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The LEAP Learning Framework

Joanna Aviles-Jawhari

OTL 565 - Cultural Responsiveness in the Differentiated Classroom

Colorado State University - Global Campus

Sept 17, 2019

The LEAP Learning Framework

The purpose of creating teacher surveys provide a great deal of data and information that

benefits the school, teacher, and student. The information provides the school with valuable data

regarding the learning environment of each student. By having surveys for parents and teachers

to complete, it is for the school administration to evaluate the performance of their teachers and

to get a perspective of the teaching patterns; it is a way for parent’s voices to be heard of their

opinion of the teacher’s performance from what they witness in their child’s progress.

For Module 1, the assignment was to create a survey from It was

my first time to create such a survey online. The Leap Learning Framework is focused on

improving teachers teaching, and to create an environment of differentiated and personalized

learning for each student. The survey consists of 12 questions, which I had divided the questions

into four sections of the LEAP Learning Framework: Learner Led, Learner Focused, Learner

Demonstrator, Learner, and Learner Connected. For each framework, three questions were

posed, consisting of twelve questions in total.

Learner led gives the students take the lead of their learning by making the decisions and

choices on how they want to learn. Teachers are no longer the full on decision maker in the class,

the students choose when, how, and what they do in the class (McCarthy). According to

McCarthy, “Student-centered classrooms include students in planning, implementation, and

assessments. Involving the learners in these decisions will place more work on them, which can

be a good thing (Edutopia, 2015). The questions asked in the survey were on including students

in the planning and allowing students to take responsibility and ownership of their learning.

Learner connected is extremely important in the personalized learning of the student. It is

extremely important for the teacher to get to know each student. There should be a connection
and a consistent level of expectations between the teacher and student. When expectations are set

by the teacher, the student understands their role and responsibility. Once a student feels valued

and safe within a classroom the child will blossom. When a teacher understands the learning

needs and the type of learner of each student, it creates a learning environment where there is an

understanding and collaboration between student-to-student and teacher-to-student.

Learner focused framework focuses on the learning needs of the student. When teachers

know their students’ strengths and interests, it is easier for a teacher to plan the course of a lesson

and provide choices that the student will be encouraged and interested to learn.

Learner demonstrated is when learners perform to their potential and make their own

decisions on the timing of their progress. Students that pace themselves to the pace that they are

comfortable with, do better and accomplish more. Leap Innovations state that students who

understand what it means to master a skill, feels comfortable enough to fail and continue trying.

A student that continues to work hard and reach the goal of accomplishment is a true learner.

After I completed creating the survey, I took the survey myself. My results showed that

my strengths as a teacher was from the Learner connected and Learner focused. It comes

naturally for me to connect with my students on a personal level. I think that my students feel

safe and trust me as a teacher. Maybe it is because I can understand them and make the

information relatable to their age and lives. The results are weaker in the areas of the Learner

demonstrated and Learner led framework. I think this is due to the educational culture at the

school. The structure of the curriculum and culture of the learning is teacher-centered and grades

are exam-based only. I do my best to plan activities in the lesson to create interest in the subject

and to allow the students to shine in their own way in different aspects. I am aware of the areas

that I need to work on to create a balanced and more student-centered learning environment for
my students. But for right now, I place my focus on creating a safe and engaging learning

environment where my students and perform to their full potential.


Homepage. (n.d.). Retrieved from

McCarthy, J. (2015, September 9). Student-Centered Learning: It Starts With the Teacher.

Retrieved from


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