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SPINAL REFLEXES ON FROG (Fejervarya cancrivora)

Name : Anang Yanuar Ramadhan

Student ID : B1B015015
Entourage : VIII
Group :3
Asisten : Ita Purwati




A. Background

Generally, movement occurs consciously, but there is unconsciously

movement which is reflex movement. Impulses in conscious movement through a
long way. It comes from the receptors to the sensory nerves , carried to the brain
for further processing by the brain, then processed by the brain, in the form of
responses, then carried by the motor nerves as a command to be carried out by the
effector. Reflex motion is an involuntary movement and is a response
immediately after the stimuly (Wulangi, 1994).
The nervous system is a coordinating system that has functions as a
recipient and delivery of stimulation to all parts of the body and then responds to
these stimuli. So, the neural network is a communication network in the body
(Campbell, 2004). Integration is the process of translating information that comes
from sensory receptor stimulation by the environment, then linked to the body's
appropriate response. Most of the integration is done in the central nervous
system, namely the brain and spinal cord (in vertebrates) (Kimball, 1998).
The nervous system has three overlapping functions namely sensory input,
integration, and motor output. Input is the delivery or conduction of signals and
sensory receptors, such as light-detecting cells in the eye, to the center of
integration. The next function is integration. Integration is the process of
translating information that comes from sensory receptor stimuli by the
environment. Then connected with the body's response accordingly. Most of the
integration is done in the central nervous system, namely the brain and spinal cord
(in the vertebrae). The last function is motor output. Motor output is the delivery
of signals from the center of integration, the CNS, to effector cells, muscle cells or
gland cells that actualize the body's response to the stimulus (Campbell, 2004).

B. Purpose

The objectives of this practicum activity is to know the spinal reflexes of the
frog (Fejervarya cancrivora).

A. Material

The tools that used in this practice are needle, tweezer, scissor, beaker glass,
and preparation tray.
The materials that used in this practice are field frog (Fejervarya
cancrivora) and H2SO4 1% solution.

B. Methods

1. Frog’s brain is damaged using needle.

2. Spinal reflexes of frog is observed, like body reversal, fore limb withdrawal,
hind limb and dyeing on H2SO4 solution.
3. Spinal cord is damaged from ¼, ½, ¾, and all of the parts and reflexes is
observed that happens in previous treatment.
4. Result is recorded on the spinal reflexes of frog table.

A. Result

Table 3.1. Spinal Reflexes of Frog (Fejervarya cancrivora)

Damage Body turning Front Hind Feet dyeing into
legs legs H2SO4 1% solution
Brain ++ ++ ++ ++
¼ Medulla ++ ++ + ++
½ Medulla ++ - + ++
¾ Medulla + - - +
Total of - - - +

+++ = Very fast
++ = Fast
+ = Slow
- = No response
B. Discussion

The nervous system is a coordinating system that has functions to regulate

overall body activity. The activity of the nervous system requires the cooperation
of several cells, including in the mechanism of sensory motion and receptors. The
series of stimuli in a situation is applied to a motion. The central nervous system
consists of the brain and the brain's spinal shaft is the anterior end of the enlarged
neural hole. The brain works together as a series to receive impulses (Goenarso,
1989). When injury or veins occur, changes occur in the activity of peripheral
nerve cells and central nerve cells, as well as immune cells and glial cells that are
quickly activated to respond to injury (Newton et al., 2017).
Neurons are structural and functional units of the nervous system that have
function to send messages or impulses in the form of stimuli or responses. Neuron
cells have 3 parts, namely the cell body, denrit, and axons. The cell body contains
the nucleus. Dendrites are a continuation of chiasmas which function to convey
impulses to the cell body. Axons function to send information from the cell body
to other cells. According to Rafael (2011), based on its function, neuron cells can
be divided into 4 types. Sensory neurons are nerve cells in charge of delivering
stimulation from the receptors to the central nervous system. Neurons have
dendrites that are associated with receptors (receptors) and neurites that are related
to other nerve cells. Motor neurons are neurons which function is to convey motor
impulses from the central nervous system to effector nerves. The dendrite receives
impulses from the axons of other neurons while the axons are related to the
effector. Connector neurons are nerve cells in charge of connecting one neuron to
another. Neuron adjustors are nerve cells that are responsible for connecting
sensory neurons and motor neurons that are found in the spinal cord or in the
The nervous system can be divided into a peripheral nervous system, central
nervous system, and peripheral nerves. The peripheral nervous system collects
information from the body's surface, from specialized organs and from the
contents of the stomach, then delivers signals to the central nervous system. The
nervous system also has channels that carry signals to effector organs into the
body (Bevelender, 1988). The peripheral nervous system in amphibians can be
divided into 6 namely the olfactory lobe, cerebrum (cerebrum), middle scramble
(mesensefalon), cerebellum (cerebellum), medulla oblongata, and spinal cord. The
olfactory lobe of the frog is not very developed because the olfactory lobe is the
odorous nervous system. Big brain in the frog is as the center of conscious
motion. The midbrain in the frog has an optic lobe where the frog develops well
because the frog is a nocturnal animal. The cerebellum functions in coordinating
conscious muscle movements, balance, and body position. Medulla oblongata
functions to deliver impulses from the brain and brain. The spinal cord functions
as the center of reflex motion and delivers impulses from the brain and to the
brain. The third nervous system is the peripheral nervous system. The peripheral
nervous system consists of somatic nerves and autonomic nerves. Somatic nerves
are nerves that regulate the movement of the brain which is controlled by the
brain. Somatic nerves are divided into two types namely cranial nerves and spinal
nerves, while autonomic nerves are nerves that regulate involuntary movements or
are not regulated by the brain. The autonomic nerve is divided into two, namely
sympathetic which enlarges the pupils, inhibits blood flow, accelerates the heart
rate, shrinks the bronchi, and inhibits the secretion of the digestive glands.
Whereas the parasympathetic autonomic nerves do the opposite of the
sympathetic autonomic nerves. The body's organs are generally innervated by the
sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves, which exhibit diagnostic functions, if
one inhibits its function then the other stimulates that function (Usman et al.,
Reflex motion can be distinguished from brain reflexes when the connecting
nerves (associations) are in the brain, for example, winking or narrowing pupils
when there is light and spinal cord reflexes when connecting nerve cells are in the
spinal cord such as reflexes in the knee. Whereas conscious motion is carried out
through a long way, that is the stimulus will be received by the sensory nerves and
then delivered directly to the brain, from the brain then issued a command to the
motor nerve so that there is movement. This means that the conscious motion of
the movement is known or controlled by the brain (Syaifuddin, 2006).
Factors that influence the spinal reflex, namely the presence or absence of
stimulus. Stimulation from outside such as temperature, humidity, sunlight,
pressure, substances contained and so forth. Stimulation from within for example
from food, oxygen, water, and so forth. The next factor is the functioning of the
spinal cord. The spinal cord has two important functions, namely to regulate the
impuls from and to the brain and as a reflex center, with the spinal cord, spinal
and cranial nerve pairs connect each receptor and effector in the body until a
response occurs, if the spinal cord has been completely damaged then there is no
effector that shows the response to stimulus or excitatory. Interconnection from
one side of the spinal cord to the other is also a factor. The presence of frog spinal
reflexes in the form of a response by pulling on the hind legs when spinal cord
destruction is caused by inter-connection from one side of the spinal cord to the
other (Ville et al., 1988). Normal movement activities are needed to support daily
activities. Movements carried out both voluntary and involuntary are influenced
by the interaction of the organism with its surroundings. Motion disorder in
humans can be caused by several diseases where one of them is a stroke (Sondang
et al., 2014).
Based on observations made on the spinal reflex experiments on frogs, the
results showed that frogs can still provide fast reflex responses in the treatment of
body reversal, withdrawal of anterior extremities, and withdrawal of posterior
extremities, and slow response to 1% H2SO4 deformers. The results of the
experiment are in accordance with the statement of Djuhanda (1988), which states
that brain damage does not directly affect the reflex response given by an animal,
when the brain is damaged by the connecting nerve fibers in the spinal cord are
still connected so that it can still deliver impulses to provide a response from the
treatment given.
Subsequent damage is ¼ and ½ part of the spinal cord or spinal cord, the
results obtained are the frogs do not provide a reflex motion response to the body
reversal treatment, against withdrawal of anterior extremities, and posterior
extremities and immersion in 1% H2SO4. But the results of the Trumb &
Duellman experiment (1986), state that partial damage to the spinal cord does not
damage all nervous systems that cause spinal reflexes, but the wider the spinal
cord damage the weaker the response.
Damage ¾ part of the spinal cord is obtained and the total destruction is also
no response. The last treatment is dipping the frog's feet into H2SO4 solution
which also has no response. The results of research from Djuhanda (1988), stated
that the spinal cord of the chest area was damaged by piercing the spinal needle or
vertebral column, then the reflexes in the forefoot were no longer present, but the
hind limb still gave a response. This is due to damage to the upper motor neurons
or where the muscle is actually not paralyzed but weak and loses control, besides
that there is no connection between the interneuron and the spinal cord. The total
destruction of the spinal cord results in a negative response to all treatments
tested, be it the body reversal response, forefoot response or hind limb response.
But there are still nerves against sulfuric acid excitement (H2SO4) which is called
the escape reflex.
According to Gordon et al. (1982), H2SO4 is a strong acid and is used as a
chemical stimulus and according to Knikou & Rymer (2003), the occurrence of
spinal reflexes due to the influence of the surrounding environment. This occurs
because the receptors in the skin are stimulated and cause impulses in afferent
neurons. These neurons are part of a spinal nerve and extend into the spinal cord,
where neurons synapses with interneurons. Next, the interneuron passes on the
efferent neuronal impulse and carries it back through the spinal nerve to a group
of extensor muscles in the leg. Chemical solutions such as H2SO4 can cause
certain spinal reflexes in frogs.

Based on observations and discussions, it can be concluded that spinal

reflexes occur when there are stimuli in the form of mechanical stimuli, such as body
reversal, forefoot withdrawal, back foot withdrawal or chemistry such as dyeing in

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