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Happiness is preferred state of equilibrium. This balance brings to us then the duty to practice the virtue
of sobriety.

In the next chapter, we will explain how right action determined, or. what precisely is the basis wherein
we can know that an action is right or not. We know that the morally good those actions which
contribute to our fulfillment; but how can we know precisely that such action is the right action? What is
the measure by which we judge an action fulfilling or not? Our initial answer is that actions which are in
accord to virtue are those which truly lead us to our true fulfillment. Thus, when we say that an action is
moral or good because it contributes to the attainment or fulfillment of one's ends, we specifically mean
that an action is good or moral because it is a virtuous act or. an act in accordance to virtue. This is so
because only virtuous acts are acts which hit the balance between lack and excess. And the balance
between lack and excess is that which truly contributes to the fulfillment of man because it leads to
harmony among the four aspects. Our end fulfillment of each of our aspects) consists in balance through
performing actions which are in accord to the moral virtues. Hence, the meaning of moral good can
rightly be qualified as anything which is virtuous, and the meaning of moral evil is anything which is


We will see in tie next chapter that the moral virtues which behoove us to obey, actually, are nothing
but the precepts of the natural law.

9. The Ten Candidates for the Greatest Good

At this point it would be instructive to consider the ‘“ten candidates for the greatest good which were
listed by Peter Kreêef. We consider them here because, as Kreef said, they were the top ten goods the
vast majority of people vote. What we will do is to discuss these candidates under two themes; (1)
whether they are ends which fulfill man or simply means to man's fulfillment? (2) If they are ends, how
are they to be achieved in order to say they fulfill man? Answering this second theme will give us an
illustration of what we mean by harmonies if the four aspects through balance or through practicing the
virtues in seeking these goods.

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The top ten goods as listed by Kreef are: 1. Pleasure 2. money, 3. health, 4. honor, fame, glory,
acceptance 5. power 6. Peace 7. altruism 8. virtue 9. wisdom 10. God.

Now let us discuss them one by one according to the two themes.
1. Pleasure. Pleasure is an end and not merely a means because this is an aspect of man himself.
Pleasure is self-fulfillment; or fulfillment in his biological aspect. However, we all know that too much
pleasure and or the lack of it are equally bad for us. Hence this good cannot really fulfill us if not sought
with moderation.

2. Money. This one is obviously a means since money is not an aspect of our lives. Acquiring it therefore
does not fulfill us, but can be a means to human fulfillment. Money can only contribute to human
fulfillment when there is balance. Too much acquisition of money will deprive others and will make us
evil. Hence it deprives us of achieving some of our ends, namely, personal integrity, justice, love,
harmony, friendship, solidarity, etc.

3. Health. This is an end. It pertains to our biological aspect Acquiring good health fulfills us as human
person. However, good

health cannot be achieved by merely pampering our body or by

having too much food and comfort. It also needs some work, denial

discipline, and control Hence, fulfillment in this aspect requires the

practice of the virtues. Any excess or lack is physical evil and actions

or choices leading to physical evil are morally evil.

4. Honor, fame, glory, and acceptance. These too are ends and not

means. Man is fulfilled when he has these goods. Each person needs

an amount of honor, recognition, and acceptance; however, too

much of them lead to anarchy and selfishness. Hence, seeking them

is good or evil depending on balance or excess/lack.

5. Power. The same can be said with honor, etc.

6. Peace, This one too is an end, It is a good sought as an end which

contributes to man's fulfillment in either his biological (emotional,

psychological), social, and moral aspect. Further, peace can only be a

acquired when there is harmony balance among all things.

7. Altruism. This is also an end. Self-giving fulfills man: To be able to

sincerely share oneself to others tor other's sake is not only a means

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