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| OSTERREICHISCHES OST- UND SUDOSTEUROPA-INSTITUT OSTERREICHISCHE OSTHEFTE eee ' SERBIEN UND MONTENEGRO JAHRGANG 47 / WIEN 2005 HEFT Lit ron Serbia under the Ottoman Rule “Tariana KATIC (Belgrade) “The Period of Conquest “wkish tacks o the testo of present-day Serbia were inated i te 1380s ‘Mier rected tte Morava valley and Kesov [Kosov] mining ae. After the Bate of Kosowo i 1389 the Serbian rulers Became vassals ofthe Orman ‘ham Despot Stefan Lazarevi, wh eed the tewitry south ofthe Sava ad vane he thecenval and souleast pas of Seri, undertook o pay annual earn send solders to Tekh campaigns. He was «loyal Otoman vassal ‘at is death in 1427, excep for ait prod after the Bate of Ankara in 1402 (theabeacceed the szeraint of the Hungarian King Tn he Obtawt Branvica, which ecompasted almost all of Kosovo, north em put of present-day Montenegro anda lage part of Ratt, the fea ond ‘Wd Branko comtinsed 0 ofl resistance the Turks cven afer the Bate of ov Ara consequence is eis were deprived of large part oftheir landed ‘Sates in 197, However, shorty before the Bate of Ankara te Brankovic wee {Boe ack th tetory a Oxfoman sal, although sill piv of thie t- ‘Ependeoeamiistation, By 1396 there were already paral Serbian Turkish ‘Shainsestve onan on their eitory ithe most important towns and ining "Ate begining ofthe fourth decade ofthe fie cesar, the Otoman Emp, afer sped of rss and cul war, became powefl enough 0 tke fe tery of medieval Seria under ts det cont. The Tong confit dh rue as ended in 1439 by the Turkish comucst ofthe capital the ows of Serco, Inthe winter of [443-1448 the Hungarian Kingdom cngazed in 2 ‘ceesfl counteraflensve, Atte same te, war Broke out in Anata, ad tot im Afbania and Greece, The Ottomans hed 4 sigh a peace spree With Hungary th tem of which nce the eval ft Despotaeof Sr ne flowing fen yeas te Oroman ate suceeded in essen > Snloopc oun in 1433, Slan Mehmed Ite Conqueror ound 0 ‘lary cempalg alter soter with thes oesblishing a powerful ena’ ‘te The Oblast Branko was snoexed in 455 an the erties aot of ‘Wes Marna were the shor Pe moun ey nt rin cis ne mt CINRES tone npr Sem in S21 Tae eas sr of he Sarat PAR eal Seiad Sem, Bath nd Ba lane Tle tener 153630 2, 22 The Ottoman Administration Seria der Onoman le 2 die i sono tay and aia SEYRET cote of res smal wis, which sally eed ‘aman atminsave dis nd pgp eis The tbe ak a ana al mies cul changed fo fsa rape oer “cnt prof Seba, south Sata ante Daub, was vi io sec nel Sere Kase and Vo Vice era thong wth seco Vii he soca Sota Sl de EY Kjnens. sich so sade pas of pesey al PEP Sta [shor sce nel he south and aoe serra well ay some are of tae mo Alban an Mom mt Sri eh man of Bosnian errs tle th snc Fe ee coma and Zvonk. Wha ow the Vt ws ied meee at Sem Sele seat o Seped Baas eet ‘rene (Tmira), Com od Moa Ban), Svea sets ogee TeePae! nists and lia) ons ne Osman Eire - ‘era sheesh, abet encased les ‘Ramin Bodin (Boi Bei a Tee "friar anda gore of soncak be anak Be wa FOE foe ray ace al eer ne pone. Dag ware he ws SEUNG Bcc re fcr and eye is] we Die ratty nous eli Rts iar a emer 8 He re Smal fy was superiors of Marie ‘Shin saps my pn my sme ‘ing he awa pai oral Tether snc he sage ops ener ‘we saat and ini frees of Stn es ef

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