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How to Utilize the Unbelievable Power and Abilities of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit has the ability to atone for, or stated more clearly to �undo,� the
ramifications of any mistake that you have made in your life. The Holy Spirit can
not only undo it in your subconscious and unconscious minds and auric field, it can
also undo the effects that your mistakes may have caused to other people or other

The Holy Spirit is the ultimate Cosmic Master that GOD has placed inside of you to
be the answer to all your challenges and lessons, and the ultimate power in the
Universe to undo obstacles in every aspect of life. This applies to the physical
level, the etheric level, the astral level, the mental level, and the Spiritual

There are in truth, only two voices in life; the loud, irrational, unloving,
separative, fear-based voice of the negative ego and lower-self, and the �still
small voice within� of unconditional love, forgiveness, grace, omnipotence,
omnipresence and omniscience.

As you learn to deny and quiet the negative ego mind and learn to think and feel
only from your Christ/Buddha mind, which is the mind of the Holy Spirit, you will
live and move and have your being in GOD�s Grace, Grandeur, and Love at all times.

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