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Table of Contents

WORKFLOW...................................................................................................................................... 2
Exercise Overview:.................................................................................................................... 2
A) UPDATE THE MODEL AFTER HAVING NEW WELL DATA INPUT......................................................2
B) Cut the fault sticks to a surface............................................................................................. 3

Petrel Introduction Course P2002 (v.7/02) Page 1

The Workflow Manager can provides a record of how a model was created, extracting the details of
which input data and settings were used. The Workflow Manager can also be used to automatically
update the model after the input data has been changed, create a number of different versions of
the model using different settings, and automatically repeat mapping tasks. It is also possible to
combine different functions, e.g. Logic-, Operations- and Utility functions in the Workflow Manager.

Exercise Overview:
A) Update the model after having new well data input
B) Cut the fault sticks to a top surface

A) Update the model after having new well

data input
Pressing in the Process Manager will create a workflow representing the current Petrel Grid. A
list of icons will appear, each one representing a Petrel process which has been performed during
the building of the model. Double click on an icon to see the settings used during each process.
The dialog box for that process will appear with the settings that were used.

Exercise Steps
1. Open the project under the Projects directory.

2. Click on the Workflows tab under the Petrel Explorer window.

3. Double click on the “Workflow 8 Update” in the Petrel Explorer window.

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4. Move the Workflow Editor window so you can look at the 3D window.

5. Test the status of the workflow by clicking on the icon .

6. Run the workflow by clicking on the icon and observe the changes in the 3D
window where the new model is displayed. These changes are based on the new well input
from the B9 well.
7. Do not save the changes.

The model displayed before the updates where based on all the wells besides the B9. If a new well
has been drilled and you will update your model by including the new well data information you
should do this by using the Workflow Manager.

B) Cut the fault sticks to a surface

When building complex fault structures it is important that the key pillars are extended above the
top and below the base reservoir. Hence, the key pillars should be as short as possible, and
penetrate the top and the base of the bounding reservoir surfaces. If the project contains many
fault sticks, it is a very tiresome job to manually edit all the fault sticks. To save time it is possible to
define a workflow to cut all the fault sticks automatically. This exercise will show the participants
how to edit the fault sticks to reduce the editing necessary in the Fault Modeling process.

Exercise Steps

1. Open the project and display all the fault sticks under the Fault Sticks (Time)
folder and the Base Cretaceous surface under the Surfaces (time) folder in a 3D window.
Use the functions in the Workflow Manager to automatically cut all fault sticks in the Fault Sticks
folder. Use the Base Cretaceous surface as the cutting surface.
2. Go to the Workflows tab.
3. Insert a new Workflow under the Insert menu in the Menu bar.

4. Insert the Logic function For All Icons In by clicking on the Insert the

selected command/process arrow .

5. Insert the Fault Sticks folder from the Input tab and the Variable from the Workflows
tab under the Petrel Explorer window.
6. Insert the Eliminate where Z > Surface(x,y) from the Operations tab and insert both the
Variable and the Base Createous surface.
7. Remember to toggle on “Exact intersection” and deselect “Eliminate if outside”. See figure
8. Use the Set visible function under the Utility function tab and insert the variable.
9. Insert the End Loop function under the Logic function tab.

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10. Move the window to the side so you can see the data displayed in the 3D window.
11. Press Run.
12. Do not save the changes.

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