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American Mineralogist, Volume 58, pages 323-331, 1973

Equilibriain Systems
GaSO*-H,Oand Ga@n-NaCl-H,O
CnlnrBs W. BrouNr
Department ol Geology, Uniaersity of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30601


FnaNx W. DrcrsoN
Department of Geology, Stanford Uniuersity, Stanford, California 94305


The equilibria of gypsum and anhydrite with solution and vapor were studied by the use of
solubilities, which were in part gained from downward extrapolation of solubilities measured at
high temperatures to avoid kinetic difficulties encountered below 70"C. The 4-phase invariant
equilibrium of gypsum, anhydrite, simple H,O solution, and vapor is set at 56"C + 3"C and
124 -r 9 torr. The pressure change required to increase the univariant equilibrium temperature
of gypsum, anhydrite and tLO solution l"C is about 78 bars, which agreeswell with values
calculated from thermochemistry. The 3-phase univariant equilibrium of gypsum, anhydrite,
and vapor rangesfrom 124 torr at 56"C to 13.6 torr at 20'C. The effect of NaCl concentration
on the 4-phase univariant equilibrium of gypsum, anhydrite, NaCl-H,O solution, and vapor,
is to lower the equilibrium temperature from that of the invariant point, 56"C for zero NaCl 48"C. 2 molal NaCl: 36'C, 4 molal NaCl; and 20'C, 6 molal NaCl' The
uncertainty in the temperatures in NaCl solutions is -t- 4"C.

Introduction (L* represents NaCl-HzO solution),wasdetermined

function of NaCl concentration.
Gypsum (CaSO+'2H2O)and anhydrite(CaSO+) as a
occur as minerals in diverse environments.Know- PreviousStudies
ledge of the temperature and pressure conditions
G + A + L -tV Equilibrium in sYstem
under which the two minerals coexist stably with
CaSOrHeO. The four-phaseequilibrium G + A +
aqueoussolutionsis essentialto understandingthe
V has received much attention from previous
genesisof specific mineral associations.This paper L +
most of whom used methods based on
presentsresults of studieson equilibrium relations workers,
solubility measurements. Controversyexistsas to the
of gypsumand anhydritein the presenceof saturated
exactconditionsprevailingat the point. Zen (1965)
aqueoussolutionsand vapor.
and Hardie (1967) include summary statementsof
A schematicrepresentationof phaserelationships
the topic, useful to readerswho wish to pursue the
in the systemCaSOr-HzOis presentedin Figure 1.
subject. The temperaturesreported to hold at the
The phasesstable in the temperature and pressure
invariant point range from 63.5oC (Hofr. et al.,
rangesof this study,15 to 70'C and 0.01 to 1000 (1903) to a value of 38'C (Toriumi and Hara,
bars, respectively,are designatedby capital letters, 1 e 3 8 .
as follows: G, gypsum;A, anhydrite;L, saturated Most workers have acceptedPosnjak's (1938)
solution; and V, vapor. Figure 1 shows that four solubility basedvalue of 42"C. More recent solu-
curvesrepresentingunivariant three-phaseequilibria bility studiesby D'Ans et al. (1955), Bock (1961)
intersect at a point representingthe invariant four- Marshall and Slusher (1966) and Power et al.
phaseequilibrium G + A + L + V. The conditions (1966) also supporta transitiontemperatureof 40
at the invariant point and alongthe univariant curves to 42"C. The 4O'C value calculatedfrom thermo-
of G * A + L and G + A + Vhave been deter- chemical data by Kelley et al. (1941) must be
mined as part of this study. regarded as fortuitous. Zen (1965) and Hardie
In addition, the effect of dissolvedNaCl on the (1967) in reviewing the thermochemical data
univariant four-phaseequilibrium G + A + L* + V showedthat therewas a largeuncertainty(-+22"C)

of anhydritewith solution.He reactedmixtures of

IN THE gypsumand anhydrite with solutionsof Na2SOaand
H2SO4of various concentrationat severaldifferent
temperatures.By noting which phase, gypsum or
anhydrite,tended to increaseduring long reaction
times,he was able to delineatethe stabilityfieldsof
G + L and A * L. Extrapolatinghis data to zero
dissolvedsubstanceconcentrationpermittedhim to
estimatethe temperatureat the fotrr-phasepoint to
be 58' ! 2"C. Hardie's work was done carefully;
he examinedthe solid phasesat regular intervals
to make sureonly gypsumand anhydritewere pres-
ent, and he successfullyreversedthe reactions.
G + A + L* + V equilibria in system CaSOa-
T+ NaCl-HrO. Dissolvedsalts decreasethe tempera-
Ftc. 1. Schematicphaserelationsin the systemCaSO-HgO ture at which G + A + L* + V coexist.Figure 3
projected onto the temperature-pressure plane. Four three- presentsa summaryof previotrssignificantstudies.
phase univariant equilibria are represented by curves that Seawaterbrinesat variousconcentrations wereused
meet at the four-phase invariat point, 1.P. Phase designa-
in the study by Toriumi and Hara (1938). Their
tions are: Gypsum, G; anhydrite, A; H,o solution, L;
and vapor, V. solubility-basedresultscomparevery well with those
obtainedby D'Ans (1955) in NaCl solutionson a
moles chlorine per kilogram of water basis.Posnjak
inherentin the calculations.Zen (1965) also called (1940) reportedan equilibriumtemperatureof 30oC
attention to the significanceof the sluggishreaction in seawatersolutions4.8 timesnormalsalinitywhich
of anhydrite with simple aqueous and NaCl-HpO is equivalentto a 3 moles NaCl/kg HzO (3 molal
solutions,which below about 70'C is so slow that NaCl) solution.This is about 4oC higher than the
no experimenterhas successfullyreversedsolubility resultsof Toriumi and Hara or D'Ans. MacDonald
determinations.Although somedifficultieshave been (1953) calculatedthe changein equilibrium tem-
met in reactinggypsumwith solutions(Hulett, 1901; perature with NaCl concentration using thermo-
Hara et al., 1934), the determinationshave been chemicaldata. Bock (1961), Power et al. (1966)
reversed in adequatedetail over a wide range of and Marshall and Slusher (1966) evaluatedequi-
temperature.Determinationsof the G * A + L + V librium temperaturesfrom solubility data in NaCl
invariant point from plots of the apparentsolubility solutionswith results that agreedwith Posnjak and
of anhydrite and the true solubility of g5rpsumyield MacDonald.Zen's (1965) study cast doubt on the
only estimatesof minimum temperatures. anhydrite solubilitiesbelow 70'C, and suggestedthat
Hardie (1967) put forth a temperatureof 58oC, the equilibrium temperature must be higher than
based on a novel method. which revived interest the solubility studiesindicate.
in the matter. D'Ans (1968) objectedto Hardie's Hardie (1967) evaluatedthe effect of solutions
determination,regardingit as too high, and re-stated of different ionic strengths (activities of H2O) by
his preferencefor Posnjak'stemperatureof 42oC. the method describedearlier. Hardie's results are
The major points raised by D'Ans revolve about illustrated in Figure 3 in which his HzO activities
kinetic considerations,such as the possibilitythat are related to NaCl concentrationusing vapor pres-
metastablephases had appeared unheeded during sure data from the International Critical Tables
Hardie'sexperiments. D'Ans raisedinterestingques- (1929). Hardie'stemperaturesare distinctlyhigher
tions, but his death has prevented clarification of than other workers over most of the concentration
his arguments.Cruft and Chao (1970) state their range. While anhydrite-solution reactions may be
preferencefor the 4042'C transition temperature. too sluggishfor equilibrium to be obtained in HzO
They failed, however, to present any evidence to or NaCl-H2O solutions, reactions in NazSOn and
support this preference.Hardie (1967) determined H2Oa solutions do proceed rapidly enough.
the equliibrium relations of gypsum and anhydrite G + A -f L equilibrium in system CaSO',HyO.
by a method that compensatedfor the slow reaction Manikhin and Kryukov (1968) measuredgypsum

S Y S T E M C o S O 4 -H z O
0 Gypsum+ Anhydrite
+ SoturotedSolution
0 GyPsum

A Bock(1961)
E Zen( 1965)
V BlockI Woters(1968)
o(\I 0 Monik|inI l&yukou(t968)
- o BlountI Dickson(Present)
c'l I bor

.ol \,
sl ?"
Melcher (l9lO) "oh
Fortridge I White(1929)
Posnjok ( 1938)
B o o t hA B i d w e l(l1 9 5 0 )
PowerI Fobuss(1964)
0 Monikhin I Kryukou (1968)
-- l t.Dickson ef.ol.(1963)
B l o u n It D i c k s o(n1 9 6 9 )

50 roo r50
n oC
T E M P E R A T U Ri E
I bar
Frc. 2. The logarithm of gypsum and anhydrite solubility in molality in systemCaSOa-HzOplotted versustemperatureat
Table 2;
or the vapor pressureof the solution, 500 bars, and 1000bars. Solid lines representsolubilities calculatedfrom equationsof
of the
dashedlines representextrapolatedportions of the calculatedanhydrite solubility curves.The line connectingthe intersections
.uru., i, the projection onto the composition-temperature plane of curve separating G * L from A * L in Figure 1'

and anhydrite solubilities at high pressuresfrom obtained a value of 7l t I.9 batsf"C using the
0 to 50'C. Their results are shown in Figure 2. thermochemical data of Kelley et aL (1941'), 46"C
The pressureeffect on'the equilibrium has been as the equilibration temperature,and more recent
calculatedto be 83 bars/'C (Marsal, 1952) and data on the molar volumes of gypsumand anhydrite'
85.4 bars/'C (MacDonald, 1953). Zen (1965) G + A -f V equilibrium in systemCaSOa-HrO'

^ 9 Y 9 T E MC o S O 4 -N o c t - H 2 o mentallydeterminingthe temperatures and pressures

Anhydrife-Soturoted Solutio;Eouitibrio
at whch gypsumand anhydriteshow the samesolu-
bilitiesin a particularsolutiontype.We usedsolubil-
-y Hordiefl967) ity data from the literature and unpublishedsolu-
-O- BlountI Dickson
bilities of our own, measuredfor this purpose.The
o40 \i solubilitieswere castinto empiricalequations,which
relatedgypsumand anhydritesolubilitiesto tempera-
E \ ture, pressure,and NaCl concentration.Anhydrite
F solubilitiesin the kineticallyhinderedregion below
(r + Toflumie Horo(fgiJ- 70oC were estimatedby downward extrapolating

=.v higher temperaturedata.

F Anhydrite and gypsum solubilities. The solubil-
l0 ---
ities of anhydrite and gypsum were measuredby
MorshollI Slusher(t966)
+ Foweret ol (1966) the use of the hydrothermalsolution equipment,
previouslyusedto measurethe solubilityof anhydrite
6 in H2O solutionsfrom 100oto 275'C and 1 to 1000
o, tr, *n ,lO bars (Dicksonet al., 1963) and in NaCl-HzO solu-
Frc. 3. The effect of NaCl or Cl concentration and tionsfrom 100to 450'C and I to 1000bars (Blount
activity of H,O on the equilibrium temperature of the and Dickson, 1969). One new determination of
gypsum, anhydrite, solution, and vapor assemblage,at I bar anhydritesolubility was made at 80oC-1000 bars;
total pressure in the system CaSO.-NaCI-H"O. H,O vapor
pressure ranges from 124 torr at 56"C and zero NaCl con-
efforts to measurethe solubility at lower tempera-
centration, to 13.6 torr at 20.C and 6 molal NaCl. tures failed. Gypsum solubilities were determined
from 40 to 83'C at 1, 500, and 1000 barsin simple
HzO solutions(Table 1).
The equilibrium of gypsum and anhydrite with vapor The procedures followed in the anhydrite and
cannot be measured directly because of the excessive gypsumsolubilitydeterminations werethoseof Dick-
times required to equilibrate the solids with the son el al. (7963). Well-crystallizedartificial anhy-
vapor phase.The positionof the curve as evaluated drite and gypsum, and carefully purified H2O, free
from Hardie's temperatureversusionic strengthdata, of COz, were used.Gypsumequilibratedwith solu-
combined with data on the vapor pressure of tion within one day, in contrastto anhydrite,which
NaCl-HzO solutions as a function of temperature required three days to attain equilibrium at 8O'C.
and ionic strength,is presentedin Figure 7. Selectedsolubilitieswere reversiblydetermined.The
Summary ol preoious work. Controversy exists maximum estimateduncertainty in the values of
as to the temperatureat the 4-phaseinvariant point, Table 1 is +2.5 percent of the solubility value,
as well as to the quantitative effect on lowering the i2"C and i4 bars.
temperaturecreatedby dissolvedsalts.Hardie'swork Gypsum and anhydrite solubilities are illustrated
contrastswith the studiesof most previousworkers, in Figure 2. There is good agreementbetween the
who have reported lower temperatures.The efiect 1 bar gypsum solubilitiesobtained during this study
of pressureon the univariant equilibrium of gypsum, and those obtained by Hullet and Allen (1902),
anhydrite and saturatedsimple HzO solutionshas Mglcher(1910),Posnjak(1938),Denman(1961),
not been established experimentally,but it has been Marshall and Slusher (1966). The I bar gypsum
calculatedfrom thermochemical data. The tempera- solubilitiesobtainedby Bock (1961), Zen (7965),
tures and H2O pressuresof the anhydrite,gypsum, Block and Waters (1968) are significantlyhigher.
and vapor equilibrium have been estimated from The reasons for this disagreementare unknown.
Hardie's (1967) data. Some additional work is However,Hullet (1901), Hullet and Allen (1902),
clearly neededto clarify gypsum-anhydriterelations. Tanakaet al. (1931) and Hara et al. (1934) dis-
cuss high apparent solubilities for gypsum when it
is either poorly crystalline or very fine grained.
We haveusedthe solubilitymethodof determining Hullet (1901) pointed out that gypsum was very
equilibrium conditions of phase assemblages. The soft and easilyground to a fine powder when stirred.
method is simple in principle; it consistsof experi- Becauseof the possibility that the high gypsum

Tlsr-B l The Solubility of Gypsum in H,O Solution as a Tesrp 2. Solubilities of Gypsum and Anhydrite ln
Function of Temperature and Pressure NaCl-H"O Solutions at Constant NaCl Concentration ln
Pre6 sure Tenperature cypsu Solubllity
ln 1n 1n hpirlcal Equatlons*

Bars oc MoIs CaS04/Kg of H20

(! 4 bars) e20c) @ .57.)
2 0.0 h n=-4.355 + 0.840 x lo-J P+ 0 OIO5t-L 700 x IO--t'

+ 0.584 x to-6t3
24 50 . 0 1 5 5u
+IO 50 .0228 u Anhydrlte 0 0 h n = - 2 . 8 7 + 1 . 2 2 0 x l 0 - 3 p - O o 2 3 7 t - O 0 0 2 8x 1 O - 3 P t
+)l 50 .0226 u
+ o 0lo x to-4.2 * o.tto * to-7Pt2.
995 50 . 0 3 3 7u
985 50 . 0 3 3 9u 2.O = -1,979 - O O2I5t + 0.5955* to-4c2 '0.0E95 x I0-6t3.
986 50 .0348u = - 2 . 4 4 7 - 0 . 0 1 4 3 5 t + 0 . 3 5 1 5 x l 0 - 4 t 2 - 0 0 3 o e zx L 0 - 6 t 3 '
468 60 . 0 2 1 8s
498 6 0 .5 .0223 s 60 = -2.926 - o.olo43t + o.:+:5 x lo'4t2 - 0.o367 x 10-6t3
24 6I .0L47 s * D - solubtltty tn @Is CsSO/kg of H2O.
140 79 . 0 1 5 2- p - pressure ln bare.
It. ) . 0 1 3 9e ! - tflPeretule it'c.
3 79 . 0 1 3 8s
7 9. 5 . 0 2 0 3u
79 .0200u
990 7 7. 5 .030 u numberof other workers (Melcher, 1910; Partridge
r0l0 . 0 3 0 1u and White, 1.929;Hill, 1937; Posnjak,1938; Mar-
565 4l .0264 u
s48 40 .0260u shall er ol. 1964).
.030 u
.031 u
High results such as those by HalI et ql. (1'926)
904 67 .030 u may representsolubilitiesof poorly crystallineanhy-
892 . 0 3 0 7u
drite, or somehemihydratemay have been present.
515 67 . 0 2 2 8s
. 0 2 2 4s
.0228 I
Resultssuch as thoseby Booth and Bidwell (1950)
992 6 6. 5 .033 may representfailure to obtain saturation or other
I002 5 6. 5 .034 u
999 . 0 3 3 5u experimentalproblems.Table 3 displaysgypsumand
. 0 3 0 9s
. 0 3 1 4s
anhydrite solubilities calculated for regular inter-
1002 83 . 0 3 1 3s vals of temperatureand Pressure.
1004 83 . 0 3 0 7I
Resultson the G + A + L + V equilibrium in
u - solubillty
s = solubllity
approached fron undersaturation.
approached froE suPersaturatlon.
system CaSOt-HrO. The curves representinggyp-
sum and anhydrite solubilities as a function of tem-
perature at 1 bar total pressure(Fig. 2) intersectat
solubilities are anomalous,they were not used in 56'C. Consideringthat the calculatedsolubilitiesfor
our calculationof an empirical equation for gypsum anhydriteand gypsumare within 15 percent and tz
solubility as a function of temperatureand pressure, percent of the equilibrium value respectively, the
Table 2. The closenessof the fit of solubilitiescalcu- uncertaintyin the transitiontemperatureis i3oC.
lated from this equation is evident in Figure 2. The This value is within the experimental error of
values calculated from the empirical equation are -r
Hardie'svalue,58o zoc, and it is in closeragree-
within L2 Wrcent of most of the experimentaldata ment with van't Hoff et al.'s value of 63.5'C than
used to derive the equation. with any other number reported earlier. The vapor
There is considerablescatter in anhydrite solu- pressureat the invariant point, neglectingthe negli-
bilities obtained by difierent workers especially at
higher temperatures.The data of Dickson el a/. Tlnre 3. Solubilities of Gypsum and Anhydrite in HaO
(1963) and Blount and Dickson (1969) were car- Solution at Regular Intervals of Temperature and Pressure*
ried out reversibly and were repeatable.This data
was processedto obtain the empirical equationgiven Pressure Phsse Solublllty In Molality
Tenperature in
in bara
in Table 2 from which solubilities were calculated
40 50 60 70 80
to give the graph lines in Figure 2' Logarithms of
I Gypsun .0154 .0153 .0148 .0143 ,0137
anhydrite solubility show almost a linear change 1 Anhydrite .0175 .0138 ,0108 .0086
with temperaturefrom 80oC to 260"C. In general .0218 .0205
5OO Gypsun .0240 .0233 .0226
most experimentalpoints are within f5 percent of 500 Anhydrite .0238 .0187 .0L47
the value predicted by this equation. Above 70oC 1000 Gypsu '0358 .0352 .0344 .0330 .0310
solubilitiespredictedby this equationare quite close 1000 Anhydrite .0415 .0324 .0253
to many of the experimental determinationsby a * calculated fron eDplrical equations of Table 2.-

gibly small effect that the dissolved CaSOa exerts I

on the vapor pressureof the solution,is 124 f 9 torr

.@ N o C l 2 M o l e s/ K g H . 0
.08 GYPsum
(torr = mm of Hg). .o7
I M o d e i nq n d S r o t . . ( t 9 5 6 )
Hardie and we used different methods to get - .06 l B o c k{ 1 9 6 1 )
I Zcn (1965)
around the difficulty presentedby the slow reaction :<CD o5 | . Morlhollond Slush.r (t9661
rate o,f anhydrite at low temperatures.The con- 04 I a Blocl ond l{olrrr (t968)

cordance in the equilibrium temperaturesobtained o

o o3
by two different approachesadds strong support for
the general correctnessof a temperaturein the 50 v D ' A n ! G ro l ( 1 9 5 5 )
o M o d g i no n d S r o l 3 . { 1 9 5 6 }
to 60'C range, rather than in the 38 to 46"C nnge aoo A Soct (1961)
o + M o r t h o l le l o l { 1 9 6 4 )
of early workers. o
O Blounl ond oictton (1969)
Results on G + A + Lx -t V equilibria in e Elock ond Wotlrr (t968)

system CaSOa-NaCl-HrO. The equilibrium tem-

peratures were determined as a function of NaCl ?5 50 75 t00 t25 t50 t75
concentration at 1 bar pressure by essentiallythe toc
same procedure used in the system CaSO+-HBO. Ftc. 4. The effect of temperature on the solubilities of
The anhydrite solubility data in NaCl-HzO solu- gypsum and anhydrite in 2 molal NaCl solution at I bar
tions of Blount and Dickson (1969) and the 70oC total pressure.
data of D'Ans et aL (1955) were processedto
derive empirical equations that relate anhydrite Glew and Hames (1970) are noticeablyhigherthan
solubility to temperature at several NaCl concen- those used to derive the equations. If anhydrite
trations,at 1 bar (Table 2). solubility were higher than the curves suggest,the
Since many anhydrite solubility determinations gypsum-anhydritetransition temperaturewould also
were at conditions sornewhatdifferent from those be higher. The higher solubilities may indicate the
used for deriving these equations,it was necessary presenceof hemihydrate or ,a fine grained poorly
to apply small correctionsto the experimentaldata crystalline anhydrite in those experiments.
by graphical interpolation and extrapolation. Since Gypsum solubilities in NaCl-HzO solutions show
the solubility of anhydrite has been well measured considerable variation. Since also many determi-
over a range of NaCl, temperature and pressure nations are at conditions somewhatdifferent than
conditions, this procedure did not introduce signif- those desired for comparisonpurposes,it was nec-
icant uncertainties into the solubility values. The essaryto graphicallyplot this data to obtain interpo
empirical equations were derived from graphical lated values.In this analysis,considerableattention
plots of the function a,m/ndtT in which Az is the
change in molal concentrationfor the temperature
interval AT and m' is the mean molal concentration NoCl4 Moles/ Kg H.0
in the interval. The curves obtained were closely Gypsum
approximated by a quadratic equation which was o I l4ogdinond Srotr6 (t956)
l g o c k( 1 9 6 1 )
integrated using several data points to obtain the - I Zln {t965)
. M o . l h o l lo n d S l u s h a r( 1 9 6 6 )
final equation. The equationsreproducedthe solu- Yo I Bloct ond tyot.6il96g)
X Gtcw ond gome (t97O)
bility values used in their derivation within i2
percent over a temperature range from 70o to oo
250"C. Solubilities based on these equations are = A n h y dirf e
v D'Ar! rl ol {1955)
illustrated by curves in Figures 4, 5, and 6. a Boct (1961)

Solubilities reported for anhydrite in the kinet- oo

a + M o r l h o l l! t o l ( 1 9 6 4
O Elounl ond Dickton (1969)
ically hindered region (temperaturesbelow 70"C) o - Blocl ond Wot.r3 (t968)
Q Glew ond liom.!(t97O)
are significantly lower than values calculated from
the empirical equation. The inclusion of this data
would have produced a sharp inflection in the curves
t oc
of the function a,m/rrd aT. Anhydrite solubilities
Frc. 5. The effect of temperature on the solubilities of
above 100oCreportedby Zdanovsky(1949),Mar- gypsum and anhydrite in 4 molal NaCl solution at I bar
shall el al. (L964), Block and Waters(1968) and total pressure.

.09 gypsum, anhydrite and saturatedI{rO solution was
NoCl Moles/ Kg H.o
o8 Gypsum ivaluated from solubilitiesmeasuredas functions of
Bocr (1961)
temperatureand pressure.Figure 2 showssolubility
versustemperatureplots for 1, 500, and 1000 bars
Z!n {1965)
o n6
for gypsum and anhydrite. Solubilities reported by
Morrholl ond Slush!. 11966l
.o4 Ir Manikhin and Kryukov (1968) for gypsum agree
tl with previous results at 1 bar but are higher than
= prer.nt resultsat 500 and 1000 bars. Their anhy-
A n h y di rf e
v D'An! et ql (1955)
drite solubilities are scatteredabove and below the
calculatedsolubility curves shown in Figure 2. It is
(n A Eock {1961)
o + M o r r h o l l€ l o l ( 1 9 6 4 )
O Blounl ond Dicklon {19691 doubtful that they achievedequilibrium during their
anhydrite solubility measurements.Their gypsum
solubilities also seem to be anomalous' The equi-
25 75 125 t75
librium temperature obtained from the curves in
t oc -F 3oC
Figure Z ari 56 +- 3oC, 62 t 3'C and 69
Frc. 6. The effect of temperature on the solubilities of for 1, 500, and 1000 b'arsrespectively.The uncer-
gypsum and anhydrite in 6 molal NaCl solution at I bar
tainty in the slope,dp/dt, is probably not in excess
total pressure.
o,f -+1oC for 100O bars. Our value of 78 t 7
bars/oC is not far from valuescalculatedby Marsal
was paid to what information was availableregard- (1952) and MacDonald (1953), which were 83
ing experimentalprocedures,especiallyconsidering bars/oC and 85.4 bars/oC respectively. 7nn (1'965)
the tendency of gypsum to undergo grinding under recalculated the pressure coefficient using more
many experimental situations as discussed pre- recentmolar volume data and obtained 70.9 '+ l'9
viously. Somevaluesin the literature may be anom- barsfoC which agreeswith our recalculationsusing
alouslyhigh due to the presenceof poorly crystalline Hardie's more recent revised thermochemicalequa-
or very finely pulverized material. In this effort tions (Hardie, 1967) and Clark's (1966) molar
we attemptedto obtain an internally consistentset volume data. In view of the tendencyfor quantities
of data and reject valueswhich appearedeither low calculated from thermochemical considerationsto
or high. The gypsum solubility curves illustrated in show relatively large uncertainties,the agreementof
Figures 4, 5, and 6 are in fair agreementwith the the thermochemicallycalculatedpressurecoefficients
resultsby MadginandSwales(1956), Bock (1961) with the experimentalvalue is excellent.
Block and Waters (1968), and someof the results Resultson G * A + V equilibrium in system
of Marshalland Slusher(1966). The resultsby Zen CaSOrHeO. The temperaturesand HzO pressures
(1965) and by Marshall and Slusher(1966) (in at which gypsum and anhydrite coexist in the pres-
6 molal NaCl) are significantlyhigher. The uncer- enceof vapor cannot be determineddirectly because
tainty regarding gypsum solubilities are probably of kinetic hindrancesto attainment of equilibrium'
around i3 percent. They can be estimatedfrom the temperatureversus
The temperaturesevaluated by the above pro- NaCl concentration data presented in Figure 3,
cedurewere:48o -+ 4oC,2molalNaCl; 36o +- 4"C, togetherwith data on vapor pressuresof NaCl-HzO
4 molal NaCl; and 20" ! 4"C, 6 molal NaCl. The solutions of different NaCl concentrationsand tem-
uncertainty in each temperaturewas estimatedfol- peratures(I nternationnlCritical Tables,1933) . Two
lowing the procedure used for that in H2O only. effectshave been neglected:the tiny lowering of the
Figure 3 showsall data plotted astemperatureversus vapor pressureof the solutions resulting from dis-
NaCl concentration. Our curve agrees well with soived CaSOe;and the small positive effect of the
Hardie's, but it falls above curves of the other confining pressureof 1 bar on the vapor pressure
workers, except at high NaCl concentration,where of the solutions.
all curves converge. The agreement of our and The approachis basedon the well-known princi-
Hardie's work supports the validity of a higher ple of physical chemistrythat a multi-phasesystem
temperature position for the correct curve. in equilibrium at a given temperatureand pressure
Results on G * A + L equilibrium in system remains at equilibrium if one of the phasesis re-
CaSO;-H2O. The 3-phaseunivariant equilibrium of moved. other circumstancesbeing held constant'

Gypsum and anhydrite equilibratedwith NaCl-HzO peraturesabove56oC,the G + A + V equilibrium

solution and vapor remain in equilibrium with the can only occur metastably.
vapor phase even if the NaCl-HzO solution is re-
moved. The vapor pressureof the series of NaCl- Conclusions
H2O solutions that are in equilibrium with gypsum The temperatures of the equilibriaof gypsumand
and anhydrite at different temperatures can be anhydrite with solution and vapor, evaluatedby
closely approximated from known data. Figure 7 most previousworkers from solubilities,appear to
presentsa plot of H2O pressureversustemperature be too low. The major causeof difficultyis the slow-
data for the reaction. ness with which anhydrite reacts with simple H2O
Hardie (1967) did not presenthis data in this or NaCl-H2Osolutionsbelow 70"C. Hardie (1967)
form; however,his H2O activity versustemperature took advantageof the more rapid reactionof anhy-
data on the equilibriumof gypsum,anhydrite,solu- drite with H2SO4 solutions to evaluateindirectly
tion and vapor, can be converted conveniently to higher equilibrium temperatures.By application of
vapor pressureversus temperaturedata. His data, a still different appro,achbasedon downwardextrap-
when plotted on a diagram such as Figure 7, yield olation of high temperaturesolubilities to lower
a curve indistinguishablefrom ours, in view of the temperatures, we haveevaluatedequilibriumtemper-
uncertainties. atureswhich are in generalagreementwith Hardie's.
The univariant curve representingthe G * A + V We feel, therefore, that our results add strong sup-
equilibrium falls below the vapor pressurecurve for port to the correctnessof the higher temperatures
H2O liquid and vapor at all temperaturesbelow reported by Hardie.
56'C. At 56"C, the G + A * V curve terminates Our direct measurementsof the solubilities of
at the invariant point for G * A + L * V. At tem- gypsum and anhydrite in H2O solutions enabledus
to evaluatethe pressureeffect on the G + A + L
equilibrium, which agreed well with the pressure
effect calculated frorn thermochemicaldata.
SYSTEM CoSOo-H20 The experiencesof workers studyingthe gypsum-
- onhydrite
Gypsum - Vopor anhydriteequilibria by use of the solubility approach
Equilibrium illustrates the strengths and weaknessesof the
method.The solubilityapproachavoidsmany of the
o uanore's(1967)H2o
kinetic difficulties other methods encounter, such
ociiviliesconverfed as the appearanceof metastablephases.However,
(ts to trro
E for the solubility method to work, equilibrium solu-
F bility values must be available.Reversiblereactions
c of the solid and liquid phasesare essentialto dem-
lrJ onstratingthat equilibrium has been attained.The
history of the studieson gypsum and anhydrite sta-
(t) bility relationswell illustratesthe hazardsof accept-
E. ing steady state or slowly changing concentration
values as equilibrium solubilities.
The authors are indebted to Professor Konrad Kraus-
kopf, Geology Department, Stanford University, who
kindly reviewed the manuscript. Mr. Warren Ervine and
Mr. Francisco Querol-Sufie, Geology Department, Stanford
T E M P E R A T U R Ei n O C University, made valuable comments. The work was sup-
Flc. 7. The equilibrium of gypsum, anhydrite, and vapor, ported by the National Science Foundation Grants G7405
at I bar total pressure, represented by a plot of vapor and P862.
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