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Chapter 4

Assumptions Underlying Motor Control for
. Neurologic Rehabilitation
Fay B. Horak, PhD, PT
Associate Scientist
R.S. Dow Neurological Sciences Institute
Good Samaritan Hospital
Portland, OR 97209

How can I inhibit primitive tonic neck reflexes while facili­ mon assumptions from specific models into three general
tating normal equilibrium responses? models of motor control and three general models of neuro­
logic rehabilitation that form the basis for most of the com­
WiII inhibitive casts reduce extensor muscle tone to allow mon approaches to therapeutic intervention for neurologic­
nonnal gait patterns? ally impaired patients. There are thousands of documented
models of motor control, each more or less useful for differ­
How can I teach my patient to develop movement strategies ent purposes and each continually evolving in light of scien­
that are functional and adaptable to environmental changes?
tific findings. There are also many more models of neuro­
logic rehabilitation than the three named in Figure 4-1, each
The questions therapists ask of themselves in treating
more or less also useful for different clinical observations.
neurologic ally impaired patients reveal their underlying
What realistic neurologic rehabilitation models are
assumptions about how the brain controls movement. Simi­
available to give therapists confidence that therapy ad­
larly, the questions neuroscientists ask of themselves in
,r vances, optimizes, or allows the miraculous natural pro­
designing and analyzing experiments in motor control reveal
'~ cesses for recovery and compensation from brain damage?
\ their underlying assumptions about how the brain controls
What models of motor control can lead therapists to develop
movement. It is important for therapists to become aware of
novel, effective therapeutic interventions? Therapists need
t~eir own assumptions and the assumptions that neuroscien­
to be familiar with the most fundamental assumptions of
tlsts hold about motor control because these assumptions
how the brain controls movement and how therapy can make
shape, structure, and limit therapists' observations and treat­
a difference, because these assumptions form the bases of
ment of their neurologically impaired patients. These sets of
their understanding, their questions, and their hopes for ther­
assumptions about how the brain controls movements, or
apeutic rehabilitation of the neurologic ally impaired patient.
models of motor control, are often held subconsciously or, at
This paper reviews the assumptions underlying the
least, are unspoken. However, models of motor control are
reflex, hierarchical, and systems models of motor control;
the basis for assumptions about physiologic process and ther­
the clinical implications of these models for neurological re-
apeutic aims underlying neurologic rehabilitation.
Today, therapists are questioning their basic
assumptions about how the brain controls movement be­
cause the models, based on scientific discoveries half a cen­
tury ago, no longer fit the kinds of questions they are asking. MOTOR CONTROL MODELS
Although many traditional assumptions remain useful for
some aspects of neurological rehabilitation, others are not
~seful, and therapists are becoming dissatisfied with tradi­
tIOnal models to help them resolve their patients' motor prob­ --­ - -­

lems. 1 Therapists are looking for new rehabilitation models 1--­


based on more recent discoveries and new understandings of

motor control. MUSCLE
The theoretical models therapists use to design their
therapeutic rehabilitation approaches are based on a cumula­
tive history of clinical experience and scientific understand­ NEUROLOGIC REHABILITATION MODELS
ing. Figure 4-1 illustrates how motor control models and neu­
rologic rehabilitation models are not generated Fig 4-1. Models of neurologic rehabilitation rely on different
spontaneously but rely on and incorporate earlier models. assumptions about how the brain controls movement inherent
For the sake of brevity, I have grouped sets of com­
in models of motor control.

Assumptions Underlying Motor Control for Neurologic Rehabilitation 11

habilitation; and their limitations in the light of experimental trol should be constrained, or limited, by the basic anatomy
evidence that the models have difficulty accounting for. It re­ of known synaptic connections among nervous system struc­
views the general aims of the muscle re-education, neu­ tures, physiologists have learned the hard way that these con­
rotherapeutic facilitation (facilitation), and contemporary nections, or "wiring diagrams," do not lend automatic in­
task-oriented (task-oriented) models of neurologic rehabilita­ sight into what is being controlled or the processes whereby
tion as based on the three motor control models; it also iden­ this control comes about. For example, Figure 4-2, adapted
tifies the dissatisfaction with each rehabilitation model in from a popular textbook on neurophysiology (Fig. 24-2 from
light of clinical evidence that is difficult to account for. In Gbez4), illustrates known neural connections thought to be
addition, this paper summarizes critical neurophysiological important in motor control. The nervous system delivers im­
concepts for an evolving contemporary view of therapeutic pulses to muscles and the muscles in turn develop contractile
intervention. Finally, two neurologic rehabilitation models­ fon::e to move (or to prevent movement ot) the limbs in order
facilitation and task-oriented-will be applied to balance and to displace (or to prevent displacement ot) joints. The ner­
tone problems to demonstrate how motor control vous system almost always activates large groups of muscles
assumptions influence the assessment and treatment of neu­ that control displacements at many joints, and these move­
rologically impaired patients. ment patterns allow functional behaviors to accomplish task
goals. These movement patterns may be represented back to
MOTOR CONTROL MODELS the nervous system in different forms through sensory affer­
An understanding of motor control implies an under­ ent signals that are, themselves, under neural control.
standing of what is being controlled and how that process is I have grouped particular assumptions from the motor
organized. 'l Normal motor control implies the ability of the control literature into three motor control models that are rel­
central nervous system to use current and previous informa­ evant to the development of three neurologic rehabilitation
tion to coordinate effective and efficient functional move­ models. One issue distinguishing the motor control models
ments by transforming neural energy into kinetic energy. is whetberthe nervous system "controls," "cares about," or
This transformation is accomplished by activation of mus­ "organizes its activity around" muscle activation, movement
cles that generate forces to affect their world. As Sherring­ patterns, or bebaviors and task goals. 5 In the reOex model
ton, 3 the founder of western motor physiology, so aptly the goal of the nervous system is to control muscle activa­
stated: "To move is all mankind can do and for such, the tion; in the hierarchical model the goal is to control move­
sole executant is muscle, whether in Whispering a syllable or ment patterns; and in the systems model the goal is to con­
in felling a forest." trol motor performance in behavioral tasks.
Although muscles are the target of the final motor The motor control models have their roots in the early
output from the nervous system, examination of models of 1900s from the writings of a particular, distinguished neuro­
motor control make it clear that there is no consensus on pre­ scientist, but they have been modified and elaborated on
cisely what the nervous system is trying to control in organiz­ over the last century. Each model reOects a set of common
ing coordinated movements. Although models of motor con- assumptions but does not represent anyone individual's the­
ory as originally presented. The limitations of each motor
control model become apparent when they cannot account
for new scientific results and clinical observations, and they
restrict the development of promising hypotheses about
motor control. These limitations eventually require a shift to
new models in which different problems are considered im­
portant for the nervous system and for the neuroscientist and
neurotberapist to solve.
The basic assumptions and limitations oftbe reflex, hi­
erarchical, and systems models of motor control are summa­
rized in Table 4-1.
! " Reflex Model of Motor Control
The reOex model of motor control has its roots in the
classic experiments of Sir Charles Sherrington. 6 He regarded
the nervous system as a "black box" in which control pr0­
cesses were implied by measuring motor outputs (muscle or
motor nerve activation) in response to various types of sen­
I; sory inputs imposed by the scientist on an unconscious, anes­
I' thetized animal. To simplify the control processes, Sherring­
ton used "reduced" cat preparations by removing the neural
structures above the midbrain. He found that he could stimu­
late specific sensory systems, such as muscle, joint, and
pain receptors, and thus induce a variety of distinct, stereo­
Fig 4-2. Wiring diagram of anatomical connections thought to typed movements in these animals. Similarly, Magnus used
be important ;n motor control. reduced rabbit preparations to stimulate stereotyped postural

12 Contemporary Management of Motor Problems

Table 4·1. Assumptions and Limitations of the Motor Control Models

.r-'\ Assumptions
Reflex Hierarchical Systems
Sensory tnputs control motor outputs Central programs control muscle Interactive systems control behavior
Movement is summation of reflexes activation patterns to achieve task goals
Sensation is necessary for movement Organization is top-down Adaptive, anticipatory mechanisms
Separation of voluntary and reflex Normal strategies to limit degrees of
\)~ freedom ~
f.,obJ ;\-f~ vt:.~)-
Limitations ~"i'iI ,6"1l '.~
Reflex Hierarchical ~~ Systems
Deafferented animals show Locomotion in spinal cats low level Lack of consensus on terminology
coordinated movements in control and definitions
Open-loop control demonstrated Development not steplike The basic set of motor problems and
Anticipatory, feedforward control Blurred distinctions between invariant control strategies have yet
voluntary and reflex to be defined
Similar kinematic coordination with Relation of neuroanatomy to systems
alternative muscle activation patterns unclear

responses. 7,8 These stereotyped responses to sensory inputs . areas. The reflex model and its derivative therapeutic ap­
are called reflexes. proaches assume that afferent sensory inputs are a necessary
In the reflex model of motor control, reflexes are con­ prerequisite for efferent motor outputs: "for the execution of
sidered the basis for all movement. 9 "The unit reaction of voluntary movements the entire sensory pathway from the
nervous integration is the reflex, because every reflex is an periphery to the context must be functioning. "10 This view
integrative reaction, and no nervous action short of a reflex of motor control is "peripheralist" in that motor control
is a complete act of integration .... Coordination, there­ comes from peripheral parts of the nervous system. The ner­
fore, is in part the compounding ofreflexes."6 vous system is a passive recipient of sensory stimuli that trig­
In the strictest sense, the reflex model assumes that gers, coordinates, and activates muscles that excite more sen­
chains of reflexes result in nonnal movement. Figure 4-3 sory systems that in turn activate more muscles.
shows chains of reflexes at spinal, brain stem, and cortical The "feedback" concept was applied to reflexes when
engineers in the 1930s and 19408 began to develop elec­
tronic "closed-loop feedback systems." Figure 4-4 shows an
engineering model applied to motor control. An engineering
model of a feedback system is consistent with the neuroana­
tomy of the simplest and most studied reflex: the stretch
reflex. In the stretch reflex, muscle stretch activates afferent
sensory infonnation from muscle spindle receptors. The sen­
sory information feeds directly back to cause contraction of
Afferent Efferent the muscles that hold the spindles, thus closing the loop and
SenSOlY Motor
INPUTS OUTPUTS reducing the spindles' firing (see Fig. 2, p. l31 in
(1'",_1 Elderedll ). The reduction of the sensory receptor's firing cre­
ates a negative feedback signal, as represented by the nega­
tive sign (-) in Figure 4-4. In this negative feedback model,
the aim of the nervous system is to control the activation of
Spinal cord sensory receptors that respond to external disturbances.
From this engineering model comes very useful and popular
motor control terminology, including "feedback," "gain,"

( J + ( J + ( J+ ( J "phase." and "stability." Later versions of the reflex model

include complex nested and hierarchically arranged reflex
loops. 12.13
I SklnI I I I I I
Muscle Joints Special senses What clinical implications can be drawn from the
basic assumptions of the reflex model? One implication is
c~. Fig. 4-3. Reflex model of motor control. that if therapists could identify the entire set of reflexes act-

Assumptions Underlying Motor Control for Neurologic Rehabilitation 13

·'1.1.. ::II1
Stimulus( patory, or "feedforward," con­
extemal trol. Figure 4-4 shows a simpli­
.'~ ------, I
disturbance fied engineering model of how
goals (reference signals) and an­
I Input
ticipatory control (feedforward)
I can be added to the closed-loop
Error _ _ _~-;;;;-I Force control. The closed-loop reftex
signal 1--3"; Velocity system is represented by the
eta. solid arrows showing how a
stimulus to the system (an exter­
nal disturbance) destabilizes the
steady state position, force, and
" : velocity of the output, which ac­
tivates sensory systems. The re­
signal sponses to the stimulus feed sig­
nals back to the motor neurons
Fig. 4-4. Engineering model of a closed-loop negative feedback system for control of that then restabilize body posi­
movements (solid arrows). Addition of reference and feedforward signals allows movement in tion, force, and velocity and de­
anticipation of sensory input (dashed arrows).
activate the sensory systems. For
a particular magnitude of sens­
ing in their patients, they would understand their patients' ory feedback. the gain of the system determines the magni­
motor control and thus could predict the quality of motor tude of motor output, where gain is the ratio of output to
function. In fact, the assumption that reftexes reftect motor input. A "high gain of the stretch reftex" is a popular model
control is used each time a therapist attempts to identify re­ for spasticity (see Craik in this volume).
ftexes controlling movement in newboms and in brain-in­ In the closed-loop model, if the feedback loop is inter­
jured persons. 14.1S Another implication is that when thera­ rupted, as by deafferentation described above. movements
pists appropriately stimulate patients, they can elicit can only come about by internally generated open-loop con­
stereotyped reflex responses. This is apparent when thera­ trol. In fact, because the feedback loop requires considerable
pists attempt to elicit righting reftexes by tipping a tilt board time, many rapid movements are complete before sensory
and eliciting neck reftex responses by turning the patient's feedback can inftuence them.23 Movements are generated
head,.as reftected in White's16 description of a therapist's centrally (reference signal), and this central command to
evaluation of a cerebral palsied child: "The therapist ob­ move is then compared with sensory feedback signals record­
serves the child's response to sensory stimuli by moving him ing the actual movement. Comparing desired and actual
from one position to another . . . ." movement variables is thought to be an important role of the
Another implication of the reftex model, which is im­ cerebellum.24 Because not only centrally generated goals but
portant for physical therapy intervention, is that therapists also an external stimulus can inftuence motor output, this
need to be skilled at stimulating "good" reftexes that cause engineering model can, more easily than a strict feedback
normal movements and skilled at inhibiting ·'bad" reftexes model, account for the functional adaptability seen in re­
that interfere with normal movement. For example, when tip­ ftexes. 2S For example, Traub et al26 describe a "sherry glass
ping a prone child over a ball, a therapist looks for normal adaptation of the stretch reftex" as subjects respond differ­
righting and equilibrium reftexes while inhibiting tonic ex­ ently to thumb displacements when the basic stretch reftex
tensor and neck reftexes,l1 could break a sherry glass.
The limitations of the reftex model, summarized in the Feedforward control, in which the internal motor com­
left column of Table 4-1, became apparent very earJy when mand initiates motor output in advance of sensory feedback,
I: Sherrington's colleague, T. Graham Brown, showed that can help account for the fact that most movements are initi­
I movement was possible in deafferented animals without any ated before any sensory stimulus. X7 For example, before
sensory inputs to drive them. 18 Since then, Taub I9•20 has each heel strike in gait the gastrocnemius-soleus muscles
demonstrated that deafferented infant monkeys go through a contract in advance, in anticipation of their stretch. This an­
normal motor developmental sequenCe in learning tg crawl, ticipatory muscle activation accounts for '·missteps" when
walk, climb, and feed themselves without somatosensory stair height unpredictably changes, because slow feedback
feedback from the limbs. Polit and Bizzi21 have quantita-\ systems must substitute for the appropriately timed anticipa­
tively shown how monkeys, trained to make accurate arm tory activation. Even postural muscle activation, which was
movements to targets, maintain their accuracy following long thought to be due to equilibrium reftexes in response to
deafferentation, even without visual feedback. Also contrary vestibular and other sensory stimuli, has been shown to antic­
to the assumption that sensation is necessary for movement ipate accurately upcoroing sensory stimuli associated with
is the observation that human fetuses make movements in self-initiated limb movements. 28-30
the womb before making stimulus-induced responses. 22 Engineering models of feedforward control. however,
Other major limitations of the reftex model come from are inadequate to account for the many ways the brain mod­
its inability to incorporate two important concepts: 1) cen­ els and predicts characteristics ofits physical world. For ex­
trally generated goals, or "open-loop" control, and 2) antici­ ample, movement factors are tuned for efficiency by stored,

14 Contemporary Management of Motor Problems

prior experience with task perfOl'll1allCe; by initial
biomechanical conditions; by cognitive information and ex­
pectations; and by intrinsic knowledge of body and environ­
mental dynamics. 31
ParietaJ Cortex)

Hierarchical Model of Motor Control

J ~
The hierarchical model of motor control was first artic­
ulated by the English neurologist, Sir Huglings Jackson, in
PROJECTION 1932.32,33 This model forms the basis of clinical neurology
(Brain stem, today. In the model. control of movement is organized hier­
Motor Cortex} archically from lowest levels in the spinal cord, to intermedi­
ate levels in the brain stem, to highest levels in the cortex
(Fig. 4-5). In contrasi to the peripheralist view of the reflex
model in which sensory stimuli drive movements, the
SEGMENTAL hierarehical model holds a "centralisf' view in which normal
," MOTOR movements are driven by motor programs that specify
LOWLEVEL muscle activation patterns issued from within the nervous
(Splnal Cord} system. Reflexive movements only dominate after injury to
higher centers, as from stroke or cerebral palsy, as a result of
lack of higher-level control onto lower-level, primitive re­
,REFLEXES, " flexes.

I The hierarehical model, which clearly separates high­
level, voluntary control and low-level, reflexive control, has
dominated western philosophy ever since Descartes. 34
Voluntary movements are initiated internally by the will,
Fig. 4-5. Hierarchical model of motor control. (Adapted from with specific goals in mind, and are manifested in an infinite
Pfiillips and Porter,35 Fig. 1.4.)

high level

Voluntary Control Protective & Equilibrium


Excitatory & Inhibitory Righting Reactions


Tonic Reflexes Tonic Neck Reflexes

Brain stem

Stretch Reflexes
Primitive Reflexes

IOW level
Spinal Cord

,,~ As. 4-6. Stepwise levels of control of muscle tone and equilibrium using a hierarchical model of motor control.

Assumptions Underlying Motor Control for Neurologic Rehabilitation

variety of fonns, depending on the purpose of the move­
ment. In contrast, reflex movements are initiated by sensory
stimuli in a fixed relation between the intensity and fonn of
the stimuli and the intensity and fonn of the response. More
recent views of the hierarchical model allow for many levels
of control from the "most automatic" at the lowest levels to
the "least automatic" at the highest levels.3s They also in­
clude complex control in which information from lower lev­
els can affect higher levels.
The clinical implications of the hierarchical model of
motor control are familiar to therapists today. Many nervous
system lesions are considered to disrupt high-level control of
lower level reflexes that then dominate movements. When
lower-level, primitive reflexes are released, higher-level co­
ordinated movement patterns are "blocked." "Reflexive reac­
tions that are retained beyond the point at which they should
have been integrated block the nonnal differentiation of
movement."36 Therefore, a reasonable goal for therapeutic
intervention is to identify and to prevent primitive reflexes
from taking over (eg, to eliminate dominance by tonic neck Fig. 4-7. Systems model of motor control.
reflexes so that higher-level, equilibrium reactions can be in
control) and to reduce hyperactive stretch reflexes so that
higher-level, coordinated movements are allowed. 17 to sensory stimuli vary functionally in response to paw per­
The stepwise levels of control in a hierarchy imply a turbation in order to maintain gait.2S These variations are
stepwise sequence of motor recovery and motor develop­ flexible adaptations to phases of the step cycle, called phase
ment from lower levels to higher levels (Fig. 4-6). The de­ dependent reflexes.
velopment of both muscle tone and postural equilibrium Another limitation of the hierarchical model is its as­
have been described as steplike stages from primitive, spinal sumption that motor development naturally follows a step­
level control to mature, cortical control as described by wise progression from reflexively driven to internally com­
White. 16 "Primitive reflexes are the most immature re­ manded movements. Studies, however, have shown that
sponses; as maturation occurs, the infant begins to inhibit motor development does not follow such a progression. In
these reflexes and to develop righting reactions. As further fact, learning to reach, kick, and walk appears to begin with
maturation of the CNS occurs, the infant develops equilibr­ predictive, self-generated movements that eventually be­
ium reactions. "16 come increasingly responsive to ongoing sensory feed­
Treatment progressions are often designed to progress back.40-42
from the most automatic, lower levels controlled by thera­ A major limitation of the hierarchical model is its in­
peutic sensory stimulation to the least automatic, higher lev­ ability to account for the increasingly blurred distinction be­
els voluntarily controlled, such as skilled tasks. A related tween voluntary and reflex control. Every volitional move­
clinical implication of the hierarchical model is that motor ment has associated with it automatic synergistic activity
flexibility comes only from the highest levels. Therefore, and postural adjustments that subjects are unaware of. Many
therapists aim to help patients move out of low-level, stereo­ volitional actions are often adjusted automatically by sens­
typed patterns to high-level control of individual joints and ory feedback. Likewise, volition can influence reflex re­
muscles. sponses to sensory stimuli. For example, responses to arm
The hierarchical model of motor control is useful in perturbations can be modified by instructions to let go or re­
the clinic. For example, low-level reflexes are used to help sist.43 Even the monosynaptic stretch reflex can be modified
identify the approximate location of neural lesions and to by training in monkeys and humans. 44
help predict to what extent a patient will recover from severe Another major limitation of the hierarchical model is
brain damage. However, the limitations of the hierarchical its inability to handle the observation that muscle activation
model of motor control, summarized in the middle column patterns and the characteristic kinematic patterns of move­
of Table 4-1, become apparent in attempting to explain re­ ment are not always correlated. How can a person write his
cent and classic observations of motor behavior. For exam­ name on a small piece of paper using finger and wrist mus­
ple, so-called low levels of control, like the spinal cord, ap­ cles and on a large blackboard using shoulder and trunk mus­
propriately dominate motor control in some situations, such cles and still have a recognizably distinct, kinematic ally
as the withdrawal reflex to pain. Control by lower-level unique signature? It is unlikely the brain has enough neurons
spinal centers can be seen most dramatically in paraplegic to specify in the nervous system every unique muscle activa­
cats that can walk on treadmills despite total transections pre­ tion pattern for every movement a person will ever gener­
venting any control from higher centers. 37-39 Very sophisti­ ate. 4S Thus the systems model evolved to account for the
cated, coordinated locomotor movement patterns, such as question of the potentially infinite generation of movement
walking, trotting, galloping, scratching, and shaking, appear patterns: How can the nervous system systematically control
not to require control from the top down. In fact, responses

16 Contemporary Management of Motor Problems

so many degrees offreedom of motion without prescribing
tions. 51 Because many normal muscle activation patterns
the details of muscle activation pattern?
could accomplish one task goal, therapists who use a
systems model are trying to help the nervous system learn to
Systems Model of Motor Control
solve motor deficits in a variety of ways rather than activat­
The systems model of motor control was initiated as ing a particular muscle activation pattern. 1 Motor deficits fol­
early as the reflex and hierarchical models, but it has its lowing brain damage are assumed not only to reflect lack of
roots in the socialistic-heterarchical system ofeastern Eu­ neural control but also to reflect the best attempt by remain­
rope where it was first proposed in 1932 by a Russian neurol­ ing systems to accomplish task goals despite the injured sys­
ogist, Nicoli Bemstein. Not until 1967 was Bernstein's the­ tems. As Gordon 1 states, this is "looking at the deficit as a
ory translated into English. 45 According to the systems compensatory strategy ... as a learned movement pat­
model, movements are not peripherally or centrally driven tern ...."
but emerge as a result of an interaction among many sys­ A clinical advantage of the systems model is that it can
teins, each contributing to different aspects of control. As account for the flexibility and adaptability of motor behavior
illustrated in the systems model in Figure 4-7, there are no in a variety ofenvironmental conditions. In the systems
higher and lower levels of control because there are many model, both functional goals and environmental constraints
systems that distribute control at the same level. The control are thought to play a major role in determining movement.
of movement includes neurologic systems for comparing, Thus the same stimulus can result in very different move­
commanding, and recording motor control not only inside ments and different stimuli can result in similar movements.
the nervous system but also in systems outside the nervous For example. the same tap on the shoulder will elicit a differ­
system, such as the musculoskeletal system and the environ­ ent response if it is felt while anticipating arrival of a missed
ment. Thus motor control is achieved through functions regu­ love one compared with feeling it while walking down a
lating motor control for different types of movements in dif­ dark alley. The Challenge for the therapist is to identify fun­
ferent environments. ctional goals in motor tasks and to adapt environmental con­
As sbown in the right-hand column of Table 4-1. a straints to reduce the degrees of freedom that must be con­
major assumption of the systems· model is that the nervous trolled by the nervous system.
system is organized to control the end points of motor behav­ Umitations of the systems model of motor control in­
ior: the accomplishment of task goals. According to the clude 1) definitions and 2) testability of the model. There are
systems model, normal movements are coordinated not be­ many different models of motor control that include
cause of muscle activation patterns prescribed by sensory assumptions of the systems model, such as the dynamic ac­
pathways or by central programs but because strategies of tion theory, 52 the ecological approach, 53 the neural network
motion emerge from interaction of the systems; they emerge theory,54 the task-oriented approach, 55 the action sys­
to limit the degrees of freedom over which the nervous sys­ tems,56,S7 and the reafference principle. 58 However, there is
tem exerts control. Therefore, control is not over muscles or no consensus on terminology and definitions of terms. Thus
sensory receptors, like in the reflex model, or over muscle the evolution of the systems model and its clinical applica­
activation patterns, like in the hierarchical model, but over tions are hampered by researchers' and therapists' attempts
abstract aspects of motor behavior, such as the relations to understand each other. For example, because words like
among kinematic variables and the accomplishment of task "strategy" and "coordination" have different meanings to dif­
goals. Many current studies of motor control are attempting ferent scientists, it is difficult to compare results from scien­
to define the invariant relationships constraining kinematic tific studies and clinical applications. Until a basic set of
and dynamic variables that may represent control strategies motor control terms and motor problems for the nervous sys­
the nervous system uses to control the many degrees of free­ tem are defined and tentatively agreed on, the search for the
dom as hypothesized by Bernstein. 4649 underlying neural mechanisms remains problematic.
Another assumption of the systems model is that the Another limitation of the systems model is that be­
nervous system adapts to and predicts constraints placed on cause the model is abstract and motor control is so distrib­
movement by the physical laws associated with the uted, it is difficult to relate individual theoretical component
musculoskeletal system and its environment. so By continu­ systems to neuroanatomy. Thus, it is difficult to test the
ally comparing anticipated and actual interactions with the model with the traditional approach of making nervous sys­
world, the nervous system constantly modifies its model to tem lesions and determining which aspects of control are
realize the most effective, kinematically efficient means to lacking.
accomplish task goals.
Clinical implications of the systems model include the NEUROLOGIC REHABILITATION MODELS
assumption that movements are organized around behavioral Physical therapy needs well-defined models of neuro­
goals. Thus, it becomes critical to work on identifiable, func­ logic rehabilitation that outline the aims of the therapeutic
tional tasks rather than on eliciting reflexes or motor patterns intervention in physiologic and functional tems. These clini­
in isolation. Given the systems model assumption that cal models need to reflect the current state ofscientific
normal movement strategies represent appropriate interac­ knowledge in many areas, including motor control, motor
tion with musculoskeletal and environmental constraints. learning, recovery of function, nervous system plasticity,
therapists attempt to assess and manipulate those constraints, psychology, and sociology. The therapist's responsibility is
such as by having tasks practiced in a variety of postures and to develop. modify, test, and determine the usefulness of
under varying surface, visual, and biomechanical condi­ these models. The usefulness of a therapeutic rehabilitation

Assumptions Underlying Motor Control for Neurologic Rehabilitation 17

, I11I
Table 4-2. General Aims and Dissatisfaction of Neurologic Rehabilitation Models
'il!I~, therapeutic Aims
Muscle Re-education Neurotherapeutic Facilitation Contemporary Task-oriented
Isolate muscle actions by focusing Facilitate normal movement patterns Practice ability to achieve task goals
on individual muscles with proprioceptive inputs Teach motor problem solving (je,
Maximize strength and use of motor Modify CNS from the experience of adaptability to contexts)
units remaining normal movement patterns learn strategies to coordinate
Avoid secondary complications and Fractionalize movements by efficient, effective behaviors
compensatory patterns breaking up abnormal synergies Develop effective compensations
Teach functional activities Inhibit abnormal tone and primitive
I· Use musculoskeletal and
Provide orthopedic support reflexes environmental constraints
Do not allow CNS to learn abnormal
movement patterns
Muscle Re-education Neurotherapeutic Facilitation Contemporary Task-oriented
CNS plasticity not considered No carryover to functional activities Hard to quantify effective, efficient
Cannot isolate muscle action in Patients are passive recipients compensations
upper motor neuron lesions Does not take into account less "hands-on," too "cognitive"
Not lack of muscle activation but musculoskeletal and environmental How to retrain anticipatory control
abnormal patterns often a problem effects and use of prior experience
Inhibition of primative reflexes does Hard to provide time-consuming
not release normal movements practice of skills

mOdel is defined by 1) practical outcomes, that is, the docu­ aims of each neurologic rehabilitation model and therapists'
mentation of improvement from intervention and 2) how dissatisfaction with each model, as summarized in Table 4-2.
well it helps therapists to ask useful questions in their analyz­
ing the motor deficiencies in neurologically impaired pa­ Muscle Re-education Model of Therapeutic &ercise
tients and developing effective therapeutic interventions. The muscle re-education model was advocated by Sis­
Assumptions underlying neurologic rehabilitation models ter Kenny for the treatment of those suffering from
provide therapists with physiologic and functional goals as poliomyelitis, during the 19408 and early 1950s. Before this
they develop detailed treatment techniques. time, neurologicaUy impaired patients passively waited in
Different neurotherapeutic techniques, such as neu­ bed for months to discover the permanent results of a ner­
rodevelopment treatment,59 proprioceptive neuromuscular fa­ vous system injury. Sister Kenny believed that patients
cilitation,60 and the motor learning approach,61 are based on should actively participate in their own rehabilitation and
different motor control assumptions from the reflex, hierar­ would benefit more from activity than bed rest. The muscle
chical, and systems models. However, the most common re-education model was based not on a neurophysiological
therapeutic techniques depend on one of three neurologic re­ model of motor control but on knowledge of gross muscle
habilitation models: 1) the muscle re-education model; 2) the anatomy and on faith in human willpower. Activity as the
facilitation model; and 3) the task-oriented, or systems­ cornerstone of neurologic rehabilitation has scientifically
based, model. (This contemporary task-oriented model of been ratified many times since it was espoused.
neurological rehabilitation has been called a motor-control In neurophysiologic terms, the muscle re-education
or motor-learning model by some. 1,61,62) Each model con­ model asserts that the nervous system's goal in motor con­
sists of a different set of assumptions about the general physi­ trol is to activate individual muscles and individual motor
ologic aims of therapy and the control of movement in neu­ units. Not unlike in some technologically sophisticated
rologically impaired patients. biofeedback approaches today, therapists using the muscle
Each therapeutic rehabilitation model is useful in as­ re-education model assume that subjects can consciously
sessing aspects of neurologic damage and in developing spe­ channel their neural energy to activate individual muscles
cific therapeutic exercises. They are not completely indepen­ when provided appropriate feedback. Therefore, as summa­
dent of one another, but they build on and depend on one rized in the left-hand column of Table 4-2, one goal ofther­
another. However, each therapeutic rehabilitation model in­ apy is to strengthen motor units remaining in muscles weak­
fluences how the therapist perceives the motor control prob­ ened by the disease. Another goal of therapy is to help the
lems in patients. The next section discusses the therapeutic patient avoid secondary complications and ineffective, ineffi­
cient compensatory movement patterns. Movement, rather

18 Contemporary Management of Motor Problems

tban bed rest, increases circulation and cardiac function, sponses and then to voluntary fractionalization of isolated
thus preventing unnecessary muscle wasting, joint contrac~ movements.
tures, and skin ulcers. Because muscles are often only tem­ The neurotherapeutic model assumes that the gradual
porarily weakened by the poliomyelitic virus, therapists progression from lower- level reflexes to higher-level volun­
teach patients to avoid compensatory movement patterns so tary movements, characteristic of motor development and of
that when the muscles regain strength, the compensatory patients' recoveries from nervous system injuries, may be re­
movements are not retained. Once the acute phase of poli~ versed in difficult or stressful situations. "Responses can spi­
myelitis passes, the basic assumption is that nothing more ral upward or downward depending on the ability to inte­
can be done to change the nervous system or muscles. As a grate sensory stimuli in a given situation. The normal adult
result, patients are provided orthopedic supports, such as may revert to more primitive responses in stress situa­
braces and crotches, to allow functional activities, such as in­ tions. "16 This model also assumes that the persistence of
dependent ambulation. 63,64 primitive reflexes at certain developmental ages or at certain
Dissatisfaction with the muscle re-education model stages of recovery blocks nonnal movement.
grew when therapists tried to apply the model to a wide
range of neurological disorders after the poliomyeletis epi­ Clinicians generally accept that the motor deficit in cerebral
demic was conlrolled in the mid-1950s. Therapists found it palsy is characterized by persistence and dominance of primi­
impossible to get patients with hemiplegia, cerebral palsy, tive reflexes. rrJhis state of affairs, in tum, interferes with
and Parkinson's disease to isolate muscle activity. Therapists the appearance and activity of more mature postural adjust­
ment reactions, and hence, with the accomplishments of suc­
found these patients' lesions resulted in abnormal muscle ac­ cessive stages of motor development. 11
tivation patterns rather than muscle weakness. Fmding mus­
cle re--education less and less useful, therapists investigated A major but as yet untested assumption of the facilita­
the neurophysiological models of motor conlrol and found tion approach is that the nervous system can be modified to
hope that their therapeutic intervention could be aimed at the control movements more effectively if it experiences normal
nervous system rather than at the final motor output: the movement patterns guided by skilled therapists. Because the
muscles. nervous system can learn abnormal as well as normal move­
Facilitation Model of Therapeutic Rehabilitation ment patterns, patients treated from the facilitation approach
are not encouraged to begin functional activities, such as
In the 19508, the facilitation model of neurologic reha­ walking, too early in fear that abnormal, compensatory pat­
bilitation as developed by therapists and physicians, includ­ terns may become ingrained.
ing Karl and Berta Bobath,59.65 Kabat et al,66 Knott and Dissatisfaction with the facilitation model, as summa­
VosS,60 Knott, 67 Stockmeyer, 68 and Brunnstrom. 10 They rized in the middle column of Table 4-2, comes both from
looked to the neurophysiological models of motor conlrol clinical frustrations and from lack of incorporation of new
available at the time (eg, Payton et al@) to develop therapeu~ knowledge about neurophysiology into the reflex and hierar­
tic techniques aimed at affecting the nervous system itself chical motor control models. Therapists express frustration
rather than altering the secondary effects of nervous system with the lack of carryover of the facilitated normal move­
damage on muscles, joints, skin, and behavior. ment patterns into functional activities of daily living: 1)1~­
Based on the reflex and hierarchical models of motor pists find that even when their efforts are successful m inhib­
control, facilitation approaches assume that nervous system iting a tonic neck reflex and facilitating a normal .righting
lesions result in a lack of higher-level conlrol over move­ reaction in the prone position across a ball, there IS no guar­
ments and a release of primitive and abnormal reflexes at antee that this success will carry over to improved balance
lower levels. According to Bobath,65 in cerebral palsy the le­ in walking or will improve the patient's ability to respond ef­
sion results in lack of inhibition, in primitive total patterns, fectively to a stumble. Human beings are motivated by func­
and in insufficiently developed postural reflex mechanisms. tional, task goals, such as "} want to walk" or "I want to be
Facilitation approaches also assume that abnormal movement able to feed myself." It is difficult to convince patients to
patterns are the direct result of the neural lesions. They fail work on movement patterns isolated from the functional
to consider the combined effects of neural, nonneural, and tasks. It is also getting more difficult to convince second
musculoskeletallirnitations and of the patient's attempts to party payers to finance therapy aimed at normalizing move­
compensate for the lesion. ment patterns, because it is more difficult to document .
The primary neurophysiologic aims of the facilitation changes in quality of movement than in functional hehaVlors.
model are to 1) facilitate normal movement patterns and 2) A second dissatisfying feature of the facilitation model
inhibit abnormal tone and primitive reflexes. Therapists at­ is that patients are often passive recipients of the therapy or
tempt this facilitation and inhibition by providing appropriate are at least not encouraged to voluntarily assist in the process
proprioceptive feedback with a hands-on approach of guid­ of recovery. Sensory stimuli, initiated by the therapist, is
ing movement patterns. Cutaneous, vestibular, muscle vibra­ used to facilitate or inhibit responses from the patients. The
tion, and temperature changes have also been advocated to model treats the nervous system as passively awaiting modifi­
recruit muscle activation. 70 Because the neurofacilitation cation by the therapist rather than as actively working to de­
model is based on the reflex and hierarchical models, thera­ termine its own perceptions and actions. It is critical to ~e re­
peutic intervention starts at the lowest level by stimulating re­ covery process for patients to become involved and feel ~
flex responses and then progresses next to automatic re­ charge of their own rehabilitation and health. Neurophysl~

Assumptions Underlying Motor Control for Neurologic Rehabilitation 19

logical studies have shown that passive experience is not that disappearance of the so-called reflex stepping is not due
equivalent to actively driven sensory experience for neural to maturation of higher-level nervous system mechanisms
plasticity. For example, Hein and Held73 showed that visual but simply is due to a musculoskeletal limitation: increased
stimulation at a critical age of development of visual motor weight of the infants' legs such that muscle strength is tem­
pathways in kittens is only effective ifexperienced during ac­ porarily inadequate to lift the legs against gravity. 76
tive locomotion, not during passive exposure while riding in Many therapists are frustrated with limitations on the
a gondola. The motor learning literature also indicates that types of questions they can ask of their patients' motor prob­
learning motor skills, such as a tennis serve, is better accom­ lems, given the facilitation model. They are reconsidering
plished by practicing that very goal-directed task with regu­ the impact of the periphery, such as the muscles, joints, and
lar. cognitive information regarding knowledge of results postoral alignment, and the environment on the movement
rather than by passively observing others or by practicing patterns that their patients demonstrate. They are becoming
small components of the movement pattern in isolation from interested in defining success in therapy by accomplishing
the task itself.72 Although most therapists do not go to the ex­ very practical task goals, not only improving movement pat­
tremes of Doman Delacatto's passive body manipulations, terns. They are looking to neurophysiological research from
called patteming, the traditional facilitation approaches as­ the more recent 40 years for new ways to ask questions
sume that therapeutic treatment starts only when the thera­ about motor control and intervention.
pist uses his hands on the patient to facilitate movements. Neuroscientists also are frustrated with the limitations
A third dissatisfaction with the facilitation model is placed on the types of questions they can ask of motor con­
that it does not take into account the complex interactions of trol given the reflex and hierarchical models. They also are
the musculoskeletal system and the environment. In an ef­ reconsidering what limitations are placed on movement by
fort to free itself from the muscle re-education focus on the the musculoskeletal system and how the nervous system be­
periphery, the facilitation model assumes that the nervous comes aware ofand takes advantage of these limitations.
system lesion is responsible for abnormal movement pat­ They are becoming concerned about the nervous system's
terns. Thus treatment is aimed almost solely at the nervous control of complex behaviors and the accomplishment of
system. It is now known that prolonged activation of mus­ task goals, not only the control of isolated muscles and
cles in unusual or abnormal patterns causes profound joints. While a new systems model of motor control is evolv­
changes in the muscle biochemistry and passive elastic ele­ ing from the new types of questions neuroscientists ask, a
ments. In addition, neurologic ally impaired patients often new task-oriented model of neurologic rehabilitation also is
suffer orthopedic injuries as well as neural injuries or even evolving.
exhibit a variety of a priori musculoskeletal conditions that
necessarily influence their motor performance. Also, this Task-oriented Model of Neurologic Rehabilitation
model does not consider compensatory adjustments by the A new model of neurologic rehabilitation is evolving,
nervous system for joint range limitation, muscle strength, based on past models (reflex, hierarchical) as well as on
pain, and postural alignment. more recent models (systems) of how the brain controls
Like the musculoskeletal limitations, the environment movement. It is applying some concepts of motor control so
places limitations on what is possible in movement. For ex­ new that there is not yet a scientific consensus of their termi­
ample, movement patterns that are grossly abnormal may nology, definitions, or usefulness. It is trying to incorporate
look much more graceful in water because weakness pre­ concepts of motor control that have been well accepted in
vents sufficient resistance to gravity. 74 Therapists need to neuroscience but that have not yet been included in a model
consider the effects that support from their hands gives to of neurologic rehabilitation. The task-oriented model incor­
their patients by providing external stability, realigning porates current neurophysiological findings because many
joints, and reducing the degree of freedom in the "normaliza­ therapists who are developing the rehabilitation model are
tion" of movement patterns. Some therapists using the also neuroscientists specializing in motor control. And many
facilitation model limit their clinical intervention to the of the neuroscientists are contributors to the n STEP confer­
hands-on approach. Patients, however, need to control ence. In fact, the conference itself is an important part of the
normal movements ultimately in nonclinical environments development of the contemporary approaches to neurologi­
without the therapists' guiding hands. cal rehabilitation.
I Another dissatisfaction with the facilitation model is Unlike the muscle re-education or the facilitation mod­
that normal movement patterns are not automatically re­
leased, even when therapists feel successful at inhibiting
els, the task-oriented model does not assume that therapeutic
influence on motor control should be aimed only peripher­
1,1 abnormal tone and primitive reflexes that presumably ally at the musculoskeletal system and environment or only
H "block" movement. In fact, patients who could accomplish a centrally at the nervous system. It targets both peripheral
i! .
task such as locomotion or balancing on a tilt board using and central systems. From the systems model ofmotor con­
abnormal, low-level patterns may completely be unable to trol, the task-oriented model assumes that control of move­
accomplish the task when these so-called primitive patterns ment is organized around goal-directed, functional behaviors
! l are not allowed. There is no real evidence that inhibition of rather than on muscles or movement patterns (see the right­
primitive reflex patterns promotes motor development or hand column in Table 4-2). As Carr and Shepardn state, in
recovery. In fact, the research of Thelen and associates75 has the treatment of the brain-damaged adult the major factor in
shown that promotion of primitive stepping in infants results this learning process is identification of the goal. Therefore,
',~ in earlier independent locomotion. She has demonstrated one of the major neurophysiological aims of the task-ori­

20 Contemporary Management of Motor Problems

the practice of new motor skills occurs outside of structured
Normal Movement therapy ses~io~. Because the ~ervous system always seeks
Strategies to accomp~lsh. unportant behavloral goals with whatever sys­
tems remam, Important goals of the task-oriented approach
Behavioral Musculoskeletal are to identify and develop useful compensatory strategies
Goals Constraints and to help patients discard less useful, less efficient strate­
gies .
. . E'~en while the task-ori~n~ ?lodel of neurological re­
Environmental Central Set habilitation evolves, several lImitations to its clinical useful­
Adaptation Predictive Control ness are becoming apparent. Although it is easier to quantify
task accomplishment (how far the patient walks) than move­
ment patterns, valid measures to quantify efficiency and ef­
Compensatory fectiveness of motor behavior have yet to be developed. An­
other limitation for many therapists is the reduced emphasis
Fig. 4-8. Examples of tyeurophysiologicaJ concepts of motor on hands-on techniques and the increased emphasis on cogni­
control yet to be applIed adequately in clinical rehabilitation. tive information provided to patients. Severely involved pa­
tients with neurological impairment will not be able to make
good use of cognitive information regarding task goals and
ented model is to teach patients to accomplish goals for func­ knowledge of results, and few of us can doubt the well­
tional tasks, such as walking and rising from a chair. Be­ known power of a healer's touch on psychosocial aspects of
cause the same task may be accomplished effectively with a behavior·. A major but, hopefully, temporary limitation of
wide variety of movement patterns, therapists do not limit the task-oriented approach to neurologic rehabilitation is that
training to one "normal" movement pattern but allow pa­ it has identified many more motor control problems than
tients to learn alternative movement strategies to coordinate there are specific therapeutic exercises developed to treat
motor behaviors as efficiently as possible. "Voluntary mo­ those problems.
tion uses many different synergies and there may be a great The next section summarizes some examples of im­
variety of synergies in anyone child for the same task. In portant concepts of motor control that have inadequately
time he chooses the most effective pattern. ''78 Because the been applied to rehabilitation of neurologic ally impaired pa­
same task must be accomplished differently every time the tients.
environmental situation changes slightly (eg, the presence or
absence of ann supports on a chair for arising to stand, the
height of a step in stair climbing), therapists do not try to fa­
cilitate normal movement patterns for every possible situa­ Any models of neurologic rehabilitation that therapists
tion but try to help teach the nervous system how to solve adopt should allow them to solve problems of motor behav­
those types of motor problems by practicing tasks in a wide ior deficits and to design effective therapeutic treatments.
variety of environments. Many neurophysiological concepts of motor control are
Because the nervous system is not a passive recipient available that have yet to be adequately applied and tested in
of sensory stimuli but actively seeks to control its own per­ the clinical evaluation and treatment of neurologically im­
ceptions and actions, the patient must actively and voluntar­ paired patients (Fig. 4-8). These concepts can be useful in al­
ily practice motor performance motivated by the goal of ac­ lowing therapists to ask insightful questions about motor def­
complishing specific tasks. Because the voluntary and icits in their patients.
automatic systems are thought to be very interrelated, pa­
Behavioral Coals
tients are encouraged to assist voluntarily in accomplishing a
motor behavior with the therapists' encouragement. Thera­ For what task-goals does the nervous system organize
pists can also provide verbal information to patients who are motor activity? Does the nervous system identify the critical
capable of using it, including information about results of goals needed to accomplish the task effectively and effi-·
their actions so they can improve performance. Because dif­ ciently? Are the therapists' and patients' goals for the task
ferent sensory systems are not thought to be immutably con­ the same? For example, if a therapist asks a patient to shift
nected to specific muscle patterns, sensory feedback and his center of mass to the limits of stability in order to reach
knowledge of results are provided to the patients by the ther­ for a distant object, the goal of the patient's nervous system
apists from every possible source including proprioceptive, may be to keep his center of mass far from the funits of
cutaneous, auditory, and visual sources. stability. In that case, the therapist may not be able to elicit
Because the nervous system is thought to be adapting the desired movements, and the patient may not be able to
continually dynamically to its environment and musculoskel­ accomplish the task.
etal constraints, therapists attempt to manipulate those envi­ The behavioral goals around which movements are or­
ronmental and musculoskeletal systems to allow efficient, ganized are not often obvious or available to conscious
purposeful motor behaviors. The nervous system will be ex­ awareness. Although we may be aware of the conscious goal
posed to its own bodily environment many more hours a day to reach for a cup of coffee. we may be unaware of the pow­
than the environment that includes therapists' hands; there­ erful goals of our nervous system to "not fall down" and to
fore, therapists must design intervention in which much of "stabilize the cup with reference to gravity" to avoid spilling

Assumptions Underlying Motor Control for Neurologic Rehabilitation 21

the coffee. Therapists need to appreciate the powerful organ­ poor ankle control, and inadequate toe clearance to the ex­
izing influence of goals that underlie behavioral tasks and tent that independent ambulation is now impossible. Of
need to use them to their therapeutic advantage. To work on course, therapists must decide whether their patients have
successful reaching, for example, the therapist could first found the most effective, efficient compensatory movement
work on the goal of moving the center of mass near the lim­ strategies or if therapeutic intervention, including external
, lil its of stability by making the patient consciously aware of biomechanical supports, could improve function and quality
this goal and by providing adequate infonnation, such as ver­ of movement.
! I" bally and proprioceptively with biofeedback, regarding the
:! Musculoskeletal Constraints
patient's success in realizing this goal.
How much of the motor deficit in a neurological pa­
Normal Movement Strategies tient is due to deficits in the musculoskeletal system rather
What are the primary organizing principles of a than to neural constraints? Should therapists substitute exter­
normal movement strategy? What are the critical constraints nal biomechanical supports, such as braces or crutches, for
preventing nonnal movement strategies in the patient? Can inadequate control of the musculoskeletal system?
therapists alter the constraints or help patients find an alterna­ In the traditional facilitation approaches, therapy fo­
tive movement strategy to accomplish a task? cuses on changing the nervous system, and motor deficits
A movement strategy is a large scale plan for how to are seen to be due to lack of neural control. Because the
accomplish a task goal artfully. 79 Normal movement pat­ therapists' goal is to normalize neural control of movement
terns are beginning to be defined by their artful control of patterns rather than to maximize task accomplishment with
multiple degrees of freedom by keeping certain variable con­ compensatory strategies, biomechanical supports are with­
stants such as the ratio of multijoint forces"',79,80 or the ratio held as long as there is hope of the return of nonnal neural
of joint velocities81 control. In the task-oriented approach, the musculoskeletal
The inability to execute a normal movement strategy system is considered a critical element of control in motor
may be due to a wide variety of neural and biomechanical coordination. As a result, major effort must be placed, if pos­
constraints (see Horak et al for a review 82). For example, the sible, on identifying and correcting constraints placed on
simple task of bending forward at the waist while standing movement by deficits in the musculoskeletal system. For ex­
involves smooth coordination between the hip and ankle ample, a therapist must determine whether excessive motion
joints in which a 4: 1 ratio is maintained to keep the center of at the hips in stance and gait in a patient with hemiplegia is
mass over the base of foot support. 49•83 If patients fall for­ due to 1) "proximal instability" from poor neural control of
ward when attempting this task because they are not main­ the hip muscles or 2) a compensatory strategy in which the
taining this hip-to-ankle ratio, 1) is it because of limited mus­ center of body mass is controlled by hip motions to compens­
cle strength or joint range at the ankles that could be altered ate for reduced strength or range at the ankle joint. If the ex­
by therapeutic intervention or 2) must a new movement strat­ cessive hip motions are a compensation secondary to muscu­
egy be found for accomplishing the task, such as flexion at loskeletal constraints at the ankle, early bracing of the ankle
the knees? By recognizing the critical elements the nervous should help reduce hip motions.
system needs to control to accomplish a task and the types of
constraints preventing this control, therapists can more eas­ Environmental Adaptation
ily decide whether and how to work for a normal movement How must a movement strategy adapt to accomplish a
strategy or an alternative movement strategy. task in a new environmental context? How can therapists
teach their patients how to solve motor problems related to
Compensatory Strategies the adaptation of their movement strategies to new condi­
What aspects of the abnormal movement strategies tions?
used by neurologically impaired patients are due to the pri­ The environment places severe constraints on move­
mary lesion in the nervous system? What aspects are due to ment strategies by determining the physical conditions under
the natural compensation processes that attempt to maintain which movements are carried out and by limiting the avail­
behavioral functions despite the lesion? If therapists elimi­ ability of relevant sensory information for the task. The
I" nate the secondary compensation for a lesion, will the need normal nervous system naturally adapts to sudden changes
': to accomplish task goals be served? Have neurologically im­ in conditions by gradually changing the movement strategy,
paired patients found the most appropriate, efficient, and ef­ taking into account prior experience with environmental con­
fective compensatory strategy given constraints imposed by ditions, and continuously evaluating the relative success of
li,1 the damaged neural and musculoskeletal systems? its actions. 49.87 Neurologically impaired patients may have
For example, some of the movement strategies used lost the ability to adapt quickly to changes in environmental
by spastic hemiplegics to walk independently may not be conditions. 82.88 For example, elderly subjects require more
due to spasticity resulting from the neural lesion. They may trials to adapt their postural responses to new surface and
be due to compensatory strategies the patients use to allow visual conditions. 89
stance and swing requirements of gait, given their muscle Because it is impossible to facilitate a nonnal move­
weakness and poor multijoint coordination caused by the le­ ment pattem for every environmental condition neurologic­
sion.84-86 If this is true, elimination of some of the abnormal ally impaired patients may ever encounter, new approaches
movements, such as the stiff knee. toe support, and hip bik­ must be developed to teach these patients the process of suc­
ing, may result in a knee that buckles under their weight, cessful adaptation. Therapists need to determine whether par-

22 Contemporary Management of Motor Problems


BALANCE Perception of




Fig. 4-9. Assumptions underlying balance control based on the A. Neurotherapeutic Facilitation Model and the B. Contemporary
Task-oriented Model of neurologic rehabilitation.

ticular patients should avoid certain environments either be­ for sensory feedback to be used to update the system. For ex­
cause of their inability to adapt or because they lack ade­ ample, normal subjects but not cerebellar subjects scale the
quate alternative resources given restricted physical condi­ initial magnitude of their postural responses to expected dis­
tions or limited sensory infonnation. For example, if a placement Sizes,31.9S
patient lacks vestibular function, he will not be able to adapt Thempeutic approaches to help neurologically im­
to a situation in which there is inadequate infonnation from paired patients recover tl1eir ability to use predictive central
vision and somatosensation for postural orientation, and he set have yet to be developed, Therapists need to determine
would do well to avoid those situations to prevent falling. 82,90 whether therapeutic intervention can be effective for patients
who have lost the basic central set processes critical for
Central Set and Predictive Control motor learning.
Do neurologically impaired patients have an appropri­
ate internal model of their body dynamics and the dynamics BALANCE AND TONE MOTOR PROBLEMS
of their external world? Do patients accurately predict the Models of neurologic rehabilitation necessarily affect
sensory consequences of their actions and make appropriate the questions thempists ask in assessing motor problems and
movements in anticipation of those consequences? Are pa­ in designing interventions. Two of the most prominent and
tients getting their movements into tne "right ballpark"ss disabling effects of neural injury are problems in regulating
based on prior experience? muscle tone and balance. TIlis section summarizes differ­
Central set is the ability of the nervous system to pre­ ences between how the facilitation model and the task-ori­
pare the motor system for upcoming sensory infonnation and ented model address these two motor problems.
to prepare the sensory system for upcoming movements. 27
An inappropriate intemal neural model of a patient's body Balance
and of the world can lead to poor predictions about the sen­ The facilitation model assumes that postural equilibr­
sory consequences of situations and actions, resUlting in an­ ium is maintained by reflex mechanisms organized hierarchi­
ticipatory movements that are ineffective or destabilizing cally within the nervous system (Fig. 4-9A). Poor balance in
(ie, in the "wrong ballpark"),SS For example, postural adjust­ neurologic ally impaired patients is thought to result from an
ments nave been shown to precede self-initiated arm, leg, abnormal "postural reflex mechanism" in which lower level,
and trunk movements to minimize postural instability that primitive postural reflexes, such as the stretch reflex and
would have resulted. 91 -93 Some patients with Parkinson's dis­ tonic neck reflexes, dominate and block higher-level
ease may lack appropriate anticipatory postural adjust­ equilibrium reactions. Thus therapists ask which postural re­
ments.26 flexes are present or absent in their patients as they move
Central set is used to predict the weight of an object them in order to stimulate each sensory system contributing
and the dynamics of our limbs in complex, bilateral tasks to each reflex. If appropriate responses are not observed,
like juggling,94 Central set, based on prior experience, is therapists must try to determine whether their stimulus was
also used to determine variables of movement upon initial en­ inadequate, the sensory system insensitive, or the reflexes in­
,~ counter with a new situation during the time delay it takes appropriately integrated. Treatment is aimed at inhibiting in-

Assumptions Underlying Motor Control for Neurologic Rehabilitation 23


to stretch

Muscle liber Kinematic

properties patterns

Access to


Fig. 4-10. Assumptions underlying control of muscle tone based on the A Neurotherapeutic Facilitation Model and the B.
Contemporary Task-oriented Model of neurologic rehabilitation.

appropriate, primitive postural reflexes and facilitating results as an emergent property of many interacting systems,
normal equilibrium reactions. any of which may be disordered (Fig. 4-10B). Therapists
In contrast, the task-oriented approach assumes that ask, "Which combination of systems, inclnding muscle acti­
nonnal postural motor behavior is the product of the interac­ vation patterns, response to stretch, kinematic patterns, con­
tion of many components organized around a fundamental scious control of muscle activation, muscle fiber properties,
behavioral goal to maintain equilibrium and orientation in and passive elastic elements, are abnormal and limit optimal
the environment (Fig. 4-9B, Shumway-Cook and Horak,96 motor perfonnance in the characteristic manner of 'spastic'
Horak et al,82 Horak9'/). In this approach, therapists ask, patient?" Therapists may also ask if the spasticity is a pri­
"What are the primary constraints limiting adequate control mary result of the neural lesion or a secondary, compensa­
of balance?" Disorders of postoral control are thought to re­ tory strategy that allows certain functional behaviors. After
sult from cOQStraints placed on the system from a multitude this problem solving process, therapists determine which dis­
of sources, including the neural control of predictive central ordered components can be changed by therapeutic interven­
set, perception, and coordination and the physicallim­ tion and how they can help their patients find efficient, effec·
itations imposed by the musculoskeletal system and environ­ tive movement strategies given the limitations imposed by
I',·:i ment. After identifying the specific combination of con­ the systems.
11 straints, therapists direct therapy at reducing or eliminating
those constraints or helping patients find effective strategies CONCLUSION
for postoral control given certain constraints that cannot be Therapists use assumptions about motor control and
changed. neurologic rehabilitation in every aspect of their work:. How­
ever, therapists need to concentrate more on testing the use­
Tone fulness of their assumptions rather than on worrying about
According to the facilitation model, excessive muscle which particular assumptions of general models are "cor­
tone, or spasticity, is due to lack of inhibition of higher cen­ rect." We still have knowledge of only a minute fraction of
ters on the now over-responsive stretch reflex (Fig. 4-10A). the physical and chemical factors that mechanistically con­
Because this approach assumes that this excessive tone trol the brain's output. Our current models of the brain, how·
blocks normal, coordinated movement, therapists ask, "How ever, can allow us some predictive and some therapeutic
can I best reduce muscle tone in my neurologically impaired power despite the incomplete data. "The predictive power of
patients?" Once the pattern of abnormal tone is identified, a model depends on its correct identification of the dominant
therapeutic intervention involves using the proprioceptive controlling factors and their influence, not upon its complete·
system to reduce excessive tone and to facilitate normal , ness. An incomplete model can be more useful than an accu­
movements. rate one.''98
The task-oriented model of neurologic rehabilitation Thus models are important for physical therapy. Mod­
views excessive muscle tone as a set of motor behaviors that els of neurologic rehabilitation are necessary to develop

Contemporary Management of Motor Problem~
physical therapy from a practical art in which knowledge is Development. Spring6eld, Ul: Charles C Thomas, Publisher;
used to a theoretical science in which knowledge is ex­ 1963.
tended. Models will help change physical therapy from a 16. White R. Sensory integrative therapy for the cerebral-palsied
technology of "skilled hands" to a profession of problem child. In: Scmtton D, ed. Management oJ the Motor Disor­
solvers. Even before the first NUSTEP conference on the ders oJChildren with Cerebral Palsy. Philadelphia, Pa: J B
physiologic basis of therapeutic exercise almost 2S years LippincottCo; 1984:86-95.
ago, physical therapists have recognized the need for devel­ 17. Bobath K. The motor deficit in patients with cerebral palsy.

In: Clinics in Developmental Medicine, No. 23. Lavenham,

opment and change in neurologic rehabilitation. The future England: Lavenham Press; 1966: 191-192.

is here for those willing to ask new questions. As Hislop 18. Brown TG. On the nature of the fundamental activity of the
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