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One of the fastest ways to talk yourself out of what you need to do to succeed, is collapsing into the role
of the victim, essentially deciding that other people have more available to them and that you have it
harder so why bother. .
Success isn’t about where you’re at, it’s about where and who you decide to be.
So you can keep complaining about it.
Or you can get off your ass and do something about it.
Strength Lab
Tillman wod
7 Rounds for time
7 Deadlifts 315/205
200 m run
15 Pull Ups
45 seconds rest .

You don’t ‘have to’ do anything, so stop making excuses.

If you have a job you hate, or are bored to death by, then quit.
You are not allowed to hate or be bored by the thing that you spend most of your waking hours doing. .
The more in love and in tune you are with your awesome dope self, the less crap you will give about
what any non fans or haters think and the easier it will be to strut your stuff, find your joy and get to
work on doing what YOU want. .
You don’t need to ask permission, you just need to execute. .
Strength Lab
Bent Barbell Row
3 Sets
5 X 185/225
3 Sets
5 X 205/275
Hybrid Conditioning.
7 Rounds For Time.
7 Strict HSPU
7 Clusters 135/185
14 Plyo Push Ups
14 Box Jumps 20”/24”
30 second rest

If you are just more consistent than everyone else around you you’ll win every race overtime and you’ll
become more successful than anyone else overtime
If you don’t have what you want stop telling yourself the story.
You don’t have the money.
You don’t have the times.
You don’t have the education.
You don’t have the background.
That’s all bullshit, it’s because you haven’t committed yourself.
You haven’t burned your boat because

trust me, people when they’re either going to die or succeed, tend to succeed.
Strength Lab/Hybrid Conditioning MashUp
7 Rounds
10 Deadlifts 405/315
10 Ring Dips (Vest)
20 Overhead Sandbag Lunges 150/100
25 Russian Twists between each round

No excuses, play like a champion. .

Most people use the excuse of not knowing how to do something to let themselves off the hook. .
Learn that excuses are hollow armor. .
Poor self image, low self esteem and limiting belief systems are the root of all excuses. .
Squash your insecurities with rocksolid confidence. Excuses give you false confidence.
Those words are courtesy of my man @bedroskeullian .
I tackled a workout today that was extremely humbling, two people, @jennalouise_jl the ninja warrior
champion and her husband @scottevennet a retired spec ops machine have a habit of both doing some
intense training. .
This was a ninja warrior special, and it got me, give this one a go. .
Hybrid Conditioning
500 Rep Challenge
50 Push Press 135/95
50 Kick Sits
50 Pull Ups
50 Front Squats 135/95
50 Push Ups
50 Deadlifts 135/95
50 Strict HSPU
50 Toes to Bar
50 Russian Kettle Bell Swings 70/53
50 American Kettle Bell Swings 70/53
Go and train like a champion! Because you are!!!

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