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BROOKS ME' 'DEL' has I for 4. years, been tea - io.g is m hod 0 officeESt p hys . eli' ns rurtors ~ and men in . he' U .' S, AR.M.Y Am. ORe oS"~ and in other branches of me AB... ~ , '~VYI' _' "_ _' ES, ST EGA" S ~ nd '1.0 p,re'"ind.ucrLon drafrees,

H'aJ;, given.-, speci 1 (au . e (0 ilnts and ere - S 0 banI pi Best and the Amti .. Submarine I, ornmarsd.

High O.fficials and Ol'erseas' fWS Agency ha e .p aised his wade 'as an eursrandi g w r renrributicn.

Started Commando and Pre-Ranger (raining .n re in Americ ~

His ml hod p.rais, d by ajar . Briseoe. _. '- ~l! British _ m"

who has trained thousands 0: British Commandos and 'J3S b rou,gbt 1:0 Am e rita to tr in o ur men in racrics.

.. e 'was, lauded, by the Gub\3l,o Gov rnmr nr f.or setting up a. nadonal training program for boys~ His pfiogram hs sfr d throughout South. meriea.

Has srudied the fighting techniques of every country. Oll'

:fo e the ar£~, -lew rtencion to he ph sical tTain~ng ·_·0 of Germany and Japan; helped. (0 furh sr counter ction [0 this cou n!try.,

Was an 2\ -around l 'schola _ -arhlere II at Sy raru se Un i vers j ry t starring in bOlting', basketball, and foo ball - while majorin in ps, chol 0, - '" Larer continue ,g duare _ or at Yal ~S an ex and is tod a y act ive in 14 d i iFefen r s pons ~

He lectured and d emoasrrared h] . . .. l-do" .P loren . ou

( Health Through Spotts) system before 0. rer chers It th

U, S, .Army Special Service Schoo], Lexington, if inia nd [h

'" ar College ar, 0". C~ Is now helpjng tOI reh i~~ .. tat our war casualrir s.

IU .. S . 'rmy Cam,/J ewJ Sf?T1,-',i,(C ~ S "IS and Stripes.

"The War Dept. has S_DJt' Brooks endell's book "Prot c

- our elf' to camp .. r, ries [hro'Ll hour the oI~d. He shu ". bow to, (hied your own personam aggre.sslon nd hosri it . same tim,e . ou learn ho-w.." 1r0 pro[rot yourself . Bain· t· an phys ital artac .... B rook s Men dell also, shows 0 III ho "Ldo" Protect YOUf". If' sys em rou need no_ fear J '. 'BiUy Conn.' ~

His methods are being succe '. folly used mroughouE' 'die COUIlU'J" comprl! Ul· hree million viduals in N .. Y', Smt alone.

• • 'e a • Dedicated .. ~ To [he Youth of today - fUfUTC citizens of the world - who pled,.' e themselves to check [heir own personal a gression _nd hosrilieies and [0 work together :for a '[olen-an'[ and unified world,

". TaO .. ucr 01 .• '

ne "stem of . efense in hand-to-hand encounter that you J".i-l tearn from the fol1o~ring pa. es las been. d .. veloped through trio I and error over a" period of rwenry-five years, b ginnillg in [he author's early youth. I g'rew from the realization [hat self-confidence. which should be acq.ui ed in childhood, is an aU-im orrant factor in later-

ife rei a £ ion sh ~ Ps t and h 3; [ (0 [lEi ence in on e) s bo d H Y conrrcl, s 'first evidenced in childhood games and group S .....•. rrs is 0.1 .rear importance in '[he development o:f tha. se] .. reliance. This SJ'stem may be paced and adapted -0 .man', uses - by men, women, and chi dren of any age. .11 ;1 b si __ IIJIl e~ ucation ft;,. lilriflg" not fOI" fightitl'g.

. irh m s crets of hand- 0-- an _ defense you should be able [0 proreclr yOll[Se~ sci nrifical y agalllS[' even a much hi er a . s[r . n,ger anado r:


lTD Us,e Your Ha-ds

• .. Iii

Tho are lETTER Than Fist,s



The fi S'[, contrary to a [fad itional belief, is on:" one of the many' '\ ea,po,ns at our disposal

or self-protection. '. or is ir b ,any means the most effective. Besides the fi,r5[~ or b,lud,geon, the' hand may become a hatcher, lance club, pikle~ S;3l er, or c eave.r .

Wi~h this time-honored . -eapun '(here rnu t be perfect cuordination and riming',! backed up' by the fun rnomenrum uf the body" if a specific (a.r,glf[ is ro 'b reached, The slight est s hilt or movemen if of the opponent's. body causes I' e b,lo"' .. ['0 miss the target, Since t e a ,rnCk,er"' . body m USI[ be set before the blow ,- s star red, once under ' av its (00 rse ca n ~ no:[ be ch ngedl' irhout losing mo~r of Ii ts effective power a,

'The mnside of tbe band or [he back of ['[he hand rna ¥ b ecerne a very eRe("{j ve [iose-rafJ!,ge defensjve. weapon to parry and bJock.,

Held fim:m~'y] the edge below the l.iJtd,e fingler may be used as, 3; cleaver nrn:' hat,heI' on a down stroke, or by SUri,£lgulg ,il: to' ~ he 0 ursid e . It, becomes a s aber when making a. do,. n sweep from. the outside.



Bent knuckles form at blunted lance ¥.i·~licb, i.f a ccom pan J ed by' a cor kscrew lW ~ st and supported by the arrn iii n d shoulder muscles, is much more eHectiV'f than rh e 65[.,

Th e heel of rh e band rus hacked by the fu ~ 1. ~rejglu' and :5 trengch 0,( the be d Y w f:I ere power ~U] d ] everage are dernanded.




. humb and fin ers, ~h U M proper'"

] I re 1 vef: ~ pine fS. . r nrh

gainse \"UI n erahk nerv

rem rs,

T is clos _ -up s. tow the two-fin er twisting pino .f'

0111 the nerve which will . orce y · S5 .ilant t cease

his ho d .. t I oks simple+bu it ro. cs 'page l_



.: .


irh eli I ad ~ nee' I ap lrns

opeo- Br oks end.· ll's appearance says better than

, ords, I I'm not Ioo ' g f 'rouble ~ let's e res SODable, n ·····e,. be i in [he strongest possible position for de ense ready for harev ~ r move an g' lessor may rns - e. H, is . ed, . , and master of tne 5 ",(U. [~O ,

though ie may be our-marched in skill, . eight, and 5 - "

This iosition Is the per e. r d. Iense anirude, Every p It 0 [- e bod is : et narurall [0 meer an ~ out aneu I~ a' .rr 'C~' r, ~ rher he rri '. to use fists, hands" arms, or feet, And even thoug.h he is armed with a

i -e 01' club, ie advanr may sti I I~ e y - urs, ' ... 0_

wil be poised [0 sidestep or .sw'ay our: of range of the m. hea 'on d « esper _'Ie arrack - and, asou. 31[1", cker is momenta iIy thwarted, he wHI be unable to proce(c all of his 'U[oera'bl points ~ Iif vou k 0" hal [01 do, h ewill 5' ' ... ·n '.' a -. y ur m ~rcy,

rh. follo 'lOg pages you will learn. a variety of'

tense tactics .. imp ee ihl.·- err' e, d· s,'gned to

me I" and overcome any form of expected or surprise anack, hen' ou .', re m rer ed them res" crer ... eapon ill b, OUf~.

Remember ~ )'0' rod is an . sen 1 0.£ Defense in

. _



.' Ie ':

G_ I-I



' ..

5 ,IIIL- IE'

I I 1_ J

There is a special l\feapon air YOUf instant command designed [0 reach and inflict punishment 0.1l all of these vulnerable points, For the s ke of comparison the traditional pose of the 6ghte.( is shown, but the vital spotS apply to a_ny adversary.

In comparing this picture with the' one on. ,age 10, note particularly [he position of the righm: hands, in both. The fist of the fighter has [0 travel much farther [0 reach his opponent. The cornpararive weaknesses and advantag s of thes e stances v iMl beco .r e more 3.pparen - as 'Y'ou proceed through these .pa.ges.

A powerful attacker is no SltOnge- than. his' -eakesr point, and, as shown above) he has many of them. Every nerve 'mat can be reached, e re '~oint of his body -- even, his own s[rengrh and momentum - can u.sed againse him,

His feelmg of confidence in superior streng . espec'" jaly will wor I [0. our ad anra.geJ Ior he' will probably arrem.pc tOI overcome you first by direct blows vhich you can easily parry~ This will give ylOu the' oppo[runi~ YOIU, need. [01 reach his vulnerable spotS and gift him under control before' he can reorganize his plan of arrack. You will also have the element of surprise in, flour favor,



Comparative positions: [he boxer .sta - ids with his . left arm extended and fists clenched: Mendell . itb . I ,·d,.c· perfect.ala.Deed" left £00'[ forward, hands onen 0 pro~ect head, elbo "S do n to protect body.

.:' Jefr jab orr s. raighr P'U' ch '0 '[he chin is parried with the palm 0" the r.",g:hrc· hand, ~ nd the blow is diverted from its intended course. ," ende l's open. hand provides rna imum surface for protection and gilv'les grea,t'e ' control and pOlwe.r~



BL'·A·,'DE V··'·ER· S-: U, S····· B· :;LUD. G'" 'ErO·· .. 'N·· .. ·

, .'. _'. " - . ". . .... I ' .. 111.1 . .

Parrying a straight ri,gh.[ '[10 the chin w irh the palm of. e left hand .. This is nor meeting force with force, but mere di, erring: the blow f[lom its intended target, which takes less strengthand energy',.


B1lockiog a, hook (10 rile rein with the back of the left hand, The hand and arm l hich are not engaged are always on guard, a,gainst the adversary s othe-r fisr,


A left hook 001 '[he chin is blo: ked by '[he back 0' _ (be rigb.t hand hich aga~n diverts the b'~OI ~ from (he [3rget.

Hold your arms relaxed, but ,firm ennui h 'to meet his next mo re and, ,I'ea,dy ro counter it.

Note that these are purel ' defensive moves, Counter and arrack measures Iollow,



'Iefn_, 'i A,cti:Att,a,e -I:s~·tr ~ j'i'gh

Using this defense "_ au are c rnple el ou_ 0,( r;ang'f! olE yOU.f' assailantis b,IOI when you counter wi h Y01l,[ hand-bl ade to [he nerve center nea his rrlS['.

.:: This trick alone should protiea you against anybody ~o

"throws a punch" at yo·u - once you know it _r·~orlou,g.hJy., Ir w II plenty of practice. And iris especially ,good Ior a sbo I person defending himself against a taller one ..

In practicing with a friend. :brst s~u:ly ~he e piau_r;es cam ullyget a clear idea of the various monons 10 Ylour mind, Then start off by going through them in a son of ~'5[OW motion:' wa . fum a'[ being correct~· speed and strength " 'ill come later!

1. This demonstrates the use o· rhe righr hand-blade . - inst

nerve near "'C·Sf when countering a left hi 0'._ ..



2~ Here y'ou.r ri.,ghl: 'hand gras1ps YOU,,[ adversary's left below [he elbow whj .. e you.r left remains on guard~



II e_lfb 'Thr _ IIg . Sort, ,'I)I - -lir r Seriel

3. Take a short Eorn ard s'te.p befo e , ou cross 0 _ er to lock his leg; y·o,ur left hand then gr3L5p's, his UPI . er right arm, with your thumb on the nerve cent c. Y. u are no _ ready fOlf 'me throw ~

4. Pull. do n and [0 rhe righc· with your righr hand. as ·you. push with yOlur 1. ff" and your oppo.n.,enr is forced over me ful.crum of'Y ur i.reg ~ D,othin,g can prev1e - .. - his fallin .~




N 1 k - hi h dl

rever et an atrac ter ,gel: , ,lS "1.0,1 -5 on 'you,~

1. A fly,jog tackle, when attempted in 'ib ind ragle.:~ can, be extremely dang.erlous .. , Meet this 'with an effective tartio-« remain in 'l on gua rd" posi tion, Ilean[D.,g' sligh,tilly forward ,to absorb shock, extend ,rigid arm 'with open· palm, to your attacker's head,



This demonsrrares :1 hasic rrin(ll')le~ .;;1 srra i,gil t J iFJ~ ,is the .shorrest d f5t;l11:£e s.

bc-[\\"t'd! hII/O ptirit}S.,

1 .. Comparative positions: the boxer stands with his left arm extended and fists clenched; Mendell with body perfectly b a] anced , [eft foot forward, hands open to pro,tect head, elbows down to protect body,

2~ A left jaJo or st,raight punch to the chin is parried with the pl,aIm of th e right hand, and the blow is diverted ([IO,m i.ts intended course. Mendell's open hand, plrovides maximum surface' for' protection and givlf's greater

(:0(11.:[01 ,aDd, power, 2 S



BoY"S trained like these ill n ver 'want "just (0

wa .. tch." They' kno ch.ey can pa.[[[,cipame in a .. , .s,p<lrt with [he best of them, This knowledi e gives them. allimportant self-confidence on the athletic field, and somerhie -- more ~ at con 1-'_' ce in eheie abili ro meer life sir rations effecrively.

Since the Mendell system is based on the prinicp e of each making the best' possi re use of all hi pov.rers 'both physical and m1ental,' does no' stOPI '_ 'j'[h mere muscle-training .. In addinon the: ch ·Id learns something more important - that spoc£s and exercise are not ends,in-the S Vies". but means [0 _ ard the 'higher goal of emotional stability and mental health.


_' I • ',',', I,

The lolilO'wing can be,anteed [0 discourage [he advances of any male, They are not, however, recommended as desirable additions [0 a woman's wiles, nor

th b f d' irh

are ley to :e CO.n use WJ'[. co)-'ness~

1. It is easy to break a \ -risr gr .b b pulling a. ainst your assailant's 'thumb toward. your body; the important

. _

thing is to be braced as )'o~~ wrisr is released,

2,~ W'idl 31. pen ulum swing drive the blade of you.r .band back 'EO his upper lip, A little practice will show

h ~;;; b k vari · b

.O'W easy u= rs rc •. rC3_· varrous wnsr gra ~ s,


~his is a lirtle more strenuous but eq.u'al~:y discon,~e [[In,g,. Drop, to your righ,[ knee and ex tend. y'OTll.i left fO"or forw'ar~, to act as a. fulcrum. At [he same time p'u~1 YO'ur Irl,ghr arm and push with your Ieft, IG,[3V[lty does the' rest,


'I,efe II .se i, Glc,t,'ian, again':s't, a potential. muggier'.


The girl is more su .. rprised than the man! With leverage alone she throws an attacker twice her S.1:2'e and



a - a ,aware


A my teach ~ rs and uldenl 1m endel break Dieck sera I!, I b '

One of ehe 37 "weak spers" of ,uack' r,

M _ ell pin", r - ([lSI n tran I 1IJld

,II's i 'hI' k ,_, go jlin'o .a·~ n J!,_'_·n·I~.1 ,-I I f. 111- _' r le .

8aJsieaJ1Iy [he arne f r a.11 ,3, es I~is [I3Jill1i nJ: can bl! ad 1P''ld 1[0 ny C-, ~oqu ~ under

ny (ondirmons.·ar1!po:ns. reh' hi j'[ rinn n he i· hied ~ ,'aria j( as e rh _ · .[-do'··

"'-5,u~ml ml~ 'QI for ~J

our If.


The crippiin. groin kick ~ thwarted,


'Know Howl' '~O Protect 'y1ows1elf a, .inst ki(kjn8~ kneeing or any other phy.. cal track . . r.


·ov,·bi. . o~ -0 rful h
nd 'UJha' .
0 you JU :1 U
10· 0 1 .11' her

th m r )0
!" or l 0 er
CO ( nli
II l h. 0 'I
, f'H rler 11'0 prOdtect H
LU your pow·





T ! au part II

5 _,,,;0

Jnhn Kieran, the columnisr and expert of "Infnrrnan nn Please," said, at t he end of 3 long ;J rt icle abou i Brooks I odd : II He s.hulIJ ~d b (a 1".[)l'inR: a label readin · Danger!

Hi~h]y ~x,rlosiye!' Ii And in his new bonk "PI'OEeC~ You rse~j'~ ~j Brook, Mendell :shx ws au how UJ r t rhe am 1 b ~ - [0 ny .. one who ever attacks you~


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