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SMP Swasta Rumah Harapan Tobasa

Year level : VII Topic : Interaksi sosial tidak langsung (Media Social Impact)
Date : 12 November 2019 Time : 80 minutes

K. I. 1 Spiritual
Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.
K. I. 2 Social
Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara
efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya
K. I. 3 Cognitive
Memahami pengetahuan factual dengan cara mengamati [mendengar, melihat, membaca] dan menanya berdasarkan rasa ingin tahu tentang dirinya,
makhluk ciptaan Tuhan dan kegiatannya, dan benda-benda yang dijumpainya di rumah, sekolah, dan tempat bermain.
K. I. 4 Skill
Mencoba mengolah dan menyajikan dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis,
membaca, menghitung, menggambar, mengarang) sesuai dengan dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang dan teori

KD. 3.2
Mengidentifikasi interaksi sosial dalam ruang dan pengaruhnya terhadap kehidupan sosial, ekonomi dan budaya dalam nilai dan norma serta kelembagaan
sosial dan budaya
KD 4.2
Menyajikan hasil identifikasi tentang interaksi sosial dalam ruang dan pengaruhnya terhadap kehidupan sosial, ekonomi dan budaya dalam nilai dan
norma serta kelembagaan sosial budaya

Subject Learning Objective ProcedureDifferentiation MaterialsTimeAssessmentCocial

Students are able to identify social interactions after watching role play without the help of teachers1. Observing

·Students will give

·Students will watch their friends play the role of seller and buyer; parents and child

2. Questioning

·Students will be asked to play the role of several sellers and several buyers. buyers and sellers will make buying and selling transactions

·Students will be asked to play the role of parents and a child. The child will imitate anything done by his parents

·Other students will be directed by the teacher to make questions lik

·e the following:

- what the seller and buyer do?

- what parents and children do?

- why does the child always imitate what his parents do??

·students will be given an opportunity to answer their friend's questions

3. Experiment/Collect Data

·Students will collect advance data and information related to the result of observations and watch

·Students will discuss with their group

·Students will gather as much information as possible from textbook and discuss

4. Assotiating
·Every group will analyze information and data obtained to get conclusions

·Every groups will make the resume and write their opinion in the group reports


-壱If students have finished first, students will be opportunities to tell the first in front of class and get the point
Writebook, textbook, picture of rocks





-弐Role play

-参discuss Low:

-壱Student will keep do work with friend and teacher for help










5. Communicating

·Each group will present the results of their discussion

·other group will give questions, responses, criticism and suggestion

·the group that is presenting will answer questions from other groups and draw conclusions

·Students will listen to the conclusions of the teacher. the teacher will explain what the seller and the buyer actually do; parents and child

·Students will listen to teacher telling God big story about God created humans side by side so humans always need other humans


Teacher (use back of sheet)Student (use back of sheet)

SMP Swasta Rumah Harapan Tobasa

Year level : VII Topic : Daily Test

Date : 13 November 2019 Time : 80 minutes

K. I. 1 Spiritual
Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.
K. I. 2 Social
Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara
efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya
K. I. 3 Cognitive
Memahami pengetahuan factual dengan cara mengamati [mendengar, melihat, membaca] dan menanya berdasarkan rasa ingin tahu tentang dirinya,
makhluk ciptaan Tuhan dan kegiatannya, dan benda-benda yang dijumpainya di rumah, sekolah, dan tempat bermain.
K. I. 4 Skill
Mencoba mengolah dan menyajikan dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis,
membaca, menghitung, menggambar, mengarang) sesuai dengan dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang dan teori

KD. 3.2
Mengidentifikasi interaksi sosial dalam ruang dan pengaruhnya terhadap kehidupan sosial, ekonomi dan budaya dalam nilai dan norma serta kelembagaan
sosial dan budaya
KD 4.2
Menyajikan hasil identifikasi tentang monbilitas sosial dalam ruang dan pengaruhnya terhadap kehidupan sosial, ekonomi dan budaya dalam nilai dan
norma serta kelembagaan sosial budaya

Subject Learning Objective ProcedureDifferentiation MaterialsTimeAssessmentCocial

Students are able to identify the kind of the social mobility after discuss with with their friend in group without teacher's help1. Observing

·Students will listen to the teacher reviewing the learning material that has been learned before

2. Questioning

·Students will do daily test

3. Experiment/Collect Data

·Students will do daily test by them self and without textbook's help

4. Assotiating

·Students will collect their daily test papers to the teacherHigh:

-壱If students have finished first, students will be opportunities to tell the first in front of class and get the point
Writebook, textbook, Proyector







-壱Student will keep do work with friend and teacher for help









5. Communicating

·Each group will present their discuss in front of class

·Other group will give argue, question or critic

·Theacher will give conclusions about all images, so it is not mistaken

·Students will listen to teacher telling God big story about God created humans side by side so humans always need other humans

Teacher (use back of sheet)Student (use back of sheet)


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