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1 Read the definitions and match.

a. These animals eat plants. scavengers

b. These animals eat meat. omnivores

c. These animals feed on dead animals. carnivores

d. These animals eat animals and plants. decomposers

e. These animals feed on decaying matter. herbivores

2 Classify the vertebrates.

mammals birds fish reptiles amphibians

3 Complete the table.

mammals birds fish reptiles amphibians

body covering



38 Natural Science 3 Photocopiable material © 2014 Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing

4 Find five vertebrates. Then, complete.

d e j m q a k t o

c h a m e l e o n

e j m i o i h r n

h l x a s z c t l

i g u a n a u o o

r u e j m r b i p

u z b c v d u s e

i a i s n a k e e

These animals are all r .

5 Match the bird group to the examples.

a. flightless bird duck

b. waterfowl eagle

c. bird of prey canary

d. songbird penguin

6 Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

▶ ▶ ▶

a. What process is this?

b. What animals undergo this process?

c. What are the babies called?

Photocopiable material © 2014 Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing Natural Science 3 39

Name Date

Animal talk
Animals do not talk like people, but they still
communicate with each other. For example, birds
sing and chirp, dogs bark, cats meow and lions roar.
The blue whale is not only the largest animal
on Earth, but also the loudest. Blue whales emit
very loud and repetitive sounds that travel many
kilometres underwater. The call of a blue whale can
reach up to 188 decibels. This is much louder than
a jet engine, which is about 140 decibels. Human
shouting is 70 decibels.
Sounds over 120 decibels are painful to our ears.

1 Read and write T (true) or F (false). Then, correct the false sentences.

a. Blue whales are the largest and loudest animals on Earth.

b. Their sounds can be heard from very far away.

c. A decibel is a unit for measuring distance.

d. The sound of a jet engine is louder than the call of a blue whale.

e. Blue whale sounds can be painful to our ears.

2 Use the code to find out how animals communicate.

t5A ∪5E ⊃5I ∨5O ♥5U

tr♥mp∪t chttt∪r q♥tck ch⊃rp h⊃ss

40 Natural Science 3 Photocopiable material © 2014 Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing

Name Date

How animals protect themselves from the cold

During the winter, the days get
shorter and the temperatures drop.
So, animals need to protect
themselves from the cold.
Some animals, such as rabbits,
dogs, cats and polar bears, grow
thicker fur to keep themselves
warm. Some animals hibernate. This
means they sleep during the coldest
months of the year. For example,
squirrels, bears, turtles, bats and
frogs hibernate and sleep all winter.
Some animals migrate. This means they travel long distances to find warmer climates.
For example, storks, antelopes, whales, swallows and ducks migrate.

1 Write a definition for these words.



2 Use the colour key and circle the illustrations.

migrate ▶ blue hibernate ▶ red

Photocopiable material © 2014 Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing Natural Science 3 41

Name Date

1 Write the five groups of vertebrate animals.

2 What group do these animals belong to?


3 Tick (✔ ) the correct options.

All mammals:
a. have bones. b. drink their mother’s milk.

c. are born from their mother’s womb. d. can walk when they are born.

4 Write an example of each type of animal.

marine mammal flying mammal primate

5 Read and circle the mistakes. Then, write the correct words.

Reptiles are viviparous animals. They breathe through gills.

Their skin is covered with hair. Most of them live on land and slither.

42 Natural Science 3 Photocopiable material © 2014 Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing

6 Complete the sentences with Fish or Amphibians.

a. have bare skin.

b. breathe only through gills.

c. breathe through lungs and their skin.

7 Circle the word related to birds in each pair.

animals – plants vertebrate – invertebrate feathers – fur

wings – fins oviparous – viviparous

8 What animal is it?

This animal is different when it is young and when it is an adult.

When it is born, it lives in water, breathes through gills and has a tail.
When it is an adult, it can live on land, it breathes using lungs and has legs.

It is a .

9 Write the name of two animals which match the descriptions.

a. They breathe through lungs. ▶ 

b. They breathe through gills. ▶ 

c. They have scales. ▶ 

d. They move using fins. ▶ 

10 Complete the table.

mammals reptiles birds fish amphibians

They breathe through…

Their body is covered


They move using…

Their reproduction is…

Photocopiable material © 2014 Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing Natural Science 3 43
Animals TEST

Name Date

1 Through the process of nutrition, animals obtain…

a. energy. b. information. c. offspring.

2 Animals that feed on dead animals are…

a. herbivores. b. vertebrates. c. scavengers.

3 Carnivores…
a. feed on decaying plant and animal matter.
b. eat other animals.
c. eat food of plant and animal origin.

4 According to their type of reproduction, animals can be…

a. oviparous or viviparous. b. mammals or birds. c. aquatic or terrestrial.

5 All vertebrates have…

a. a spinal column. b. legs. c. an exoskeleton.

6 Mammals are viviparous because…

a. they like milk.
b. they are born from their mother’s womb.
c. they breathe air through their lungs.

7 Dolphins and whales are…

a. cetaceans. b. fish. c. oviparous.

8 All birds are oviparous. This means that they…

a. can sing to communicate.
b. have got webbed feet.
c. are born from eggs.

9 Lizards, snakes, crocodiles and tortoises are…

a. invertebrates. b. reptiles. c. carnivores.

10 Fish are…

a. aquatic vertebrates that breathe through lungs.

b. aquatic vertebrates that breathe through gills.
c. aquatic invertebrates with bare skin.

44 Natural Science 3 Photocopiable material © 2014 Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing

Name Date

1 How can you classify animals? Make an index card.

1. Work in groups of four.

2. Search the Internet for information about an exotic animal. Draw the animal
or print out photographs and glue them onto separate pieces of card.

3. On the back of each card, write about your animal.

Animal name:


Vertebrate / Invertebrate



Body covering:


4. Play Guess the animal with a partner, using the information on the back of your cards.

Photocopiable material © 2014 Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing Natural Science 3 45

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