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Miracle By Katherine Hurst

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Published by Greater Minds Ltd

London, United Kingdom

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nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in
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Catalogue Data:

Abundant Body Miracle

1. Food and Drink 2. Dieting 3. Health and Wellness

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1. More Oxygen 
2. Enzymes And Probiotics 
3. Understanding Why the Alkaline Diet Matters 
4. Blue, Green and/or Red Algae: a “Superfood Protein” 
5. Good Fats: Raw and Cold Pressed 
6. The World’s Best Plant Protein 
7. How to Follow the Mindful Diet 

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If you’ve ever felt frustrated by seemingly endless yet fruitless attempts to boost your sense of
well-being, raise your energy levels and lose excess weight, you’re not alone. Everywhere you
look, you’ll see new diet plans promising to change your life, but none of them focus on what
really matters and few of them produce any kind of lasting results. My approach is different,
and it began with experiencing my own profound ​ .

When I first started thinking about how to make my own eating plan, my main goal was to find
a way to use healthy foods and simple but effective cooking methods to take a holistic
approach to my well-being.

I felt stuck, exhausted, restless and negative—perhaps much like you might feel like today. My
hope was that the right approach to diet could play a substantial role in tackling my constantly
underlying feelings of stress and anxiety, and heal my body (and my mind) from the inside out.
Thankfully I kept my mind open, as my heart led me to listening more and tuning into my body
how it feels based on what I put inside of it.

I’m excited to share the perfect balance for whole body wellness by solely focusing on what I
eat and where it comes from. I decided to write this ebook so that I could spare others from
having to attempt a “trial and error” process or having to undertake weeks of grueling research.

In fact, it gives me such pleasure to think of sharing the wonderful secrets that transformed the
way my body feels and left me with energy for hours! I can’t wait to explain how you can use
my personal hacks and solutions to help prevent and heal major mainstream health problems
like diabetes, allergies, heart disease, fatigue and fibromyalgia. It turns out that these problems
all revolve around the typical Sad American Diet—a diet you can leave behind as you work to
transform your life as I have! I’ll be sure to flag some of the major dietary changes connected to
battling chronic illness as we proceed.

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The focus will be on getting you back to your healthy roots, by following a diet that changes
your body all on its own—even if you don’t exercise. There’s no exhausting gym regimen, and
no prescribed “liquid meals” with questionable ingredients. All you’ll need are the very best
foods and subtle lifestyle changes that enhance energy and reshape your physique. By adding
these surprising and powerful ingredients to your life, you’ll be cleansing your body, stabilizing
your blood sugar, increasing immune system function, fighting off infection, dissolving bad fats,
balancing your hormones and enhancing digestion!

At the heart of my approach are six little-known things that will make the biggest impact on
your health, giving you a higher vibration body with an optimally energized nervous system,
immune system and endocrine system.

I’ll lead you through each of them in turn, explaining just why they matter so much and offering
you a clear plan for achieving success in every single category. And finally, I’ll teach you all
about the Mindful Diet in exactly the depth you need to start following the diet today.

You’ll discover how to rid your kitchen of low vibration foods and I’ll give you loads of quick,
easy ideas for using the healthiest, most natural ingredients in ways that will leave you feeling
blissfully vibrant and alive.


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1. More Oxygen

Let’s start by looking at transforming your life by ensuring that your body is getting more of the
key thing that keeps you alive—oxygen. Oxygen is constantly coursing through our veins in our
red blood cells—it’s transported to all of our tissue and every major organ, ensuring that our
bodies are able to generate consistent heat and energy.

You may assume that if you feel like you’re breathing relatively comfortably then you must be
getting enough oxygen. However, while you are obviously getting enough oxygen to stay alive
and avoid overt distress, the truth is that it’s very likely that your body isn’t really getting the
levels of oxygen it needs to give you the energy, vitality and fitness your body craves. I didn’t
realize this until I found all the things that lead to oxygen deprivation and noticed the
staggering amount of symptoms I was exhibiting!

How do you know if you’re suffering from low-level oxygen deprivation, like I was? There are
several major signs to look out for, and you may have them all or just one (depending on the
severity and longevity of your oxygen deprivation). Firstly, many people with depleted oxygen
levels notice digestive and immune system disturbances such as acid reflux, stomach cramps
and even headaches.

Secondly, there are documented impacts on mental health—you may experience chronic
underlying feelings of anger, focus problems and mood swings that lead to irrational thoughts
or behavior. Meanwhile, oxygen deprivation is correlated with frequent and common
infections, so you might feel like you’re constantly catching every passing cold or flu.

Now, what causes this oxygen deprivation? In many cases, it is partly due to the phenomenon
of ​ —taking short, shallow breaths instead of deep, long breaths that fill the
lungs to capacity.

We’re so used to being stressed, running around and wearing constricting clothing that taking
these unsatisfying and unhealthy breaths has become second nature. I once used to work in the

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healthcare industry, and so I was well-versed in the art of maintaining a tense posture while
trying to complete my myriad tasks of the day!

Since there are way more blood vessels surrounding the lower lobes of your lungs, the best way
to ensure good oxygen supply is to breathe from the abdomen and even from your tail bone -
forward, and not the upper chest.

Just adjusting this one, simple thing made my work days more bearable, and I swear it has lifted
my average mood. When I feel like stress and anxiety are starting to take hold, I ask myself
whether I’m breathing properly, and within minutes of adjusting my breaths I am feeling
noticeably more resilient.

As well as learning how to breathe more effectively, you need to address some of the
underlying everyday sources of stress that are known to deplete your reserves of oxygen and
undermine your health. In particular, you would be wise to:

● Cut down on the number of dangerous environmental toxins you’re exposed to,
which force your body to use up extra oxygen in order to detoxify—these same
toxins are linked to many of the chronic illnesses that are rife in the United States.
You can do this in large part by eating exclusively organic foods (something I’ll
discuss in more depth later in the book) and by committing to only using all-natural
cosmetics and skin treatments. Better yet, start learning how to make your own! A
quick online search will turn up loads of exciting recipes.

● Tackle emotional stress, which forces your body to produce excessive amounts of
adrenal hormones (your stress hormones) that use up oxygen. By working on
reducing stress in your life, you not only ensure you get more oxygen but also cut
your risk of chronic cardiovascular diseases (a major killer in the United States).
Devote more time to practicing self-care through pursuing your favorite hobbies,
treating yourself kindly and using mindfulness exercises to stabilize your mood on a
daily basis.

If you’ve never tried mindfulness before, don’t worry—even the simplest techniques

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are majorly effective. Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed, sit
comfortably, and focus on your breathing and bodily sensations for just 5-10
minutes (letting any passing thoughts neutrally drift by without any closer
examination). Not only will you feel more relaxed, but neurological studies prove
that practicing mindfulness actually changes the brain in ways that make you more
adept at emotional regulation—so you’ll be busting stress even when you’re not
sitting in your meditation corner!

● Make yourself less susceptible to fungal, viral and bacterial infections, all of which
are not only more likely to develop in those with oxygen deprivation but also make
that deprivation worse. The problem is that fighting infections requires the use of
“free-radical” oxygen forms. It isn’t enough to just treat infections as they arise, as
many prescribed drugs for fighting infection actually reduce oxygen levels in ALL
your cells as well (as the body needs to work hard to metabolize these chemically
toxic medications). As you read on, you’ll gain an increasingly good understanding of
just how you can reduce your chances of suffering from regular infections.

If you adapt your lifestyle to ensure that you’re getting more oxygen on a daily basis,
you’ll not only notice that you rarely get sick and feel happier, but also that your
whole body has started to change. You’ll be able to focus for longer, think faster,
remember things more accurately, and sleep deeper at night. Your body will feel
rested, rejuvenated and restored as your nervous system adapts to the new ways
that you are nourishing it. You will recover more quickly after strenuous activity,
stiffness will diminish, and you’ll be far less likely to suffer from chronic aches and
pains—especially headaches.


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2. Enzymes And Probiotics
While the improvements you can enjoy on the basis of regenerating your body, nervous system
and energy levels with oxygen are undeniably substantial, there are also other vital steps you
must take if you want to get the full benefit of my unique approach to diet and well-being.

enzymes and probiotics​

The next issue worth addressing concerns ​ —these will improve that
all-important digestive system, which actually plays a role in far-reaching bodily processes that
you may never have guessed might be connected to the gut.

To begin with, it’s helpful to understand a bit more about the difference between enzymes and
probiotics in this context. Digestive enzymes are produced when we chew raw and whole food
from our salivary glands and liver. They are mostly special proteins that break our food down
into an enriching fuel that can be effectively absorbed by the body and used to generate
Common examples include Protease and Bromelain which digest proteins, or Amylase for
starches, Lipase to digests fats, Cellulase digests fiber, Sucrase digests sugars and Glucoamylase
- the sugar in grains and lastly, Lactase which digests lactose sugar in dairy.

Probiotics are not normally produced by bodies who have eaten many refined foods in the past.
However, let’s back up a second before talking about probiotics and talk about gut flora. Inside
our digestive tract we have somewhere around 100 trillion bacteria living in us. We’re like a
giant building, and the bacteria, our tenants. 6-10 lbs or more of “you” is really bacteria that
live in your intestines, from your mouth to the other end. When your body have mostly “bad
gut microbes or flora” your health is poor and when you have at least “80-85% good gut flora,
your body flourishes in wellness.

Our understanding of gut flora has advanced by quantum leaps recently, but we’re still just
scratching the tip of the iceberg. We now know that our gut flora helps us properly digest our
food, protects us from pathogens (harmful microorganisms), helps us detoxify harmful
compounds, produces vitamins and other nutrients, keeps our organs and gut healthy, and
balances our immune systems.
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Now, probiotics are strain cultures of “good” bacteria that help your body produce more of it’s
own “gut flora microbes” as you heal your body, keeping unhealthy gut bacteria in check.
Probiotics will also help you maintain a healthy balance of good bacteria or “healthy flora” in
general, providing unique health benefits as you get older.

Probiotics have attracted the most attention for their ability to enhance energy levels and
increase the absorption of vitamins and minerals you eat. They help your gut flora keep your
gastrointestinal in balance which leads to a reduction in conditions like bloating, gas,
constipation, diarrhea, nausea, food allergies and most immune system illnesses.

Most of the Neolithic “traditional” cuisines around the world served fermented foods daily, if
not at every meal – so there’s our food based sources of probiotics. Fermented foods are a part
of every traditional culture and diet on this planet. Around as long as humans have been
around. It is only recently with the advent of refrigeration and processed foods that many
industrialized societies have stopped using traditionally fermented foods.

These foods are deeply nourishing and support a higher vibration body. Today you can easily
find them in lacto-fermented fruits and vegetables, raw yogurt, kefir and cheese, sauerkraut,
kimchi, miso, kombucha (an ancient fermented tea beverage that is full of probiotics) and
non-pasteurized meats like salami and some authentic sausages.

I was already onboard with the idea of adding them to my life forever when I first felt the
digestive benefits, and I hope you will be too—especially if you’re also a sufferer of a chronic
problem like food allergies, environmental allergies or just “gut problems” like irritable bowel
syndrome (IBS).

Excitingly, however, there is an increasingly large body of evidence suggesting that probiotics
can do so much more than just reduce digestive discomfort. This is because we’re starting to
understand how gut health impacts on the health of all of the other vital bodily systems. Your
entire body’s immune system that affects every part of you - even your skin, lies at the hands of
a well functioning gut.

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For example, since probiotics are proven to have anti-inflammatory properties, they can help
combat inflammatory skin conditions like acne and rosacea. In particular, studies show the
strongest link between reduced skin inflammations and foods or supplements containing
Lactobacillus acidophilus and ​
Bifidobacterium bifidum cultures. You may even be able to find
natural probiotic products that are designed to apply directly to the skin.

Another particularly fertile area of probiotic research concerns the heart. Once again,
decreased inflammation is the key factor here. When you have digestive system inflammation,
you’re more likely to have inflammation in your cardiovascular tissue as well, and therefore
more likely to develop heart disease—one of the most common causes of death. The same
probiotic strains that boost skin health are also proven to lower levels of LDL (i.e. “bad”)
cholesterol, and are correlated with a reduction of blood pressure in just eight weeks.

While we’re on the subject of inflammation, it would be remiss of me not to mention that
probiotics are a great weapon in the fight against inflammatory forms of arthritis (such as the
rheumatoid version of the disease) this is because probiotics eats candida yeast which is the
major contributor to rheumatoid arthritic swelling. Whether you’ve already been diagnosed or
are worried about a future diagnosis because of your family history, probiotics help to keep
chronic inflammation levels lower forever.

To increase your intake of probiotics, you’ll want to aim for foods or supplements that contain
the most CFUs—this stands for “colony-forming units” and indicates a measurement of
bacterial density.

You also want to make sure you ONLY purchase “enteric coated” A​
cidophilus and Lactobacillus.
If you don’t do this you are wasting your money. 98% of the probiotics in a single capsule that
is sold on the shelves will die in the first 30 seconds of hitting your stomach acid. No good. You
must get the “good bugs” deeper into your digestive tract and intestines, so enterically coated
capsules is way to go.

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3. Understanding Why the Alkaline Diet Matters

Now that you’ve discovered how you can combat potential oxygen deprivation and why you
should adapt your diet so that is maximally rich in probiotics, it’s time to start thinking about
another vital dietary change that helps to energize your body—the move from acidity to

Studies on dietary pH have recently revealed that when we eat a diet that contains too many
acidic foods, we’re more likely to develop a whole host of diseases, ranging from diabetes to
reduced kidney function. This is probably because having a more acidic body decreases mineral
absorption, makes it harder for cells to repair themselves, and lowers energy production.

Studies show that tumor cells are more likely to reproduce (and do so more quickly) in an acidic
environment and a diet that contains sugar as sugar gets converted to ACID in the body. A
body that is high in acid is likely to get more often, regular chronic problems and be more
susceptible to producing more cancer cells during a lifetime.

In contrast to acidic foods, alkaline foods are naturally anti-inflammatory and don’t promote
harmful conditions like heart disease, food allergies or arthritis—another reason why adopting
my diet plan will help you dramatically lower your chances of living with a chronic illness. In
your quest for balance, you want to aim for the pH level that supports primary bodily
functions—this is around about 7.4, which is a measurement that’s slightly alkaline.

So, which foods do you need to cut back on if you want to pursue an alkaline diet? Three of the
worst offenders are sugar, hydrogenated oils and artificial sweeteners. Fast food, fried food
and both diet and regular sodas some of the first things you should consider removing from
your diet if you want to feel better.

There are plenty of other reasons to reject these ingredients, too, but we’ll touch on that point
again when I explain the Mindful Diet plan to you at the end of this ebook. Further, try to go
easy on the following other acidifying foods:

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● Canned fruits
● Hydrogenated oil anything
● In a “box or package” anything
● Corn and corn starch
● White flour and bread
● Noodles
● Processed cheese
● Cashew nuts, roasted
● Processed Meat
● Corn syrup, dextrose, high fructose corn syrup
● Alcohol
● Coffee

Thankfully, an alkaline diet isn’t all about lack! You should also be aiming to add more alkaline
foods to your diet in conjunction with your attempt to reduce consumption of acidic foods.

Nutritionists often recommend that around 80% alkaline foods and 20% acidic foods when you
know you’re in poor health and are starting to try and restore proper balance. Once you’re
feeling better and know you’re on the path to a healthier body, you can adjust your intake so
that it’s closer to 60% alkaline foods and 40% acidic foods.

Some of the best choices in the alkaline range include the following:

● Quinoa
● Millet
● Amaranth
● Avocados
● Coconut
● Lemons, limes, grapefruit, pomelo, tomato
● All root veggies (e.g. beets, leeks, turnips, parsnips, radishes, taro, potatoes are
alkaline when cooked but is a denser starch (feeds candida) so is not as healthy as
other roots)
● Zuchinni

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● Celery
● Cauliflower
● Egg plant
● Green beans
● Watermelon
● Apricots, Bananas are alkaline however do contain sugar (not good for bad gut flora
and promotes candida)
● Goats milk
● Grapefruit
● Raw sprouts of any seeds or beans
● Limas, Peas, lentils and mung beans are most alkaline
● Asparagus
● Almonds
● Lemons
● Brussels sprouts
● Leafy green vegetables (e.g. arugula, spinach, kale, collards, swiss chard, endive, bok
choy, mustard, watercress, parsley, cilantro)
● Really anything “green-ed” by the sun :-)

Finally, it’s worth noting that you can test your own pH by buying some urine test strips (and
these strips often provide other handy pieces of information, such as whether you’re leaking
protein into your urine or whether there’s a glucose presence that indicates the potential
development of diabetes).


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4. Blue, Green and/or Red Algae: a “Superfood Protein”
At this stage, you’re armed with half of the most powerful but seldom discussed chances that
can lead to high energy, improved fat loss and better moods—you know all about the
importance of oxygen, probiotics and pH. It’s now time to focus in on a particular type of food
that might even be more significant than any of the fantastic ingredients discussed in the
foregoing—algae! While algae may sound strange, but you’ll immediately want to give different
algae’s a try once you start to understand the incredible things they can do for your body.

Over billions of years, algae have evolved to generate and store energy in an incredibly efficient
way, and their unique properties make them powerful allies in the attempt to increase physical
health and well-being. In fact, it’s fair to say that algae contains almost every type of nutrient
that your body needs, influencing everything from mood to inflammatory processes. When it
comes to dietary sources of algae, you should focus on spirulina, chlorella or even red algae like
dulse—truly amazing superfoods that are just bursting with nutritional benefits.

Here are some of the major reasons why algae's will give you an optimally energized body:

● Its high chlorophyll content boosts immune system function and makes it easier
for your body to process and excrete toxins in the circulatory system.

● Its antimicrobial nature helps to prevent yeast overgrowth and the reproduction
of dangerous bacteria.

● It could help to reduce cancer risk—it provides you with phycocyanin, which has
been proven to increase survival rates of rats with liver cancer. This
pigment-protein is also associated with combatting mouth plaques that can be
● It is packed with iron, so it can be an ally in the fight against oxygen deprivation
(as adequate iron consumption is necessary for the transportation of oxygen in
the blood).

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● It promotes strong bones by containing more than 25 times the level of iron that
you’d usually get from drinking milk.

● It is rich in vitamin E, which keeps skin looking young and is connected to a lower
risk of degenerative neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s.

● Studies show that it appears to suppress allergy symptoms, and could even
eliminate problems like hay fever after regular intake for several months.

● It lowers levels of LDL (i.e. “bad”) cholesterol, thereby cutting the risk of heart

● It’s vitamin A content helps to ensure that you maintain good eyesight well into
older age.

As if the above benefits weren’t convincing enough, one of the most inspiring facts to emerge
about spirulina in recent years is its close connection to effective weight loss—one of the
biggest reasons why I’ve drawn attention to this particular blue-green algae as part of my
unique diet plan.

Due to the fact that it is over 65% protein, it prompts your digestive system to work way harder
than usual, and when your digestive system kicks things up a notch then your metabolic rate
does too. As you probably know, a higher metabolic rate means you burn more calories per
day, and if you’re taking spirulina on a daily basis than this can add up to a whole lot of extra fat
burning—even on the days when you’re taking it easy.

When I first added spirulina to my daily diet, I couldn’t stop talking about it, and my enthusiasm
infected some of my friends (who were keen to see if my recommendations were really all I was
suggesting they’d be!). These two friends now wouldn’t want to live without a supply of
spirulina, and they’re both looking even more beautiful than ever. Coincidence? I don’t think

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So, how should you ensure your body is kept healthy with a regular supply of spirulina? One
popular way of incorporating it into your diet is to buy it in powdered form and combine it with
fruits and vegetables to create a healthy smoothie. However, you can also get spirulina
supplements, and these are a great option if you find the taste unpleasant. Give it a chance,
though, as you might get used to its unique flavor after a week or so.


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5. Good Fats: Raw and Cold Pressed

The next quick way to change your diet for the better is to abandon false assumptions about
fat. One of the most unhelpful myths that repeatedly stands in the way of achieving weight loss
and increased well-being is that fat is always bad for you. I know—once upon a time, I believed
this too!

Even if you don’t believe that all fat is bad, you likely have some misconceptions about which
fats are bad, not least in part because of the fact that it has been financially advantageous for
polyunsaturated soybean oil producers to spread scary rumors about products like coconut oil. I
used to hear (In the early 90’s when margarine was flying off the shelf!) that it was a scary
ingredient that you’d only consume if you wanted to end up with clogged up arteries and a slew
of heart attacks under your belt, so it really was a shock to learn that coconut oil actively
prevents chronic diseases instead of causing them. Funny how propaganda sells lies instead of
the whole truth.

While it’s smart to avoid excessive consumption of certain types of fats that are proven to
undermine cardiovascular health and thicken your waist, others are just fine in small to
moderate doses—and some are even positively good for you, as you’ll see once you read about
the three most important oils in my eating plan. By knowing which fats can actively support
your health, you’ll immediately give your body more of what it needs and quickly start to feel
the physical and mental changes that result.

Firstly, it’s important that you see that not just any oil will do—you’ll want to look out for
products that are raw and cold pressed. You may have heard these terms before and wondered
what they meant, and the reality is that there’s nothing too complex going on here. A raw and
cold pressed oil is made by grinding and pressing the relevant seeds or fruit. This means that
they never undergo unhealthy processing procedures that minimize their goodness or
undermine their amazing flavors, and that all of their vital nutrients are preserved.

There are three particularly powerful cold pressed oils that you should give center stage in your
life as you move towards adding more healthy fats to your regular diet:

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● Coconut oil offers a huge range of health benefits, ranging from reducing the risk of
cancer to minimizing Crohn’s disease and potentially boosting the immune system. It
gives you a long-lasting surge of energy, it doesn’t cause heart disease, and there is
prevent ​
even some evidence that it actively helps to ​ heart disease. It’s also
recommended for those with digestive difficulties, so (along with the probiotics
mentioned above) it can play a major role in helping to rebalance your stomach and
intestinal functionality. I love it for skincare, too, as it gives me a youthful glow that
helps people consistently underestimate my true age!

● Olive oil is said to reduce intestinal inflammation as well, and I can certainly vouch
for the fact that consuming cold pressed forms of the oil seem to have made a real
difference to my previously unsettled stomach! There’s also anecdotal evidence in
support of its ability to increase the body’s defenses against disease, and ongoing
research into whether it can fight gallstones. While olive oil is actually toxic when
heated for cooking, its natural form makes some of the healthiest salads you’ll ever

● Flaxseed oil receives generally quite a bit less attention than coconut oil and olive
oil, but it might the one that I’m most excited for you to try—it can really help you
lose unwanted weight. It contains huge amounts of omega-3 alpha linolenic acid,
which is an essential fatty acid that your body depends on getting from your diet
because it can’t be made internally. Most of us have far too high levels of omega-6
in our diets, and this imbalance plausibly promotes obesity, asthma, arthritis and
heart disease. Flaxseed oil will also boost metabolism, ensuring you burn more
calories per day, and even helps you feel fuller for longer after eating (which makes
it much easier to avoid reaching for those unhealthy snacks you used to want)!

If you’re wondering how you should use each of these remarkable oils, I’d encourage you to be
as creative as you like! However, I’ll give you a few basic tips to get you started.

Coconut oil is incredibly versatile, so you can add it to just about anything (for example soups,
curries and breakfast dishes). Personally, I’m also happy to take it raw, by the spoon! You can
also simply try using raw, cold pressed olive oil along with apple cider vinegar (or lemon, some
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spices like dill or garlic or oregano - and any fresh herbs!) on your salads or any greens that you

Generally, when it comes to olive oil and taste, the better olive oil you get the yummier it is to
eat. Get organic cold pressed olive oil from a popular brand, or at least “extra virgin cold
pressed” olive oil. It’s also great for using as the basis for making garbanzo bean hummus (make
sure you soak your beans for 12 hours first!)

Flaxseed oil or even ground up flax seed can be stirred into virtually any meal, so get into the
habit of keeping it in a prominent place in the kitchen (near your extra coffee grinder) and just
add a little to whatever you’re whipping up. Your immune system, waistline and digestive tract
will all thank you!

Hint: Make sure you buy ONLY flaxseed that is in a dark container because any “light” oxidizes
the fat in the flaxseed and speeds up degradation (most flaxseeds you see in products and in
packaged food in stores are indeed expired, and so your body has a hard time digesting these
rancid oil toxins.)


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6. The World’s Best Plant Protein
Are you getting enough protein, and do you know why it’s so important to do so? Protein is a
component of every single cell in your body, and makes up the largest part of your nails and
hair. It’s also required for building new tissue and repairing damaged parts, as well as the
production of your hormones and enzymes and the construction of your musculoskeletal

Unfortunately, your body can’t actually store reserves of protein, which means that you can
suffer significant consequences if you reach a point at which you’re really running low on this

Some good sources of protein include meat and fish. However, plant protein can be even better
for you, and has the added bonus of being fully compatible with a vegetarian diet. When I
started investigating and consuming the world’s best forms of plant protein, I was surprised and
delighted by how much better I felt.

It became so much easier for me to maintain a healthy weight, I no longer suffered from those
old cravings for sugary foods, my endurance increased, and my body felt increasingly more
toned. With my newly supercharged immune system, I also stopped catching every infection
that was going around, and even maintained good health in the flu-ridden winter months.

I strongly recommend you turn to these amazing plant protein sources, all of which can
function as snacks and can also be added to mouth-watering salads:

● Chia seeds: These little black seeds from South Africa are deceptively
powerful—they’re just packed with nutrients that support an energized,
well-balanced body. They’re high in antioxidants, which may reduce cancer risk and
delay aging, and they’re rammed with high levels of fiber that will keep you full and
ensure your digestive system runs smoothly. They’re 14% protein by weight, and
there are also some promising studies suggesting that they may cut the risk of type 2
diabetes and heart disease.

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Add them to your diet by throwing them into any meal you like—they barely have a
taste of their own, so it’s unlikely that they’ll ruin the flavor of any of your dishes.
For example, you might want to sprinkle a handful onto your morning cereal, or stir
some into a cup of probiotic yogurt.

● Hemp seeds: ​
Hemp seeds are just about as tiny as chia seeds, and just as important
for overall health. They digest easily, providing fast amounts of usable protein.
However, hemp seeds aren’t only great sources of protein—their magnesium
content means they also boost mental health by promoting proper neurotransmitter
function, which means they go some way to reduce anxiety symptoms and feelings
of stress. I like to whip up a batch of healthy, hemp-infused flapjacks when I’m
starting to feel a bit overwhelmed. Meanwhile, they help you to meet your daily
energy needs by loading you up with iron and ensuring all your vital organs get the
oxygen they require. They’re even packed with zinc that supports a healthy immune
system and keeps you resistant to troublesome infections.

Like chia seeds, hemp seeds can also be added to almost any recipe. They do have a
mild, nutty flavor, but it is one that pairs well with both sweet and savory dishes.

● Sprouted beans, seeds and nuts: These are protein-rich foods that (along with
grains) you should soak before consumption. When beans, nuts seeds and grains get
wet, any toxic chemicals and nutritional inhibitors will either be removed or at least
minimized. For example, you’re looking to get rid of substances that inhibit enzymes,
which undermine digestive health by making it harder for your stomach and
intestines to break you’re your food. Soaking also removes phytates (phytic acid),
which can bond with certain valuable nutrients (e.g. calcium and iron) in the
digestive tract and have a negative influence on your health by preventing these
nutrients from being absorbed.

When I started soaking my nuts, grains and seeds, I gradually felt more energized,
but I thought this was just a coincidence. I later discovered that soaking removes
the toxic “anti nutrients” surrounding a seed, bean or grain, allowing our bodies to

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absorb all the true nutrients that would otherwise be lost. There is some evidence
that food allergies to wheat are often rooted in exposure to these “anti nutrients” so
follow my example by soaking nuts, seeds and grains in water for 7-24 hours. When
you see sprouting, the soaking stage is complete.


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7. How to Follow the Mindful Diet

When you follow the Mindful Diet, you consistently avoid low vibration foods and replace them
with healthier, more natural, vibrant and “alive” alternatives. That’s it—there’s nothing
convoluted or difficult about it, and you can commit to these straightforward changes today!

If you’re like the average person and accustomed to a diet full of junk food and toxins (like I
once was), a simple shift in your eating habits will help you shed your worst unwanted pounds
as a happy side effect of feeling more energized every single day.

Here is a list of shifts you can make just about immediately, along with wonderful new additions
that you may never even have tried before!

Stop eating GMO foods:

As you’ve probably seen on the news and all across social media, there’s fierce debate about
whether it’s safe or unsafe to eat GMO foods. Part of resigning my approach to eating involved
really digging into the research on this topic in an effort to figure out the truth—and when I
discovered the reality of the GMO process, I found it sickening.

What they do to plants is truly disturbing, and the current evidence strongly suggests that GMO
foods are bad for your body and vitality. For example, look at the increase in health problems
since the introduction of these foods—the percentage of Americans with upwards of three
chronic illnesses has almost doubled, going from 7% to 13%.

There’s also an increase in food allergies, reproductive problems and digestive disorders.
Although research into the precise connection is ongoing, the fact remains that we just don’t
know enough about GMOS and we may see even more horrifying consequences in the years to
come. I advocate a “better safe than sorry” approach here, and I’d loved being on an
organic-only diet so far.

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So, unless you can be sure that something is organic, I’d caution you to just stay away from it! It
costs a bit more money to maintain a fully organic diet, but you can’t put a price tag on your
longevity and vitality.

Stop eating sugar:

Of course, there are certain foods (especially some fruits) that contain some types of sugar and
are well worth eating in moderation in spite of this sugar content. However, what you really
just don’t need in your life is ​
added sugar. Once I got rid of all the sodas, candy bars,
ostentatious flavored lattes and other sources of needlessly sugary feed, I was stunned by how
much more focused, energetic and healthy I felt.

I could actually devote an entire, further ebook to the topic of how sugar undermines
well-being—I’m incredibly passionate about the topic now that I’ve broken free from the
constant stream of added sugar that we’re coaxed into buying at most major stores. However,
I’ll just give you the edited highlights to give you a taste of why you need to cut out sugar.

In a nutshell, sugar undermines the functionality of just about every one of your bodily systems.
There is evidence that is suppresses the immune system (leaving you more vulnerable to
infections), promotes malignancy (such as ovarian cancer), causes mineral deficiencies that
reduce energy levels, induces the production of excess stomach acid, prompts premature aging,
and is even linked to arthritis—which, coincidentally, is one of the most common chronic health
problems in the United States.

We could be here all day just looking that the research on sugar’s negative influence on the
body, but trust me—just a few weeks without sugar and you’ll never want to go back to the
sluggish, lethargic way you felt before.

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Cook your beans and grains properly:
You may decide that you want your Mindful Diet to exclude grains, or it may be the case that
you’re restricted from consuming them—that’s fine! The mindful diet doesn’t strictly require
any grain consumption. However, if you do want to keep grains as part of your rotation, it’s so
important that you cook them properly—and this means soaking them before cooking. SOAK
them for 12 hours before you start cooking them, very important!

If you eat grains, learn how to soak your grains before cooking with them. I mentioned this
procedure in the section on the world’s best plant-based proteins above, so just refer back to
that if you want a reminder of the importance and easiness of soaking all grains before
consumption. You’ll be getting a much better intake of nutrients, and you’ll send any toxins

Replace low vibrational foods with higher vibrational foods:

As I noted at the outset and have been mentioning all throughout my various tips, the main
thing you’re trying to do is get rid of low vibrational foods and focus instead on higher
vibrational foods that promote balance in all bodily systems.

Higher vibrational foods that they might not be aware of and they can use to replace other
ingredients as much as possible. One of the quickest and easiest ways to make this
tremendously important change is to incorporate smart food substitutions into your life. I’m
going to rattle through a wide range of simple swaps that will make your new Mindful Diet plan
incredibly straightforward to follow.

● Meat: Make sure you avoid pork casing at all costs, and look for products that are
nitrate and nitrite free. Your meat should be organic, and grass fed, but the great
news is that you have plenty of types to choose from! High vibrational meats include
beef, lamb, venison, goat, veal, buffalo, elk, liver, and heart. I’d also endorse meat
bone broth or soup, and encourage you to opt for sausages made from beef, chicken
or buffalo instead of pork.

● Fish: Make sure all fish you eat have had scales—this is absolutely essential to the
Mindful Diet! Swap pre-made, breaded or fried fish for simple, ocean-caught or wild
freshwater fish, and avoid anything that’s “farm raised” (especially shellfish). If you
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like canned salmon on your tuna or salad then that’s okay, but make sure they’re in
spring water only.

● Poultry: Pretty much any organic poultry is going to be high vibrational, whether it’s
chicken, guinea fowl, duck, Cornish game hen, or turkey. The big swaps you want to
make include replacing pork casing sausages with chicken or turkey sausage, and
ensuring that you go for chicken or turkey bacon that has no pork casing and is free
from nitrates and nitrites.

● Eggs: Reject anything that it’s pasteurized, free range and organic. In addition, don’t
just limit yourself to chicken eggs—have duck eggs, too (and eat them whole, with
the yolk included).

● Dairy: ​
Provided you’re able to eat dairy foods and don’t suffer from any relevant
intolerances, your highest vibrational choices will be both organic and raw. If you
don’t go for raw, at least make sure that every dairy product is organic. Swap any
flavored yogurts with added sugar for plain, delicious goat’s milk yogurt. One of the
best fermented foods is goat milk kefir, and you can make this tasty, traditional
Turkish beverage easily right in your own kitchen! When you’re cooking with cheese,
the healthiest choices are soft and hard goat’s milk cheeses and sheep’s milk hard
cheese. All of these taste absolutely amazing and are so much better for you than
(say) processed cheese slices.

● Fat and oils: ​

Once again, the core rule here is to only buy organic—but I’m sure that
by this stage you’re certainly convinced that organic is the only way to go! There are
loads of healthy options here, but be careful—some of them are best for cooking,
while others are actively hazardous when used for cooking. For example, extra
virgin, cold pressed olive oil is so good for your body when you use it to make a salad
dressing, but it’s toxic when heated. Other oils to use for dressings but never for
cooking include flaxseed oil and hempseed oil. When you’re cooking, always reach
for extra virgin coconut oil instead. Meanwhile, more excellent sources of good fats
include avocado, raw goat’s milk butter, grass-fed cows’ milk butter, coconut milk,
and expeller pressed sesame oil.

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● Vegetables: ​
I love snacking on vegetables to raise my energy levels, keep my
digestive system working well and improve my overall health. So many vegetables
have been proven to reduce your risk of devastating diseases like heart disease,
cancer and Alzheimer’s, so dive right in and eat organic forms of these veggies as
snacks as well as meal ingredients. There’s very little I wouldn’t endorse, but here
are some of my favorites: broccoli, squash (winter or summer zucchini), asparagus,
beets, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, celery, cucumber, eggplant,
pumpkin, garlic, onion, okra, lettuce leaves of all kinds, spinach, mushrooms, peas,
peppers, string beans, tomatoes, artichokes, leafy greens (e.g. kale, collard, chard,
broccoli, mustard greens etc.), raw leafy greens (e.g. endive, escarole, radicchio,
arugula, and frisse), pea shoots, radish, sea vegetables (e.g. kelp, dulse, nori, kombu,
hijiki). Also, when you’re picking out raw fermented vegetables, be sure to choose
lacto-fermented only—avoid vinegar.

● Beans and legumes: As you learned above, you’ll get so much more out of your diet
(and avoid potentially undermining your health) by eating exclusively soaked and
fermented bean and legumes. Choose the ones you like best, but be sure to eat
plenty of lentils, and remember that you can use small amounts of fermented
Soybean paste (i.e. miso) for making broths.

● Nuts and seeds: And again, repeat after me—organic, raw and soaked! I’d
recommend almonds, pumpkin seeds, hempseed, flaxseed, and sunflower seeds.
Raw nut butters are a top source of healthy fats and can be spread on toast for a
quick morning bite. Replace your old peanut butter with almond, hempseed,
sunflower, pumpkin seed or sesame butter.

● Condiments, spices and seasonings: Although you might not realize it, some
condiments, spices and seasonings aren’t organic—the GMO problem applies here
too. Looking for organic alternatives helps you make virtually any dish tastier, and
assists you in avoiding salt. Good salt substitutes include herbs and spices like chili
powder, basil, ginger and wasabi, but make sure all of these products are free from
colors and preservatives, as well as stabilizers, fillers and dextrose! If you do want to
add salt, Celtic sea salt is the best call. Meanwhile, go for tomato sauce with no

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added sugar, stir wheat-free soy sauce into your stir-fried meals, make fresh
guacamole to go with your Mexican dishes, and spread omega-3 or safflower
Mayonnaise on your sandwiches. Organic flavoring extracts are also fine on the
Mindful diet, as long as they don’t contain any added sugar and are alcohol based.

● Fruits: In order to get the most out of your fruits, try to stick to the ones that offer
the most health benefits and aren’t the highest in sugar content. Organic
blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, grapefruit, lemons and
limes are all fit to burst with powerful nutrients that promote balance in the body,
and you can pick them up either fresh or frozen. Make these fruits the main
ingredients in any smoothies you make, and reach for them (instead of cookies or
potato chips) when you want a snack that tastes great and promotes longevity.

● Beverages: Water is by far the best thing for you, and helps with everything from
safe weight loss to consistent energy. Drink purified, non-chlorinated water with no
added carbonation, and you’ll feel your body thank you. When you’re in the mood
for extra flavor, herbal teas offer benefits ranging from mood stabilization to
digestive system soothing, and I’d encourage you to have them organic and
unsweetened, or with a little dash of honey if you’re looking for a bit of healthy
sweetness. Raw vegetable juice is incredibly healthy as well—beet and carrot juices
are top of the list in my book. You can also drink lacto fermented beverages, and
certified organic coffee (but only flavor it with organic cream and/or a small amount
of honey).

● Sweeteners: ​
As just suggested when I mentioned how I recommend you drink your
tea and coffee, you really want to try and avoid sugar on the Mindful Diet. The only
way I sweeten my drinks and foods is by using unheated raw honey in very small
amounts—a little goes a long way. Finally, you’ll feel so good when you wave
goodbye to unhealthy, horrible sweeteners like aspartame! Stevia is an excellent
alternative here, as it’s an herb that contains no sugar but packs and a real punch in
terms of sweet flavor. You might even want to consider monk fruit, which is very
sweet but won’t harm your body.

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As you can see from the above, it’s really not that hard to make the types of food swaps that
help you follow the Mindful Diet. You don’t need to buy rare or hugely expensive ingredients to
create delicious meals that are full of high vibrational foods designed to support vitality. You’ll
immediately see how these subtle but focused changes to your diet leave you feeling more
energetic and alive than ever before.

This diet changes your body all on its own by enhancing immunity, balancing hormones,
supporting digestion and keeping your immune system fighting fit. As your insides start to
thrive, you’ll soon notice the changes that appear on the outside as well—all without having to
starve yourself, run yourself into the ground, or subsist on bland meals!

All you gotta do it take it one new step, one new food at a time and then BAM! Before you
even realize it, your life is literally changing before your eyes!

Your new way of feeling every day will awaken itself to you and you will not be able to go back
to the dead foods weighing your body and your mind down! Keep it simple and if you mess up
and get off the path, don’t beat yourself up!

Make sure you give yourself small rewards when you are changing your diet and emotional
habits around your diet. Studies show that positive regard and rewarding yourself goes a long
way in making life-long change. The secret is in taking small, consistent steps. If you fall off,
just switch it up and go for a walk, talk to a friend, take a bath and refocus. Start again!

The rest of your life is a long, profound and remarkable journey, so make sure you enjoy it with
the health, energy, vitality and FUN that the Abundant Body Miracle diet will reward you for!

Love you my friend.

Enjoy, be healthy, and be happy.


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