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C.S.E. (1\·tAIN.

PAPER - I - 2004
Time A./lowt!d: llJree H ours ;'H<I.\·itrwm ;tf:uks: 300
Candidates s hould <:ttempt Quc:-::rions I and :j which are
compulsory and any three of the rmnaining questio ns
1;electing at leasr one question l'rolll each Section.
If any daw is considered insufficient. iiSSUillC suit<thle セ@
value il nd indicate the same dearly. \\cwton m:1y br.
to kg using the equality I kiloncwton (I kN)
100 kg. if found necessary. 0
I . Attempt any five p<HtS o f the followi ng :
(a) Three 5 kg n1asses <:Lltnched to a iight rod セ@
セ@ r
are spun o n a fricti onless hor·ium tai ーャ。エG セ ᄋ@ ·'OfW"rHn
(I 0 Hz) about a pinion. \l./har is the ma · 1 iorce
induced in the rod due to spinning ?
Q.5m 0.5 m .

( ): \ ()J3 (}C OD OE : セ@
:\ j:i, HC (TJ iIAZセ@ 12
(c) \Vh:H :li'e セィ・@ ウAイᄋヲセョァエィ@ t hcnrif·s for セエャ、ゥョァ@ and
ヲセ\ZエNイG@ nf イョNᄋh」セ、ウ@ ·':) sゥZセ・@ {he !heorv nH):'C' セオゥエ」ᄋ、@ fcli·
セN@ i) Zョセャ、@ sr()r:-L ( i} (.'fHH'rt:·u\.

|Gャᄋョエオセヲイ@ ha,·i ng :in(i セイZョ@ NZjセᄋョ」エイ@ セエャ@ !:he i!·Je:. n1ain

NZセョ、@ l イセlゥ@ イョセ@ 、ゥセョthヲᄋZ@ セh@ セ@ 1h' イィZᄋッセN、@ セヲ@ t:·'ie 」ィヲイセ・ョエゥ@

z セᄋ@ . \

: ;:
. .'
: 't ; ;
キ。 ウィエセイ@ of ·!0 rnm thickness h a ving: a stiffness k '·'
5 N mrn is placed . dセャヲ|イュゥキN@ ュ。セゥオ@ str<'ss in :h.· rod
」Z Z ョ Nセ セ セ セ 、@ by a nw;.;s oi' I@ セ l<g fnllin g i hn Q NQ セィ@ a lwight ,,r
! .:f. m . 20
(b) /\. bearn 0 I' ll !li fo J'J'l'l C n.>!SS ..St.'CI i()J1 イN セウ エ ゥ@ᄋ ng i>l1 tWO
supp·nrt :; 'b' m apa rt has a n equal ov\ セ j ᄋ ィ [ ョ セァ@ o f·;_;· m i>!J
(:ith.:r end. Determi ne the r·;uio or b i.l w lwn the magni ..
tutk of mid span bending momenr is equ;d to the rrF
nitude of support hendi ng monwnt 、lhセ@ to it s <>Wn W< · __

ャッオ エA\セ@ 」ッ ョᄋ[、ャ ・クオョ セ@ pnints. - J

(e) .A l·' ell'o n |GィH ᄋ[セHZ ャ@ h as <.l nw;m hw..:!\i''l d ia · . . . i rn
<HHl is j G オイセ ョァ@ at l_UOO rpn1. tィセ@ 1\C! lww.l 1 1i MセGAᄋャキョ@
vdw e l IS i llO rn. H イャ hセ@ s 1de 」ャエセ。イ\hゥNZ@ ;tng l<': .. !;',"·and
d ischarge ·t hrough ANィ セ@ ョ ッコォ セ@ i s U. l :n..J'iftd (i) lH;wc1·
CIVHii<Jble at lhe n o;·_z(i!, a nd (!i} オセ@ d T\cit:-n.::,v· of
エィセ@ tu イ「ゥュセN@ T ake C ,. -·' I. 20
3. (a) A Hャュセエ セ@ ィゥョ セ ᄋセ 、@ paf(/}, . , r<:h of ,;p;H·r ()(.) m
and ri S('. 1:1. rn_h.a!> {ᄋh ᄋセイNョ@ ャ ッ\ エ セH@ I , セョゥ ヲ H ョ Bョᄋ、ZG@ 、ゥ セエ@ 1ibu!c·d
load ot .lO kN m ov•:r t h t, ' · h.. of tl w s pan . c。ォオィエセᄋ@
ョQuj h ャ セ ョ エ N@ ウ ィイセᄋ@ ヲッイ ・Hセ@ a ., .. L, thrus( { ) n <.l poi nt ZャゥオセAエイ^、@
m a sectio n l :i m f r Tl 20
(c) 1\ 」 セョエイゥヲオ ァ。ャ@ pump ィ 。セ@ an ゥュー セャHイ@ of 0.5 tn <)uter
ォゥA\ tャ HG ヲH セ ャG@ :tnd \v h N t running nt (i00 q m1 discharges at the
rat <: <.lf /WOO ャゥイ ョセウ ᄋ ュゥ ョオ セ@ against a ィ」セ。 、@ of 8.5 m. The
\\·,uer eセ ョエ・イ[@ the impeller without whirl and shock. The
i :mt:r 、ゥ。ョ キオセイ@ is 0.25 m and t.he vanes <tre set back at
\he outlet at ;.111 angle of ·l;'i " i:lnd the area of flo w which
ゥZセ@ constan t frorn ゥイセ ャ ・ エ@ ro outlet of the impe ller is 0.06 n .
ONPrmi ne {i) mar:ome tric ・ ヲゥ・セGョ」ケ@ of the pumP.
the v { ャ イセ ヲNGZ@ L ᄋ オIAセォ@ al inh:t. and (iii) the least speed a
1 he pump comnw nc es to work.
,l. ( a) An alyse the fran·w shown in tl . . by
|Qッュ イセ ョエ@
di::;tribution metilocl and draw ben oment
diagram. fl for ali members 。イ ヲ セ@ equ0 • 20

[ I iャ@
· 70 kN
• c;
5. Attempt any five part s from the follo wi ng :
(a) A tens ion mem be r is of P<lir of equa l angl es !SA
65 x 65 x 6 placed back to back on eiih er side of gusst'.t
plat e l 0 mm t hick . Calc ulat e max imu m pull resis ted by
the mem ber. Desig n the w elde d co nnec tion wii h the
Gusset plat e. f v = 250 MPa. セ@
, H「 セ@ A, re in fo rced セ Z ッョ 」イ・ オセ ⦅@ エ セQ 。 ュ@ o f: イ ・」 エ。 セQ ァオ セ。 M o.
sect1 0n 230 mm x 4.)0 mm has d clea t cove t to ' . e-
m ent o f 30 mrn. At: the s up po rt t he tens io n 'in l rce-
men t is of 3 num bers of 20 mm diam eter ·e . steel
rods . The supp oti tran s fer s a fucto r o f s hea r e qf 11 0
kN to the bea m. Design the spac ing セ ァ・、@ 8 mm
stirr ups. For conc r ete g rade カセ エャオ ・ ウ@ are
tabu lated 12
100A 5
(c) Exp lain
(i) o : dina ry,
thflj·L 1s for the follo wing :
N \ ᄋセ Q@ ca nno t be used for ーョセ
1 · • ウエイ ・ウ ウ H、@
wrres. e F
(ii) Loi .· · i<:• o elas t ic s hoti <'nin g in p o::;t-t ensJOrw d
be s ! ss than that in pre- tensioned beam .
... ) セ ョ@ o n o f p rest ress ed beam s w ith tend ons
ッ セ、 ・、@ as a parabo li(; pmf ile compen!>ates p<Jn
dead load defl ectio ns.
) Duri ng a co mpa ctio n test a soil attai ns the max i-
m dry density of 18.6 I<N!m 3 at a w ater cont eni of 15

Jegr te of satu JatlO n. ,u1 contE nt ,md ヲ IH N エuN エ Q エ \セ イNMセ@ o l ,w

' Oids at the max i mum clrv ... dens itv.
.. \Vh<Jt wou ld 「Hセ@ the
max imu m theoretical dry density cM respond ing i o ze ro
·•oids HI op:irnum wawr conknL
i<i:· 12
(e) 1\ c.>rl:i! ii rn 」ォQセー@ cuns through a soil having
., x '·"
'r .. t-.,,, !Yl'
. . \'u·'· ! (J"···. eセ@ J \Mセ@ 0 ancI (..f·
t.... 2·NセゥL@ ...,)... JTl
. 1e

:1ngl<' ot ウゥッー|セ@ nf i.i hank is 4;).". Lktennine tlw factor of

"A(•! セᄋ@ with i'f:s;wct to co hesi () n when t ィイZセ@ e<.mal is fu II
BゥGセᄋ@ エィᄋセ@ lop of the h<t:lhs. !I' lh<' セオ、・ョ@ drawdown takes
pLH!' upw ゥィエセ@ iwd k·vr·! of the cm:al. what will be t!w
(;'!(:\1.!;' ウセエヲ|⦅カ@ ') or セ@
For セᄋ@
<ln1.d1· of ,.;!opt> of hank 4!") '·'
!0" St:.i>!b:_,. nurnlwr · 0. !08 0
0.1 :n


" ·!.Ki'.'' St:tf>d!t:-· number
/\ S<':t:lf·nlC'n! ;u);\iysis C:ll'fll'd \)Uf fo a [ OjlOS!'d
:ndica\e:-. th<H :\ <'ll\ of s<'tth'nwnt' <:cur in
£a 12

.· \'(':>:'s ;uld tha< llw iin:l! ウヲセャエ」ュ・ョ@ セI・KAZGャ@ ern. The

, ompu::·!t!(}:\ |NG[ャセ@ mm.le on エィQセ@ has• · . ch 1hk 」ゥイM[NオョZAヲyセ@
:. ,,-,nd;tion. ! lcw.. ᄋ・LセイN@ ウオィsAセア・ョエ@ b イゥョセN@ · · .stahlished only
,.inl.•;i•· 、イ。ゥョセNH@ co ndi1 ion. c。セ@ · e fin:!! ウQセョ@ kment
:1nd ャィセ@ ウ\セエャ」ョキ@ 1n ::-> ⦅カ\セ。イZ^ケv@ 」Zィ[Mュァ\セ、@ 」ッョ、イ|jH[セᄋ@

!). (a)
\\'i!Wr conH•nt
:\ ウエイセャAュョ@ of , セ、@ p. イ」セョエ@
clay (G •·••• 2.7) has an
throughout its depth.
|エセ」^Zᄋ@ :1 long 、ZᄋセイウL@ w<etr:r <:ontent at Qィセ@ ground
... セZQAL\Nᄋ@ :,., :?.u f'•' •· ., .d セ@ ;1 、Qセーエィ@ ッヲZセ@ m. エセキ@ water
1 11ntF·n: h ll i ·:\ · TIH· water 」ッョオセエ@ nwy AQセ@ エ。ャセ[@
::, v.>r:-· l1:w.n '. h dqlt h. Tlw ウィイゥョォ。ァセ@ limit of t hi'
1 AZQセ@ ;" ZNセᄋL@ I. !f rt'.e chang;c in エZイセゥァィ@ per u.nit heigh;
<l! tnt' \GQ[セ@ ·I·l) 1s xu !wrcent ot 1is change 111 volume
セAオュ」@ ( \V V.,). what is tlw amount of seHle·
· the ground o::urfm:r? du<> to chungP in watPr
which (Jn·urn 'd ·.1 20

10 111.
ゥョエ・セカ@ nt
low tl·w cent r e of the foundation.
(ii) In a direct shear lt!st on dean (h·y s;'H1d. failure
ッ」 オイョセ、@ m a shear stress of :·w ォセ Zュ セ@ when thl' normal
srress was 51) kN/ m· • dイ\Nセキ@ 4
ャィエセ@ Mohr's ウQイセ@ c irdc and
fi nd the <mglf: of int ・ イ L セ。ャ@ friction. dHセエ・イュゥキ@ rtw magni·
tudes of principal ウ エイ ・ウセZ^@ and ihe セ^Z@ i1:ntati<>r1 of pri ncip:.1l
ーャ。ョ・セ@ with ョセウー ・」 エ@ to pl;Hw ol si·waring. 12·t·R Bセ@ 20
(c) A 「セエゥャ Mオー@ ャ セエッ、@ column of overnl! ウ アオ。イ・ セ@ ·:r ·.
セ[・」エゥッョN@ 30(! ml1.1 ウゥセ N ャ・@ h;:ts 「・\セョ@ ヲッイュセ、@ b:y p'lacinr en _
ZhN^[iセウ@ ol hA ;)() x :}ox(> at the corners of エィ ・ セ M !
エィゥセ@ dfPctive height of' co lumn is l U m. 」。ャᄋセNQ@ · ᄋM セ セ。 、@
carryt ng <:apac1ty of the colvmn. :'\Is<> (ks1 n I ·t ngs.
l.<r 40 50 GO 70 BO 1-15
164 l r.LN^ セ '3N@ 139 12:) セP@
For !SA. 50 x 50 x G.
·- ll x 10'
.... I セM ·····
I セ@ -- . 20
7. (a) (i) W ha SPT vaiue
o btained and 」ッ セ@ .. • · · .
(ii ) \':'ill (' _ • . afe load 」。ョ ケ ゥョァ a ⦅ 」。ーセゥエZN@ fc?:·
セエ ョイセ@ エッュセ セM 2 n e v..nth Zセヲ。」エッイ@ ッ ヲ ウセャ\A G@ ッセ@ .1 > .l !H;
l<>otmg セ z[j 。@ n a セNZッィ・ウエカ@ s.od w1th c '"' h(l I<N.m·
。ョ 、 [セ@ ;;;. ... ; depth o f 1.5 rn bdow G.L. Tlw soil has
s pec· ·ic p; y of 2.7 and void r<lti o of 0.7. t。ャ\セ セ@ wa:cr
t<tl ' p;fl:mnd s urface .and Hw bearing \セ。 ー 。」ゥエケ@ fac tors
..........:.. · · · Y ns N< : •• 7. nL セ@ :;;; ;'. (lncl N 1. 5+ 1.5 ::: 20
(i) dゥヲエ セイ・ョエゥ 。 エ・@ beiwc<:n 'state of 」 ャ \セZ^ゥ ゥ 」@ <•:qliilib·
·1um· ;md ·state of plastic ・アオゥAィイセョG@ of soil mass . Show
tlwm hv drawing· i'vlohl''s c ircle and ・ョカ エセ ャ ッーエ ᄋ セN@ Show tlw
s.tai e of equi librium for uctiw. p<.t:>sive and a! rest l:l)l'l ·
ditions. What will be t he active and passive ーイ・ウオョセ@ in
a fluid wit h density 20 ォn O ュセ@ at a depth of 2 m ·>
(ii} A cu! I 0 m H}セjI@ is セク」。カエ・、@ in sand (•l' "·' JO" and
y " 17 J\f\!m: ) and is to be braced by sheeiing and
bracing セケウイ・ュN@ ThP top s.trut wili be at O.:i m ihセャッキ@ G.L.
foliowed by subscquNH stntts ZNセエ@ every 1.5 m cエNセョ@ ro
centre in vertical direction. The spacing of s.truls along
tbe cut is 3m 」セョゥイ・@ to centre. Comptlle the top. middle
and bottom strut l<Jads. l 0 + l 0 セM]Z@ 2
(c)_ Des!_gn_ a イセゥョヲッ」・⦅ャ@ concrete ヲャッ」セイ@ slab for a ..
」セᄋゥョ。ャ「jA、エQァ@ fM エィャセNMッキュァ@ particulars, セ@ ,.
luut state method of design.
\\all thickness . 230 m;n
of ro,om : 3 m x 8 rn CJ
Liw load ⦅」セョN@ floor: 2 ォセAウアN@ m n . •
I· uushes : 1 kN;sq. m
: M_ 20
St('(·'l . ,,,, <11 t·)
.... ·' ... • ..... .t.

Minimum total depth of ,.,!) ..) mm 20

8. {a) A combined .. セオャ。イ@ footing for support-
ing two reinforced co s and B has to be designed.
Particulars of the are as follows :
! Coluinl\ Position Working
! Load (kN)

A Outm face at I 000 kN

450 X 450 3m from

centre of 2400 kN
column A
Safe bearing capacity of soil : 300 kN!sq. m
Cbt:1in plan dimensions of footing Draw shear force
mv.l bending rnomeni diagrams of the footing. 20
(b) A trapezoidal masonry retaining wall G m high and
1.2 n1 \..-· id<'! at top retains earth of uni t we ig·ht l G kN/m .
•h セL@ :1,5" to the top of the \vall o n the vertical face.
Calc ula te the minimu m bo ttom width necessa ry so
t hat no ten s ion occu r s at the base . D ensity of masonry
: 20 kN!rn 3 . 2(1
(c) ( i) List エィ セA@ criteria la id dow n by IS 2Dll fo r as-
sessing the allo w<:l ble load on a single pile from 1he re-
sults of a rou tine pile load test.
{ii) A column canying a load of I000 kN is '

and lO m leng th. I he sod ts clay h <1v1ng w :on rLd

coョ ャNーイ・セ ゥカ・@ウ stn :-ngth of l 00_ kN!rn". HZッ {ュ セI@ :. . urn··
ber of ptles reqUired for bea n ng capaCity c 'I(! rai10ns.
Also <:heck . fo r エ ィ セ@ group 」 。 ー セ Hセゥエケ@ ' s pa .. 1g i:> two
if't ;
· OtJ and tact or
of safety of :.l ••• fb.CJ
tune s the dwmete r of the pde . I ak e :
4+ I<>= 20


J'ime "If/owed: Jhree !loan·
PAPER - II - 2004
Maximum Marks: 3f){J
CJJ1didatcs should attempt Questions l and 5 which
a:·c compulsory and any three of 1he rem;·lining queS··
tions :;r.·kcting at !('<lSI one question from each Section.
Not<Hions terms used h<iVC their ustw! meanings.
If daw is considered ゥョセオヲ」・エN@
an:·>' 。セウオュ・@ ウオセエ。ャ@
\·;due and indicate the same ciearly.
:•mv;de d;agrams ;n the nnswe< books, wher<:> "'·
!'SS<l ry.

I. i\nswer any five of the following :
(a) Consider an initial ゥョカエセウュ・A。N@ deireciatecl in
equal annual instalments to a s;;llvao·c . t セ@ !. at the end
of n years: and consider the 。カ・イVセ@ al interest rate
to be i. Detennine the ・アオゥセLN@ i.'-Jr1wll o>st by this
、」ーョセZゥ。エッ@ taken with the '· , · Mセ@ interest.. 12
(h) Materials required セZイ
.u.m. of freshly mixed
C!'nwnt concrete arc : ' Mセ^ヲ@ dry cement, セU@ l<g of
sand. 10 I 0 kg of ·I ,md 145 kg of fresh water.
Bulking. wht:n ョセᄋM · h ·) . w mixer, i.<> UGセN[L⦅@ \Vhat would
ィQセ@ til(' density n ! セ@ · MLセウィャケ@ rnixed and poured cement
concre!P _セ@ \' · r . ,lid |QHセ@ the rotal volume of ヲイセィ@
concri.'te セM · 1 be produced in a nominal G cu.m.
ュゥクHセイN@ in ' 1 oading during mixing can be only G5%
of n! nina ·' pacity. per hour if its working 」ケャHセ@ is :
ch· >'1 •3.') seconds. mixing - 170 seconds. discharg-

seconds and lost エゥュ\セ@ - 18 seconds. 12

Vhat [ュセ@ t lw ウ・viNセイ。ャ@ activities that can be takc!n as
and restorative measures as part of post-
onst ruction termite-proofing '? 12
(d) Describe the co mrnon mistakes in linear イ hセ。ウ オョGᆳ
ments using ch<1in!'; and the m easures to be adopted to
eliminate: these mistak es. 12
(c) Enu rnerate the major policies and ッ「ェ・」 エ ゥカ・セ@ of the
Third Twenty-Year Road dエセカ・ ャ ッー ョキエ@ Plan (198 1-20(} 1)
of India. 12
(f) !low are speed. rravel time. volume and density
traffic on a ro acl rnutua!lv.. related ') Jllusu·ate
sketches as app ropriate.
2. (a) iョ ウオャセQエゥ ッ ョ@ for エィe N セイュ。ャ@
lagging on stc
laid for central heati ng is available in sev a
ti Vi') thicknesses. Correspondi ng total im
providing th e insu latinn and the ye ᄋウ ゥセ ョァ@ annual
heat loss throughout the ducting a 1ted. The ser-
vice life is expected to be 7 ye< :. , ting m aN rヲセ@
8%•. evaluate the optimum
ihrough ゥョ」イ・ュ ・ョエ 。 ャ Nョ オセᄋ@ . .
.· .-
to be acloptNl,

benefit) ;;malys is. 20

(b) Describe in sequel ··rr · N< . thE! Of'l<>.nltions involved
in laying and ヲゥョ セ ィゥョ Gᄋ@ er ·· .o flooring of 40 rnm thick-
m•ss. 20
( c) \Vhat are エ セ N@ ions Hセヲ。@ marsh alling yard.? .L ist
the b ttors セ Mッ@ l セ Q、・イ@ rn devdopmg an ef!rcteni
marshullino·. 20
3. H。I セ]@ )\ement. a pmticuiar job ウ・ァュ\セョエ@
its li1 e ッ セ ゥョ・ ウ ウ L@ <·I finn can purchase セ Z セ ゥエ ィ・ イ@ equip-
\' ltl' -e(JUipment ·n·. '/\' has a first cost of 2000
1 ゥョカッャ セウ@ an annual operating coq or 1700 units
.s useful life of 5 ,.vears. 'l'r has a first cos t of :3400
·ts and ゥョカッ{ vH セ ウ@ an annual oper·ating cost of 1!)0() units
. v-er its usd\d life o f 8. years. What is tfw r ate o f rc•turn
at which tlw firm can be indifftm•nt 'A and ' B") エh セ ゥ|Nカ エᄋセ ョ@
(b) (i) Descrihe the methocls C()m monly adopted to
check the accura cy o f an open traverse . 10
(i i) List エィHセ@ major 、ゥウ 。、カ 。ョ エ。ァ\セs@ of Plane Tabling. I 0
HヲGセ@ Fsrl:1in. with セォ・ エ」ィ・ウN@ rhe commo niv adopted sub-
Z[セ イヲ。 」エセ@ 、ョZャNゥ。 ァeセ@ systems ー イッカゥ 、eNセ@ in national higlmrays
to lower rhe waier table and to control ウ・エ^Nー 。ァ[\セ@ 20
·'- (a) Cash now for a simple projecr is given here-
with. Taking a fir::> t trial val ue of QU GMセ[NL@ 」ォ エnュゥョヲ セ@ the rat.......-.-..

of return to the first 、ヲセ」ゥ@ rnal place of a ーHセイ@ C<!nt.

0 J 2

now -15 -10.5 +6 +9 .,.·G
(b) (i) Describ e the severa l s ge of observ ation,
recording and compu tation tl . ich activity time
rati ng is arrived at エィイッ オァィセ@ . . , of time and motion
studv. I0
(ii) Describ e. alon( 'th 1eir functio ns, the major
rypes of road ュ。 セ ᄋ@ ·r . c 1mo nly used in l ndia. I0
(c) Compa re t e . , Iゥャエ ゥエセs@ of terrain ヲセ。イオ イ・ウ@ inter-
pretati on thro g! .rial photogr aphs vis-a-vis topo-
graphic tr lsl. 20
5. Ans .. any five of エィH セ@ followi ng :
セ| セエ セ@ are canal fall.s provide d in irrigation chan-
セML LNゥエィ@ the ャh セiー@ o!' sket ches, des<.:ribe イセョ」ャ@ il_lustrate
エョャー \セ zoi notch fall: Jabell tng all the ウ。ゥAeセョ
c⦅ャ」エ ャ@ イ@ ャセA。 エオョ [ウ@
d therr luncno ns rn tlo\.v manageli1ent and sal'ety. 12
(h) What is nW<HH by river trainin g ? Whar are its
ッ「jセ G」エゥカp ウ@ ? wィセ|Q@ nre the in-situ fPatu n:'S that lwlp in
thi:; contex t '? 12
(c) eセエゥュ。イN@ the depth and frequen cy of irrigati on
required for a オᄋセイエ。ゥョ@ crop, gtven :
Hoot zone depth 90 em
Field capacity RONGセZ@ ..
Wilting point 12'X)
Apparent sp. gr. of soil 1.5
Con:-;umptive use 22 mn1\lav
Efficiency of irrigation Hセj|L@
aGZゥセオョキ@ f.">O'Y.) depletion of available moisture
ゥョ、」。エHセイッ@ begin application of irrigation キ[セゥ・@ ·. J
(d) lAst the tests to be performed to detenn e 1 1-
イゥエ・セM in water. ..In _this 」ッョエセクL@ ・クーャ。ゥセ@ the ヲBエャセ@ ... i.mi·
ness !lnd "pH of water - m terms o! 」。オウセエゥhZM
tion as appropriate. and_ effects due セM ョウセューエゥッ@ \ョセ、@
rhe tests イ・ャセカ。ョエ@ therem. 12
, (e) Whut consickrations rule ゥセ・j@ 'ction of pumps
for a water supply ウ」ィ・ュセエォ@ a<> a s.ource '?
\Vhat are エィHセ@ 。ーオイエ・hュャ[Bセ@ installed in エセキ@ pipE:'-
line througl: the pump セ@ セ@ overhead reservoir at
the area bemg serve· 12
(f) Describe wit ch the storm wnter relief weir
for a sewerage .. . 'l 12
(). (a) Fo < t' on L, the イ・」ッ、セ@ anrnwl RGセMィイ@
ll1<1i\irnum 。ョセ@ given be low. Compute the neces·
sary 、。セャM imaie : (a) ::rl-hr maximum イセQゥョヲ。ャ@ \"'ith
a sjhセ」ゥオイョ@ periC>d: <md (b} probability of a ra!nf<lll
of n Je•s than a specified 、ャセーエィ@ occurring in 24 hours
'll . Jn L. Indicate the above features on a sketch (nor
11. _ ·s<:u-ily plotted to エセク。」@ data) pn·scrihing the coor-
:nate naramelers.

: ('t!\ l⦅セ@
. セMᄋZ⦅lGjエェ@
··t --,-- I
l-q- -r----r-
}WMセ@ _セM@ ェ⦅セNZャ@ セ@ セIR@
__ ;
') l··· ,. l'
;• • l. ..... . ᄋᄋ
,, 」。イィュ エセョZN@

! tエ ョhセ@ (hr ):\ 12 :Z·l

'r-- · ..· · -
()rdlna t j

ll • 1I ·1. .,.,. r.·.l !セ@ ')') .r.}·-1· J.l ! i)

·- ""·' • ______ i

l ⦅NLセM !
,_. ,)

____ ........... !
.....__ ___.____L_ -- '----'
.. .
..> I...\'! ·• 'I: .., . '. trH.,ir
{H) Design an ox1dntion pond for a cdon:r of 20tl0
pt:rsons キィ・イセ^ヲッュ@ the SC\11.:1ge flow セウ@
i 50 with
a Zᄋャ、セ@ BOD of :we ppm. ptw:idiny; '' 1301) luttding of
) i)() k!!::d::lv:"ha. 10
" .
(..:) (i"! Find \lw ョセアオゥ セ ゥ エ \ セ@ ウゥWNjセ@ o( a comhi!wd circu;ar
se"'"''r S(:rvi lli4 1:1n [ュセ。@ Df I 0(1 h;t wi! h a popu lation o f
!)UOOU ーエZセイウッョ ウ@ <md ウオーャゥ セオ@ with wale:· at 2:1\) lpd."head
T<1i->r. :imc of ent-y ond ;imc of flow o:·
rain W<ller w he
:) and I:> ュゥセQオ\Z[L@ イ・セー」エゥカャケN@ RvnQff (:vt:Hi<:icn! in

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