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Grade 8 Module 1 3rd Quarter

Context Clues
(or a more creative title of each module)

At the end of the session, the students are expected to:
a. determine word meanings using context clues.
b. differentiate shades of word meanings
c. evaluate word meanings in context
d. incorporate new vocabulary in correctly written sentences



1. What do you think this means?

 Proceed by Introducing this sentence:

He contracted Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis at
Mt. Mayon, making him immobile for some time.

2. (repeat question Number 1)

3. Present the meaning of the word
pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is a lung disease
caused by inhaling very fine silica dust.


 Present questions to further oil the thinking gears of the students

1. I meandered through the mall taking my time looking at all the clothes in
the windows.

a. Hurried
b. Ran
c. Wandered
d. Jogged
2. The obedient child always followed her mother's requests. That night, she
brushed her teeth, folded her clothes, and went to bed before her
mother had to come in and remind her.

a. Followed her mother's requests

b. Folded her clothes
c. Brushed her teeth
d. That night

3. At the restaurant we were offered a variety of beverages, like milk and

ice tea.

a. Bread
b. Silverware
c. Drinks
d. Milk

4. They were ecstatic at the birth of their baby. They couldn't stop smiling for

a. nervous
b. watchful
c. discouraged
d. excited
5. The teacher was appalled, or disgusted, by the honey-covered
homework the student turned in.

a. Pleased
b. Surprise
c. Frustrated
d. Disgusted


Lesson Proper

Basic strategy for unlocking the meaning of an unfamiliar word is

to search the context of the sentence in which a new word appears
for clues. Sometimes this can be easy to do because the author may
have provided a definition or a synonym right there next to or near a
term that you can use to unlock its meaning. A definition is a
statement giving the meaning of a word. A synonym is a word that
means almost the same as another.
For example, read the following sentence: "Don't think of words
as separate, discrete items, or entities."
What is the meaning of the word entities? The definition is right
there – separate, discrete items. But what is the meaning
of discrete? The meaning of that word is right there too--separate.

Another kind of context clue is a word or words of opposite

meaning (antonym) set somewhere near a word that is unfamiliar. If
you find a word or words of opposite meaning and you recognize it or
them, you are "home free."

For example, read the following sentence: "I was not exactly
enamored of the travel plans my agent made for me; my lack of
enthusiasm was triggered by the eight-hour layover required between
flights." What is the meaning of the word enamored? You can use the
context of the sentence to reason in this way: Enamored of means just
the opposite of lacking in enthusiasm for.

Step 1: Check for synonyms or definitions embedded right

there. If you find a synonym or definition, reread the sentence with the
new term keeping that synonym or definition in mind.

Step 2: Check for an antonym clue. If you find one, think about
its meaning, actually telling yourself the opposite meaning. Then
reread the sentence and rephrase it in your own mind.

At times, rereading a sentence that contains an unfamiliar term

and substituting a word or phrase for it that makes sense can help you
to unlock the meaning of the unfamiliar word. To understand the
substitution strategy, read the following sentence:

"When we stayed at the military base, each Saturday we went to

the commissary to buy the food and supplies we would need for the
next week."

Although you may never have visited a commissary, given the

use of the word in this sentence, you immediately can substitute the
word store for the word commissary. You probably can wrestle an even
more complete meaning for commissary from the overall context of
the sentence: a store for food and supplies that is located on a military
Step 1: When you read a sentence that you have trouble
understanding because of an unfamiliar word in it, reread the
sentence and substitute a word that seems to make sense in the
Step 2: Read on. If the word you substituted does not make
sense in the context of the rest of the paragraph, try again.

Step 3: If the sentence still does not make sense to you and you
do not understand the main point the author is making in the
paragraph, look for synonym, definition, and antonym clues. If you are
still uncertain, check a dictionary.

Basic strategy for unlocking the meaning of an unfamiliar word is

to search the context of the sentence in which a new word appears
for clues. This is especially important when a word has multiple
meanings that you already know and you must decide the particular
one that applies. Try using the following strategy:

Step 1: Check the context for clues: definitions and synonyms

given "right there" as well as words of opposite meaning – antonyms.

Step 2: Substitute each meaning you know in the context of the

sentence until you find one that makes good sense there.

 Present a worksheet for the students to work on.


Students will try to construct a 4 paragraph essay about how their

student life is going while putting as much as complexity with their
written verbatim.

V. Scoring Rubric.

Criteria Points
Vocabulary used 10
Logical Flow 7
Grammar 3
Total 20


(n.d.). Retrieved November 9, 2019, from
Context Clues Test - Quiz. (n.d.). Retrieved November 9, 2019, from
Subject. (n.d.). Retrieved November 9, 2019, from
Vocabulary. (n.d.). Retrieved November 9, 2019, from

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