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Rrquiarmrnts Sprcifcwaon on


Parpward foa Ma. Mwnik Sia

Vrnkwtw Gwnrsh
Roll No:09

Table of Contents

Developed by Ganesh Naidu Vasa (


1. Introduction
1.2.1. Feasibility study
1.3.Defnitions, acronyms & abbreiiations

2. General Description
2.1.Product Perspectiie
2.2.Product Functions
2.3.User Characteristics
2.4.General Constraints
2.5.Assumptions and Dependencies

3. Specifc Requirements
3.1.External Interface Requirements
3.2.Functional Requirements
3.3.User Interface
3.4.Hardware Interface
3.5.Software Interface
3.6. Communication Interface

Developed by Ganesh Naidu Vasa (


1. Introduction

1.1. Purpose
The purpose of this document is to proiide correct and complete
description of the requirements for the software of PRACTO. The
requirements will be shown in the written description to explain
concepts and diferent types of functionalities with releiant
A patient, his/her representatiies or afliates, searching for
Practitioners through the Website

1.2 Scope
Thr softwar of PRACTO is arsponsiblr in mwking thr proplr to
twkr brttra hrwlthcwar drcisions wnd hrwlth arlwtrd issurs. This wlso
hrlps thr proplr in fnding thr brttra suggrsaons argwading hrwlth faom
thr brst doctoas. Evray dwy mwny proplr sufra tith mwny of thr hrwlth
paoblrms oa foa brttra hrwlthcwar.

By this software PRACTO, people start fnding the help from the
best doctors which can be managed by single health care account for
entire family. It also secures all the sensitiie information regarding
healthcare data so as to make better healthcare decisions.

This software is looking to simplify healthcare access and help

you to make healthcare decisions. With search, we help you to fnd
decide on the right healthcare proiiders across doctors, hospitals,
diagnostics and wellness and ftness centers.

Eiery day billions of people struggle for better healthcare. We

are on the mission to help the mankind to liie healthier and longer.

Developed by Ganesh Naidu Vasa (


1.2.1 Feasibility study

The oierall scope of the feasibility study was to proiide

sufcient information to allow a decision to be made as to whether
PRACTO software should proceed and if so, its relatiie priority in the
context of other existing online healthcare systems.
The feasibility study phase of this project had undergone through
steps which as describe as under:
 Identity the origin the information at diferent leiel.

 Identity the expectation of user from computerized

 Analyze the drawback of existing system (manual system)

1.3. Defnitions, acronyms & abbreiiations

 JAVA -> Platform independent

 GUI -> Graphical User Interface
 SQL -> Structure query language
 API -> Application UserInterface

1.4. References:

 An Integrated Approach Software Engineering by Pankaj

 JAVA :- Balaguru swamy
 SQL :- JosephL Jorde
 About PRACTO :-

Developed by Ganesh Naidu Vasa (


1.5. Oieriiew

The rest of this SRS document contains all the requirements for
PRACTO presented in seieral ways and organized in diferent
Section 2 consists of general information that is not too in detail
and is proiided as a background for the following sections. It contains
the description of the other components of the software that which it
interact with. It also lists some of the product functions, constraints,
assumptions about the software. The Section 2 is important for the
customers as it contains a lots of information regarding the
functionalities of the software.
Section 3 contains more details about the requirements with
many others which illustrate the functional requirements of the
PRACTO. In this a brief information about interfaces such as user,
software, hardware and also the communication interfaces. This
is more useful for the deielopers and testers.

2. General Description

The described in this document is software for getting the help for
healthcarewithin seconds. The resources and seriices are the major part
of this software which comprises of seieral components that are useful for
people as well as doctors for accessing the aiailability of seieral seriices
proiided by the software PRACTO. These seriices are helpful for the users
getting correct information about aiailability of seriices like healthcare
doctors information, gym, salon and also the aiailability of these seriices in
your current location.

2.1 Product Perspectiie

The software PRACTO will help the users in iiewing the details of
nearest clinics. The location issue, this shows the exact location of the
clinics so

Developed by Ganesh Naidu Vasa (


that the user can reach without any panic. The user can solie their health
issues by questioning the doctors and get the best solution.

Product Function:

 The main purpose of this project is to reduce the manual work

both the general users and the doctors.

 This software is capable of managing the multiple queries from

users and also proiiding the multiple solutions for those queries so
that the users can pick one of the best solutions.

 The main focusing point of this software is to ofer its world-class

patient relationship management platform to the subscribers.

 This platform proiides efcient telephone, SMS, and Web based

appointment booking system.

 Patient communication for follow-up and alerts in order to improie

patient satisfaction.

Developed by Ganesh Naidu Vasa (


Developed by Ganesh Naidu Vasa (


User Characteristics

We haie 2 leiels of users

 User module: In the user module, users will check the aiailability of
doctors, book their appointment, solie their queries, and search for
healthcare solutions.
 Book appointments of doctors

 Doctors module: This module consists of the following sub modules

 Daily schedule of the doctors.

 Checking the appointments of particular patients.
 For sharing the medical details with the staf.
 This also helps as a wonderful tool for their daily

Developed by Ganesh Naidu Vasa (


General constraints:
 Any user should haie a ialid user id and password to get the access of
seriices of the software.
 Authentication in the form of OTP is must before a staf is logging in into
the software, as a mark for securing the information of the users.

 The user cannot get accessed unless and until he is registered with
ialid user information.

 The users cannot get the access of the doctors


 The users should haie simple user name and a confdential

which is not shared with others as a mark of confdentiality.
 Users aboie the age of 18 are allowed to register in this

Assumptions and Dependencies:

All the data entered will be correct and up to date. This
software package is deieloped using jaia and GUI as a front end.
SQL serier 2005 is used as the back end which is supported by Windows

3. Specifc Requirements

Developed by Ganesh Naidu Vasa (


External Interface Requirements:

The user should be simple and easy to understand and use. The
should encourage the user and the doctor to login to the application and for
proper and accurate input criteria.

Functional Requirements

Doctor Search:This help the users in iiewing the profles of the

doctors who are the PRACTO network. This allows users in fetching the
complete profles of the doctors in a single request. This seriice returns the
multiple results of the profles of doctors for the conienient search for users.

Search:This seriice allows the user to search for a

particular city, aiailability of the PRACTO seriices at their current location.
The users also can search for the doctors who work in their locality, can
doctors by name, specialization. Besides the doctors information the users
also search for the nearest clinics, gyms, spas, salons, and also the
Consult:This allows user to ask the queries to doctor without
going to clinics. Then the query is answered by some of the doctor and also
some of the assured anonyms users. The best solution can be picked form
multiple solutions.

Log in/Register:Firstly the user should be registered in the PRACTO

with the ialid information. After the registration process is done the user can
log in to the software by the ialid user id and password for the
purpose. Once the user is logged in he/she can access the seriices of

Developed by Ganesh Naidu Vasa (


Find and Book:In this the user/patient can fnd for the doctor’s
adiice or can book an appointment for the checkup or for the treatment.

Developed by Ganesh Naidu Vasa (


PRACTO for Doctors:In this the doctors can login and check their patient
information, answers the queries of the patients. By this module the doctors
perform their daily actiiities, remainders, discuss with their staf.

Contact Us:In this the user can contact with the doctor through
EMAIL, phone call, SMS etc. The user should proiide their correct information
for getting the solution for their queries.

Developed by Ganesh Naidu Vasa (


User Interface:

The software proiides good graphical interface for the user. Any
user can access the functionalities of the software such as searching for
aiailability of PRACTO seriices, doctors profle, nearest gyms, spas, and
healthcare clinics and fnd solutions for their queries.

Hardware Interface

Operating system:The software PRACTO is a user friendly, so it can be

run on any platform such as windows, IOS.

Developed by Ganesh Naidu Vasa (


Hard disk:As we need to store the information of the users

without getting the data lost some memory is needed for storing these
information in the form of hard disk i.e., ranges from 10GB – 1TB.

Application User Interface(API)

The following are the requests are supported by the

Doctor Details Proiides access to profles of doctors

Practice Details Proiides access to profle of practices of

Search Allows you to query practices and doctors within a city with a wide
range of flters

Search Meta Data Proiides the ialid set of ialues needed while using
This includes list of cities, locations in a city and specialization supported in a

Software Interface

Graphical User Interface(GUI): It is an interface between user and a system

that iniolies the use of a mouse-eients to select options from menus, make
choices with button actions, start program by clicking the icons, etc.

JAVA: it’s a platform independent language.

Developed by Ganesh Naidu Vasa (


Communication Interface

AS there is communication between the user and system the operating

acts as the communication interface for this software PRACTO.

Performance requirements

The capability of the computer depends on the performance of the software.

software can take any number of inputs proiided the database size is larger
enough. This would depend on the aiailable memory space.

Developed by Ganesh Naidu Vasa (

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