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First Semester Degree Internal Examination October 2019

AUCO141 Methodology and Perspectives of Business Education

Time : 3 Hours Max.Marks : 80


Answer ALL questions, each in a word or in a sentence. Each question carries 1 mark.

1. Define Partnership.
2. What is focus group interview?
3. What do you mean by joint venture?
4. What is workshop?
5. Explain capitalism.
6. Write a note on mixed economy.
7. Explain HUF.
8. What is Perpectual succession?
9. Explain MNC.
10. Who is a Nominal partner?
(10x1=10 marks)


Answer any EIGHT questions, each in a short paragraph not exceeding 50 words. Each question
carries 2 marks.

11. What is information?

12. Explain secondary sector.
13. What is co-operative society?
14. What is IT?
15. What do you mean by BPO?
16. What is quaternary sector?
17. Explain event management.
18. Who is a kartha?
19. What is economic environment?
20. What do you mean by debt capital?
21. Explain Entrepreneur.
22. Write note on economic development.
(8x2=16 marks)


Answer any SIX questions. Each question carries 4 marks.

23. What are the difference between equity shares and preference shares?
24. Explain Globalisation.
25. What are the features of New Economic Policy?
26. Explain the role of Entrepreneurs.
27. What are features of Managerialism?
28. Explain the role of public sector in Economic Development.
29. What are merits of Retained Earnings?
30. Write note on Social objectives of business?
31. What are the objectives of Non-Profit Organisation?
(6x4=24 marks)


Answer any TWO questions. Each question carries 15 marks.

32. Explain the different sources of finance for a business.

33. Discuss the different types of economic system.
34. Explain the emerging areas in service sector.
35. Discuss the common types of business entities.
(15x2=30 marks)

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