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The algebraic consistency of spin and isospin at the level of an unbroken SU (2) gauge theory suggests the existence of

an additional angular momentum besides the spin and isospin and also produces a full quaternionic spinor operator. The
latter corresponds to a vector boson in space-time, interpreted as a SU (2) gauge field. The existence of quaternionic spinor
fields implies in a quaternionic Hilbert space and its necessary mathematical analysis. It is shown how to obtain a unique
representation of a quaternion function by a convergent positive power series.

by a simple argument that the combined spin and isospin

03.65.Bz, 03.65.Ca,11.15.Kc, 02.30.+g states leads to quaternion quantum mechanics, and vice
versa, that the algebraic consistency of quaternion quan-
tum mechanics necessarily implies in the existence of
an intrinsic angular momentum representing the com-
bined spin and isospin at the level of an unbroken SU (2)
gauge theory. The second and more formal topic is a
After six decades, quaternion quantum mechanics is consequence of the first: The emergence of a quater-
coming out of age. The earliest known reference on a nionic Hilbert space requires the solution of differential
possible generalization of quantum theory with respect to equations involving functions of a quaternionic variable,
the background field dates back to 1934 with the paper quaternionic Fourier expansions and quaternionic phase
by Jordan et all [1]. The use of quaternions properly transformations. We will see that the traditional com-
was proposed by Birkoff and von Neumann in 1936, later plex notion of analyticity characterized by direction in-
developed by Finkelstein [2], and more recently by Adler dependent derivatives does not necessarily apply, so that
and others [3]. quaternionic quantum states may exhibit different behav-
The original motivation for quaternion quantum me- ior along different directions in space.
chanics was formal: The propositional calculus implies
that it is possible to represent the pure states of a quan-
tum system by rays on a Hilbert defined on any asso- II. ISOSPIN AND QUATERNIONS
ciative division algebra. This includes the quaternion
algebra as the most general case. Contrasting with this,
The standard textbook explanation on why quantum
the next division (but non associative) algebra, the oc- mechanics should be defined over the complex field is
tonion algebra, has been always associated with physical
based on the double slit experiment, together with the
arguments, notably in connection with the SU (3) gauge
complex phase difference for the wave functions. How-
symmetry and strong interactions [4–7]. ever, this can also be explained by a real quantum the-
In its essence, quaternion quantum mechanics is a
ory provided a special operator such that J 2 = 1 and
modification of the complex quantum theory, in which J T = −J is introduced [2]. Although most people would
the wave functions belong to a Hilbert space defined over
agree that this is equivalent to quantum mechanics over
the quaternion field. As a physical theory, it should prove the complex field, a more definitive argument for the
to be effective at some high energy level, exhibiting ex-
complex algebra comes from the spin. The existence and
perimental evidence which would distinguish it from the classification of the spinor representations of the rota-
complex theory [8].
tion subgroup of the Lorentz group demands a solution
As in all Clifford algebras, it is possible to represent of quadratic algebraic equations for the eigenvalues of the
the quaternion algebra as a tensor product of two in-
invariant operators. This can be guaranteed only within
dependent complex algebras. Therefore, in principle we the complex field. The bottom line is, complex quantum
could write quaternion functions with complex compo-
mechanics is a requirement of the spin and its spinor
nents and use two independent expressions of complex structure [9].
analyticity. However this does not mean that complex
Following a similar argument we may convince our-
concept of analyticity extends trivially to quaternions. selves that quaternion quantum mechanics is an algebraic
This paper has two purposes. One of them is to show
requirement of the spin together with the isospin and the

associated spinor structures. In fact, while the spin is Hilbert space. This space should reduce to the usual
associated with the spinor representations of the SO(3) Hilbert space of complex quantum mechanics with sepa-
subgroup of the Lorentz group, the isospin is given by a rate spin, isospin plus one extra spinor degree of freedom
representation of the gauge group SU (2). Actually the at the level of the combined symmetry breaking.
two groups are isomorphic and they have equivalent rep- In conclusion, quaternion quantum mechanics appears
resentations given by the Pauli matrices (they are iden- as consistent condition of the combined spin and isospin
tical representations, distinguished only by different no- symmetries. A possible relation between quaternions and
tations), acting on independent spinor spaces. the isotopic spin was suggested by C. N. Yang [2] and
In the case of the unbroken SU (2) gauge theory, spin by E. J. Schremp [15]. However, their basic arguments
and isospin are present in a combined symmetry scheme, are distinct from the ones based on the combination of
so that the total spinor space is a direct sum of the spinor symmetries.
space and the isospinor spaces: K = I ⊕ J. The spinor When the two spinor spaces are taken together, they
space is represented as a complex plane (a Gauss plane) give way to a quaternionic spin operator given by a 2 × 2
generated by the basis matrix representation of the quaternion algebra given by
     the Pauli matrices
I= (spinor space) : 1 =
,i =
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
σ = , σ = ,
0 1 1 0
and the isospinor space represented by another complex    
0 −i 1 0
plane generated by σ2 = , σ3 =
i 0 0 −1
1 0 This has a one to one correspondence with the quaternion
J=(isopinor space) : 1 = ,j =
0 1 algebra∗ whose elements are the quaternions
Thus, I and J can be taken as two independent Gauss 3
planes sharing the same real unit 1, but with different and α Ψ0 + Ψ3 Ψ1 − iΨ2
Ψ= Ψα σ = , (1)
independent imaginary units i and j respectively. As long Ψ1 + iΨ2 Ψ0 − Ψ3
as the isospin symmetry and the spinor representation of
the Lorentz group remain combined, the corresponding As it is well known, the above matrix corresponds to
angular momenta add up to generate a total angular mo- a vector field in space-time, associated to a pair of two
mentum represented in the direct sum of the two spinor component spinors Ψα = σAB α
ξ A ζ̄ B . A possible interpre-
spaces. On the other hand, it has been argued that when tation for this pair of spinors is given by the spin and
this combined symmetry is broken the SU (2) degree of isospin states in a SU (2) model [11–14].
freedom reappears as a spin degree of freedom [10]. Fol- Since the inner automorphism of the quaternion alge-
lowing these ideas a fermionic state is derived from a bra correspond to the isometries of space-time, the exis-
magnetic monopole model in four dimensions associated tence of a combined spin-isospin structure also have im-
with an SU (2) soliton [11–14]. plications on the classical notion of derivative of a func-
The question we address here concerns with the alge- tion. In ordinary complex analysis the derivative of a
braic consistency of the combined spinor-isospinor sym- function does not depend on the direction in the com-
metry as it remains unbroken. In this case, we end up plex plane along which the limit is taken. This has to be
with the total spinor space generated by the hypercom- so because the complex plane is generated by only one
plex basis {1, i, j}. According to Hamilton this direct real and one imaginary direction, leading to the Cauchy-
sum is algebraically consistent only if a third imaginary Riemann conditions for analyticity. On the other hand,
unit k such that k = ij is introduced. That is, we can in the the quaternionic case there are three imaginary
only close the algebra if a third complex plane directions generating a space that is isomorphic to IR3 ,
     where in principle there is no reason for the derivatives
1 0
K=( new spinor space) : 1 = ,k =
0 1

is introduced. We conclude that an additional spin-half ∗

Greek indices are space-time indices and they run from 0
field should also be present. This new spinor may be
to 3. Small case Latin indices run from 1 to 3. Capital Latin
the generator of the Jackiw-Rebbi spin degree of free- indices are spinor indices running from 1 to 2. The quaternion
dom after the symmetry is broken. However, this is not multiplication table is taken to be
all. When the combined symmetry remains unbroken the X
three spinors produce a full quaternion algebra with ba- ei ej = −δij + ijk ek , ei e0 = e0 ei = ei
sis {1, i, j, k}, such that its group of automorphisms carry
the combined symmetry. If we add to the space of these The conjugate of a quaternion X is P
X̄, with ēi = −ei , ē0 =
quaternion wave functions a Hilbert product compati- e0 . The quaternion norm is |X|2 = (X α )2 and the inverse
ble with the quaternion algebra we obtain a quaternionic of X is X −1 = X̄/|X|.

∂U0 0 β −1 X ∂Ui i β −1
to be all equal. This means that the properties of dif- f 0 (X)(β) = e (e ) + e (e ) (2)
ferentiable equations involving quaternion functions of a ∂Xβ i
quaternionic variable does not necessarily coincide with
0 ∂U0 β −1 0 X ∂Ui β −1 i
those of ordinary complex quantum theory. Fortunately f (X)(β) = (e ) e + (e ) e (3)
this can be examined through the methods of classical ∂Xβ i
From direct calculation we find that


f 0 (X)(0) = 0 f (X)(0)
X ∂Ui k
f 0 (X)(j) = 0 f (X)(j) − 2 ijk e
The earliest known study on the analysis of quater- ∂Xj
nion functions using the same concepts of complex anal-
ysis was made by Fueter in 1932, finding very restrictive Imposing that these derivatives are selectively equal, four
generalizations of the Cauchy-Riemann conditions [16]. basic classes of complex-like analytic functions are ob-
Some alternative criteria for defining quaternion analyt- tained
icity have been suggested [17–22], but to date there is
not a consensus on what is meant by quaternion an- Class A) Right analytic functions
alyticity. To understand the nature of the difficulties  ∂Uβ
we need to start from the basic principles.  
 ∂Xα = ∂Xβ
P Denoting a 0 0
f (X)(0) = f (X)(i) ∂Ui ∂U0
generic quaternion function by f (X) = Uα (X)eα , and ⇒ − ∂X
∂X0 = P
f 0 (X)(i) = f 0 (X)(j) 
 ∂Ui = i
∆f = [f (X + ∆X) − f (X)] we may define its left deriva- ∂Uk
ijk ∂X
∂Xj 0
tive as
f 0 (X) = lim∆X→0 δf (X)(∆X)−1 ,

and the right derivative as Class B) Left analytic functions

 ∂U
f (X) = lim∆X→0 (∆X)−1 ∆f (X) 0
 ∂Xα = ∂Xββ
f (X)(0) = 0 f (X)(i) ∂Ui ∂U0
0 ⇒ = − ∂X
where the limits are taken with |∆X| → 0 along the f (X)(i) = 0 f (X)(j) 

∂Ui Pi ∂Uk
∂Xj = − ijk ∂X
direction of the four-vector ∆X which depends on the 0

3-dimensional vector ∆X.~ (5)

To compare with the complex case, we may use the
P form of a quaternion: A vector of IR3 ,
ξ = PXi e associate a quaternion ξ with |ξ|2 = Class C) Left-right analytic functions
2 2
ξ ξ̄ = Xi and square ξ = −ξξ = −p Xi . Defin-  ∂U ∂Uβ
 α
 ∂Xα = ∂Xβ
ing the unit quaternion (iota) ι = ξ/ ξ ξ̄ such that 0 0 ∂Uj
f (X)(α) = f (X)(α) ⇒ ∂Ui
ι2 = −1, we may construct a Gauss plane generated by ∂Xj = − ∂Xi

 ∂Ui ∂U0
∂X0 = − ∂Xi
ι and the quaternion Punit i e . In this plane a quater-
nion X = X0 e + Xi e can be expressed
pP as X =
|X|(cosγ + ι sin γ), with tan γ = X0 / Xi2 . There-
fore, if we define the quaternion exponential as Class D) The total analytic functions
 (
exp(ιγ) = eιγ = cosγ + ιsinγ, f 0 (X)(α) = f 0 (X)(β)  ∂Uα ∂Uβ
0 0 ∂Xα = ∂Xβ
f (X)(β) = f (X)(α) ⇒ ∂Uα (7)
then we may express ∆X = |∆X|e ιγ
and ∆X −1
= 0
f (X)(α) = f 0 (X)(α)  ∂Xβ = 0 α 6= β
e−ιγ /|∆X|, where the three dimensional direction is in-
cluded in the definition of ι.
As we can see, these conditions are very restrictive, spe-
Contrasting with the complex case, we cannot neglect
cially when we consider the applications to quantum me-
the phase factor eιγ during the limiting process because
chanics, suggesting the adoption of different criteria for
we have a functions depending on three variables. The
independence of the limit with the phase is a privilege
(or rather a limitation) of complex theory. Furthermore,
here we have the added complication that the left and IV. HARMONICITY
right derivatives do not necessarily coincide. To see the
consequences of this, consider the derivatives of a quater- P α P α
nion function f (X) along a fixed direction ∆X = ∆Xβ eβ Consider the operator ∂/ = e ∂α = e ∂/∂Xα act-
(no sum), indicated by the index within parenthesis ing on the right and on the left of a function f (X)

∂U0 X ∂Ui i P
∂/f (X) = ( + e) where A0 = Uk ek and Ak = U0 ek −ijk Ui ej and where
∂X0 ∂X0
X ∂U0 X ∂Ui 1
− 21 Xi
2 X0
+ [ ei − (δ ij − ijk ek )] U0 = 2
, Ui =
∂Xi ∂Xj 1 + |X| 1 + |X|2
= 0 f (X)(0) + 0
f (X)(j) (8) are the components of the quaternion function f (X) =
j Uα eα . We can easily see that f (X) satisfy the Pcondi-
∂U0 X ∂Ui i tions (13) in the region of space-time defined by Xi2 =
f (x)∂/ = ( + e)
∂X0 ∂X0 −2X0 . In fact, this is a particular case of a wider class of
X ∂U0 X ∂Ui quaternion functions with components Uα = gα (X)/(1 +
+ [ ei − (δ ij + ijk ek )] |X|2 ), where gα (X) are some real functions. The
∂Xi ∂Xj P case of
X instantons correspond to the choice g0 = −1 2 X i
= f 0 (X)(0) − f 0 (X)(j) (9) gi = ∂X∂g0
. It is also interesting to notice that the anti
instantons do not belong to the same class of analyticity
Using these results four new classes of quaternion func- as the instantons.
tions can be defined:
Class E) The functions such that V. INTEGRAL THEOREMS
∂Ui ∂Uj
∂/f (X) = f (X)∂/ ⇒ ∂X j
= ∂Xi (10) Given a quaternion function f (X) defined on a ori-
entable 3-dimensional hypersurface S with, unit normal
vector η we may define two integrals
Class F) The left harmonic functions
( P ∂Ui
∂U0 f (X)dSη , and dSη f (X)
∂X0 = i ∂XP
∂/f (X) = 0 ⇒ ∂Uk ∂U0
ijk ∂Ui (11) S S
+ ∂Xk = ij 
∂X0 ∂Xj P
where dSη = dSi ei denotes the quaternion hypersur-
face element with components
Class G) The right harmonic functions
( P ∂Ui dS0 = dX1 dX2 dX3 , dS1 = dX0 dX2 dX3 ,
= i ∂X i P
f (X)∂/ = 0 ⇒ ∂X 0
∂Uk ∂U0 ijk ∂Ui dS2 = dX0 dX1 dX3 , dS3 = dX0 dX1 dX2 .
∂X0 + ∂Xk = − ij  ∂Xj
On the other hand, denoting by dv = dX0 dX1 dX2 dX3
the 4-dimensional volume element in a region Ω bounded
by S, we obtain after integrating in one of the variables
Class H) The left and right harmonic functions we obtain
 ∂U P ∂Ui Z Z
 0
 ∂X0 = i ∂Xi ∂/f (X)dv = eα ∂α eβ Uβ dv =
∂Ui ∂U0
∂/f (X) = 0 and f (X)∂/ = 0 ⇒ ∂X0 = −∂Xi
 Z X X
 ∂Ui = ∂Uj
∂Xj ∂Xi [(∂0 U0 − ∂i Ui )+ (∂0 Ui + ∂i U0 )ei +ijk ∂i Uj ek ]dv
Ω i i
and noting that
Notice that for the classes F, G and H we have Z Z Z Z
X ∂0 U0 dv = U0 dS0 , ∂0 Ui dv = Ui dS0 ,
∂ 2 U0 ∂ 2 U0
δ ij + = 22 U0 = 0 ZΩ ZS ZΩ ZS
∂Xi ∂Xj ∂X02
∂i U0 dv = U0 dSi , ∂i Uj dv = Uj dSi
where 22 = ∂/∂¯/. Similarly, 22 Uk = 0, so that those
classes describe harmonic functions in the sense that it follows that
22 f (X) = 0. Z Z X
A non trivial example of class H quaternion function is ∂/f (X)dv = [(U0 dS0 − δ ij Ui dSj )e0
given by a instantons field expressed in terms of quater- Ω S
nions [23]. The connection of an anti self dual SU (2) + (Ui dS0 + U0 dSi )ei − ijk Ui dSj ek ]
gauge field is given by the form
X It is a simple matter to see that this is exactly the same
ω= Aα(X) dxα (14) expression of the surface integral

dSη f (X) = Uα dSβ eβ eα In order to calculate the integral over the sphere it is
S S convenient to use four dimensional spherical coordinates
(r, θ, φ, γ), such that X0 = rsinγ, X1 = rcosγ sinθ cosφ,
Therefore, we obtain the result X2 = rcosγ sinθ sinφ and X3 = rcosγ cosθ where
Z Z θ ∈ (0, π), φ ∈ (0, 2π), γ ∈ (−π/2, π/2). With this,
∂/f (X)dv = dSη f (X) (15) the coordinates X0 , X1 , X2 , X3 correspond to the co-
ordinates of a space-time point with quaternion norm
and similarly we obtain for the left hypersurface integral |X|2 = r2 , while γ span values from the past to the fu-
Z Z ture. Then the volume element is dv = Jdrdθdφdγ where
f (X)∂/dv = f (X)dSη (16) J = −3 cos2 γ sin θ is the Jacobian determinant. Using
Ω S the polar form, the unit normal to the sphere centered at
P can be written as η = eιγ and X − P = eιγ = η, so
The above integrals hold for any of the previously defined
classes of functions and they difference is Z Z
X Z X Z −3
∂Ui ∂Uj (X − P ) dSη = e−2ιγ sin2 γsinθ dθ dφ dγ = π 2
ijk ek (Ui dSj−Uj dSi ) =− ijk ek ( + )dv S0 S0
S Ω ∂X j ∂Xi
After replacing in (19) we obtain the result (18).
which vanish on account of Green’s theorem in the (i, j) Notice that the power (−3) in (18) is not accidental
plane. The following result extends the first Cauchy’s as it is the right power required to cancel the Jacobian
Theorem for quaternion functions: determinant as  → 0.
If f (X) is of H class in the interior of a region Ω
bounded by a hypersurface S then
f (X)dSη = dSη f (X) = 0 (17)
To conclude, consider the particular function f (X) =
This follows immediately from eqns. (15), (16) and the (1 − X)−3 , with |X| < 1. It is a simple matter to see
condition for a class H function (13) where ∂/f (X) = 0 that it can be expanded as
and f (X)∂/ = 0. ∞ ∞
The second Cauchy’s theorem is also true only for class X n(n + 1) X (m+1)(m+2) m
(1−X)−3 = X n−1 = X
H functions 2 2
1 m=0
If f (X) satisfy the conditions of class H, in a region
bounded by a simple closed 3-dimensional hypersurface S, (20)
then for P ∈ S,
Using this particular case we may prove the following
1 general result for quaternion functions:
f (P ) = 2 f (X)(X − P )−3 dSη (18) Let f (X) be of class H inside a region Ω bounded by a
π S
surface S. Then for all X inside Ω there are coefficients
In fact, the integrand does not satisfy the class H con- an such that
ditions in Ω as it is not defined at P and consequently

the previous theorem does not apply. However this point
f (X) = an (X − Q)n (21)
may be isolated by a sphere with surface S0 with center
at P and radius  such that it is completely inside Ω.
Applying the previous theorem in the region bounded by The proof is a straightforward adaptation from the sim-
S and S0 we obtain ilar complex theorem. If S0 is the largest sphere in Ω
Z Z centered at Q, the integral (18) for a point P = X inside
f (X)(X − P ) dSη + f (X)(X − P )−3 dSη = 0 Ω gives
S S0 Z
Now, the primary condition for a function belonging to f (X) = 2 f (X 0 )(X 0−Q)−3 [1−(X 0−Q)−1 (X−Q)]−3 dSη0
π S
class E through H is that its components are regular
so that we may calculate their Taylor series around P : Assuming that |X − Q| < |X 0 − Q| and using (20), the
Uα (X) = Uα (P )+β ∂U∂xβ cP +· · · . Using this expansion in
integrand is equivalent to
the integral over S0 and taking the limit  → 0, it follows
that [1 − (X 0 − Q)−1 (X − Q)]−3
Z  Z −1 m=∞
X (m + 1)(m + 2)
f (P ) = f (X)(X −P )−3 dSη (X −P )−3 dSη = (X 0 − Q)−m (X − Q)m
S S0

(19) so that


1 X (m + 1)(m + 2) the the power expansions would also have negative pow-
f (X) = ×
π 2 m=0 2 ers and the associated poles as points in space-time and
Z their corresponding residues [19].
× f (X 0 )(X 0 − Q)−3−m (X − Q)m dSη0 (22) The harmonic property implicit in class H implies in
S0 the possibility that the quaternion quantum fields and
states can be represented in terms of quaternionic Fourier
Now we may write (X−Q)m = m emιγ and dSη0 = eιγ dS 0 , expansions, something that is required to represent the
and it follows that quaternion wave packets. As it has been noted, quater-
nion analyticity does not imply that the derivatives are
(X−Q)m dSη0 −dSη0 (X−Q)m = dS 0 (emιγ eιγ −eιγ emιγ ) = 0 independent of direction in space and in this respect com-
plex analysis and the corresponding quantum theory may
Therefore (22) is equivalent to
be considered to be somewhat limited as compared with

1 X (m + 1)(m + 2)
quaternion analysis. The direction dependent property
f (X) = × should be detectable at the level of the combined sym-
π 2 m=0 2 metry
It is conceivable that the characterization of analytic-
× f (X 0 )(X 0 − Q)−3−m dSη (X − Q)m ity either by class H or more generally by positive power
series expansions will not hold at higher energy levels,
or, after defining the coefficients where the wave functions are subjected to fast variation
Z at a sort time. In this case, the best we may hope that
1 (m+1)(m+2) these functions remain differentiable and any appeal to
am = 2 f (X 0 )(X 0 −Q)−3−m dSη0 (23)
π 2 S0 analyticity in the sense of a converging power series may
be regarded as an unduly luxury. In this respect, the
we obtain (21). above results may hold for quaternions quantum mechan-
This important result shows that class H functions ics at an intermediate energy theory, where the combined
can be expressed as a convergent positive power series. symmetry includes the SU (2) group. For higher energies
Therefore the class H or the latter property could be we would expect the emergence of the SU (3) group and
taken to represent a class of analyticity for quaternion the octonion algebra.
functions, in the same sense of the real and complex an-
alyticity. However, unlike the complex case from (13)
we see that their derivatives depend on the direction in
which the limit is taken.

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Academia Nazionale dei Licei, Scuola Normale Superi-
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