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Nursing - Pediatric Nursing; Studies from

Xuzhou Medical University Have Provided New

Information about Pediatric Nursing (Massage
intervention for preterm infants by their
mothers: A randomized controlled trial)
Publication info: Pediatrics Week ; Atlanta [Atlanta]06 Apr 2019: 472.

ProQuest document link

2019 APR 6 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Pediatrics Week -- Fresh data on Nursing -
Pediatric Nursing are presented in a new report. According to news reporting originating in Jiangsu, People's
Republic of China, by NewsRx journalists, research stated, "Studies of the impact of infant massage intervention
on the growth of preterm infants have been conducted in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) and have
demonstrated positive effects; however, few data exist regarding the effects of massage interventions by mothers
on the growth of infants in the NICU. The purpose of this randomized controlled trial was to examine the effects of
a 2-week massage intervention conducted by mothers on their preterm infants."
The news reporters obtained a quote from the research from Xuzhou Medical University, "Of 112 stable preterm
infants born at a gestational age?(GA) between 32 and 34 weeks and enrolled from an affiliated hospital, 54 were
randomly allocated to an intervention group, and 58 were allocated to a control group. Mothers were trained to
conduct a massage intervention in the intervention group, while the control group received standard care. For the
infants in both groups, height (Ht), weight (Wt), and head circumference (HC) were measured at the onset of
massage intervention, after one week, and after two weeks. Fifteen mothers were interviewed about their
preparation for and completion of the massage intervention. Repeated-measures analysis of variance showed that
weight, height and head circumference significantly increased in the intervention group. Preterm infants who
underwent the two-week massage intervention had higher mean weight, height, and head circumference
(F=41.151, 6.621, 24.158, respectively; p<.001). This study developed modified massage intervention guidance to
provide recommendations for optimal massage intervention by mothers in the NICU: (a) Adapt to the NICU
atmosphere; (b) control the mother's strength; ©slowly perform each period of the massage, that is (i) place in a
prone position (5 + 5 min); (ii) place in supine position (5 min); (d) stay relaxed and watch the preterm infant's
response. Trained mothers conducted massage interventions, which can improve the growth of preterm infants.
We developed massage intervention guidance to provide recommendations for optimal massage intervention by
mothers in the NICU."
According to the news reporters, the research concluded: "We recommend that mothers apply massage
intervention for preterm infants in the NICU."
For more information on this research see: Massage intervention for preterm infants by their mothers: A
randomized controlled trial. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing, 2019;():e12238. Journal for Specialists in
Pediatric Nursing can be contacted at: Blackwell Publishing Inc, 350 Main St, Malden, MA 02148, USA. (Wiley-
Blackwell -; Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing -
Our news correspondents report that additional information may be obtained by contacting X. Zhang, School of
Nursing, Xuzhou Medical University, Xuzhou, Jiangsu, People's Republic of China. and can be your direct source for
a journal article and its citation.
The publisher of the Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing can be contacted at: Blackwell Publishing Inc, 350
Main St, Malden, MA 02148, USA.
Keywords for this news article include: Asia, Jiangsu, Massage, Pediatric Nursing, Health and Medicine, People's
Republic of China, Musculoskeletal Manipulations.
Our reports deliver fact-based news of research and discoveries from around the world. Copyright 2019, NewsRx
The citation for this news report is: NewsRx. Studies from Xuzhou Medical University Have Provided New
Information about Pediatric Nursing (Massage intervention for preterm infants by their mothers: A randomized
controlled trial). Pediatrics Week. April 6, 2019; p 472.


Subject: Clinical trials; Newborn babies; Mothers; Intervention; Pediatric nursing

Location: China United States--US Asia

Company / organization: Name: Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing; NAICS: 511120

Identifier / keyword: Jiangsu People's Republic of China Asia Health and Medicine Massage
Musculoskeletal Manipulations Nursing Pediatric Nursing

Publication title: Pediatrics Week; Atlanta

First page: 472

Publication year: 2019

Publication date: Apr 6, 2019

Publisher: NewsRx

Place of publication: Atlanta

Country of publication: United States, Atlanta

Publication subject: Medical Sciences--Pediatrics

ISSN: 1944-2637

Source type: Wire Feeds

Language of publication: English

Document type: News

ProQuest document ID: 2202361998

Document URL:

Copyright: Copyright 2019, NewsRx LLC

Last updated: 2019-04-03

Database: Consumer Health Database

Database copyright  2019 ProQuest LLC. All rights reserved.

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Review Jurnal

Penelitian yang berjudul Massage intervention for preterm infants by their mother : A
randomized controlled trial yang dilakukan untuk memeriksa efek dari intervensi pijat 3
minggu yang dilakukan oleh ibu-ibu pada bayi prematur mereka. Penelitian ini dilakukan di
Jiangsu, Republik Rakyat Cina dengan menggunakan responden 112 bayi prematur dengan
umur gestational antara 32 hingga 34 minggu yang terbagi menjadi dua kelompok yaitu
kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol. Pada kelompok intervensi diikuti oleh 54
responden dan pada kelompok kontrol diikuti oleh 58 responden. Pada pelaksaannya ibu-ibu
yang berada dalam kelompok intervensi dilatih untuk memberikan intervensi pijat, sedangkan
ibu-ibu yang berada dalam kelompok kontrol menerima pelayanan standar. Untuk kedua
kelompok bayi akan diukur tinggi badan, berat badan, dan lingkar kepala setelah intervensi
pada minggu pertama dan minggu kedua. 15 ibu diwawancarai mengenai persiapan dan
penyelesaian intervensi pijat mereka. Analisis yang berulang menunjukan bahwa berat badan,
tinggi badan dan lingkar kepala meningkat secara signifikan pada kelompok intervensi. Pada
bayi prematur yang menjalani intervensi pijat selama dua minggu mempunyai rerata berat
badan, tinggi badan, dan lingkar kepala yang lebih dibanding kelompok kontrol. Penelitian ini
mengembangkan panduan pijat yang dimodifikasi untuk memberikan rekomendasi untuk
intervensi pijat yang optimal oleh para ibu-ibu di NICU :
a. Beradaptasi dengan lingkungan NICU
b. Mengkontrol kekuatan ibu
c. Perlahan-lahan melakukan setiap periode pijat, yaitu :
1) Menempatkan dalam posisi pronasi (5 + 5 menit)
2) Menempatkan dalam posisi supinasi (5 menit)
d. Tetap santai dan melihat respon dari bayi prematur
Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah ibu-ibu dengan bayi prematur dirokemendasikan
untuk memberikan intervensi pijat bayi di NICU.

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