2V DC battery array which feeds
system their needed power.
2. A “slave” microcontroller which acts as a protection for the systems, to switch
on or off the systems as needed in the case of faults or simply by user demand
and mission needs and provides this data to the OBC which can be sent as
reports to an earth control station.
3. A sensing /switching circuit at the input of the systems that provides the
Microcontroller with voltage and current data. A current-to-voltage converter,
(or trans impedance amplifier) is an electrical device that takes an electric current
as in input signal and produces a corresponding voltage as an output signal.
Three kinds of devices are used in electronics: generators (having only outputs),
converters (having inputs and outputs) and loads (having only inputs).
Most frequently, electronic devices use voltage as input/output quantity, as it
generally requires less power consumption than using current, as it is the case
without microcontroller.
4. DC/DC converters connected to the 8.2V DC BUS and to the input of the
systems to provide and control the operating voltages needed for the systems. A
simple DC/DC power converter or in electronics, a voltage divider (also known
as a potential divider) is a simple linear circuit that produces an output voltage
(Vout) that is a fraction of its input voltage (Vin). Voltage division refers to the
partitioning of a voltage among the components of the divider.

The equation to calculate output voltage is given by:

Temperature sensing and switching of a warmer for batteries. Temperature

sensors that would monitor the system's temperature, especially when the satellite is
on the shadow side of the earth and they can activate coil-based heaters to maintain
the systems at normal operating temperatures, especially the battery packs. They can
also protect from overheating especially for the batteries and Microcontroller.

Our design is one where each system in the Cube sat is monitored using a
sensing circuit. The Microcontroller has the minimum/maximum ratings of the
system’s voltages and currents programmed and if fed by the sensing circuit a
parameter out of the predetermined values it can make the decision and switch off the
system and then later turn it back on after a set time.

3.10 Purpose of using a Cubesat:

The primary mission of the Cube Sat Program is to provide access to space for
small payloads. The primary responsibility of Cal Poly as a launch coordinator is to
ensure the safety of the Cube Sat and protect the launch vehicle (LV), primary
payload, and other Cube Sat. Cube Sat developers should play an active role in
ensuring the safety and success of Cube Sat missions by implementing good
engineering practice, testing, and verification of their systems. Failures of Cube Sat,
the P-POD, or interface hardware can damage the LV or a primary payload and put
the entire Cube Sat Program in jeopardy. As part of the Cube Sat Community, all
participants have an obligation to ensure safe operation of their systems and to meet
the design and testing requirements outlined in this document.

3.11 P-POD Interface:

The Poly Pico satellite Orbital Developer (P-POD) is Cal Poly’s standardized
Cube Sat deployment system. It 1s capable of carrying three standard Cube Sat and
serves as the interface between the Cube Sat and LV. The P-POD is an aluminum,
rectangular box with a door and a spring mechanism. Cube Sat slide along a series of
rails during ejection into orbit. Cube Sat must be compatible with the P-POD to
ensure safety and success of the mission, by meeting the requirements outlined in this
document. Additional unforeseen compatibility issues will be addressed as they arise.

3.12 General Responsibilities:

1. Cube Sat must not present any danger to neighboring Cube Sat in the P-POD, the
LV, or

primary payloads:

• All parts must remain attached to the Cube Sat during launch, ejection and
operation. No

additional space debris may be created.

• Cube Sat must be designed to minimize jamming in the P-POD.

• Absolutely no pyrotechnics are allowed inside the Cube Sat.
2. NASA approved materials should be used whenever possible to prevent
contamination of other spacecraft during integration, testing, and launch.
3. The newest revision of the Cube Sat Specification is always the official version
Developers are responsible for being aware of changes.
• Changes will be made as infrequently as possible bearing launch provider
requirements or wide spread safety concerns within the community.
• Cal Poly will send an update to the Cube Sat mailing list upon any changes to
the specification.
• Cube Sat using an older version of the specification may be exempt from
implementing changes to the specification on a case-by-case basis. Cal Poly
holds final approval of all Cube Sat designs. Any deviations from the
specification must be approved by Cal Poly launch personnel. Any Cube Sat
deemed a safety hazard by Cal Poly launch personnel may be pulled from the

3.12 Dimensional and Mass Requirements:

Cube Sat are cube shaped pico satellites with a nominal length of 100 mm per
side. Dimensions and features are outlined in the Cube Sat Specification Drawing.
General features of all Cube Sat are:

 Each single Cube Sat may not exceed | kg mass. * Center of mass must be
within 2 cm of its geometric center.

 Double and triple configurations are possible. In this case allowable mass 2 kg
or 3 kg respectively. Only the dimensions in the Z axis change (227 mm for
doubles and 340.5 mm for triples). X and Y dimensions remain the same.

Figure 3(i): Cube Sat isometric drawing.

3.13 Structural Requirements:

The structure of the CubeSat must be strong enough to survive maximum

loading defined in the testing requirements and cumulative loading of all required
tests and launch.

The CubeSat structure must be compatible with the P-POD. Rails must be
smooth and edges must be rounded to a minimum radius of | mm.

 At least 75% (85.125 mm of a possible 113.5mm) of the rail must be in

contact with the P-POD rails. 25% of the rails may be recessed and NO part
of the rails may exceed the specification.
 All rails must be hard anodized to prevent cold-welding, reduce wear, and
provide electrical isolation between the CubeSats and the P-POD.
 Separation springs must be included at designated contact points (Attachment
|). Spring plungers are recommended. A custom separation system may be
used, but must be approved by Cal Poly launch personnel.
• The use of Aluminum 7075 or 6061-T6 is suggested for the main structure. If
other materials are used, the thermal expansion must be similar to that of

Aluminum 7075-T73 (P-POD material) and approved by Cal Poly launch
• Deployable must be constrained by the CubeSat. The P-POD rails and walls are
NOT to be used to constrain deployable.

3.14 Electrical Requirement:

Electronic systems must be designed with the following safety features.

• No electronics may be active during launch to prevent any electrical or RF

interference with the launch vehicle and primary payloads. CubeSats with
rechargeable batteries must be fully deactivated during launch or launch with
discharged batteries.
• One deployment switch is required (two are recommended) for each CubeSat.
The deployment switch should be located at designated points .
• Developers who wish to perform testing and battery charging after integration
must provide ground support equipment (GSE) that connects to the CubeSat
through designated data ports.
• A remove before flight (RBF) pin is required to deactivate the CubeSats during
integration outside the P-POD. The pin will be removed once the CubeSats are
placed inside the P-POD. RBF pins must fit within the designated data ports .
RBF pins should not protrude more than 6.5 mm from the rails when fully

3.15 Operational Requirements:

CubeSats must meet certain requirements pertaining to integration and

operation to meet legal obligations and ensure safety of other CubeSats.

 CubeSats with rechargeable batteries must have the capability to receive a

transmitter shutdowncommand, as per FCC regulation.

 To allow adequate separation of CubeSats, antennas may be deployed 15

minutes after ejection from the P-POD (as detected by CubeSat deployment
switches). Larger deployables such as booms and solar panels may be
deployed 30 minutes after ejection from the P-POD.

 CubeSats may enter low power transmit mode (LPTM) 15 minutes after
ejection from the P- POD. LPTM is defined as short, periodic beacons from
the CubeSat. CubeSats may activate all primary transmitters, or enter high
power transmit mode (HPTM) 30 minutes after ejection from the P-POD.

 Operators must obtain and provide documentation of proper licenses for use of
frequencies. For amateur frequency use, this requires proof of frequency
coordination by the International Amateur Radio Union (LARU).

• Developers must obtain and provide documentation of approval of an orbital

debris mitigation plan from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
• Cal Poly will conduct a minimum of one fit check in which developer hardware
will be inspected and integrated into the P-POD. A final fit check will be
conducted prior to launch. The CubeSat Acceptance Checklist (CAC) will be
used to vinify compliance of the specification (Attachment 2). Additionally,
periodic teleconferences, videoconferences, and progress reports may be

3.16 Testing Requirements:

Testing must be performed to meet all launch provider requirements as well as

any additional testing requirements deemed necessary to ensure the safety of the
CubeSats and the P-POD. All flight hardware will undergo qualification and
acceptance testing. The P-PODs will be tested in a similar fashion to ensure the safety
and workmanship before integration with CubeSats. At the very minimum, all
CubeSats will undergo the following tests.

 Random vibration testing at a level higher than the published launch vehicle
envelope outlined in the MTP.

 Thermal vacuum bakeout to ensure proper outgassing of components. The test

cycle and duration will be outlined in the MTP.
 Visual inspection of the CubeSat and measurement of critical areas as per the
CubeSat Acceptance Checklist (CAC).

3.17 Qualification:

All CubeSats must survive qualification testing as outlined in the Mission Test
Plan (MTP) for their specific launch. The MTP can be found on the CubeSat website.

Qualification testing will be performed at above launch levels at developer facilities.

In some circumstances, Cal Poly can assist developers in finding testing facilities or
provide testing for the developers. A fee may be associated with any tests performed
by Cal Poly. CubeSats must NOT be disassembled or modified after qualification
testing. Additional testing will be required if modifications or changes are made to the
CubeSats after qualification.

3.18 Acceptance:

After delivery and integration of the CubeSats, additional testing will be

performed with the integrated system. This test assures proper integration of the
CubeSats into the PPOD. Additionally, any unknown, harmful interactions between
CubeSats may be discovered during acceptance testing. Cal Poly will coordinate and
perform acceptance testing. No additional cost is associated with acceptance testing.
After acceptance testing, developers may perform diagnostics through the designated
P-POD diagnostic ports, and visual inspection of the system will be performed by Cal
Poly launch personnel. The P-PODs will not be disintegrated at this point. If a
CubeSat failure 1s discovered, a decision to disintegrate the P-POD will be made by
the developers in that PPOD and Cal Poly based on safety concerns. The developer is
responsible for any additional testing required due to corrective modifications to
disintegrated CubeSats.

3.19 Future development

An example of one of the ELaNa satellites is the University of New Mexico’s

Space Plug-and-play Architecture (SPA) proof of concept flight for the Trailblazer
mission. Trailblazer is a IU Cubesat to be launched in 2012 under the ELaNa four
mission. KickSat is scheduled for launch in early 2014.

The goal of the QB50 project is to use an international network of 50 CubeSats

for multi-point, in-situ measurements in the lower thermosphere (90-350 km) and re-
entry research. QB50 is an initiative of the Von Karman Institute and is funded by the
European Union. Double-unit ("2-U") CubeSats (10x 10x20 cm) are foreseen, with
one unit (the ‘functional’ unit) providing the usual satellite functions and the other
unit (the ‘science’ unit) accommodating a set of standardized sensors for lower
thermosphere and re-entry research. 35 CubeSats are envisaged to be provided by
universities in 19 European countries, 10 by universities in the US, 2 by universities
in Canada and 3 by Japanese universities. 10 double or triple CubeSats are foreseen to
serve for in- orbit technology demonstration of new space technologies.



Outernet is an ambitious project that seeks to create a global WI-FI network

that would provide the entire population of the world with free access to the
Internet. A group of American researchers is out to build a network of satellites that
would provide Internet while at the same time protecting the users identity and data.
The new network is thought of as a new version of short radio waves or even a
―space torrent‖.

There are more Wi-Fi devices in the world than people, yet only 40% of the
global population has access to the wealth of knowledge found on the Internet. The
price of smartphones and tablets is dropping year after year, but the price of data in
many parts of the world continues to be unaffordable for the majority of global
citizens. In some places, such as rural areas and remote regions, cell towers and
Internet cables simply don‘t exist. The primary objective of the Outernet is to bridge
this global information divide.

Offering continuously updated web content also bypasses censorship of the

Internet in countries that restrict access to independent media. Additionally,
Outernet will offer a humanitarian notification system during emergencies and two-
way Internet-access for a small set of users. The latter feature will be reserved for
individuals and organizations that are unable to access conventional communication
networks due to natural disasters or man-made restrictions to the free-flow of

Citizens from all over the world, through SMS and feature-phone apps,
participate in building the information priority list. Users of Outernet‘s website also
make suggestions for content to broadcast; lack of an Internet connection should not
prevent anyone from learning about current events, trending topics, and innovative
ideas. The project should start running simulations this year, and in 2015 the
initiator want to start the construction phase.


[1] NASA. (2010, September) Tracking and Data Relay Satellites (TDRS). [Online].

[2], CubeSat Summer Workshop at Small Sat Conference. [Online]

e.tpl&prod uct_id=|1&category_id=S5&option=com_virtuemart& Itemid=67

[3] Torosian, Armen et. Al, “CubeSats as Responsive Satellites,” Paper no. ALAA-
RS3 2005- 3001, ALAA 3™ Responsive Space Conference, Los Angeles, CA, 25-28
April 2005

[4] CubeSat Kit (Pumpkin, Inc., San Francisco, CA).

[5] "'Othernet' Project Seeks Free Internet Access For Earth". Discovery News. 25\
February 2014. Retrieved 26 February2014.

[6] ^ "Hundreds of tiny satellites could soon deliver free internet worldwide". RT. 23
February 2014. Retrieved 26 February2014.

[7] Jump up to:a b "Whiteboard v0.1a1". 2014-10-14. Retrieved 2019-10-


[8] [permanent dead link]

[9]^ Jump up to:a b c "Information for the World from Outer Space". Media
Development Investment Fund. Retrieved 26 February 2014.

[10] "Denied by NASA". Media Development Investment Fund. Retrieved 13

October 2014.

[11] ^ "Othernet Hardware". Media Development Investment Fund. Archived

from the original on 15 October 2014. Retrieved 15 October 2014.

[12] ^ "Pillar of Knowledge Program Review" (PDF). Media Development

Investment Fund. Archived from the original(PDF) on 31 October 2014. Retrieved 15
October 2014.

[13] ^ "Installing ORx on Raspberry Pi with Raspbian". Media Development

Investment Fund. Retrieved 15 October 2014.
[14] ^ "Othernet". Othernet. Retrieved 2019-10-21.

[15] ^ "Dreamcatcher v3.05 Data Radio Kit". Othernet. Retrieved 2019-10-21.


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