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Garcia 1

Jonathan Garcia

English 101

9 October 2019

The Last Class

English was the last class scheduled for my last year of High School. Like all classes, the first

day gives a hint of how the class will proceed for the rest of the year. So for good reasons, I was

very anxious. English class the year before had mixed results. Grades where adequate, and my

Teacher wasn’t the greatest in the world. If not for the two friends I made midway of the year,

junior year of English would have been a bust.

Even still, I managed to go into class with a positive outlook. Even before class started I had

already found out that none of my friends would attend the class. It came down to meeting

someone if I was to socialize. For that reason alone I sat myself in the middle of class in hopes of

maximizing my chances. I had to try.

The first few students entered and finally the Teacher. I had never met anyone of them. It was

a small classroom filled with people I have never met and a teacher I’d heard nothing about.

The Teacher greeted herself and immediately expelled an aura of kindness. If her outward

optimism hinted with her teaching skills, I had good reason to believe that I would have no

trouble dragging myself to tutoring if need be.

Ultimately it came down to my classmates. They were all quiet and where seemingly

uninterested with the class or the people in it. It was dull just to sit there and find no one
Garcia 2

smirking or socializing with a friend or the Teacher. Simply put it, it didn’t look promising for

their first impressions. From what I’ve gathered, they simply were more interested in keeping to

themselves than to socialize.

Once I came home, I told my parents about my day. Told them who had I met and if I had

managed to track down my friends. I had brushed off English, stating that it was ‘okay’. Nothing

spectacular in a subject I had historically found indifferent.

By the second day, I came in with the same level of motivation as I had with other classes of

the same calibur. It seemed that no one was interested to socialize and I was made disinterested

as a result.

As class gathered itself and the teaching began, I had pretty much came to terms with how the

class would proceed for the rest of the year. It wasn’t until a couple in the corner began to talk

among themselves that I began to see some motivation to talk. It wasn’t a conversation I was

involved with but I didn’t have to, because there was an effort being made to socialize. It was

small, but it was a start to something more.

Little conversations lead to others and a raise of a hand started a conversation with even the

Teacher. It didn’t take long before I began to talk to join in as well to class conversations. Even

those who had subjected themselves to the farthest corner of the class began to make their voice

heard. Everyone went as far as to share contact information. Everyday became full of energy.

It wasn’t until the first impressions were made that the once spread out and quiet islands of

students began to huddle together. Even the Teacher became a close friend of us all. Everyone

wanted to come together, and with effort the once seemingly insignificant and quiet class became

the best class to end High School.

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